how do you say "I believe you made a typo on the test because i calculated it" in a professional setting?


Answer 1


Just say it and then say not to be rude


Related Questions

Answer ??!!?!?!?!? Please


I can't see, I don't understand what it says.

Which type of advertising appeal is used in the above advertisement?
loaded words
glittering generalities
celebrity endorsement

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




B. loaded words



C. Glittering generalities


It is an advertisement appeal in which they tell is that if we use their product, it will bring a change in our life.

Here, being at the head of the class by using Neat-O binders is the change in life that they are suggesting we will have if we use their product.

So, here glittering generalities advertising appeal is used.

"Ten With a Flag" Dystopian Elements (Paragraph)

Directions: Using the story “Ten With a Flag” in Actively Learn, write a response to the following prompt

Prompt: What elements of dystopian societies did you notice in “Ten With a Flag”? Choose one element (government control, lack of individuality, surveillance, misinformation) and explain it in a well-written paragraph. Support your element with two pieces of evidence from the text. Be sure to use the TLQC format for citing evidence from the text. Type or copy and paste your paragraph in the text entry box.

The Dystopian Elements are listed here to help you. You will write a paragraph which follows the format below.

Paragraph Format:

Topic Sentence: An element of a dystopian society found in “Ten With a Flag” is ____________.

TLQC: Evidence (TLQC from TEXT) of the dystopian element (from topic sentence) Remember: Transition, lead-in/context, “quote” (citation).

Elaboration: (commentary/ explanation of evidence and why it fits that element of dystopia)

TLQC: Evidence (TLQC from TEXT) of the dystopian element (from topic sentence) Remember: Transition, lead-in/context, “quote” (citation).

Elaboration: (commentary/ explanation of evidence and why it fits that element of dystopia)

Dystopian Elements:

Misinformation: Withholding important information from citizens, or simply telling lies to citizens; this may include limiting or even banning access to books, news, internet, TV, or other streaming or information services.

Lack of Individuality: Controls citizens by requiring everyone to dress or look a certain way, assigning jobs, housing, spouses, children, or just about anything to citizens. People lose their freedom of choice for many everyday things. They may even use genetic engineering to create a society where people have certain features or abilities

Surveillance: Citizens no longer have privacy to a very high degree. There might be cameras or microphones everywhere to keep track of citizens even in private places like homes. People find it hard to misbehave or speak out against their government when surveillance is used because they are always being monitored.

Government Control: The ability to know the truth about the world, make choices for their own lives, and have privacy are often lacking or missing altogether for citizens. It may be a combination of all the elements listed above.


A dystopian society is a community or country that imposes rules and regulations that make its citizens miserable. Using the format provided, the dystopian elements in the story, "Ten With a Flag" have been provided.

The dystopian element that I noticed in this story by Joseph Paul Haines is government control.Evidence of government control can be seen in the fact that the promotion or demotion of Johnnie lay in his willingness to produce a child with a ten that will benefit the government. When Johnnie asked Mr. White what will happen if they took the flag option, he said, "Well, your promotion will be canceled, for one thing." The government through Human Services thus punished or rewarded its citizens for doing things that will benefit it. They did not allow their citizens any choice in the matter. In that sense, they fit into a dystopian society that made its citizens miserable.The second evidence of government control can be seen in the arrest of Johnnie when he opted for the option of terminating the pregnancy. When Johnnie asked Mr. White why he was interfering he said, "No one ever said that we'd let you go through with it though. The flag is an option, not a right. Arrest him."Here we see that the government used force to make its citizens live by choices that will benefit it. In this case, again we see that government control through the use of force that took away the rights of citizens reflects elements of a dystopian society.

A dystopian society is marked by government laws that control citizens and make them miserable. Many elements of dystopia were seen in "Ten With A  Flag." Government control has been elaborated above.

Learn more here:

. He's very short: ________ sisters are taller.(A) both of them(B) his both(C) both his(D) the two both his2. When ________ dinner.(A) have you(B) do you have(C) you have(D) you are having


1) C
A - them is unnecessary in this and you would need to add “his” in order for this to work
B- His is unnecessary, “both sisters are taller” is more proper sounding
D - “the two both his sisters are taller”, the two is unnecessary, and the is unnecessary, to make this work it would be “both his sisters are taller”

2) Im pretty sure it’s B but I’m not 100% sure

Bridget asked "may I have another chance?" This sentence includes ______________________.

A) a correctly punctuated direct quotation

B) a correctly punctuated indirect quotation

C) no quotation at all

D) one or more punctuation errors





it is missing a comma

Bridget asked, "May I have another chance?"

The speaker in “The Tyger” questions what great power created the amazing animal that we know as the tiger and how it was done. Read the stanza from the poem:

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?



그래서 답은 하나님이십니다. 그는 강력한 손으로 호랑이를 만들었습니다.


a blacksmith


i got the answer right on gradpoint

What is the verb tense used in this sentence? ''By then, some of your dreams will have become smaller -- but not all.'' A( past B( present C( future D( future perfect.



i think its future



I think the answer is C. Future.

Hope this helps :)

What place is meaningful to you and tell why?





Because I was born there.


The place that is meaningful to me is my (late) great grandfathers house...


It is meaningful to me because it was the last place I saw him before he passed on...

*cries* TwT

I……..along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.



was walking


go queen #girlpower ‼️

solve this quickly ​



Can you re upload the image it wont show somehow


HEres the "book "
Read the following paragraph from “Katherine Johnson Biography.”

The 1957 launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik changed history—and Katherine Johnson’s life. In 1957, Katherine provided some of the math for the 1958 document Notes on Space Technology, a compendium of a series of 1958 lectures given by engineers in the Flight Research Division and the Pilotless Aircraft Research Division (PARD). Engineers from those groups formed the core of the Space Task Group, the NACA’s first official foray into space travel, and Katherine, who had worked with many of them since coming to Langley, “came along with the program” as the NACA became NASA later that year. She did trajectory analysis for Alan Shepard’s May 1961 Freedom 7, America’s first human spaceflight. In 1960, she and engineer Ted Skopinski coauthored Determination of Azimuth Angle at Burnout for Placing a Satellite Over a Selected Earth Position, a report laying out the equations describing an orbital spaceflight in which the landing position of the spacecraft is specified. It was the first time a woman in the Flight Research Division had received credit as an author of a research report.



D for Part A and D for Part B


I think this because the paragraph is mostly about KAtherine's work and how it affected the launch of the spaceflight.

This is my opinion and what i would choose on my test. I hope it helps!

How does homogenization affect me globalization?


it enhances cultural identity

Use this simile/metaphor to help you answer the following questions. “I’d have been as excited as if I were going to the dentist.”

1: What are two things being compared?

2: How are they alike?


Excitement and the dentist are being compared
They are not alike at all and they are using simile to compare two unaligned things idling like or as. Therefore it’s verbal irony because it’s sarcasm


Heorot Hall means "heart hall."




Heorot symbolizes human civilization and culture.


Write a letter given your sister information about the school and advice her on how to behavior well while in school



told you sister to sit down and please don't be a not a beviuir

How does the first stanza of the poem introduce the speaker’s message?

It suggests that democracy is won through principle and struggle.

It describes the power of the political process in winning freedoms.

It defines the term democracy and what it means for the speaker.

It states that the speaker does not believe in peaceful means to achieve goals.





The first stanza of the poem introduces the speaker’s message as it suggests that democracy is won through principle and struggle. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a stanza?

The stanza can be termed a part of a poem. In a stanza, there are various lines that will make up a stanza. this will determine that there will be some changes that will be with the rhyming scheme.

In this first stanza, the poet is telling about democracy. This suggests that there will be democracy present in the nation. Also, there will be some set rules as well as regulations that need to follow. this will make up a constitution the best. This also suggests that democracy will be the one that will be gained with the help of struggle as well as following the principle.  

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the stanza, here:


Claim A: The age-old institution of recess should be expanded beyond
just elementary students.
Claim B: Schools have too much to teach during the school day as it is,
and adding time for recess would be a waste of time.
Which claim does the following piece of evidence best support?
A study conducted by Greentree Educational Institute showed that
high school students performed 73 percent better in afternoon classes
after being given 20 minutes of free time outside.
A. Claim A, because it shows a specific benefit of recess
B. Claim B, because it explains the consequences of limiting secess
C. Claim B, because it emphasizes the importance of academic
D. Claim A, because it demonstrates the varying effects of recess on
younger and older students



A is the correct answer of the problem

Claim A, because it shows a specific benefit of recess, claim does the following piece of evidence best support. Hence option A is correct.

What is claim ?

When you assert your right to anything that is yours, such as your medical records or the deed to your house, you are making a claim. When you demand something or assert that something is true, you are making a claim. On their tax returns, people list dependents and deductions. You might argue in court that you are entitled to compensation from a dishonest employer. One may assert that they can juggle chainsaws. You'll need to provide evidence for each claim you make.

to assert something is real or factual despite the lack of evidence and the possibility that others will not agree:

The business asserts that it is not to blame for the river's contamination.

(plus to infinitive) I don't trust him when he says he met the president, despite his assertions.

All parties have proclaimed victory in the elections from yesterday.

The bombing this morning has been claimed by an unidentified terrorist organization.

To know mre about Claim :


Question 7 of 10
What does being a critical audience member require?
A. Evaluating everything you read, hear, and see in the media
B. Being able to tell mass media from news media
C. Accepting the emotions produced by media messages
D. Knowing how to construct an effective media message




i dont know

Answer:here lames


In "Play That Song Again," why did Henry drop out of Juilliard?



answer this quaestions


henry drop out of juilliard because he like him


Read the following lines from “Democracy.”

I do not need my freedom when I’m dead.

I cannot live on tomorrow’s bread.

In these lines the speaker is stating that —

no person can be completely free until he or she dies

democracy must always evolve in order to affect change

it is no good to wait for change in a vague future when change must happen now

it is difficult to look to the future when change is happening around him





Are you a school bus driver?- No, not any more, but I A. used to B. used to be C. use to D. use to be



B. used to be


its past tense and goes with the sentence


probably B


Why does Devante decide that now is the time to tell the cops what he knows

about King? The hate you give


Answer: he gets scared and in trouble


Devante decide that if she can face the police with only her voice as a weapon, he can use his voice as a weapon too.

What is the summary of Devante story?

When Seven's car runs out of petrol, the youths get out and go in search of a gas station. The teenagers come across a group of protesters shouting, "A hairbrush is not a gun!" as they go close to the street where Khalil was killed. Ms. Ofrah is the protest's organizer and is seated on a police cruiser.

The protesters are told to disperse by the police. Starr briefly remembers killing Khalil, but she quickly transforms that anguish into a yell. Ms. Ofrah approaches Starr. When she notices DeVante's bruises and inquires about the disturbances on Magnolia, they reassure her that he is fine. The Just Us for Justice office is OK, they tell Ms. Ofrah. Even if it wasn't, she claims it was just a structure.

Learn more about Devante's story here:


Under which president did the dust bowl begin?
A. Franklin D. Roosevelt
B. Calvin Coolidge
C. Warren Harding
D. Herbert Hoover​


A. Franklin D. Roosevelt
D.Herbert Hoover
Ggffdfggfx do b jb c do n by g TV the

Plis you can help me plis


Answer: Yes.


Omg, final review before my test tomorrow, someone explain lol



this would be imagery


imagery uses visually descriptive words, or where the words appeal to the 5 senses

what is 80x3 (i already know it just testing yall and ill give brainless to the first one who answers)





80 + 80 + 80 =






All the dancers wore .................. clothes. ( tradition )





a) Complete the sentences by putting in the questions tags.

Tim: We haven’t met before, have we?

Jo: No, I’ve just arrived in this country.

Tim: You come from Australia, __________

Jo: Yes, from Sydney.

Tim: It’s very hot there, _____________

Jo: Most of the time, but not always.

Tim: But it never gets very cold, ________

Jo: No, well, not as cold as some places.

Tim: They speak English there, _________

Jo: Yes, that’s right.

Tim: You haven’t been here long, ________

Jo: No, I only got here two weeks ago.

Tim: You’re on holiday, ___________

Jo: Yes, I’m travelling around for six months.

b) Complete the sentences by putting in questions tags.

The programme starts at 7 o’clock, doesn’t i




2isn't it

3 isn't it

4do they

5havn't they

6are you

7yes I'm

8 aren't u

Read the passage. The Runaway Rachel glanced up from her math homework and sighed in disgust as she spotted the little black Chihuahua running through her yard. This was the fourth time this month the dog had ambled his way over to their yard. Knowing that she would not be able to focus on her studies until he was secured in their house or at the animal shelter, she got up and went downstairs to see what she could do. One of these days that dog was going to get lost permanently, or worse yet, hurt! As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she could hear her mother leaving a message with the animal control officer, sounding worried and frustrated as well. Rachel’s whole family loved animals and had had numerous pets over the years. It was no surprise that her mother was as concerned as Rachel was. Rachel couldn’t understand it. How hard is it to keep a dog in a yard or the house? Her own dog, Gus, had escaped from them once as a puppy. But after that, he was always on a leash or in their yard securely behind the fence. There is always a solution to every problem, Rachel thought, and most of the time, it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. Whoever had this dog was not fit to be a pet-owner, she mused to herself. As she stepped out onto the back porch and into the yard, the little dog came running toward her. Rachel scooped him up, put a slip lead on him, and decided to try to figure out where he lived, although she knew this meant she would be up late finishing her homework. She let her mother know she’d be out for a while and set off. When she was six blocks away from her house, she heard a feeble voice calling out. As Rachel walked closer, she spotted an elderly woman in a worn yellow housecoat. Was that Mrs. Carson? Rachel hadn’t seen her for years. Mrs. Carson was leaning on a cane and walking unsteadily around her overgrown yard. As Rachel approached the house, she was struck by its neglected state. A broken window had been repaired with tape peeling from age. The house badly needed a fresh coat of pa



Rachel decides to ask her brother to help mend the fence.


the authors of this study used rapid dna sequencing technology of virus samples from patients to study a recent ebola virus outbreak. how might the understanding of the 2014 ebola virus outbreak gained from this research benefit relief efforts and support future research?


Understanding the outbreak of the Ebola virus and the research that sequenced the DNA of this virus can serve as a basis for creating more efficient medications, treatments, diagnoses, and control and prevention techniques.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Understanding the virus outbreak allows scientists to know how the virus spreads and how it infects each person.In addition, the study of the virus outbreak, allows scientists to understand the situations and elements that help or hinder the proliferation, infection, and contagion.With this, scientists can design better control and prevention methods that guarantee people's safety.Studies for the sequencing of the virus's DNA allow scientists to know the genetic makeup of the virus and how it behaves.This allows scientists to formulate more efficient medicines, vaccines, and treatments, which are directly involved in the composition of the virus to fight it.

With that, we can affirm that all these researches are important to prevent and to fight the infection by the Ebola virus, guaranteeing world security.

More information:

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