How do you fine the answer ? Help me pls


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the proportion of U.S. adults age 25 or older who smoke is .22. A researcher suspects that the rate is lower among U.S. adults 25 or older who have a bachelor's degree or higher education level.What is the null hypothesis in this case



The null hypothesis is [tex]H_0: p = 0.22[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the proportion of U.S. adults age 25 or older who smoke is .22

This means that at the null hypothesis, it is tested if the proportion is in fact 0.22, that is:

[tex]H_0: p = 0.22[/tex]

A researcher suspects that the rate is lower among U.S. adults 25 or older who have a bachelor's degree or higher education level.

At the alternative hypothesis, it is tested if the proportion is lower than 0.22, that is:

[tex]H_1: p < 0.22[/tex]

so i need help with this pls i suck at algebra



The 5x^2 vs -5x^2 will reflect over "X" axis

the +1 vs -2 will shift the graph down three units

the first answer is the correct answer

Step-by-step explanation:

cho tam giác ABC cân tại A trung tuyến AM.Biết BC=6cm,AM=4cm .Tính độ dài các cạnh AB và AC


Vì tam giác ABC cân tại A (gt) mà AM là đg trung tuyến nên AM đồng thời là đg cao của t/giác đó:

AM là trung tuyến của t/giác ABC nên M là trung điểm BC:

=> BM =BC/2 =6:2=3(cm)

Xét tam giác AMB vuông tại M

AB^2 =AM^2+BM^2 ( theo định lý Py-ta -go)

y' = (x+1/[tex]\sqrt{x^{2} +1[/tex]



Solving for x (rearranging) you get:


Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for x by simplifying both sides of the equation and solving for y by isolating y

ײ × ×⁴=ײ+⁴ find the ×​


You have to do X to the power of two times X to the power of four and multiply that by itself and then multiply X to the power of 2+4 by itself to find the X

Rewrite as a simplified fraction.
3.2 = ?



Step-by-step explanation:

29/9 or 3 2/9

1. The position of a particle moving along a coordinate axis is given by: s(t) = t^2 - 5t + 1. a) Find the speed of the particle b) Find the acceleration of the particle c) Find the velocity of the particle


Answer: [tex]\left | 2t-5\right |,\ 2,\ 2t-5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Position of the particle moving along the coordinate axis is given by


Speed of the particle is given by

[tex]\Rightarrow v=\dfrac{ds}{dt}\\\\\Rightarrow v=\dfrac{d(t^2-5t+1)}{dt}\\\\\Rightarrow v=\left | 2t-5\right |[/tex]

Acceleration of the particle is

[tex]\Rightarrow a=\dfrac{dv}{dt}\\\\\Rightarrow a=2[/tex]

velocity can be negative, but speed cannot

[tex]\Rightarrow v=\dfrac{ds}{dt}\\\\\Rightarrow v=\dfrac{d(t^2-5t+1)}{dt}\\\\\Rightarrow v=2t-5[/tex]

An investor has an account with stock from two different companies. Last year, his
stock in Company A was worth $6600 and his stock in Company B was worth $3500.
The stock in Company A has increased 7% since last year and the stock in Company B
has increased 1%. What was the total percentage increase in the investor's stock
account? Round your answer to the nearest tenth (if necessary).



Given that last year stock for company A was $7200
The stock for company B last year was worth $3510
Stock in company A decreased by 24%
This means the new value of stock for company A became;
(100-24)/100 *$7200
0.76*7200 =$5472
Stock in company B decreased by 20%
This means the new value of stock for company B became;
(100-20)/100 *$3510
Original investors stock value was = $7200+$3510 =$10710
New investors stock value is = $5472+$2808=$8280
Decrease in value of stock = $10710-$8280 =$2430
percentage decrease in stock value = decrease in stock/original value of stock *100%
=2430/10710 *100 =22.689

Someone else had the same problem answered
So here it is



Step-by-step explanation:

1/sin^2A -cos^2A/sin^2 A. ~tan = sin/cos

(1-cos^2)/sin^2A. ~ take lcm

sin^2A/sin^ A. ~ 1-cos^2A = sin^2A


for more free ans check bio


[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sin^2x}-\frac{1}{\tan^2x}=1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Prove that:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sin^2x}-\frac{1}{\tan^2x}=1[/tex]

Recall that by definition:

[tex]\displaystyle \tan x=\frac{\sin x}{\cos x}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \tan^2x=\left (\frac{\sin^2x}{\cos^2x}\right)^2=\frac{\sin^2x}{\cos^2x}[/tex]

Substitute [tex]\displaystyle \tan^2x=\frac{\sin^2x}{\cos^2x}[/tex] into [tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sin^2x}-\frac{1}{\tan^2x}=1[/tex]:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sin^2x}-\frac{1}{\frac{\sin^2x}{\cos^2x}}=1[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{\sin^2x}-\frac{\cos^2x}{\sin^2x}=1[/tex]

Combine like terms:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1-\cos^2x}{\sin^2x}=1[/tex]

Recall the following Pythagorean Identity:

[tex]\sin^2x+\cos^2x=1[/tex] (derived from the Pythagorean Theorem)

Subtract [tex]\cos^2x[/tex] from both sides:


Finish by substituting [tex]\sin^2=1-\cos^2x[/tex] into [tex]\displaystyle \frac{1-\cos^2x}{\sin^2x}=1[/tex]:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{\sin^2x}{\sin^2x}=1,\\\\1=1\:\boxed{\checkmark\text{ True}}[/tex]

PLEASE HELP!!! very confused



Step-by-step explanation:

The vertices lie on the x-axis, as is determined by their coordinates. This makes the center of this hyperbola (0, 0) because the center is directly between the vertices. The fact that the foci also lie on the x-axis tells us that this is the main axis. What this also tells us is which way the hyperbola "opens". This one opens to the left and the right as opposed to up and down. The standard form for this hyperbola is:

[tex]\frac{(x-h)^2}{a^2}-\frac{(y-k)^2}{b^2}=1[/tex] and so far we have that h = 0 and k = 0.

By definition, a is the distance between the center and the vertices. So a = 5, and a-squared is 25. So we're getting there. Now here's the tricky part.

The expressions for the foci are (h-c, k) and (h+c, k). Since we know the foci lie at +/-13, we can use that to solve for c:

If h+c = 13 and h = 0, then

0 + c = 13 and c = 13.

We need that c value to help us find b:

[tex]c^2=a^2+b^2[/tex] and

[tex]13^2=5^2+b^2[/tex] and

[tex]169=25+b^2[/tex] and

[tex]144=b^2[/tex] so

b = 12. Now we're ready to fill in the equation:

[tex]\frac{x^2}{25}-\frac{y^2}{144}=1[/tex] and there you go!

Solve d−85=p for d .



d = p + 85

Step-by-step explanation:

We don't have a lot to go on for this problem. We have two undefined variables.

In order to solve for d, we need to isolate it:

d - 85 = p

Add 85 to both sides

d = p + 85

The answer is D=p+85

Given that the two triangles are similar, solve for x if AU = 20x + 108, UB = 273, BC = 703, UV = 444, AV = 372 and AC = 589. You must show all of your work to receive credit.




x = 18

Step-by-step explanation:

First, let's find the ratios between the two triangles

We'll use AV and AC

372 ÷ 589 = 12/19

All of the sides of the smaller triangle are 12/19 of the bigger triangle

Now let's find x

We know that AU + UB = AB

So it's 20x + 108 + 273 = AB

12/19 of a bigger triangle side equals a small triangle side

(12/19)AB = AU

For this equation multiply both sides by 19/12 to isolate AB

(12/19)AB x 19/12 = AU x 19/12

AB = (19/12)AU

Now we have this

20x + 108 + 273 = (19/12)(20x + 108)

20x + 381 = (19/12)(20x + 108)

Distribute the 19/12

20x + 381 = 95/3x + 171

Move all like terms to one side

20x + 381 = 95/3x + 171

       - 171                 - 171

20x + 210 = 95/3x

- 20x           - 20x

Don't forget about common denominators

210 = 95/3x - 60/3x

210 = 35/3x

Multiply both sides by 3

210 x 3 = 35/3x x 3

630 = 35x

Divide both sides by 35

630/35 = 35x/35

x = 18


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{20x+108}{20x+381}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{372}{589}[/tex]

589( 20x + 108 ) = 372( 20x + 381 )

11780x + 63612 = 7440x + 141732

4340x = 78120

x = 18

-8n+34=6(5+4n) help please​




Step-by-step explanation:


We move all terms to the left:


We add all the numbers together, and all the variables


We calculate terms in parentheses: -(6(4n+5)), so:


We multiply parentheses


Back to the equation:


We get rid of parentheses


We add all the numbers together, and all the variables


We move all terms containing n to the left, all other terms to the right





n= 0.125 or 1/8

Step-by-step explanation:

Distrubute 6 into (5+4n). It should give you 30+24n.

The equation should now look like this: -8n+34=30+24n.

Swap -8n with 30, giving -30+34=8n+24n. Add the numbers and the pronumerals together.

Now it will look like 4=32n. Divide the numbers, but unfortunately the number is small so the answer will have to be a decimal or a fraction. So it's 0.125 or 1/8.

If I didn't explain everything or something is wrong, please comment. I just signed up, so it's my first time using this.

Help with this question please!



Step-by-step explanation:

6cos^2(x) + 7cos(x) +2 = 0

Call cos(x) = y to change this to something a little bit more familiar.

6y^2 + 7y + 2 =0

This equation is a quadratic. Solve it first. Then we'll go back to solving for cos(x)

This equation factors into 2 possible answers

(3y + 2)(2y + 1) = 0

3y + 2  = 0

3y = - 2

y = - 2/3

2y + 1 = 0

2y = - 1

y = - 1/2

Now let's start with

cos(x) = - 1/2

That means that x is in quadrant two or three.

cos-1(1/2) = 60 degrees.

Quad 2: x = 180 - 60 =  120

Quad 3: x = 180 + 60 =  240

Now cos(x) = - 2/3

cos-1(2/3) = 48.19

Quad 2: x = 180 - 48.19 = 131.81

Quad 3: x  = 180 + 48.19 = 228.19

Four thousand runners began the marathon. Eighty-nine percent of them completed the run. What percentage of the runner finished the marathon?



3560 people.

Step-by-step explanation:

You have to do 89% × 4000.

Or 0.89×4000=3560.

So 3560 is the answer.

4,000 x .89 = 3,560 runners finished the marathon

I need help ASAP!! Please explain how to solve the problem




h = 8


Surface area =2*24+24*8=48+192=240

Step-by-step explanation:

The base is a triangle, and the area of a triangle is 1/2 base (or width) times height (or length). In this case, base is 8 and height is 6, so the area can be found either by multiplying .5*8*6 or by dividing 8*6 by 2, either of which will give you the same answer of B=24.

Height is given, h=8.

Perimeter is simply the sum of the sides, which are given, so the perimeter is 8+6+10=24.

The formula for surface area is given, so all you need to do is plug in your previous answers and you've got it!

Your neighbor pays $40 to have her lawn mowed and always adds a 15% tip. You and your friend decide to mow the lawn together and split the earnings evenly.
How much will each of you make?




Step-by-step explanation:

A 15% tip on $40 is $6. The total you and your friend will receive is $46. When you split that evenly, you will each receive $23.

Cost of Mowing = $40

Tip = 15%

= 15/100×40

= $6

So you get $40 + $6

= $46

When you divide it in 2 people

= 46/2

= $23

Therefore each of you will make $23

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

How do you solve part c


the unit are ???

uyrusbsgsgwggdhxhxvzvzgusjwvwcgzud hi evwtdirvsgjd rgchdvycjdvrudirbhdudvdgdu

Write 128 as a product of its prime factors



The prime factorization of 128 is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2.

Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

Since, the prime factors of 120 are 2, 3, 5. Therefore, the product of prime factors = 2 × 3 × 5 = 30.

A student was conducting a study to determine how many pagos he would need for the book he is writing. So, he found that the following number of words fit on each type of the following papers using an 11 point font:
The student looks up the word count on his favorite book, if the book has pages that are 5.5 in. x 6.5 in. and 67,062 words how many pages is the book?​



224 pages

Step-by-step explanation:

The book has pages that are 5.5in x 6.5 in (which holds 300 words)

There are a total of 67,062 words


67,062 / 300 = total number of pages

67,062 = 223.54

That means 224 pages, because the last page is partially filled.

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K

2. If you move 50 meters in 10 seconds, what is your speed?



5 meters per second

Step-by-step explanation:

Find your speed by dividing the number of meters traveled by the number of seconds it took:


= 5

Your speed is 5 meters per second.


5 m/sec

Step-by-step explanation:

The speed would be calculated as follows, as a unit rate:

 50 m

----------- = 5 m/sec

10 sec

Which models show 60%? Check all that apply.




AS OPTION A IS 3/5=6/10=60%

Option C=60/100=60%


the first and the last option

Step-by-step explanation:

In the first option 3/5 of the rectangle are filled in. if you divide 3 by 5, you will get 0.6, which when converted in to percent is equal to 60%

3/5 = 0.6

0.6 = 60%

*to convert decimals into percent, you just have to move the decimal point 2 places to the right and add the present sign*

in the second option 5 out of the 10 rectangles inside the square are filled in. that means that 5/10 of the square are filled in, the model shows 50%

5/10 = 1/2 = 0.5 = 50%

in the third model 6 out of the 10 rows in the square are filled in. that means that 6/10 of the square are filled in which is equal to 60%

6/10 = 0.6 = 60%

hope this helps! if you have any questions, let me know!

The area of a square is given as (s³)6.

What is its perimeter?



hi friends good evening

The ratio of the corresponding dimensions of two similar parallelograms is 3.1. The
ratio of the base to height for each parallelogram is 5:4. If the height of the smaller
parallelogram is 100, what is the base of the larger parallelogram?


B sorry if I’m wrong

If ram have 30 apple& each apple rs is 26 . 14 are rotten .he had eat 9 apple. 6 apple he sold each price 35 . Now say me ram have got profit or loss.




Step-by-step explanation:





Decrease 4,500 by 18%.




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify 18% to 0.18




100÷50000 it's has to be step by step aka show work ​


100÷50000 can be written as 100/50000, then cancel out 2 of the zeroes, and you will get 1/500 or 0.002 as your final answer.

Pine Lane Middle School's student council has 10 seventh graders and 8 eighth graders serving as representatives. A subcommittee containing 3 seventh graders and 3 eighth graders is formed to organize a student dance. How many different subcommittees can be formed


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

When dealing with picking things and finding the number of possibilities, we can be dealing with two different types of things: permutations or combinations. We use permutations when order is important to the groups and we use combinations if order is not important.

It appears here that order is not important here as the subcommittee doesn't have to be in a specific order, so we will be using combinations.

So, we have ten seventh graders to choose from. Then we will have 9, and then 8. So, we multiply these numbers of choices.


Now, we need to divide by 6. This is to show that order doesn't matter. Why? Because there are  6 possible ways to organize 3 seats on the committee (3×2×1), and we want to divide out all of the different orders so it is just the specific group of people and not their different organizations that are counted.


Now, we need to find this with the eighth graders.


And we divide by the number of seats factorial (3 seats for the eighth graders, so 3×2×1=6 again)


Now, we multiply our numbers for seventh and eighth graders to find all off the possibilities.


So, there are 6720 subcommittees possible.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

What is the slope of a trend line that passes through the points (1, 3) and (10, 25)?
Negative StartFraction 15 Over 2 EndFraction
Negative one-half
StartFraction 22 Over 9 EndFraction
StartFraction 24 Over 7 EndFraction



[tex]\displaystyle m = \frac{22}{9}[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS

Brackets Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Left to Right

Algebra I

Coordinates (x, y)Slope Formula: [tex]\displaystyle m = \frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


Point (1, 3)

Point (10, 25)

Step 2: Find slope m

Simply plug in the 2 coordinates into the slope formula to find slope m

Substitute in points [Slope Formula]:                                                              [tex]\displaystyle m = \frac{25 - 3}{10 - 1}[/tex]Subtract:                                                                                                             [tex]\displaystyle m = \frac{22}{9}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

Dr. Perry conducts a study in which she evaluates the effectiveness of an adult literacy program. The study is both quantitative and qualitative in nature, and the 30 participants are treated as equal researchers in the study. What research method is Dr. Perry MOST likely to use


The method is Dr. Perry most likely to use is Participatory action research.

Participatory action research is a type of research characterized by :

Qualitative and quantitative method Active participation of the community involved in the research

Additionally, in this type of research, the community involved is treated as researchers and their contributions are taken into account in the result of the same.

According to the above, the type of research suitable for Dr Perry's study is participatory action research, since it includes all the factors that Dr Perry takes into account for her research such as quantitavie/qualitative method and active participation from the community involved.

On the other hand, case study, naturalistic observation, and focus group are not the correct options because they use other methods in which the studied community does not actively participate.

Learn more in:


This question is incomplete because the options are missing. Here are the options.

A. Case study

B. Naturalistic observation

C. Participatory action research

D. Focus group

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In other words, export duties generate an improvement in the prices of flour and its derivatives in the domestic market.It has no other objective, so the one who came up with the fantastic idea of reducing withholdings on wheat, explain how to do so that this does not translate to the price of bread. With these words, the Minister of Economy, Axel Kicillof, criticized the legislative project of the deputy Sergio Massa to eliminate the withholdings on wheat.The leader of the Renewing Front (RF) presented to the leaders of the Mesa de Enlace an initiative to bring these withholdings to zero, without distinguishing between large and small producers."If the withholdings on wheat are eliminated, and therefore more wheat is sown, there will be more production and exports, and the price of flour and bread will be cheaper," said Massa in the presence of all the leaders of the Mesa de Link during a meeting held last Saturday, together with the main referents of the Renewing Front.According to a study by the National and Popular Agrarian Current (Canpo), in 2012 11.5 million tons of wheat were exported. In 2011 there were 8.4 million, while in 2010 4.04 million were sold abroad and another 5.1 million in 2009. During the year of the agricultural conflict, 8.7 million tons were exported. 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