how does mcdonaldization affect global relationships?


Answer 1


The term McDonalization refers to a sociological and cultural concept by which the situation of depersonalization and automation of social relations and the means of economic production is described, by which it aims to generate automated structures such as those of fast food chains with the objective of optimizing performance and generating efficiency, at the expense of depersonalizing labor and social relations, leading individuals to a greater loss of their collective sentiment.

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In its closing financial statements for its first year in business, the Runs and Goses Company, had cash of $242, accounts receivable of $850, inventory of $820, net fixed assets of $3,408, accounts payable of $700, short-term notes payable of $740, long-term liabilities of $1,100, common stock of $1,160, retained earnings of $1,620, net sales of $2,768, cost of goods sold of $1,210, depreciation of $360, interest expense of $160, taxes of $312, addition to retained earnings of $508, and dividends paid of $218.


a. Return on equity = __________
b. Return on total assets = __________
c. Gross profit margin = __________
d. Net profit margin = __________



return on equality

return on way

return on potos

i will want to know about questio n

i can help you in this field ok bro

helnid is my code way ti go

Return on Equity can be calculated as Return on Equity = Net Income / share holders equity. Return on Equity = 726 /2780. Thus, Return on Equity = 26.11%

What is Return on Equity?

The ratio of a company's net income to the equity of its shareholders is known as return on equity (ROE). A company's profitability and the effectiveness of its revenue generation are measured by its return on equity (ROE). A corporation is better at turning its equity financing into profits the higher the ROE.

Although average ratios and those deemed "good" and "poor" might differ significantly from industry to industry, a return on equity ratio of 15% to 20% is typically regarded as good. The ratio would be regarded as low at 5%.

b)Return on Asset Ratio

Return on Asset Ratio = Net Income / Total Assets

Return on Asset Ratio = 726/ 5,320

Return on Asset Ratio = 13.65%

c)Gross Profit Margin

Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Net Sales

Profit Margin = 1,558/ 2,768

Profit Margin =56.29%

d)Net Profit Margin

Net Profit Margin = Net Income / Net Sales

Profit Margin = 726/ 2,768

Net Profit Margin =26.23%

Learn more about Return on Equity, here


It should not usually be clear whether we are describing independent or mutually exclusive projects in the following chapters because when we only describe one project then it can be assumed to be independent.

a. True
b. False





A mutually exclusive project is a project that if one occurs then the other project cannot occur also at the same time. Mutually exclusive projects are independent projects also

For 2020, Ms. Deming earned wages totaling $225,000.
1. Calculate any 0.9 percent additional Medicare tax owed, assuming that Ms. Deming is single.
2. Calculate any 0.9 percent additional Medicare tax owed, assuming that Ms. Deming files a joint return with her husband who earned $100,000 of wages for 2019.



Additional Medicare is charged on the wages that are higher than $200,000.

1. Medicare owed assuming Ms. Deming is single:

= (225,000 - 200,000) * 0.9%

= 25,000 * 0.9%

= $225

2. Medicare owed assuming Ms. Deming files a joint return with her husband.

When filed together, their wages would be considered jointly.

= ( (100,000 + 225,000) - 200,000) * 0.9%

= 125,000 * 0.9%

= $1,125

Ticketsales, Inc., receives $7,720,000 cash in advance ticket sales for a four-date tour of Bon Jovi. Record the advance ticket sales on October 31. Record the revenue earned for the first concert date of November 5, assuming it represents one-fourth of the advance ticket sales. Ticketsales, Inc. initially records prepaid and unearned items in balance sheet accounts.
View transaction list Journal entry worksheet Record the concert revenues earned. Note: Enter debits before credits. Debit Credit General Journal Date Nov 05



When revenue has been received but the service has not been rendered, the revenue will not be recognized and will instead be treated as a liability called unearned revenue.

Date                   Account Title                                          Debit               Credit

Oct. 31                Cash                                                   $7,720,000

                           Unearned Ticket revenue                                      $7,720,000

Date                    Account Title                                         Debit               Credit

Nov. 5                  Unearned Ticket Revenue             $1,930,000

                          Ticket Revenue                                                   $1,930,000


Ticket revenue = 1/4 * 7,720,000

= $1,930,000

As operations manager, you are concerned about being able to meet sales requirements in the coming months. You have just been given the following production report: JAN FEB MAR APR Units produced 2,250 1,750 2,750 2,950 Hours per machine 318 194 393 315 Number of machines 5 7 6 5 Find the average of the monthly productivity figures (units per machine hour).


Answer: 2.81 per hour


Average monthly productivity = (January productivity + February productivity + March productivity + April productivity) / 4

January productivity:

= Units produced / ( Hours per machine * Number of machines )

=  2,250 / ( 318 * 2 )

= 3.537

February productivity:

= 1,750/ ( 194 * 4 )

= 2.255

March productivity:

= 2,750 / ( 393 * 3 )

= 2.332

April productivity:

= 2,950/ ( 315 * 3)

= 3.121

Average monthly productivity = (3.537 + 2.255 + 2.332 + 3.121)/ 4

 = 2.81 per hour

. If Canace Company, with a break-even point at $313,500 of sales, has actual sales of $570,000, what is the margin of safety expressed (1) in dollars and (2) as a percentage of sales? Round the percentage to the nearest whole number. 1. $fill in the blank 1 2. fill in the blank 2 % b. If the margin of safety for Canace Company was 25%, fixed costs were $1,419,375, and variable costs were 75% of sales, what was the amount of actual sales (dollars)? (Hint: Determine the break-even in sales dollars first.) $fill in the blank 3



Canace Company

a-1) Margin of safety is:

= $256,500.

a-2) Margin of safety is:

= 55%.

b) The amount of actual sales is:

= $5,677,500.


a) Data and Calculations:

Break-even point sales = $313,500

Actual sales = $570,000

Margin of safety = $256,500 ($570,000 - $313,500)

Margin of safety as a percentage of sales = 55% ($313,500/$570,000 * 100)

2) Margin of safety = 25%

Fixed costs = $1,419,375

Break-even point in sales dollars = $1,419,375

Variable costs = 75% of sales

Contribution margin at break-even point = 25% (100% - 75%) = $1,419,375

Actual sales in dollars = $5,677,500 ($1,419,375/25%)

Casey transfers property with a tax basis of $3,800 and a fair market value of $6,800 to a corporation in exchange for stock with a fair market value of $5,250 and $720 in cash in a transaction that qualifies for deferral under section 351. The corporation assumed a liability of $830 on the property transferred. Casey also incurred selling expenses of $461. What is the amount realized by Casey in the exchange





Calculation to determine the amount realized by Casey in the exchange

Fair market value of stock $5250

Add Cash in transaction $ 720

Add Liability which is going to the buyer $ 830

Less Selling expenses ($461)

Amount realized $5789


Therefore the amount realized by Casey in the exchange is $5789

Third National Bank has reserves of $20,000 and checkable deposits of $100,000. The reserve ratio is 20 percent. Households deposit $5,000 in currency into the bank, and the bank adds that currency to its reserves. What amount of excess reserves does the bank now have





Fractional banking is a banking system where a portion of customer's deposits is kept as reserves while remaining portion is lent out. The amount kept as reserves is determined by the required reserve ratio set by the Central bank.

Reserve ratio is the percentage of deposits that is required of commercial banks to keep as reserves

Total deposits = $100,000 + $5,000 = $105,000

Required reserves = 0.2 x 105000 = 21,000

total reserves = $20,000 + 5000 = 25,000

excess reserves = 25,000 - 21,000 = 4000

The total manufacturing cost variance is a.the difference between total actual costs and total standard costs for the units produced b.the difference between planned costs and standard costs for the units produced c.the flexible budget variance plus the time variance d.none of the above



a.the difference between total actual costs and total standard costs for the units produced


The total manufacturing cost variance shows the difference between the total actual cost i.e. incurred and the standard cost incurred for the units that are produced or generated

In mathematically, it should be

Total manufacturing cost variance = standard cost - actual cost

hence, the first option is correct

If farmer sam macdoanld can produce 200 pounds of cabbages and 0 pounds of patotes or 0 pound of cabbes and 100 pounds of potatoes and faces a linear produciton possiblies curve for his farm, the opportunity cost of production an additional pound of cabbage is:_____.
a. 1/2.
b. 2.
c. 100.
d. 200.


C is your best answer!! goodluck

* Distinguish between Accounts Receivable and
Account Payable.



Accounts receivable is money owed to a company by its debtors.

Account payable amounts due to vendors or suppliers for goods or services received that have not been yet paid for.


Accounts receivable are the amounts owed to a company by its customers. it is an asset to the company

accounts payable are the amounts that a company owes to its is a  liability to the company


Fixed expenses are $17,000 per month. The company is currently selling 800 units per month. The marketing manager would like to introduce sales commissions as an incentive for the sales staff. The marketing manager has proposed a commission of $5 per unit. In exchange, the sales staff would accept a decrease in their salaries of $6,000 per month. (This is the company's savings for the entire sales staff.) The marketing manager predicts that introducing this sales incentive would increase monthly sales by 200 units. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly net operating income of this change?



There is a cost-saving of $1,000 per month as a result of the change.  This cost-saving increases the monthly net operating income by $1,000.


a) Data and Calculations:

Fixed monthly expenses = $17,000

Current sales units per month = 800

Proposed sales commission per unit = $5

Decrease in salaries per month = $6,000

Increase in sales units per month = 200


                                            Before       After      Difference

Fixed monthly expenses   $17,000   $11,000      $6,000

Variable cost per month               0     5,000       -5,000

Total cost per month         $17,000  $16,000      $1,000

Sales units per month              800      1,000           200 units

b) The effect on the company's monthly net operating income is a reduction in the total cost per month by $1,000.  There is also an increase in the units sold per month by 200 units.  If the selling price is determined, the net operating income will also increase by the product of the contribution margin per unit and 200.

The following cost behavior patterns describe anticipated manufacturing costs for 2013: raw material, $8.10/unit; direct labor, $11.10/unit; and manufacturing overhead, $373,100 $9.10/unit. Required: If anticipated production for 2013 is 41,000 units, calculate the unit cost using variable costing and absorption costing. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)



Variable costing $28.3

Absorption costing $37.4


Calculation to determine the unit cost using variable costing and absorption costing.


Material $8.10/unit

Direct labor $11.10/unit;

Variable manufacturing overhead per unit $9.10/unit

Units cost $28.3


Material $8.10/unit

Direct labor $11.10/unit;

Variable manufacturing overhead per unit $9.10/unit.

Fixed manufacturing overhead per unit $9.10/unit.

($373,100 ÷ 41,000 units)

Units cost $37.4

Therefore the unit cost using variable costing and absorption costing are:

Variable costing $28.3

Absorption costing $37.4

An important sustainability issue that has received much more scrutiny in recent years is the: focus on adequate inventory levels. reduction in packaging waste by using alternate materials. effort to move warehouse storage closer to consumers. emphasis on materials handling and warehouse design. none of the above



reduction in packaging waste by using alternate materials.


An important sustainability issue that has received much more scrutiny in recent years is the reduction in packaging waste through the use of alternative materials. You can see this happening through new laws that prohibit the use of plastic bags in supermarkets and plastic drinking straws, for example.

There are several companies that seek the use of biodegradable packaging, even if these are not provided for by law. Companies seek to adopt sustainable actions in their processes to demonstrate to their stakeholders that they follow ideal standards of environmental preservation and social awareness. This is a positive type of marketing for companies, as the population is more aware and wants to consume more from environmentally responsible companies.These companies then become more valued by their consumers and consequently more competitive and well positioned in the market

You have a portfolio that is 29 percent invested in Stock R, 12 percent invested in Stock S, with the remainder in Stock T. The expected return on these stocks is 9.8 percent, 11.2 percent, and 13.5 percent, respectively. What is the expected return on the portfolio


Answer: 12.15%


The expected return is a weighted average of the returns of the individual stocks and the percentage of the portfolio invested in them.

= (Weight of R * Return of R) + (Weight of S + Return of S) + (Weight of T + Return of T)

= (29% * 9.8%) + (12% * 11.2%) + ( (1 - 29% - 12%) * 13.5%)

= 12.15%

The balance in retained earnings at December 31, 2020 was $1,440,000 and at December 31, 2021 was $1,164,000. Net income for 2021 was $1,000,000. A stock dividend was declared and distributed which increased common stock $500,000 and paid-in capital $220,000. A cash dividend was declared and paid.

The stock dividend should be reported on the statement of cash flows (indirect method) as: ____________

a. an outflow from investing activities of $720,000.
b. an outflow from financing activities of $720,000.
c. an outflow from financing activities of $500,000.
d. Stock dividends are not shown on a statement of cash flows.


Answer: d. Stock dividends are not shown on a statement of cash flows.


A stock stock dividend refers to the dividend payment to the shareholders of s company that is not made in cash but rather it's made in shares.

It should be noted that the stock dividend is not reported on the cash flow statement. The reason for this is because it's a non cash item and also doesn't allow cash outflow. Therefore, it won't be reported.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Demand for a specific design of dinning sets has been fairly large in the past several years and Statewide Furnishings, Inc. usually orders new dinning sets 10 times a year. It is estimated that the ordering cost is $400 per order. The carrying cost is $50 per unit per year. Furthermore, State Wide Furnishings, Inc. has estimated that the stock out cost is $120 per unit per year. Based on forecast, the annual demand is 600 units. State Wide Furnishings, Inc. has 350 working days in a year and its lead time is 14 working days.
Assume shortage is allowed and the store manager is sure that shortages will not become lost sales, determine the annual ordering cost.
a. 592.82
b. 1472.01
c. 2051.28
d. 4116.11
e. None of the above



e. None of the above


Annual demand, D = 600 units

Ordering cost, S = $400

Holding cost, H = $50

Economic order quantity without stock-out = SQRT(2*D*S/H)

Economic order quantity without stock-out = SQRT(2*600*400/50)

Economic order quantity without stock-out = 98

Total annual ordering cost = (D/Q)*S + (Q/2)*H

Total annual ordering cost = (600/98)*$400 + (98/2)*$50

Total annual ordering cost = $2,448.97 + $2,450

Total annual ordering cost = $4,898.97

Papermill Plc was acquired by a private equity firm, whose investment horizon is 5 years and minimum IRR requirement is 20.0%. The private equity firm estimates the exit EBITDA and exit EV EBITDA multiple to be 1,200.0 and 11.0x, respectively. The EBITDA at entry is 1,100.0 and the amount of debt financing raised at entry is 7.0x EBITDA. The cash flow model built by the private equity firm estimates the debt to be 5.0x EBITDA at exit. Using the assumptions above, estimate the equity funding of the deal at entry.

Sales 1,000.0
Cost of goods sold 600.0
Selling, general and administration 100.0
Interest expense 50.0
Tax expense 75.0


The estimated equity funding of the deal at entry is $2,893.52

EV means Enterprise value

EBITDA means Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization

Given that the private equity firm estimates that:

Exit EBITDA = 1,200

EV / EBITDA = 11.0x

To derive EV from the EV / EBITDA, then EV / EBITDA is multiplied by EBITDA.

EV = EV / EBITDA * EBITDA (i.e.)

EV = 11 * 1,200

EV = 13,200

Given that the private equity firm estimates the debt to be 5.0x EBITDA at exit.

Debt = 5.0 * EBITDA at exit

Debt = 5.0 * 1,200

Debt = 6,000

To derive the equity value at exit, the debt is subtracted from the EV

Equity value at exit = EV - Debt

Equity value at exit = 13,200 - 6,000

Equity value at exit = 7,200

The equity funding of the deal at entry will be derived using this formula "Equity value at exit / (1 + IRR)^n" where IRR is 20% and n is 5 years

Equity funding of the deal at entry = 7,200 / (1 + 20%)^5

Equity funding of the deal at entry = 7,200 / (1 + 0.20)^5

Equity funding of the deal at entry = 7,200 / (1.20)^5

Equity funding of the deal at entry = 7,200 / 2.48832

Equity funding of the deal at entry = 2893.518518518519

Equity funding of the deal at entry = $2,893.52 (approx).

Learn more about equity funding here

Larned Corporation recorded the following transactions for the just completed month.

$79,000 in raw materials were purchased on account.
$77,000 in raw materials were used in production. Of this amount, $65,000 was for direct materials and the remainder was for indirect materials.
Total labor wages of $109,500 were paid in cash. Of this amount, $100,900 was for direct labor and the remainder was for indirect labor.
Depreciation of $195,000 was incurred on factory equipment.

Record the above transactions in journal entries.


Answer:good question. Wait for the answer


Ngân hàng thương mại có tỷ lệ an toàn vốn tối thiểu là 8% và tỷ suất sinh lời trên tài sản có hằng năm như sau : năm 1998 có ROA là 14.3% , năm 1999 có ROA là 17.0% , năm 2000 có ROA là 15.1% , năm 2001 có ROA là 12.2% , năm 2002 có ROA 9.8%, năm 2003 có ROA là 7.5% , năm 2004 có ROA là 13.8% , năm 2005 có ROA là 13.5% , năm 2006 có ROA là 16.3% , năm 2007 có ROA là 15.7% , năm 2008 có ROA là 15.8% , năm 2009 có ROA là 16.0% , năm 2010 có ROA là 14.9% , năm 2011 có ROA là 14.6% , năm 2012 có ROA là 12.4% . yêu cầu : ước lượng chỉ số Z đánh giá nguy cơ phá sản ?





he following transactions are for Alonzo Company.

1. On December 3, Alonzo Company sold $500,000 of merchandise to Artis Co. on account. The cost of the merchandise sold was $330,000.
2. On December 8, Artis Co. returned $25,000 of merchandise purchased on December 3. The cost of the goods was $16,000.
3. On December 13, Alonzo Company received the balance due from Artis Co.

Prepare a tabular summary to record these transactions for Alonzo Company using a perpetual inventory system. (Enter negative amounts using either a negative sign preceding the number e.g. -45 or parentheses e.g. (45).)

Stockholders' Equity
Retained Earnings
Common Stock



1. Dec. 3

Dr Account Receivable $500,000

Cr Sales Revenue $500,000

Dr Cost of goods sold $330,000

Cr Inventory $330,000

2. Dec. 8

Dr Sales Returns and Allowances $25,000

Cr Accounts Receivable $25,000

3. Dec. 13

Dr Cash $470,250

Cr Sales Discounts $4,750

Cr Accounts Receivable $475,000


Preparation of a tabular summary to record these transactions for Alonzo Company using a perpetual inventory system

1. Dec. 3

Dr Account Receivable $500,000

Cr Sales Revenue $500,000

(To record the sales on account)

Dr Cost of goods sold $330,000

Cr Inventory $330,000

(To record the cost of goods sold)

2. Dec. 8

Dr Sales Returns and Allowances $25,000

Cr Accounts Receivable $25,000

(To record the Sales return and allowance)

3. Dec. 13

Dr Cash $470,250

($475,000 - $4,750)

Cr Sales Discounts $4,750

[($500,000 - $25,000) * 1%]

Cr Accounts Receivable $475,000

($500,000 - $25,000)

(To record the balance due from Arte Co.)

Pasha works for a manufacturing company in a small town. He reports to his manager that the company is not fulfilling its commitment to the community to reduce pollutants. His manager tells him to ignore the issue and not tell anyone. This is an example of a(n)___________. approach to social responsibility.
a. defensive
b. accommodative
c. reactive
d. obstructionist
e. proactive



d. obstructionist


Since in the question it is given that pasha reported his manager that company is not able to fulfill the commitment in order to decrease pollution but the manager said that ignore this issue also dont tell anyone so this represent an obstructionist approach as the firm or the company avoids the social environmental problems so indirectly it breaks the law and their conduct is to be considered as an unethical

Therefore, the option d is correct

A major distinction between a conventional bank and an Islamic bank is that Islamic banks __ are allowed to charge higher interest on loans. cannot accept private deposits. cannot pay or charge interest. are not subject to any form of law,



cannot pay or charge interest.


Islamic banks are banks that are based on Islamic laws or Sharia laws which is found in the Qur'an.

In Islamic banking, all banking transactions must be compliant with the Sharia laws.

Islamic banks differ from conventional banks in that :

1. they prohibit usury : Usury is charging interest on loans

2. they prohibit all forms of speculation : Islamic laws prohibit all forms of gambling

3. Investments in items that are not allowed in the Qur'an e.g. alcohol

Islamic bank use equity participation to make money. When an  Islamic bank lends money to a business, instead of charging interest on the loan, the receive equity in that business and are entitled to a part of the company's shares

Ponzi Products produced 100 chain-letter kits this quarter, resulting in a total cash outlay of $10 per unit. It will sell 50 of the kits next quarter at a price of $11, and the other 50 kits in the third quarter at a price of $12. It takes a full quarter for Ponzi to collect its bills from its customers. (Ignore possible sales in earlier or later quarters.)

a. What is the net income for Ponzi next quarter?
b. What are the cash flows for the company this quarter?
c. What are the cash flows for the company in the third quarter?
d. What is Ponzi’s net working capital in the next quarter?



Ponzi Products

a) Net income for the next quarter:

= $50

b) Cash outflow for this quarter = $1,000

c) Cash inflow in the third quarter = $550

d) Net working capital in the next quarter = $550


a) Production of chain-letter kits for the quarter = 100 units

Total production cost (outlay) = $1,000 (100 * $10)

Sales in the second quarter = $550 (50 * $11)

Sales in the third quarter = $600 (50 * $12)

Cash collections:

Third quarter = $550

Fourth quarter = $600

a) Net income for the next quarter:

Sales revenue = $550

Production cost   500 ($1,100 * 50/100)

Net income =       $50 ($550 - $500)

b) Cash outflow for this quarter = $1,000

c) Cash inflow in the third quarter = $550

d) Net working capital in the next quarter = $550

When the price elasticity of demand for a good is very elastic, quantity demanded is _____ to a change in price and the demand curve is relatively _____. Group of answer choices



1. Responsive

2. Elastic


When the price elasticity of demand for a good is very elastic, quantity demanded is RESPONSIVE to a change in price and the demand curve is relatively ELASTIC.

This is because the price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to a change in price.

Consequently, as the quantity demanded changes, the demand curve then becomes relatively elastic, by shifting either to the right or left.

The double-declining-balance rate for calculating depreciation expense is determined by doubling the straight-line rate. Assuming that an asset has a useful life of 25 years, determine the rate to be used if using the double-declining-balance method



the  depreciation rate in cash when the double-declining method should be used is 8%


The computation of the depreciation rate in cash when the double-declining method should be used is given below:

= 1 ÷ useful life × 2

= 1 ÷ 25 × 2

= 0.08

= 8%

Hence, the  depreciation rate in cash when the double-declining method should be used is 8%

The same should be relevant and considered too

Toàn cầu hóa có ảnh hưởng gì đến thế giới



1. Globalization encourages economic growth within a country.

2. Globalization encourages the specialization of goods (product specialization) and as such facilitating the production of quality goods.

3. Globalization increases the types of goods and services that are made available in different countries around the world.


Globalization can be defined as the strategic process which involves the integration of various markets across the world to form a large global marketplace.

Basically, globalization makes it possible for various organizations to produce goods and services that is used by consumers across the world.

Some of the ways in which globalization affects the world include the following;

1. Globalization encourages economic growth within a country.

2. Globalization encourages the specialization of goods (product specialization) and as such facilitating the production of quality goods.

3. Globalization increases the types of goods and services that are made available in different countries around the world.

Kevin promises to pay Macarena, his daughter, $5,000 if she obtains her degree at Brookdale community College, where she is currently in her first year. Macarena graduates. If a Court refuses to enforce the agreement it would most likely be because:


Question Completion with Options:

A. Macarena finished college.

B. Obtaining a college degree benefits Macarena.

C. A job can be hard to find after college.

D. Macarena was already in college.


If a Court refuses to enforce the agreement it would most likely be because:

D. Macarena was already in college.


Macarena was currently in her first year when the promise was made by her father.  This means that Macarena is not giving any consideration for the father's promise.  But, if she enters the college based on the promise and eventually graduates in the college, then the court will not likely refuse to enforce the agreement. Kevin's promise to pay Macarena $5,000 is not enforceable because of past consideration.

The Director of Taco Bell’s in-house creative agency described the workplace as an "ego-free zone," suggesting openness to his team members’ ideas, also called Multiple Choice staff validity. task validity. boundary spanning. decision informity. hierarchical sensitivity.



staff validity


Staff validity is the degree by which the members form good presentations to the leader. As they can have all the information needed to make a good decision.

Tin Roof's net cash flows for the next three years are projected at $72,000, $78,000, and $84,000, respectively. After that, the cash flows are expected to increase by 3.2 percent annually. What is the value of the firm if the WACC is 9.32%





The value of the company is the present value of its future cash flows for the three-year planning horizon plus the present value of its continuing value beyond year 3, all discounted using the WACC as the appropriate discount rate.

continuing value=year 3 cash flow*(1+terminal growth rate)/(WACC-terminal growth rate)

continuing value= $84,000*(1+3.2%)/(9.32%-3.2%)=$1,416,470.59

present value of continuing value=$1,416,470.59/(1+9.32%)^3=$1,084,198.23

present value of 3-year cash flows=$72000/(1+9.32%)^1+$78,000/(1+9.32%)^2+$84,000/(1+9.32%)^3

present value of 3-year cash flows=$195,424.42

value of the company=$1,084,198.23+$195,424.42

value of the company=$1,279,622.65  

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