how do u calculate the kinetic energy of a ball of mass 0.25kg being kicked vertically upwards with a speed of 5m/s​


Answer 1




K.E.= 1/2(mass)(velocity)^2


Related Questions

the weight of a body is 420 newton.calculate it's mass​





the mass of a body is given by




I hope this helps

What do is mean by environment friendly behaviour?​


Being environmentally friendly means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment

Why does the weight of a body differ on different celestial bodies of the universe?​


An object's weight is dependent on its mass and how strongly gravity pulls on it. The strength of gravity depends on how far away one object is from another.

Two forces whose resultant is 100N are at right angle to eachother. if one of them makes an angle of 30° with the resultant, determine its magnitude​


Let F₁ and F₂ denote the two forces, and R the resultant force.

F₁ and F₂ point perpendicularly to one another, so their dot product is

F₁ F₂ = 0

We're given that one of these vectors, say F₁, makes an angle with R of 30°, so that

F₁ • R = ||F₁|| ||R|| cos(30°)

But we also have

F₁ • R = F₁ • (F₁ + F₂) = (F₁ F₁) + (F₁ F₂) = F₁ F₁ = ||F₁||²

So, knowing that ||R|| = 100 N, we get that

(100 N) ||F₁|| cos(30°) = ||F₁||²

(100 N) cos(30°) = ||F₁||

||F₁|| ≈ 86.6 N

(And the same would be true for F₂.)

why is it important to have regular super vision of the weights and the measurements in the market?



Obeying to weights & measurement regulations in both national and international metrology legislation, standards and test procedures is a requirement to participate in any market because it's aimed to safeguard the consumers and promote fair competition, which provides efficiency and saves unnecessary costs to U.S. businesses and stakeholders.


In the U.S., the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has an Office of Weights and Measures (OWM) that represents the country in the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML)

derive an expression for resistivity of conductor of length l and area of cross section A​



Resistivity R = K * L / A    where resistivity is constant for material, L the length of the material and A the area of the material

K = R * A / L     where R is the resistance of the material

Ag,Au and Cu are called coinage metals why plzzzz hurry its urgent plzzz​



This is because these metals are used for minting (making) coins.


It is bcz it is used for making coins

define 1 second time​



define 1 second time

One second is the time that elapses during 9,192,631,770 (9.192631770 x 10 9 ) cycles of the radiation produced by the transition between two levels of the cesium 133 atom. ... One second is equal to 1/86,400 of a mean solar day.


One part of 86400 part of a day is called one second time.


Saul is testing an installation and discovers a short circuit what’s causing this
A.high current

B.high voltage

C.low resistance

D.low voltage


C. Low resistance


im pretty sure that it's (A.) High current



not 100% sure, tho

What kind of circuit is the one shown below?
A. Series
B. Parallel
C. Open
D. Combination


That's a parallel circuit. (B)

When current from Point-A reaches the 3-way intersection just to the right of Point-B, it has to make a choice:  Either turn left, go through B, and light the lower bulb, or go straight and light the upper bulb.

A circuit that has any "decision" points in it is a parallel circuit.  What happens in the real world is:  The current splits up.  Some of the current that reaches the intersection turns left toward Point-B, and the rest of it goes straight up.

A series circuit is one in which there's only one possible path all the way around.  There are no intersections of more than 2 roads, and no electron ever has to decide which way to flow.

An open circuit is one in which there's a break somewhere along the line and electrons can't jump across it.  It's like a railroad where a big piece is cut out of the track somewhere.  So no trains can travel on that route, and there's no current flowing anywhere in the circuit.

I'm not so sure about a "combination" circuit.  I guess you could give that name to a complicated circuit that has some series parts and some parallel-parts.  Personally, I'd call that a "series-parallel" circuit.  But it really doesn't matter right now.  Whatever the word means, the circuit in the picture is definitely not a "combination" circuit.


B. Parallel Circuits


A parallel circuit is constructed by connecting the terminals of all the individual load devices so that the same value of voltage appears across each component. In a parallel circuit, charge divides up into separate branches such that there can be more current in one branch than there is in another.

hope i helped

What is not one of the main uses of springs?
A. Bike suspension
B. The seasons
C. Clock making
D. Car suspension

Quick answer



b. the seasons


mercury is commonly used in thermometer give reasons​




BECAUSE MERCURY IS USED BECAUSE IT is the only liquid available in room temperature


pls mark as a BRAINLIST

List two factors that compression force depends on ​


The magnitude (size or numerical value) and the direction.

Hope this helps!!! :)

what give negative acceleration ?



But negative acceleration means that the rate of change of velocity is negative or velocity decreases. Example: (1) When we apply brakes in a moving car, then negative acceleration acts on it and the car stops. (2) When we throw a ball upwards, then also negative acceleration acts on it.


If it helps you mark me as a brainleast


Define measurement with 10 points



the process of comparing unknown quantities with known standards quantities are known as measurement

define electrical resistance in a metal conductor​



Resistance is defined as the property of a conductor to resist the flow of charges through it. The resistance of conductor is numerically given as the ratio of potential difference across its length to the current flowing through it.


Answer the following questions 1 What is the difference between mass and weight of an object. Will the mass and weight of an object on the earth be same as their values on Mars ? Why? ​



difference between mass and weight is that mass is amount of matter in a material while weight is a measure of how the force of gravity acts upon that mass.the mass of an object will be same on earth and mars but its weight on both planets will be different.

the slope of a line on a position vs time graph is the

a. velocity
b. time
c. distance
d. displacement


It's the velocity, but only the magnitude. It can't show the direction of the velocity. So it's better to call it speed.

Given: F = k· m. g
Solve for "k"



[tex]F = kmg \\ k = \frac{F}{mg} [/tex]


F = k . m . g

=> F = k . mg

[tex] = > k = \frac{F}{mg} (ans)[/tex]

2. ¿Puede haber trabajo en un sistema si no hay movimiento
a. Sí, si hay una fuerza siempre.
b. Sí, ya que el movimiento es sólo relativo.
c. No, ya que un sistema que no se mueve no tiene energía.
d. No, porque la ecuación de trabajo lo define.



d. No, porque la ecuación de trabajo lo define.


En Física, el trabajo realizado se puede definir como la cantidad de energía transferida cuando un objeto o cuerpo se mueve a lo largo de una distancia debido a la acción de una fuerza externa.

Matemáticamente, el trabajo realizado viene dado por la fórmula;

[tex] W = F * d [/tex]


W es el trabajo realizado.F representa la fuerza que actúa sobre un cuerpo. d representa la distancia recorrida por el cuerpo.

Por lo tanto, podemos deducir de la definición de trabajo y su fórmula que el trabajo se realiza cuando un objeto (cuerpo) se mueve una distancia o experimenta cualquier forma de desplazamiento mientras transfiere energía.

why Fossil fuel has been used more in the existing world ?​


Fossil fuels are found most of the part of the world .It can be found easily by the people.It is free of cost or low cost.Thats why people can find it easily and in low cost.Also it is easy to useSo fossil fuel has been used more in existing world

can anyone help me to explain theory of relativity??? ​



The theory of relativity usually encompasses two interrelated theories by Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity, proposed and published in 1905 and 1915, respectively. Special relativity applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity. General relativity explains the law of gravitation and its relation to other forces of nature.It applies to the cosmological and astrophysical realm, including astronomy.

The theory transformed theoretical physics and astronomy during the 20th century, superseding a 200-year-old theory of mechanics created primarily by Isaac Newton. It introduced concepts including spacetime as a unified entity of space and time, relativity of simultaneity, kinematic and gravitational time dilation, and length contraction. In the field of physics, relativity improved the science of elementary particles and their fundamental interactions, along with ushering in the nuclear age. With relativity, cosmology and astrophysics predicted extraordinary astronomical phenomena such as neutron stars, black holes, and gravitational waves

Can someone pls help, thank you in advance!
What is an example of a force applied at an angle to displacement



  an object sliding down hill


On a slope, the force applied is due to gravity. Its direction is straight down. If the object is sliding down the hill, its displacement is at an angle to the applied force. The angle of displacement will depend on the steepness of the hill.

what do you mean by scattering of light



Scattering of light is the phenomenon in which light rays get deviated from its straight path on striking an obstacle like dust or gas molecules, water vapours etc. Scattering of light gives rise to many spectacular phenomena such as Tyndall effect and the “red hues of sunrise and sunset”.

In----- theory, the actual wishes that are threatening to the dreamers conscious awareness are disguised



Unconscious wish fulfillment


Unconscious wish fulfillment

(In the unconscious wish fulfillment theory, the actual wishes of the dreamer that are threatening to the dreamer's conscious awareness are disguised.)

A car has a mass of 2000 kg. While it is traveling along a perfectly flat road, it goes around an unbanked turn that has a radius of 40.0 m. The coefficient of static friction between the car tires and the road is 0.500. The car travels successfully around the turn at a constant speed of 10.0 m/s. Calculate the magnitude of the car's acceleration as it goes around the turn. _______ m/s^2



2.5 m/s²


The given parameters are;

The mass of the car, m = 2,000 kg

The radius of the car, r = 40.0 m

The coefficient of friction between the car tires and the road, μ = 0.500

The constant speed with which the car moves, v = 10.0 m/s

The normal reaction of the road on the car, N = The weight of the car;

∴ N = m × g


g = The acceleration due to gravity ≈ 9.81 m/s²

N ≈ 2,000 kg × 9.81 m/s² = 19,620 N

The frictional force, [tex]F_f[/tex] = μ × N

The centripetal force, [tex]F_c[/tex] = m·v²/r

The car moves without slipping when [tex]F_f[/tex] = [tex]F_c[/tex]

Therefore, [tex]F_f[/tex] = 0.500 × 19,620 N = 2,000 kg × [tex]v_{max}[/tex]²/40.0 m

∴ [tex]v_{max}[/tex] = √(0.500 × 19,620 N × 40.0 m/2,000 kg) ≈ 14.007 m/s

Therefore, the velocity with which the car moves, v < [tex]v_{max}[/tex]

The cars centripetal acceleration, [tex]a_c[/tex] = v²/r

∴ [tex]a_c[/tex] = (10.0 m/s)²/40.0 m = 2.5 m/s²

The cars centripetal acceleration as it goes round the turn, [tex]a_c[/tex] = 2.5 m/s².

Which is an outer planet?





Dwarf because it is very minut


I think Saturn.


I think the inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars whereas the outer ones are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Two astronomy students travel to South Dakota. One stands on Earth’s surface and enjoys some sunshine. At the same time, the other descends into a gold mine where neutrinos are detected, arriving in time to detect the creation of a new radioactive argon nucleus. Although the photon at the surface and the neutrinos in the mine arrive at the same time, they have had very different histories. Describe the differences.



The photon takes millions of years to reach the Surface of the sun while the Neutrinos travelling at the speed of light reaches the surface of the sun in approximately 2 seconds

The Photon is million year old while the neutrino is just some minutes old as observed by the student .


Although The Photon ( sunshine from the sun's surface ) heating up the student standing on the Earth's surface and the neutrinos discovered by the other student inside the gold mine are both formed in the Sun's core.

The difference between both are

The photon takes millions of years to reach the Surface of the sun while the Neutrinos travelling at the speed of light reaches the surface of the sun in approximately 2 seconds

The Photon is million year old while the neutrino is just some minutes old as observed by the student .

What is the relationship between electric field lines and equipotential lines that you observed in doing the lab



Explained below


Generally speaking, we know in physics that Electric field lines are lines which usually start at positive charges and deflect away from them to terminate at the negative charges. Meanwhile Equipotential lines are lines that are used to connect points located on the same electric potential.

Finally, in conclusion, electric field lines are usually lines that go through in a perpendicular manner across every equipotential lines.

Pls help asap!!

A bucket contains hot water at 95°c. A man wants to bath with water at 40°c. What is the ratio of the mass of hot water to the mass of cold water that he needs.​





i hope i did the math right if i didnt please tell me

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