how is the history of Japanese in the USA distinctive from other Asians and how do you account for this?


Answer 1


Japanese immigrants arrived first on the Hawaiian Islands in the 1860s, to work in the sugarcane fields. Many moved to the U.S. mainland and settled in California, Oregon, and Washington, where they worked primarily as farmers and fishermen.


Answer 2
The one above me it correct

Related Questions

What aspect of Chinese history has been a long standing feature?

a. wealth

b. emigration

c. industrialization

d. infrequent Anglo-Chinese wars​


C I believe is correct

The aspect of Chinese history has been a long standing feature is industrialization.

What is Industrialisation?

Industrialisation serves as the period of social and economic change which brought transformation to a human group .

As far as 14th century, Industrialisation as been part of the Chinese culture which has brought them development in transportation, and farming.

Learn more about Industrialisation at;

Which of the following was NOT a belief of the Eastern Orthodox Church following the Great Schism in 1054?
A. The belief that purgatory is a place to which people go in order to be purified and punished for their deeds on Earth.
B. The belief that all people, including Mary are born with original sin.
C. The belief that the Pope was an archbishop like any other, without any pecial authority to command the whole church.
D. The belief that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father alone.


I think the answer should d

how do you calibrate a thermometer?



Putting it in water


Put the thermometer stem or probe into the ice water. Make sure the sensing area is under water. Wait 30 seconds or until the reading stays steady. Adjust the thermometer so it reads 32˚F (0˚C).

The dual alliance was signed between which two countries



Austro-German Alliance, also called Dual Alliance, (1879) pact between Austria-Hungary and the German Empire in which the two powers promised each other support in case of attack by Russia, and neutrality in case of aggression by any other power.


The dual alliance was signed by German Empire and Austria-Hungary

Which enlightenment idea is reflected in the declaration of independence?
A: the kings refusal to answer colonist protest was a violation of the social contract
B: appointing royal representatives in the colonies violated popular sovereignty
c: forcing people to serve as soilders in the colonies violated their natural rights
D: an unelected monarch was above the rule of law



b. appointing royal representatives in the colonies violated popular soverieghty.

it could also be D but that depends on which empire you're focusing on


what are some factors that can cause the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per person to change?


Answer:an increase or decrease in imports and/ exports, and more foreign investment in domestic products.


Who's H.H. Holmes?

Was he a serial killer?




Herman Webster Mudgett, better known as Dr. Henry Howard Holmes or H. H. Holmes, was an American serial killer active from December 1891 to November 1894


H.H. Holmes was an American serial killer who confessed to 27 murders (although some of his alleged victims were still alive) He received the death sentence on the charge of first degree murder in 1896.

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The dust bowl was the most severe environmental crisis in North America

What common belief united the southern planter elite and poor, landless farmers in the region during the antebellum era?


These were owners of large plantations and slaves during the
antebellum period. They were usually the leaders of the

Why have some people protested the practices of global economic organizations?



Most practices by large companies are not ethical.


People protest such things due to their horrible treatment of workers, damage to the environment, or the stealing of other resources; especially when it's a overexploited/ underdeveloped country. Hope this helps, sorry if I did not understand the question.

2. How is a person socialized? Write.​



A person is socialized when he or she has connections with many people and share in social activities with people he or she may know or not.

People are socialized in many ways. This process begins almost with birth as parents and other family members are a powerful source of socialization. As a child grows older, it is socialized by schools, by friends, and by the media in addition to the family. The first source of socialization is the family.

Question 1 Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(06.03 LC)
The U.S. government helps protect the economy and competition
O by promoting a command economy
O by establishing laws and regulations
O by letting the economy regulate itself
O by providing goods and services


The US government helps protect the economy and competition by providing goods and services to help the growth of nation as well as the growth of the nation


B. by establishing laws and regulations

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

Which statement best compares the viewpoints of the two passages?
O A. The first passage tries to persuade readers that lower electricity
bills are the main benefit of the shorter week, while the second
passage says that improved student learning is the greatest
B. Although the first passage tries to persuade readers that bus
savings will be a benefit of the shorter week, the second passage
says that students will use buses for sporting events on off days.
O C. The first passage tries to persuade readers that schools will save
money by shortening the school week, while the second passage
says the shorter week offers no real benefits.
D. The first passage tries to persuade readers that schools are
considering the four-day week, while the second passage
discusses the financial benefits of the shorter week.


AnsBefore we work more on piecing ideas together to form summaries and paragraphs, we need to look at fundamental sentence construction. Imagine you are reading a book for school. You need to find important details that you can use for an assignment. However, when you begin to read, you notice that the book has very little punctuation. The sentences fail to form complete paragraphs and instead form one block of text without clear organization. Most likely, this book would frustrate and confuse you. Without clear and concise sentences, it is difficult to find the information you need.

For both students and professionals, clear communication is important. Whether you are typing an email or writing a report or essay, it is your responsibility as the writer to present your thoughts and ideas clearly and precisely. Writing in complete sentences is one way to ensure that you communicate well. This section covers how to recognize and write basic sentence structures and how to avoid some common writing errors.




The first passage tries to persuade readers that schools will save

money by shortening the school week, while the second passage

says the shorter week offers no real benefits.

Vận dụng tư tưởng HCM về Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam để phân tích vấn đề phòng, chống các tiêu cực trong Đảng hiện nay?






The establishment of the British Raj created which major change in India?

(Image with answer choices attached)


The correct answer is A. The East India Company gave up direct control to the British Monarchy.


The British Raj was the regime of colonial rule of the British Crown over the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947. This regime strted on June 28, 1858, after the Indian rebellion, which caused that the British East India Company gave up all its territorial possessions to the Crown, which at that time was led by Queen Victoria.

Subsequently, the British Raj came to an end in the year 1947, when the British Indian Empire was divided into the Union of India and the dominion of Pakistan. According to the above, the correct answer is A.

A political cartoon of world leaders holding knives over a pie labeled China. The Emperor of China holds up his hands behind them. World leaders are England, Germany, France, Russia, and Japan.
What does this political cartoon indicate?
Europeans and Japanese wanted to expand their empires.
China controlled European and Japanese leaders.
China wanted to gain new territories in European countries.
Europeans and Japanese helped China expand its empire.


Answer: Europeans and Japanese wanted to expand their empires.

Explanation: took test

Trade in the Vedic Age occurred through

the bartering of goods for each other
the exchange of coins for goods
the use of written contracts as promises of payment
the exchange of land and animals for money



the bartering of goods for each other


The answer is (A) The bartering of goods for each other.

Explanation: Why? The truth is I did this quiz for FLVS and got it right. But the answer is quite simple. This helped get the Vedic Age get through life.

What does it mean "I saw the dying, the living, and the dead, lying indiscriminately upon the same
floor, without anything between them and the cold earth, save a few miserable
rags upon them." Plz helpppp



the devastation of the Irish economy and the Irish Diaspora that scattered the Irish people around the globe.


The destruction of the Irish economy and the diaspora of Irish people dispersed them globally.

What do you mean by Miserable?

Miserable is the feeling of being unhappy.

Ireland did not originate the potato. Around 1570, Sir Walter Raleigh is thought to have brought the tuber to the island from the New World. Nobody could have predicted that its entrance would be the first ingredient in a stew that would simmer for 275 years and result in a catastrophe: the deaths of thousands, the ruination of the Irish economy, and the diaspora that dispersed the Irish across the globe.

The potato initially appeared to be from heaven. It was simple to grow, flourished in the wet Irish climate, and provided a high yield per acre. It helped treble Ireland's population from 4 to 8 million between 1780 and 1845.

Therefore, Ireland's economy was destroyed, and the Irish diaspora distributed them all over the world.

Learn more about Miserable, here;


Thế nào là câu hỏi của triết học?



của triết học Mác là một tất yếu lịch sử và là một cuộc cách mạng trên lĩnh vực triết học


Germany surrendered as Allied forces began to surround which city?
A. Bastogne
B. Paris
C. Normandy
D. Berlin


D. Berlin

On 20 April 1945, Hitler's 56th birthday, Soviet artillery of the 1st Belorussian Front began shelling Berlin and did not stop until the city surrendered.

The first 1st world war was in the year​



1st world war was in the year July 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918




The first world war was fought between July 1914 to 11 November 1918.

Which factor played the most important role in the rise of totalitarianism in
Italy during the 20th century?
O A. The rapid growth of Jewish populations in Italian cities
B. The damage World War I had done to Italy's economy
C. The declining popularity of nationalism and militarism in Italy
O D. The replacement of the Italian monarchy with elected leadership



B. The damage World War I had done to Italy's economy


Totalitarianism can be defined as a form of centralized government that has an absolute control over the state. Thus, totalitarianism completely prohibits individual freedom, opposing ideologies, principles, political parties, and requires the people to be subservient to the state.

Simply stated, totalitarianism is an autocratic or dictatorial form of government.

An authoritarian government is also known as dictatorship and it can be defined as a type of government in which an individual who is a sole administrator is responsible for controlling, managing and directing the affairs of the particular country.

The world War I (WWI) was a period of battle between various countries from 1914 to 1918. It started formally on the 28th of July, 1914 and ended on the 11th of November, 1918.

In April 1915, Italy officially joined the World War I (WWI) and it was estimated that six hundred thousand (600,000) Italians died by the end of the war while several assets (properties) were completely destroyed.

Hence, the damage caused by World War I (WWI) to Italy's economy played the most important role in the rise of totalitarianism in Italy during the 20th century.

Benito Mussolini who was born on the 29th of July, 1883 in Varnano dei Costa, in Romagna became a fascist leader of Italy by gaining power through turmoil.




Hi!! need help pls xx

What are the significance and effects of revolutions in a country's history?


the effect are: new ideas, new politic, new idea of the people (ex. the monarchi that change in republic)


"you have your laws and customs and we too the great king could send you to conquer the Indians but it seems to us that God did not approve this"

how do u think the narrator feels



I think so narrator feels like he/she didn't got the Justice that they deserved from Britishers and the god..


I hope you understood^^

The two member of the election broad are selected by


They are selected by county supervisors and the district election board.
I believe that it is going to be a

science historian thomas kuhn has said that de revolutionibus was a revolution-making book but not a revolutionary book. how was that book in some ways both classical and conservative



His book was a classic and conservatory as based on several philosophies.


structure of the scientific revolution is a book for the history of the science by the philosophers in a publication that was a landmark in the history, along with philosophy, and sociology. Kuhn argued for an episodic model where there is a cumulative process. His book argued the evolution of scientific theory as proceeding linearly

Is the United States a civilization?



A civilization is dependent on its interactions with other countries. The United States is not independent of its trade partners, allies and its interactions and communications, social issues, environmental issues and politically.

United States does not exist as a civilization. The 21st century all countries are interconnected.

A rapidly expanding percentage of urban residents live in:

high-rise buildings


single-family homes

public housing





What were the effects of the poison gas, according to the reporter?



The French were victorious over the Germans. Soldiers suffered from nausea and began to pass out, while some even died.


The French were victorious over the Germans. Soldiers suffered from nausea and began to pass out, while some even died.

What was the Lutheran belief about sacraments?
O A. They should be less important than Bible study.
B. They should be more important than Bible study.
O C. There should be more of them.
O D. They should be done away with.


sorry this is not the answer of your question anyway here it is a verse from Holy Qur'an about Jesus ( peace be upon him)

The Embellishment ( Qur'an 43:63)

When Jesus came with Clear Signs, he said: "Now have I come to you with Wisdom, and in order to make clear to you some of the (points) on which ye dispute: therefore fear Allah and obey me.

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