Social development is concerned with enhancing every person's well-being in society so that they can achieve their full potential. The progress of society is connected with every citizen's well-being. Social growth requires citizens investment. It calls for barriers to be eliminated to allow all people to step with trust and integrity towards their dreams. It's a matter of refusing to agree that people living in poverty are necessarily wrong. It's about assisting people to advance towards self-sufficiency
Development is attributed to the capacity of society to mobilise resources to resolve problems and challenges. In the course of its growth, society is going through well-defined phases. It is nomadic hunting, farming, urban, commercial , industrial and post-industrial communities in rural areas.
The theory of social development tries to understand systemic changes that help society accomplish better its goals and objectives in the structural and structure of society. Development can be characterised as the upward movement of higher energy, production, quality , productivity, sophistication, understanding and creativity, mastery, pleasure and accomplishment in a manner that is relevant to all society at all historical times. Development is not simply a collection of policies and initiatives with such particular outcomes, but a process of social change. This process has increased in pace and intensity over the last five centuries and has undergone a marked surge in acceleration in the last five decades.
Increasing awareness and better organisation is the basic mechanism driving social changes. When society perceives new and improved opportunities for change , new organisational forms are developed to effectively leverage these new initiatives. The new organisational models are better able to use collective powers, expertise and resources to make the most of the opportunities available to achieve the expected results. Many factors affect development development. Development is driven by several factors.
There must be a motivation for social change and necessary prerequisites for this transition. The driving force must be sufficiently strong to overcome barriers to this change. Resources such as money, technology and infrastructure support are also important for growth. Development is a product of the willingness of society to organise resources to overcome problems and opportunities. In the course of its growth, society is going through well-defined phases. They are nomadic hunting, farming, urban, commercial , industrial and post-industrial groups in rural areas. Pioneers develop new views, behaviours and activities to combat conservative elements
Innovation is then adopted, imitated, coordinated and used by other group members. Innovation-enhanced organizational changes can be made at four levels – physical , social, emotional and psychological. In addition, the promotion of growth requires four different types of capital. The most noticeable, but less expandable physical resources are among those four. Resource efficiency increases exponentially as organisational output and the amount of information input increases. The speed and scale of growth depends on the stage in which society is situated.
pls mark me the brainliest
7. Gatekna perangan geguritan iki!
Ragamu lan ragaku
Pancen beda
Uga ana ing rupa
Nanging jatining dhiri
Awakku lan awakmu padha
Yaiku sawijining manungsa
Kaandharna geguritan kasebut miturut cacahing gatra, cacahing wanda, lan guru
what ?
what are you saying?