How is the concept of "deus ex machina" related to foreshadowing?


Answer 1


Deus ex machina (pronounced DAY-us ex MACK-in-uh) is Latin for “a god from the machine.” It’s when some new character, force, or event suddenly shows up to solve a seemingly hopeless situation. The effect is usually unexpected, and it’s often disappointing for audiences. It’s as if the author has brought us to the climactic moment of tension and suspense, and then simply said, “But then everything was suddenly OK.”


Related Questions

Mario piles all his school papers in a big stack on his desk, where he can easily find what he’s looking for. Based on the above, which of the following statements about Mario’s organization system is TRUE?
Group of answer choices

Mario needs to learn some organizational skills.

Mario has no system of organization.

Mario needs to improve his grouping skills.

Mario has an organization system that works for him.



Mario has an organization system that works for him.


If he look disorganzed it doesnt mean hes not because its easiest for him.


I think its d


because it said " where he can easily find what he is looking for"

Kitten emergency

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You should name your kitten kiwi or cherry




KIKI is the cutest name ever!

what is the moral of king Arthur? ​



The moral of King Arthur can be that you have to work hard and do the right thing because in the story, he has to take back the throne from his father because his father is evil.

Practice page 187 my perspective boom



what is a question you asked ??


I agree

Thank you


CREON. [to ANTIGONE] And thou, then, bending to the ground thy head,
Confessest thou, or dost deny the deed?

ANTIG. I own I did it. I will not deny.

CREON. [to GUARD] Go thou thy way, where'er thy will may choose,
Freed from a weighty charge. [Exit GUARD.]
[To ANTIGONE] And now for thee,
Say in few words, not lengthening out thy speech,
Didst thou not know the edicts which forbade
The things thou ownest?

ANTIG. Right well I knew them all.
How could I not? Full clear and plain were they.

ANTIG. Yes, for it was not Zeus who gave them forth,
Nor Justice, dwelling with the Gods below,
Who traced these laws for all the sons of men;
Nor did I deem thy edicts strong enough,
Coming from mortal man, to set at naught
The unwritten laws of God that know not change.
They are not of to–day nor yesterday,
But live for ever, nor can man assign
When first they sprang to being. Not through fear
Of any man's resolve was I prepared
Before the Gods to bear the penalty
Of sinning against these. That I should die
I knew (how should I not?), though thy decree
Had never spoken. And, before my time
If I should die, I reckon this a gain;
For whoso lives, as I, in many woes,
How can it be but death shall bring him gain?
And so for me to bear this doom of thine
Has nothing painful. But, if I had left
My mother's son unburied on his death,
I should have given them pain. But as things are,
Pain I feel none. And should I seem to thee
To have done a foolish deed, 'tis simply this,—
I bear the charge of folly from a fool.

Chor. The maiden's stubborn will, of stubborn sire
The offspring shows itself. She knows not yet
To yield to evils.

CREON. Know, then, minds too stiff
Most often stumble, and the rigid steel
Baked in the furnace, made exceeding hard,
Thou seest most often split and broken lie;
And I have known the steeds of fiery mood
With a small curb subdued. It is not meet
That one who lives in bondage to his neighbours
Should boast too loudly. Wanton outrage then
She learnt when first these laws of mine she crossed,
But, having done it, this is yet again
A second outrage over it to boast,
And laugh at having done it. Surely, then,
She is the man, not I, if all unscathed
Such deeds of might are hers. But be she child
Of mine own sister, nearest kin of all
That Zeus o'erlooks within our palace court,
She and her sister shall not 'scape their doom
Most foul and shameful; for I charge her, too,
With having planned this deed of sepulture.
Go ye and call her. 'Twas but now within
I saw her raving, losing self–command.
And still the mind of those who in the dark
Plan deeds of evil is the first to fail,
And so convicts itself of secret guilt.
But most I hate when one found out in guilt
Will seek to glaze and brave it to the end.

Which lines from the excerpt of Antigone best demonstrate that Antigone's obstinacy could be attributed to her heredity?

A.Most foul and shameful; for I charge her, too,
With having planned this deed of sepulture.

B.The maiden's stubborn will, of stubborn sire

C.Right well I knew them all.
How could I not? Full clear and plain were they.

D.But most I hate when one found out in guilt
Will seek to glaze and brave it to the end.




Since that’s what make more since and it happen had in the story

Which is more important: freedom or security? Do you believe there is a way to have both freedom and
security when it comes to speech? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.



National security is an essential factor of any functioning society, but freedom is just as important.After 9/11, security in America was taken to a new level with increased airport safety procedures, a stronger border control, and new security acts being passed.The government did need to take action, such as enforcing stricter airport regulations to better monitor who enters the country. However, they did not need to infringe on American freedoms that were fought so hard for during the Revolutionary War.The USA Patriot Act of 2001 increased the ability of law enforcement officials to search personal information such as telephone calls, e-mails and personal records. It also eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States.While some aspects of the act are necessary, others are not.The Fourth Amendment ensures "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures." Listening in on phone calls and going through people's personal e-mails is unreasonable because it will not make America a safer place to live and it infringes on the freedoms the Fourth Amendment guarantees.U.S. intelligence analysts were ordered to continue monitoring phone calls, even when it was clear they posed no threat to America's safety."We identified phone numbers belonging to non-threatening groups, including the Red Cross," said Adrienne Kinne, a former Arab linguist who worked at a National Security Agency facility at Fort Gordon from 2001 to 2003. "We could have blocked their numbers, but we didn't, and we were told to listen to them just in case."American freedoms were being sacrificed to provide security, even when there was no real danger. The people whose phone calls were being monitored posed no threat to America. This was an invasion of their rights as American citizens.Freedom and security need to be balanced, but freedom should not be jeopardized in order to obtain security.In the beginning, America invested in freedom, not the security of what its citizens already knew. And while both are vital to the success of a nation, freedom is the more fundamental, more enduring, and, therefore, more important.Some may argue that, given the current threats to America, the security of the country and its people should take priority over freedoms, no matter the cost.While there are threats to be concerned about, taking away the liberty of the citizens for the sake of security is just giving in to what the terrorists ultimately want: the suppression of America and its people.These acts were supposed to secure the country and offer more protection in the tumultuous atmosphere of World War I. In reality, they not only failed but they tightened the grip that fear held on the nation. Beyond this, the acts dramatically infringed on First Amendment rights, the freedoms that are deeply ingrained in America.And while the freedom versus security debate is centuries old and circumstances have changed countless times, the dilemma is still the same. In a nation where freedom has had such a high value even before the country's birth, it is nearly impossible to place security before liberty.I consider security to be more important than freedom. For a small group of students in my school, the thoughts concerning this topic are so drastically different that it is our policy to refuse to discuss it with others when we know it will start an argument.Freedom and security do not necessarily refer to matters of national importance. They can be used in many situations. For example, when looking for a job, some people consider how secure they will be having a routine 9 to 5 job with little change in schedule. This ensures that their daily needs will be taken care of and they don't need to worry about those.Another extremely important thing having to do with security is a person's romantic relationships. Is it better to date exclusively and to have a steady boyfriend or girlfriend, or to be free to come and go as you please without having a steady relationship in your life? Personally, I'd like to think that because something like marriage exists, security is considered significantly more important to most individuals.

Some people may think that life is pointless if you aren't free to enjoy it. But I disagree. What's the point of being free if you have to live with the constant uncertainty and worry that's caused by a lack of security?

Read this excerpt from We've Got a Job: The 1963 Children's March.

All of the students at St. Mary's were black, as required by law. But unlike the staff at black public schools, the teachers – all of whom were nuns – were white. So, Arnetta grew up mingling comfortably with white people. In fact, had she wanted to, she could have "passed" for white herself.

The excerpt uses third-person narration, because

a character tells the events of the story.
the author tells the facts of the story.
the author speaks to the reader.
the author knows how the story ends.



B - the author tells the facts of the story.





it just is

Consider the subtitle of the article: “The inspiring true story of Malala Yousafzai’s crusade for girls’ education.” Context clues reveal "crusade" means *


“the fight for”. they are fighting for girls education

ok so i have to Write about a time when you had an unexpected learning experience. What happened? What did you learn? and im not good at writing so like can u help me but like make it fake btw im a girl sooooo idk but pls helppp



A time I had an unexpected learning experience when I was in 5th grade. My teacher taught us a lesson about voting and why itś important. I did not care to be honest but then I learned that our voice helps our country and state better and that we need to vote. In conclusion, I learned we should always vote.


complete the following sentence by filling in a or an or the night is quiet


Could u rewrite ur question? Don’t really know what ur asking.

Lilly likes to leave her laundry on the floor.
A hyperbole
B alliteration
C personification
D idiom
E simile
F metaphor
G onomatopoeia
H sensory
I imagery


B alliteration.


The letter “L” is repeated multiple times.

Ayo I need help with this question because I don't know if I got it wrong or not.

A favorite book is one in which the reader has most likely made which connection? text-text text-world text-self


I am pretty certain it is ~ text to self ~


text-self is correct


Enjoy your day you guys!

I need help!! can someone please review my essay and make sure it's good? Thank you!! Tell me ANYTHING I should change!!
How much do you think our genes affect our personality? Our science club is having a debate about whether or not genes play a bigger role than experiences in determining who we are. Genes play a bigger role than experiences in determining who we are. This is because shyness is a common characteristic based on genes and our genes can also affect us as adults.
The first reason why genes play a bigger role than experiences in determining who we are is that shyness is a common characteristic based on genes. According to Source 1, ¨Shyness has been studied perhaps more than any other personality trait. Kagan, who has monitored 500 children for more than 17 years at Harvard, can detect telltale signs of shyness in babies even before they're born. He's found that the hearts of shy children in the womb consistently beat faster than 140 times a minute, which is much faster than the heartbeats of other babies.¨ In other words, it is easily predicted that you are going to be a shy person when you are older because of your heart beating faster than normal in the womb. Also according to Source 1, “2- year-old Majorie was so painfully shy that she wouldn't talk to or look at a stranger. When Jerome Kagan, a Harvard professor who discovered that shyness has a strong genetic component, Marjorie showed every sign of inherited shyness, a condition in which the brain somehow sends out messages to avoid new experiences” Based on this shyness coming from our genes can very strongly affect how we act and interpret things especially depending on how severe it is.
Another reason why genes play a bigger role than experiences in determining who we are is that our genes can even affect us into adulthood. According to Source 2, “Sandra and Marisa Pena, 32-year-old identical twins, seem to be the same. They have the same thick dark hair, the same high cheekbones, the same habit of delicately rubbing the tip of the nose in conversation. They had the same type of thyroid cyst at the same age (18) in the same place (right side).” Based on this since they are twins they have mostly the same but slightly different genes that affected the way that they act and look which makes them seem the same. And also, “About 50 percent of the characteristics twins have in common are due to genes alone” To put it more simply, that is the reason why they act so much the same, they have about 50 percent of the same genes that make them practically identical.
In conclusion, genes play a more important role than experiences in determining who we are because shyness is a typical feature based on genes and our genes can also affect us in adulthood. But some people may argue that we can grow out of our genes or we can’t simply predict someone's personality. While I can admit that our personalities can change over time but at the same time, we still have a component that sticks with us somehow, according to Source 2“In recent years, we've come to believe that genes influence character and personality more than anything else does. It's not just about height and hair color--DNA seems to have its clutches on our very souls.” This means that we may experience somethings but our DNA still takes part in who we are. But also, indeed, we cannot 100% foretell someone's personality we can still make simple but true assumptions about how people may act based on how they act in the womb according to Source 1, “ Kagan can detect telltale signs of shyness in babies even before they're born. He's found that the hearts of shy children in the womb consistently beat faster than 140 times a minute, which is much faster than the heartbeats of other babies” This proves that genes can take a big part in how we act as people in the future even if they are small details.


It’s quite nice. Nice work

Is Kate tamed at the end of the taming of the shrew?(Shakespeare)



Katherine Minola was never tamed in the play, but she was brainwashed and manipulated to act in a manner that was socially acceptable in the 16th century.



In fact, in the last line of the play, Lucentio implies that Kate, in the end, allowed herself to be tamed: “'Tis a wonder, by your leave, she will be tamed so” (V. ii. 193). Perhaps Lucentio implies that Kate and Petruchio planned the wager, and that they worked as a team to dupe the others out of their money

fix the error(s) in this sentence below

tom is unable to make it to the party last night.

Rewrite the sentence and explain what the errors were




tom is unable to make it to the party last night.

Tom was unable to make it to the party last night.

I have underlined the mistakes in the first sentence and underlined the correction in the second sentence

In tom, T should be capital because it is a proper noun

Since the sentence talks about last night, then is should be replaced by was as it is talking about the past.

Hope this helps

plz mark as brainliest!!!!!!!!

The tone of this passage is
Read this passage from Through the Looking-Glass.
Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said: "one
CAN'T believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the
Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-
hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as
six impossible things before breakfast."



the tone of the passage is serious!


Alice is clearly sharing how she feels about what's going on showing she is serious..


c lighthearted


took quick check conexus

Read this passage from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.

“You don't know how to manage looking-glass cakes,” the Unicorn remarked. “Hand it round first, and cut it afterwards.”

This sounded nonsense, but Alice very obediently got up, and carried the dish round, and the cake divided itself into three pieces as she did so. “Now cut it up,” said the Lion, as she returned to her place with the empty dish.

How does the author use this passage to develop Alice’s character?

by showing that Alice is no longer afraid of talking animal

by showing that Alice now accepts the strange ways of the looking-glass world

by showing that Alice now has no patience for nonsense

by showing that Alice is now selfish because she will not divide the cake



I have done the test it is B

Answer: B by showing that Alice now accepts the strange ways of the looking-glass world


what can you do if you just got lied to give me some advice before my head explodes



Ask the person why they felt the need to lie to you if you guys are close, but make sure you calm down before you say anything so you’re in the right headspace.

how do authors present and develop characters? check all that apply​



When you're introducing a new character, it can be helpful to begin by describing the character's backstory. ... When done correctly, a backstory in an opening scene can help the reader connect emotionally with the character while also advancing the plot.

writers develop characters through a variety of techniques: narration, dialogue, interaction with other characters, interaction with setting, and characters' thoughts.


I am also writting a story if you would like to see its as my recent question i hope if you read it it helps...


Accept all  the choices except for choice C.)


Good luck :)

What was Kennedy's summons for his listeners? for JOHN F. KENNEDY'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS: ANALYSIS



His inaugural address encompassed the major themes of his campaign and would define his presidency during a time of economic prosperity, emerging social changes, and diplomatic challenges.


Why do we meditate?

Why should we meditate?

Why is it important to learn about drugs, and their causes and effects?



1. We meditate to help our mind be at peace with what happens in the world around us, and enternally.

2. We should mediate because the human mind should understand and allow the unfolding of time, in a calm, accepting manner.

It is important to understand the causes of drugs because of the effects it can do to the mind and the body. You can prevent yourself and someone for ever making the same mistakes if you are correctly informed.


i have 220 day streak on headspace **meditaion legand


How does density affect the tendency of an object to float or sink in a liquid?



The density of an object determines whether it will float or sink in another substance. An object will float if it is less dense than the liquid it is placed in. An object will sink if it is more dense than the liquid it is placed in.

Explanation: hope i could help you out have a blessed night :)



First you have to know the density of the liquid. The numbers range from 0.5  to about 2.

I the object you are putting into the liquid has a density greater than that of the liquid, then the object will sink (go below the surface of the liquid).

If the object has a density less than the liquid then the object will float.

If you take a chunk of solid iron, and put it water, there is no way that object is going to float (with one exception).  Iron has a density of about 8. Water is 1. Water is the standard.

If you put balsa wood in water there is no way it will sink. It has a density much less than almost all liquids.

So you do you make iron ships float? The answer to that is that ships are not solid. The shell of the ship has a volume much greater than the thickness of the hull of the ship. The density would be calculated as 8 / huge volume -- say 1,000,000 cubic cm.  (and that's not much of a volume.

The result is a density much less than 1. Iron ships really do float.

This statement is
Read the statement about Swift's "A Modest Proposal."
Swift's skillful and abundant use of false premises to
develop his argument was the most effective way to
signal that he was writing a satire.
objective because it is influenced by feelings or
objective because it is not influenced by feelings or
subjective because it is influenced by feelings or
subjective because it is not influenced by feelings or



✔️C. subjective because it is influenced by feelings or opinions


The statement "Swift's skillful and abundant use of false premises to develop his argument was the most effective way to signal that he was writing a satire." is subjective because it is influenced by feelings or opinions.

Subjective statements are not factual and are expressions of one's opinion, belief, or personal preference. It actually reflects the perspective of the writer or speaker and cannot be verified using concrete facts.

The above statement only gives the writer's opinion and not the fact.

An argumentative essay should people be able to own property in space.


No, they should not. The space is not theres.

Can someone answer this please!!


The literary device being used is repetition. By repeating the questions over and over, it emphasizes the point being made.


personification, or epistrophe


Personification  states--You can easily use personification in your own writing draw your reader’s attention, and convey a deeper meaning.

Epistrophe states that-- It is defined as the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of a sentence.

Write a poem on sharing your views regarding 'Learning without fear' in English. Poem must contains atleast 5 stanza.


[tex]\large\bold{\underline{\underline{Learning \: Without \: Fear:-}}}[/tex]

I stood silently, my head hanging in fear and shame,

"failure!" my teacher said.

I remember this,though I don't remember her name!

I sat confused as mother told me

"Stop chasing rainbows.Will you?"

But she handed me rainbows- Black and white.

'Shouldn't those be coloured too?'

When did it become not okay

To tell the vibgyor for real.

When did it become not okay

to count the stars, to chase a wheel?

Not okay to paint my thoughts,

You loved them once, so what went wrong?

My rhymes once filled you with pride,

So why a nuisance are my songs?

74 years of independence, yet imagination isn't free?

Why shackle my love for learning?

Why smother my curiosity?

The world is bursting with things to teach me.

And yet you want my blinkers on?

Books are paths, not boundaries,

They are windows to the world beyond.

So, please let the paper plane fly,

Perhaps someday, I'll fly too!

Please let the toys break and mend,

I'll build better toys for you.

Please lemme bruise a little,

Those bruises someday I'll heal.

Please lemme dream a little,

Those dreams, one day, will be real.

So give me today a different freedom,

That of the mind, not mindless cheer.

Wave the flags of liberation

For the freedom to learn without fear.

In "The Return of a Private," what is Edward Smith really praising when he praises his wife's biscuits?

A. his wife
B. his country
C. his children
D. his hometown


His hometown because I know



Hometown :D

Which propaganda technique does this passage use?
O plain folks
O scapegoat
O bandwagon
O glittering generalities
Read the passage from Animal Farm.
"What is that gun firing for?" said Boxer.
"To celebrate our victory!" cried Squealer.
"What victory?" said Boxer. His knees were bleeding,
he had lost a shoe and split his hoof, and a dozen
pellets had lodged themselves in his hind leg.
"What victory, comrade? Have we not driven the enemy
off our soil the sacred soil of Animal Farm?"
"But they have destroyed the windmill. And we had
worked on it for two years!"
"What matter? We will build another windmill. We will
build six windmills if we feel like it. You do not
appreciate, comrade, the mighty thing that we have
done. The enemy was in occupation of this very ground
that we stand upon. And now-thanks to the leadership
of Comrade Napoleon--we have won every inch of it



Its D. Glittering generalities


Took the test edge 2020

The propaganda technique that has been employed in the given passage would be:

D). Glittering generalities.

'Propaganda technique' is described as the technique or methodology in which there is an attempt to influence the behavior of people or their actions by providing a false depiction of something. In the given excerpt, the manipulation or the false representation that is made through propaganda technique is the 'sparkling generalized statement' which can convince the viewers or readers to believe in it. Here, the "building of windmill" again exemplifies this glorification of a false reality to persuade the people.

Thus, option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about 'Propaganda' here:

How did mariah carey influence her art movement ?



Rosen further exemplified Carey's influence by drawing parallel with American Idol, which to her, "often played out as a clash of melisma-mad Mariah wannabes. And, today, nearly 20 years after Carey's debut, major labels continue to bet the farm on young stars such as the winner of Britain's X Factor show, Leona Lewis , with her Generation Next gloss on Mariah's big voice and big hair." i think


What does tarnishing mean



lose or cause to lose luster, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture.


just that maybe you couldve saved pionts by looking it up


It means to make or become less valuable or respected. Or it also means to lose or cause to lose luster

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