How does Columbus describe the people of Hispaniola? List at least three pieces of evidence from the passage.

How Does Columbus Describe The People Of Hispaniola? List At Least Three Pieces Of Evidence From The


Answer 1


He described them as essentiallu malleable.


He states "I saw that they were very friendly to us", meaning they had goodwill towards Columbus and his man. Then mentioned " they to be a very poor people...Weapons they have none." So the island he came upon was made of simple living people good natured people. Which lead him to the conclusion that they ,"would be good servants... and very readily become Christians." So he saw them as essentially malleable for his goal to conquer lands and gain wealth for his King and Queen.

Answer 2

Columbus describe the people of Hispaniola as essentially malleable. The people had  living people had good nature towards Columbus and his men. So, he  thought  that they can become good servants and can easily accept  Christianity.

Who was Columbus?

The Christopher Columbus was a Portuguese explorer.  The Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502.

The Christopher wants to  find a oceanic route from Europe to Asia, but he never did. Instead of finding Asia especially India , he stumbled upon the Americas.

By accidently he reached America but it opened the fate of Europe in the colonization process of Americas. As his journeys started the beginning of centuries of exploration and colonization of North and South America.

Columbus describe the people of Hispaniola as essentially malleable.

Learn more about Columbus here:


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