How does climate change impact the Forests of Sumatra?


Answer 1
The destruction of Sumatra's natural forests is accelerating global climate change and pushing endangered species closer to extinction, a new report warned today.

A study from WWF claims that converting the forests and peat swamps of just one Sumatran province into plantations for pulpwood and palm oil is generating more annual greenhouse gas emissions than the Netherlands, and is endangering local elephant and tiger populations.

The fastest rate of deforestation in Indonesia is occurring in central Sumatra's Riau province, where some 4.2m hectares (65%) of its tropical forests and peat swamps have been cleared for industrial plantations in the past 25 years, the study shows.

Since 1982, about 30% of the province's natural forest has been cleared for palm oil plantations, 24% for industrial pulpwood plantations, and 17% has become so-called wasteland – land that has been deforested but not replaced by any crop cover. Twenty-five years ago, according to the report, forest covered 78% of the Riau province. Today it covers just 27%. In just one year, 2005-06, it lost 286,146 hectares – 11% of forest cover

Illegal and legal forest clearance for the development of settlements, infrastructure and agriculture has traditionally driven deforestation in Riau, but the "speed and finality" of forest conversion for the rapidly expanding pulp and paper and palm oil industries is matched "by no other type of deforestation", the report says.


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If the formula for the area of a polygon is 1/2 (perimeter)(apothem), the area of the hexagon is ___ 3 square units



The correct answer would be - 3ab.



area of polygon = 1/2 (perimeter)(apothem)

let assume the length of a side of the hexagon = x

The length of the apothem = a

Formula used:

the perimeter of polygon = number of sides*length of the side

for hexagon = 6*x .....1


As the formula for the area of a polygon is given, and the hexagon is a polygon as it has six sides then the area then,

Area of hexagon = (1/2)* (6x) (a)

= 6ax/2

= 3ax

put the value of a and x and get the numeric value.

A large number of irregularly shaped comets are located in a vast ring between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.


Mark me BRAINLIEST!!! Thank you


Asteroids/Asteroid Belt


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The lower rocks are old while the overlying is newer.


Red sandstone is overlain by a red shale with bedded gypsum sows the age of the rocks. The boundary in the rock bodies for about 1km marks the along the fault displaced the two rocks bodies. As 50 meters, thick red sandstone is found it shows the discontinuities in the rocks. The rocks formed at the bottom are oldest and with newer deposits of gypsum.

Write a short paragraph of about 150-300 words. Explain how the physical environment can limit human activities.




The physical environment is the part of the environment made up of both man-made and natural features. They consist of some physical factors like water, soil, e.t.c. Mountains, rivers, valleys, hills, dams, lakes all makes up the physical aspect of our environment and much more.

The physical environment can limit human activities in the following ways:

Barriers to communication and transportation: most times roads have to be cut through longer distances in order to bypass natural features like a huge mountains, a voluminous river e.t.c. This can severely impact the communication between places and people.

Natural disasters: The physical environment can pose serious risk to humans through disasters such as earthquake, landslide, flooding, wildfires, e.t.c.

Drought and famine: When several elements of the physical environment combines, they can lead to little to no rainfall for plant to thrive. This is very dangerous for life on earth. Human activities are connected a lot to how rich and useful a soil can be.

Climate changes and global warming: Human activities are greatly impacted by changes in climate and weather. If too much rainfalls, it becomes a problem to farmers and human activities as a whole will suffer. If sunshine diminishes abnormally, the earth suffers as solar radiation is very key to life on earth.

Which statement describes one way new immigrants influenced America in the late 19th century?
a. Celebrations such as chinese new year became part of american culture
b. American cities changed their names to incorporate ethnic terminology
c. New immigrants became major property owners in america
d. companies owned by immigrants became richer and more powerful



Chinese New Year became part of American culture



Celebrations such as Chinese new year became part of American culture describe one way new immigrants influenced America in the late 19th century. Thus, option A is correct.

Who is an immigrant?

An immigrant is someone who leaves their home nation and moves to live permanently in another country. These are a visitor who settles down permanently in a new location.

Chinese New Year festivities are an example of how innovative immigrants impacted American society inside the late nineteenth century.

Immigrant groups typically find solace in well-known religious customs and rituals, look for publications from their native countries, and mark festivals and other occurrences with customary singing, dancing, cooking, and pastimes.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about immigrants, here:


Identify two pieces of evidence that support this statement, and two pieces of information that contradict the statement.

"Places that are located near each other tend to be similar, especially if they share government or demographic factors. These local similarities are more important than any differences that come from trade."



Yes, they would be similar


Worked on this not long ago

They are both similar at the end

write a short note on geosynchronous orbit​



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Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs Match the types of faults with their descriptions. strike-slip fault normal fault reverse fault generally forms near a convergent boundary, where two plates collide arrowRight usually occurs at a transform boundary in the presence of high levels of friction arrowRight often forms at a divergent boundary, where the crust stretches arrowRight Reset Next



I. Reverse fault.

II. Strike-slip fault.

III. Normal fault.


A landform refers to a geomorphic or natural feature of the Earth's surface, which typically makes its terrain. Some examples of landforms on planet earth are mountain, plains, volcanoes, valley, hills and plateau.

Basically, the tectonic plates such as the oceanic and continental lithosphere interact in three (3) ways and these are; divergent, transform and convergent boundaries.

1. A convergent boundary: it can be defined as a boundary where two (2) plates move towards each other, usually, resulting in subduction or collision. An example of a convergent is where subduction zones or collisions occurred such as the west coast of South America.

2. A divergent boundary: it's a region where rigid plates are moving away or apart from one another. An example of a divergent is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

3. A transform boundary: it's a boundary where plates slide past one another horizontally and as such it is devoid of volcanoism. An example is the San Andreas fault.

A fault can be defined as a fracture or zone of planar fractures between the rocks of Earth's crust due to movement and displacement caused by tensional or compressional forces. Thus, it allow blocks of rock to move relative with each other.

In Geology, there are four (4) main types of faults and these include; normal fault, strike-slip fault, oblique fault and reverse fault.

I. Reverse fault: it is generally formed near a convergent boundary, where there's a collision of two plates.

II. Strike-slip fault: it usually occurs or is formed at a transform boundary due to high levels of friction.

III. Normal fault: it is often formed at a divergent boundary, where the crust stretches and move apart from each other.


reverse fault - generally forms near a convergent boundary, where two plates collide

strike-slip fault - usually occurs at a transform boundary in the presence of high levels of friction

normal fault - often forms at a divergent boundary, where the crust stretches

Plato users

The term for a geographic locations high above sea level is?





Altitude, like elevation, is the distance above sea level. Areas are often considered "high-altitude" if they reach at least 2,400 meters

The elevation of a geographic location is its height above or below a fixed reference point, most commonly a reference geoid, a mathematical model of the Earth's sea level as an equipotential gravitational surface (see Geodetic datum § Vertical datum).

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a. the moons rotation and revolution take the same time

b. the moons rotation time is exactly twice the time of it revolution

c. the moons rotation time is exactly half the time of it revolution


the dark side of the moon is the umbra which is the darkest part and then the moon's rotation is twice its revolution

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a. in may in the northeast united states
b. in september near the equator
c. in september im the northeast united states
d. in january near the equator





please mark brainliest if this is right thanks!

Giải thích tại sao cán cân bức xạ Mặt Trời trung bình năm của mặt đất giảm dần từ Xích đạo về hai cực?



Do góc nhập xạ nên....

Mình nhớ mang máng như thế

a city X is located at 35 degree what will be the time in the city X it is 4 pm greenwich​


answer is 6 20 pm considering the fact that 1 degree is equal to four minutes and when you are moving eastwards you add them westwards you subtract

Scientists have shown us that climate change is caused by human activity. Social scientists like geographers will have to help people understand the complex interrelationship between human activity and the natural environment, and what we have to do to achieve a sustainable future. What might you do as a global citizen to make a difference? Explain.



Explain some ways that you could help slow effects of climate change.


For example. I could recycle, I could bike to work, I could use reusable water bottle. Anything else you can think of.

Given \qquad m \angle AOC = 108^\circm∠AOC=108 ∘ m, angle, A, O, C, equals, 108, degrees \qquad m \angle AOB = 3x + 4^\circm∠AOB=3x+4 ∘ m, angle, A, O, B, equals, 3, x, plus, 4, degrees \qquad m \angle BOC = 8x - 28^\circm∠BOC=8x−28 ∘ m, angle, B, O, C, equals, 8, x, minus, 28, degrees Find m\angle AOBm∠AOBm, angle, A, O, B:





Given the following

∠AOC = 108°

∠AOB = 3x + 4°

∠BOC = 8x - 28


108 = 3x+4+8x-28

108 = 11x-24

11x = 108+24

11x = 132

x = 132/11

x = 12

Next is to get ∠AOB. Recall that:

∠AOB = 3x+4

∠AOB = 3(12)+4

∠AOB = 36+4

∠AOB = 40°

Hence the measure of ∠AOB is 40°

in contrast to people who live in the coastal areas of Libya and the maghreb nations people who live in the interior regions are

less likely to be followers of Islam

more likely to emigrate

targets of discrimination

Less likely to have modern life styles



I think it's: Less likely to have modern life styles, targets of discrimination, less likely to be followers of Islam and more likely to emigrate.


All True


During the process of demographic transition, a movement from stage 1 to stage 2 is most likely caused by
A)social changes

B)improved education,

C)rural to urban migration

D)technological developments,

E)increasing employment opportunities,



from what  I have read I think the answer is a. social changes because of he birth and death rates in stage 2.


Which is an example of convection current


The process happens as the warm air is said to be less dense than that of the colder air. Another good example of convection current is wind.

which amendment has to do with rasicm


The fourteenth amendment
The 14th amendment I believe

Which state is shaped this way?





The state thats shaped like that is michigam!

he part of the western coastal plain lying in the state of Maharashtra and Goa is called:



The region consists of three sections: the Northern part of the coast is called the Konkan (Mumbai to Goa), the central stretch is called the Kanara or the "Karavali", while the southern stretch is referred to as the Malabar Coast.

hope it helps you. have a good day

What was the effect of anti-Chinese riots and discriminatory acts against Chinese immigrants in the 1880s?
A Rioters who attacked immigrants were put in jail.
B. The American government enacted new laws to protect immigrants.
C. New laws were passed to stop Chinese immigration to the US.
D. Chinese immigrants successfully sued the cities of San Francisco, California, and Tacoma,
Washington, for failing to protect their civil liberties.



The answer is C. New laws were passed to stop Chinese immigration to the US.  


The anti-Chinese movement grew significantly during the 1880’s. With pressure from California, the federal government became involved as the movement gained national support. The federal government moved to stop Chinese immigration altogether. In the 1868 Burlingame Treaty with China, the U.S. government had encouraged the immigration of Chinese nationals to the United States. Just over a decade later, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 suspended all immigration of Chinese to the United States. This act was amended in 1884 to make it more difficult for Chinese laborers working in the United States who left the country to return.  

After new Chinese immigration was mostly eliminated, the anti-Chinese movement turned its attention against Chinese who were already residing in the United States. There had been scattered incidents of violence in California against Chinese during the 1870’s, but the movement became more violent throughout the West during the mid-1880’s. This tension had been growing in both the mining fields and along the railroads—two sectors of the economy that employed large numbers of Chinese workers. In 1885, large-scale violence erupted in Rock Springs, Wyoming, where white vigilantes stormed through the Chinese community, killing many people and driving away many of the rest. Additional incidents later occurred in other Chinatowns throughout the Far West.  


it’s c


I took the test

The atmosphere is hotter at less altitude from the sea level.​


no its not hotter at less altitude

What role do water masses play in the distribution of global heat?


What she said is the answer

please help me with some geography report or research ideas... ​


try researching manatees?


research more on koalas and pandas:))

Which of the following are not used to prevent flooding during storms?
B.levees C.breakwaters D.sandbags


I believe its levees

5 Based on the image, what type of government is likely pictured? OA. totalitarian B. oligarchic C. parliamentary D. democratic​



Definitly totalitarian.



The correct option is A. Based on the image, a totalitarian type of government is likely pictured.

The strong central rule that uses force and repression to try to manage and control every area of a person's life is what distinguishes it. Individual freedom is not allowed.

What is the role of citizens in a totalitarian government?

Totalitarianism is a type of governance that forbids competing political philosophies and parties while maintaining total control over all facets of citizens' public and private lives. All citizens are subject to the state's unrestricted power in a totalitarian society.

Totalitarianism is the phrase used to characterize a state that exercises complete, centralized state control over all facets of public and private life. Totalitarian leaders like Stalin seem to offer a sense of security and a course for the future.

Thus, A form of government known as totalitarianism aims to have complete control over the lives of its people.

Learn more about Totalitarianism here:


What is the volume of x and the length of segment DE ?




DE is 16.2


10x + 15 = 81

10x = 81-15

10x = 66


DE = 2x + 3

DE = 13.2 + 3

DE = 16.2

which could be considered separate homogeneous regions



A homogeneous region is demarcated on the basis of internal uniformity. The winter wheat belt in the central part of the United States is a homogeneous agricultural region because all its parts grow the same main crop in the same way.

The definition of a homogeneous region is based on internal uniformity. A homogenous agricultural zone, the winter wheat belt in the center of the United States grows the same primary crop in the same manner throughout.

What are homogeneous and heterogeneous?

The terms homogeneous and heterogeneous are derived from the Medieval Latin homogeneus and heterogeneus, respectively, which were derived from the Ancient Greek homogens and heterogens.

The terms homogeneity and heterogeneity, which refer to a material or an organism's uniformity, are frequently used in the sciences and statistics. An object or image is homogeneous if its composition or characteristics are uniform (for example, its color, shape, size, mass, tallness, distribution, texture, language, income, illness, temp, radioactivity, architectural design, etc.); heterogeneous if at least one of these characteristics is noticeably nonuniform.

Learn more about homogeneous, from:


1 Describe in your own words what an environment is​


the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.


You can also say, Environment is a place or surrounding where all living and non-living things are combined.

the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
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