How do you find out the missing masses in a balloon


Answer 1


How do you find out the missing masses in a balloon?

Well, actually you can't find the missing masses in a balloon. Why?

Because the mass of the mass of balloon, it can't see the mass of it, it only see if it the balloon is deflated or inflated.


Hope it helps


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Describe energy transformations in your own words.


Energy transformations is a process of an energy form transforming into a new form of energy. Like thermal energy, mechanical, etc. An example; when we eat; it turns from chemical energy to mechanical or electrical to heat. Like a plug and to activate a toaster.

You need low pressure to walk on
snow and ice. True or faulse





Answer: false please give brainliest

Explanation:  Reducing air pressure will not give you more traction and your tires could become seriously underinflated, affecting steering.

Select the correct answer.

Planet A Planet B
Distance from Sun 0.72 AU 9.54 AU
Planet composition rocky mantle, iron core hydrogen, helium
Gases in atmosphere very dense atmosphere that is 96.5% poisonous carbon dioxide and 3.5% nitrogen mostly hydrogen and helium
Number of moons 0 62
Rings no rings visible rings
Which planet is planet A?




D, Venus


Using the facts

A person travels from C to D. One third of the time travels at v1 = 42km/h, the rest of the time travels at v2 = 36km/h. Find his average speed as he travels from C to D.



Explanation:we know V=(u+v)/2. Here is u=42 and v=36

What is the Scientific name for Ectoparasites?


Ectoparasites are a taxonomically diverse group of organisms that infest the skin of human beings and other animals. Ectoparasitic arthropods and nematodes are similar in that an individual organism can produce skin lesions that are large enough to see with the unaided eye. Ectoparasitic infestations are often intensely itchy, causing considerable annoyance and discomfort. These conditions are often focally hyperendemic in impoverished communities, with a particularly high prevalence in vulnerable families, households, and neighborhoods.

Pediculosis (infestation by head and body lice) and scabies are found to some degree in all human populations, but myiasis (fly larva infestation), tungiasis (sand flea disease), and cutaneous larva migrans occur mainly in tropical and subtropical environments. Except for body lice, the organisms discussed in this article are not vectors of pathogenic microorganisms. In other words, most ectoparasites do not carry disease-causing agents; they are, instead, the direct cause of disease. Mortality is low, but the cumulative morbidity from the direct discomfort, secondary bacterial infections, and sequelae of those infestations and infections is considerable.

Despite the abundant presence of ectoparasitic infestations across human populations, biomedical science lacks firm evidence-based practices to reliably control these organisms. In addition, head lice and scabies are developing resistance to some chemical compounds employed to treat infested individuals, prevent spread, and control outbreaks.

Please mark me brainliest.

What distance does a police car travel if it is going 3.0 m/s for 20 seconds



60 meters


If you are going 3 meters in a second, and you are traveling for 20 seconds, you have to multiply


cross out the seconds and you have

3 meters*20

60 meters

A 9.0V battery is connected across a 2.2kilo ohms and 6.8kilo omhs resistors connected in series. what is the potential differences across 2.2kilo ohms resistor.​



[tex]V_{2.2} =2.2V[/tex]

Fast and loose: that's a classic voltage divider. the drop from the i-th resistor is [tex]R_i \over {\sum R}[/tex] of the drop across the whole series. In our situation, it's [tex]2.2\cdot 10^3 \over {2.2\cdot10^3 + 6.8\cdot 10^3[/tex] of 9 V. By plugging numbers in a calculator, it's 22/90 of 9V, or 2.2V

With Ohm's Law

The series is equivalent of a single resistor of Resistance [tex]2.2\cdot 10^3+6.8\cdot 10^3 \Omega = 9.0 k\Omega[/tex]. By Ohm's first Law ([tex]V=Ri[/tex]) the current flowing through the resistor is [tex]9V = 9*10^3\Omega i \rightarrow i=1mA[/tex]. At this point, the drop across the first resistor is, again by Ohm's law[tex]V = 2.2 \cdot 10^3 \Omega \cdot 1\cdot 10^{-3} A = 2.2V[/tex]

Who is most likely to be offered a higher auto loan rate based on their credit-
to-debt ratio?
A. Juan has $10,000 in credit and owes $6,000.
B. Chester has $5,000 in credit and owes $750
C. Jalissa has $5000 in credit and owes $500.
D. Nancy has $10,000 in credit and owes $2,000.



hope this helps :)


A - Juan


I took the test!

Which layer is the igneous rock type?







The answer is D that is the only one of the answers that’s right.

1. Suppose a planet orbits a star at the same distance
as Earth (1 AU) but with a period of roughly 200
Earth days. The mass of the central star is:
a. less than the mass of our sun.
b. the same as the mass of our sun.
c.greater than the mass of our sun.
d. impossible to determine without
knowing the mass of the planet.


Since the period of the supposed planet is less than the period of the earth orbiting the sun, That means the mass of the central star is greater than the mass of the sun. The answer is option C

According to Kepler's third law of planetary motion for planets and satellites, he described circular orbit about the same center body stating that:

The squared of the period is directly proportional to the cube of the radius. That is,

[tex]T^{2} \alpha r^{3}[/tex]

The orbital period formula is expressed as :

[tex]T^{2}[/tex] = 4[tex]\pi ^{2}[/tex] [tex]r^{3}[/tex]  ÷ GM

Suppose a planet orbits a star at the same distance as Earth (1 AU) but with a period of roughly 200 Earth days. The mass of the central star will be greater than the mass of our sun based on the formula given above.

In a geostationary orbit, whatever the mass of the satellite may be, they will travel at the same speed in a particular orbit. mass M in the above formula becomes the mass of the sun or the center mass.

Since the period of the supposed planet is less than the period of the earth orbiting the sun, That means the mass of the central star is greater than the mass of the sun.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C

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most of the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum are



The entire electromagnetic spectrum, from the lowest to the highest frequency (longest to shortest wavelength), includes all radio waves (e.g., commercial radio and television, microwaves, radar), infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

A Rocket took 5 minutes to travel the 185 km. How fast did the Rocket travel in kilometers per minute (km/min)?



The rocket travelled 37km per minute



Question 4 of 5
Which pair of objects would repel each other?
O A. A positively charged particle and a neutral particle

OB. A negatively charged particle and a neutral particle

O C. Two positively charged particles

OD. A positively charged particle and a negatively charged particle



Two positively charged particles


I said two positively charged particles because if I say c or d what ever it is for you guy it can be wrong so just pick the one that says Two positively charged particles

Answer: C  Two positively charged particles.


just trust me on it, i've done the same quiz.

Please help me thank you



Wish you always happy

The position-time graph for two drivers (A and B) are shown in the figure below. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. The two drivers are for sure moving in parallel directions
b. Driver B is moving faster than driver A.
c. Driver A is moving faster than driver B.
d. The two drivers are moving at the same speed





An object on Earth weighs 600 N and on Mars 100 N. If its mass on Earth is approximately 60 kg what is the mass of the object on Mars?



I think its

10 kg

plzz plzz plzz. mark as brainliest

If the mass of an object is approximately 60 kg on earth then its mass remains the same on Mars which is 60 kg because mass does not change from place to place.

What is mass?

Mass in physics is a numerical representation of inertia, a fundamental property of all matter. What a body of matter is fundamentally is the resistance it offers to a change in its speed or location brought on by the application of a force. The more mass a body has, the less of a change a force exerts results. The kilogram is the unit of mass in the International System of Units, and it is defined by Planck's constant as being equal to 6.62607015 × 10⁻³⁴ joules second (SI).

According to the question, the weight of an object depends on gravity which is different from place to place so weight also varies from place to place but the mass is constant everywhere it does not change. So, if the mass of an object is 60 kg on earth then it remains the same on mars also.

To get more information about Mass :


Which statement identifies the chemical property of iron that results in the formation of rust?

A. It is nonflammable.

B. It reacts with oxygen to form a new substance.

C. It has a very high melting point.

D. It conducts electricity.​



B, It reacts with oxygen to form a new substance



Watch the video and make a ninja star. Once you have made a ninja star, 5 Point Ninja Star. Explain the energy transfer in the ninja star once it has been assembled.


There is no video attached lol maybe put the transcript in the comments if there is a person explaining it


kinetic energy because it is movement


How are particles in liquids, solids, and gases the same? How are they different?



Gases, liquids and solids are all made up of atoms, molecules, and/or ions, but the behaviors of these particles differ in the three phases. ... gas are well separated with no regular arrangement. liquid are close together with no regular arrangement. solid are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern.



You place a small sphere with a net charge of 5 space x space 10 to the power of negative 6 end exponent space C at one corner of a square that measures 5 m on each side. What is the magnitude of the electric field at the opposite corner of the square?

900 N/C

9,000 N/C

450 N/C

4,500 N/C​



(Sorry if this didn’t help)

Determine the force required to move a block if the coefficient of static friction of one block and the floor is 0.35 and the coefficient of the static friction between 2 boxes is 0.25





Choose the normal force acting between the object and the ground. Let's assume a normal force of 250 N .

Determine the friction coefficient. ...

Multiply these values by each other: (250 N) * 0.13 = 32.5 N .

You just found the force of friction!

A roller is pushed with a force of 100 N along its handle, which is at an angle of 60 degrees with the horizontal. Find the work done in moving it through 20 m?



1 kJ


By definition of work, [tex]W = \vec F \cdot \vec x = |\vec F| |\vec x| cos\angle Fx[/tex]. Let's replace the values: [tex]W = 100N\cdot 20m \cdot cos 60 = 1000 J[/tex]


1. Jerome explains to his doctor that because he spends a lot of time at his desk, he makes sure that his chair supports good posture. But when he is home, he spends his time on an old, squishy couch that offers very little support. He figures that since he spends most of his time at work, he does not need to worry about his home furniture as much. How would Jerome’s doctor MOST likely reply?
Jerome’s thinking is correct since he spends most of his time at work.
Jerome should bring his chair from work home with him on the weekend.
If Jerome’s standing posture is good, he does not have to worry about his seated posture.
Sitting properly is important in all contexts, so Jerome should consider his seating at home.

2. Guillermo has decided that he wants to be healthier, so he starts jogging. He has been at it for a week, but he is getting frustrated because he cannot run very far without getting out of breath. He is beginning to think that this is not a good exercise for him since he is not very good at it. What BEST explains why Guillermo is struggling?
He probably does not have good form when he is exercising.
He likely has heart or lung problems that he was not aware of.
He does not have much endurance since he is new to exercise.
He is just not good at jogging and needs to try something else.

3. Which is the BEST example of the kind of mechanics that are studied in sports biometrics?
the average attendance at a sporting event
how a new sport becomes popular in a community
the movement of the wrist when hitting a tennis ball
the median height of the most successful hockey goalies

4. Ewan had a resting heart rate of about 110. What does this indicate?
His heart rate is perfectly average.
He probably has a high metabolism.
He needs to work on raising his resting heart rate.
His heart rate is high and could indicate a problem.

5. Why is acceptance an important part of building a healthy lifestyle?
Exercise will probably not change much in your life.
Healthy lifestyles often create a lot of disappointment.
If you understand your limitations, you are less likely to be frustrated.
Finding the energy to exercise can be hard, so you should limit your goals.



1. D
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. D
I really hope this helps! These answers are the most reasonable.

the weight of a box having of 100 kg is __n





Make a
claim about whether a mixture could be made
up of only elements and no compounds.
Summarize evidence to support the claim and
explain your reasoning.



Yes, a mixture can be made up of just elements and no compounds. The elements never experiance a chemical interaction and stay only in physical contact with each other.


What is the net force needed to accelerate a 1 kg textbook with an acceleration of
4 m/s2



4 N


The force acting on an object given it's mass and acceleration can be found by using the formula

force = mass × acceleration

From the question

mass = 1 kg

acceleration = 4 m/s²

We have

force = 1 × 4 = 4

We have the final answer as

4 N

Hope this helps you

An athlete spins in a circle and throws a 1.6-kg discus. The radius of the discus's path is 1.0 m, and he releases it with an angular speed of 15.0 rad/s. The athlete spins for a total of 1.2 s before releasing the discus.
– What is the tangential speed of the discus at release?
– What is the centripetal acceleration of the discus?
– What is the centripetal force on the discus?

giving Brainliest for full and proper answers! thank you for anyone who tries to help/explain :)


(a) The tangential speed of the discus at the release is 15 m/s.

(b) The centripetal acceleration of the discus is 225 m/s².

(c) The centripetal force on the discus is 360 N.

The given parameters;

mass of the discus, m = 1.6 kgradius of the path, r = 1 mangular speed, ω = 15 rad/stime of motion, t = 1.2 s

The tangential speed of the discus at the release is calculated as follows;

[tex]v = \omega r\\\\v = 15 \ rad/s \ \times 1 \ m\\\\v = 15 \ m/s[/tex]

The centripetal acceleration of the discus is calculated as follows;

[tex]a_c = \frac{v^2}{r} \\\\a_c = \frac{15^2}{1} \\\\a _c = 225 \ m/s^2[/tex]

The centripetal force on the discus is calculated as follows;

[tex]F_c = ma_c\\\\F_c = 1.6 \times 225\\\\F_c = 360 \ N[/tex]

Learn more here:

Look at the circuit below. What is the potential difference across lamp 2?


The potential difference across lamp #2 is 4.5 volts.

a Name the store of energy when you are
pressing downwards on the stretchy skin
of the trampoline


Kinetic energy is stored when you are pressing downwards in a trampoline

Which vehicle will have more kinetic energy, a parked
semitruck or a car moving at 50 km/h?



a semi truck


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