How has being a first-generation American impacted Corina's
life? Use examples from the text to support your answer.


Answer 1


It impacted her life because it was the first generation

Related Questions

Directions: Try to “leap” from the first word to the last word by changing just one letter at a time. Each time you change a letter, a real word must be made. Use the clues in parenthesis to help! When you give your answer, make sure it is like this: word/word/word (all lowercase, no spaces)





Hope this helped!

what was world war 1 is not an ideal research question because



“What was World War I?” is not an ideal research question because: it's not relevant to the topic. it's too difficult to answer.


Read the passage. First identify the text structure used in the passage, and then explain how this structure helps develop the writer's central idea. Use evidence from the text in your response.
The rise in popularity of farmers' markets has caused many people to rethink their use of regular grocery stores. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Farmers' markets have fresh and local produce, and often you get a chance to meet the people who grow your food. This isn't the case with grocery stores, where you'll never get to meet the farmers. Grocery stores are starting to have more local products, though, and they have a better variety of goods. Another thing to consider is the setting itself. Farmers' markets are usually in more pleasant, open-air locations where there's often live music playing. Grocery stores, on the other hand, can be busy and uncomfortable if you don't like shopping. The pleasant atmosphere comes at a price, though, as your bill at a farmers' market is likely to be 25 percent more than at a grocery store. All in all, the freshness and quality of food is worth a little more money. Farmers' markets are the way to go. Thanks!! Best answer I promise brainliest



but mine is diferent so i cant say that. :(



I need help on that one too


In The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone, how does the author best support his claim that Thomas Young was someone who "laid a solid groundwork for others”?

A. by providing details about how others reacted to Young’s accomplishments
B. by providing information about Young’s thoughts and his active imagination
C. by providing examples of Young’s many conversations with other researchers
D. by providing images Young deciphers and facts about his accomplishments



(D) by providing images young deciphers and facts about his accomplishments

Which technique of essay writing is Macy most clearly using in the passage?



could u add an image of the question

I cant answer the question




get trolled lol

"Believe me for mine honor, and have respect to mine honor, that you may believe” is an example of which rhetorical device?







i think it d beause to me it make sense

Which inference can be best made about the king ?



The correct answer is A. In The Lady, or the Tiger, we can infer that the king is jealous.


This is because he punishes the young man who had tried to conquer the princess, considering this action as a serious crime, although this boy had not caused any harm and even his love was reciprocated.

The Lady, or the Tiger? is a tale by the American writer Frank Richard Stockton, published in November 1882, in "Century's Magazine."

The tale was initially written to be read during a session of literary society. However, Stockton decided to publish the tale because of speculation generated by the challenging outcome of the story that still persists today as curious readers continue to seek answers to this insoluble literary cryptogram.

Anglo-Saxon poetry contains all of the following EXCEPT

A. it was male dominated.
B. it was an intermingling of pagan and Christian values.
C. praised warrior virtues.
D. it contained heroic couplets.


B give me brainlyyyyyyyyyyy

Why is pollen needed in plant reproduction?

pollen contains the sperm cell
egg cells stick to pollen
fertilization takes place in the pollen
pollen contains the egg cell


It’s needed because it’s a big factor in our earths system l

In "The Adventures of Theseus," Theseus has a choice: He can take the easier and safer route to Athens by sea, or he can take the more dangerous land route. Theseus decides to travel to Athens by land. How does Theseus's decision help develop the plot?


Hello. You forgot the answer options. The options are:

It illustrates the theme.

It builds suspense.

It describes the climax.

It resolves the conflict.


It builds suspense.


When Theseus chooses the most dangerous route to reach Athens, the story takes on a strong suspense tone. This is because the reader understands that Theseus will encounter these problems, which will be very difficult to solve and which can even end it. However, the reader does not know when these problems will appear, nor even what these problems are, which makes suspense a crucial element for the continuation of reading, allowing the reader to be anxious and apprehensive about what will happen in the narrative.


It builds suspense


I say this because authors try to make stories interesting, exciting, crazy. This is also the answer because he eventually ends up at procrusties house. Its trying to build suspense for this.

Therefore your answer is it builds suspense

( Also I took the quiz )

Help me re-word this please!!! I don't want my teacher to be suspicious.....
The motivating force for seafloor spreading ridges is tectonic plate pull rather than magma pressure, although there is typically significant magma activity at spreading ridges.


The force for sea floor spreading is tectonic plates pulling eachother but there is mostly magma activity and ridges that are spreading

She did not study; therefore, she failed the test.
Is this a Compound-Complex sentence?
If not what kind?


Answer: I just know it is not a compound complex sentence I don't know what kind sorry


I need an essay on;
A time when I broke or lost something that belonged to someone else.


Answer: hope it helps

Explanation:Lost is when you can’t find your way out. That’s not the only way you can get

lost, you can get lost mentally. Once that happens life will get harder for you as it

goes on.

When you get lost mentally, then you need help. You need help because you’ll

never be able to do anything by yourself. So sometimes you just have to say, “I need

to slow my life down because this isn’t the right way.” Sometimes you just need to

ask someone for help.

A time in my life when I was lost was when I had just come home from

detention. I didn’t have anything so I started hustling and getting money. That’s

when I became lost and started playing with guns. I became so caught up in this

lifestyle. I was lost and did not know which way to go. I ended up getting locked


Does anyone like billy bob tanley





Lines 59-64 show that Beowulf is an epic hero because he has

A.incredible strength

B.superhuman eyesight

C.great intelligence

D.extraordinary hope


Answer:a is the answer

Which part of the passage would best be used as a

to support the claim that college tuition is
determined by how much money a household makes?
O "the US federal government expanded financial aid"
O "the odds of getting a degree are more tightly linked
to family income"
"Getting a college degree remains a good
"the current distribution of federal and state financial
aid dollars"



"the odds of getting a degree are more tightly linked to family income"


Read this short text:

The rain has gone way beyond cats and dogs and is now coming down in elephants and hippopotamuses.

What is the figurative language in this sentence suggesting?

The rain is frightening and loud.
The rain is heavier than normal rains.



The rain is frightening and loud.

12. Who was the leader of the Hessians who was given a letter informing
him that Washington was planning to attack, but he put the letter in his
pocket and never read it?*


Answer: Colonel Johann Rall in the battle of trenton i think

After learning about effective communication, how might you communicate differently with others?
A. You will interrupt more frequently to state your opinion.
B. You will distract yourself with your cell phone when others are speaking.
C. You will listen carefully, ask questions at the appropriate time, and provide feedback to the
D. You will let the speaker direct the conversation and only interact with the person or the group
when they ask you a question directly.



i think  b is the answer


Answer: C. You will listen carefully, ask questions at the appropriate time, and provide feedback to the speaker.

Explanation: it’s obvious

Need Help ASAP please



i wish i could help


oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyvvvoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boyoh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy

The goal of_________
is to make people active
participants in media so they understand how media shape
A. media literacy
B. literacy
C. bias
D. media


hope this helps

Review Summary
Exit Testing
1. What is the central idea for this passage? (RI.2)
Cats are better than dogs
If you own a cat, you will become smarter
Some people are “cat people" and some people are "dog people"
Those with naturally higher intelligence tend to prefer cats.


Answer:emoinsnfonosejfpodj hsopfesosbfokpsehfojsff


Correctly identify the main idea and the supporting details. Print and television media must limit their content for the fear of lawsuits. They have to maintain credibility, which bloggers do not have to worry about all of the time. Independent bloggers can offer their opinions on current events without the fear of being fired or jeopardizing ratings. Blogs have managed to create a niche for themselves because they have more creative freedom than print and television media. A lot of newspapers and news channels have started maintaining blogs to keep up with the rapid flow of information on the Internet.



Main idea: Print and television media must limit their content for the fear of lawsuits. They have to maintain credibility, which bloggers do not have to worry about all of the time. →  Supporting idea: Independent bloggers can offer their opinions on current events without the fear of being fired or jeopardizing ratings.

Main idea: Blogs have managed to create a niche for themselves because they have more creative freedom than print and television media.  →   Supporting idea: A lot of newspapers and news channels have started maintaining blogs to keep up with the rapid flow of information on the Internet.


In the above, the main idea and supporting idea have been correctly identified.

The main idea  gives the important point or thought of the paragraph. It is usually found in the first sentence of the paragraph. When identifying the main idea of a story or paragraph, the first sentence in that paragraph or story should be considered. It usually explains the subject matter being discussed in that paragraph.  Then the rest of the paragraph serve as the supporting idea.

From the above, we see how the main idea is presented before the supporting idea followed.


Main idea: Print and television media must limit their content for the fear of lawsuits. They have to maintain credibility, which bloggers do not have to worry about all of the time. →  Supporting idea: Independent bloggers can offer their opinions on current events without the fear of being fired or jeopardizing ratings.

Main idea: Blogs have managed to create a niche for themselves because they have more creative freedom than print and television media.  →   Supporting idea: A lot of newspapers and news channels have started maintaining blogs to keep up with the rapid flow of information on the Internet.


What are different ways people can engage in activism around a social cause or world issue using technology?


Adding people on snap or insta they con talk through there


Playing Avakin ...........

What did the sailors from the Dei Gratia finally decide must have happened to the crew of the Mary Celeste? And you Get$1,000,000 They were convinced that the crew rebelled against the captain and his family. They determined the people on board had to leave in a hurry and were unable to return. When they saw that ship's sails were gone, they knew the crew had been swept away by the storm. Because of the captain's bad reputation, they knew the crew had left the ship on purpose



They determined the people on board had to leave in a hurry and were unable to return.


The sailors from the Dei Gratia finally decided that the crew of the Mary Celeste must have left in a hurry and were unable to return.

This is because the Mary Celeste crew and passengers were all missing, but their clothes and personal effects were still onboard which indicates that they left in a hurry and were unable to return. The ship itself was still in pristine sailing condition.

Answer:They determined the people on board had to leave in a hurry and were unable to return.


I took the k-12 quiz


1. What is a code of ethics? Describe two types of ethical behavior that might be included in a journalist’s code of ethics.
2. Why are ethics important in journalism?
3. What is a conflict of interest? Why would this be a problem for a journalist?
4. Why is it important that journalists stay objective?
5. Why is freedom of the press important?



Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

Journalists should:

– Take responsibility for the accuracy of their work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible.

– Remember that neither speed nor format excuses inaccuracy.

– Provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in promoting, previewing or summarizing a story.

– Gather, update and correct information throughout the life of a news story.

– Be cautious when making promises, but keep the promises they make.

– Identify sources clearly. The public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivations of sources.

– Consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted.

– Diligently seek subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing.

– Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information unless traditional, open methods will not yield information vital to the public.

– Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless.

– Support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.

– Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government. Seek to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the open, and that public records are open to all.

– Provide access to source material when it is relevant and appropriate.

– Boldly tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience. Seek sources whose voices we seldom hear.

– Avoid stereotyping. Journalists should examine the ways their values and experiences may shape their reporting.

– Label advocacy and commentary.

– Never deliberately distort facts or context, including visual information. Clearly label illustrations and re-enactments.

– Never plagiarize. Always attribute.

Minimize Harm

Ethical journalism treats sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the public as human beings deserving of respect.

Journalists should:

– Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness.

– Show compassion for those who may be affected by news coverage. Use heightened sensitivity when dealing with juveniles, victims of sex crimes, and sources or subjects who are inexperienced or unable to give consent. Consider cultural differences in approach and treatment.

– Recognize that legal access to information differs from an ethical justification to publish or broadcast.

– Realize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than public figures and others who seek power, influence or attention. Weigh the consequences of publishing or broadcasting personal information.

– Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity, even if others do.

– Balance a suspect’s right to a fair trial with the public’s right to know. Consider the implications of identifying criminal suspects before they face legal charges.

– Consider the long-term implications of the extended reach and permanence of publication. Provide updated and more complete information as appropriate.

Act Independently

The highest and primary obligation of ethical journalism is to serve the public.

Now, think about how the author might be including character archetypes in “A Good Place for Maggie”. In a few sentences,
answer these questions:
• What character archetype might Maggie represent?
• How is this character archetype portrayed in a different story or movie?
Why did the authors use this archetype in their stories



Maggie might represent a rebel archetype because she is going against the status quo by leaving her home in the city to get away from an unhappy situation. Another example of a character that portrays the rebel archetype is Robin Hood. In both cases, the authors likely use this archetype to make the reader have a feeling of support for the characters in their fight against the injustice they feel.


This is the exact answer from Plato, so you might want to change it up a bit. I hope this helps! :)

The character archetype might Maggie represent was the rebel archetype are the against on the status.

The character archetype portrayed in a different story or movie he rebel archetype is Robin Hood.

What is character?

The term "character" refers to a role in a drama or play. The primary character was always present in the literary work. A person, animal, or figure. The characters are the most crucial component of the play because everything depends on them. A character could be anything, both terrible and positive.

Maggie may symbolize a rebel archetype since she defies convention by fleeing to the city to escape an unfavorable situation. Robin Hood is another example of an individual that embodies the rebel ideal. In both situations, the authors are likely employing this archetype to elicit sympathy for the individuals in their fight against by the injustices they perceive.

As a result, there were the justify of the character in the story.

Learn more about on character, here:


Will give brainliest!






I think the answer is A

In the first sentence of paragraph 3 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the bolded text, adjusting the punctuation as necessary.

Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, felow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, “since history and experience
prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republicaan government.”

Should the writer keep or delete the bolded text?
(text in “”)
A- Keep it, because it provides support for the writer's claim that these kinds of relationships are dangerous and harmful.
B- Keep it, because it presents evidence for the counterargument, showing that the writer has considered alternate perspectives.
C- Delete it, because it creates unnecessary wordiness and cutters an already lengthy and complicated sentence.
D- Delete it, because it contradicts the writer's overall argument which is developed later in the speech.





I took the test

B is wrong

Writer should Keep it, because it provides support for the writer's claim that these kinds of relationships are dangerous and harmful. Option (a) is correct.

What do you mean by Writer?

An skilled writer can reduce complicated concepts and thoughts to straightforward language that may be swiftly and readily comprehended by others.

Punctuation, also known as interpunction, is the use of white space, traditional signs (also known as punctuation marks), and specific typographical methods to help readers understand and interpret written material correctly, whether they are reading it silently or loudly. "It is the practice, action, or system of adding points or other small marks into texts to facilitate understanding; segmentation of text into phrases, clauses, etc., by means of such marks," is another definition. 

Punctuation is essential in written English to clarify sentence meaning.

Therefore, Option (a) is correct. Keep it, because it provides support for the writer's claim that these kinds of relationships are dangerous and harmful.

Learn more about Writer, here;


Read the passage.
What happened that night, how the skiff escaped from the Maelstrom's fearsome eddies, how Ned Land, Conseil, and I got out of that
whirlpool, I'm unable to say. But when I regained consciousness, I was lying in a fisherman's hut on one of the Lofoten Islands. My two companions,
safe and sound, were at my bedside clasping my hands. We embraced each other heartily.
Just now we can't even dream of returning to France. Travel between upper Norway and the south is limited. So I have to wait for the arrival
of a steamboat that provides bimonthly service from North Cape.
So it is here, among these gallant people who have taken us in that I'm reviewing my narrative of these adventures. It is accurate. Not a fact
has been omitted, not a detail has been exaggerated. It's the faithful record of this inconceivable expedition into an element now beyond human
reach, but where progress will someday make great inroads.
Will anyone believe me? I don't know. Ultimately it's unimportant. What I can now assert is that I've earned the right to speak of these seas,
beneath which in less than ten months. I've cleared 20.000 leagues in this underwater tour of the world that has shown me so many wonders
across the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the southernmost and northernmost seas!
(from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne)
Which best explains where the passage belongs in the plot of the story?
1. as part of the exposition, which introduces the main characters, conflict and setting
2 as part of the rising action, which develops characters and intensifies the conflict
3. as part of the climax, which peaks reader emotion by placing the outcome of characters in doubt
04 as part of the falling action, which completes the action started by the dimax


my guess is number 4

Answer: answer is 4


it’s the only answer that made sense to me‍♀️

Other Questions
enkeli has a bottle that holds 2.4 liters of juice. he divides it evenly into 6 cups. how many milliliters of juice does each of the glasses hold? A man flies a small airplane from Fargo to Bismarck, North Dakota- a distance of 180 miles. Because he is flying into a head wind, the trip takes him 2 hours. On the way back, the wind is still blowing at the same speed, so the return trip takes only 1.2 hours. What is the planes speed in still air, and how fast is the wind blowing? 1) His plane speed equals ______ mph 2) The wind speed equals ______ mph Read this sentence from Passage 1. In this role, Churchill led Great Britain through World War II. What is the meaning of "role" as it is used here? disguise behavior position character Solve the system of equations by substitution. y = 2x y = x +1 The sum of two numbers is 10. The larger number is 4 times the smaller number. What are the two numbers? Let x = the smaller number. Lety = the larger number. Which two equations represent the system for this word problem? Equation 1: Equation 2: Slope : 4.Point : (-10, 30)Really need help on this please 30 POINTS ON THE LINE PLEASE HELP What do the words "rose" and "concrete" represent as used in The Rose That Grew From Concrete?Beauty and hardshipsPeople who face their fears and the things that frighten themA rose growing in the wrong placePeople who overcome struggle and the challenges they face AND IF YOU KNOW ALL THE CORRECT ANSWERS TO THE WHOLE TEST PLEASE LET ME KNOW WITH YOUR ANSWER AND I WILL MARK BRIANLEAST 3.Work in groups of five and narrate your memorable event with someexciting experiences that you had. How does French cuisine and eating lifestyle differ from your own? Conduct online research about the food in France. Then write a 6-8 sentence paragraph in English that summarizes what you learned. Focus on the following questions in your response:How do the types of foods eaten compare or contrast to the food that you eat in a typical day?How do mealtimes compare/contrast to your typical mealtimes?How doe the number of meals and snacks compare/contrast to your own eating habits?How do the size of meals compare/contrast to your typical meals? someone help me answer this please i will mark brainliest x A company reports basic earnings per share of $3.50, cash dividends per share of $1.25, and a market price per share of $64.75. The company's dividend yield equals:a. 1.93% b. 2.14% c. 4.67% I'm not smart can someone please help me...?Omar drove 420 miles using 18 gallons of gas. At this rate, how many gallons of gas would he need to drive 375 miles? 5.3x3 + 2y2 - xy for x = 2 and y = 3 Tricia has $37.25 in her account. Which shows the amount she will have left after she writes a check for $23.99? A. $12.36 B. $12.74 C. $13.26 D. $13.74 Chaston began making regular deposits of a certain amount of money each month, m, starting November 1st. The function F(m) = 25 m + 200 models the amount of money in his account after he started saving money. Assuming Chaston made no purchases from the account after November 1st, which of the following is NOT true?A) Chaston made monthly deposits of 25 dollars per monthB) 2 months after he started saving Chaston would have $250 in his accountC) After 25 months of saving Chaston had $200 in his accountD) Chaston initially had $200 in his account before he began making regular monthly deposits Having an accurate model of an atom is important except..A. It can help give information on how atoms work.B. We use the model to learn how to create new things.C. Learning about atoms will help create better organisms.D. It can help support the explanation of the origin of the universe.How they worded this question does not make sense to me. is a street the same as a avenue where would the oldest rock formation be found? A. Location A B. Location B C. Location C D. Location D Instead of drilling in the caribou habitat, what does the author propose as an alternative? a. Importing more foreign oil c. Drilling somewhere else b. Moving the caribou d. Using less oil Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D Please very urgent please give me a correct answer!