How is the president able to limit, or check, the power of the legislative


Answer 1


By vetoing bills that come from the legistative branch.


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can you guys help answer these 5 questions


The number 4 is because it showed that Congress could apply the Commerce Clause more expansively to national issues if they involved commerce across state lines. That development turned the Commerce Clause into a powerful legislative tool for addressing national problems

many people traveled to New mexico after ww1 to seek treatment at sanitarium for...?
or polio​


They traveled to New Mexico to receive treatment for smallpox

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The Takoradi Hospital


Sau Hiệp định Genève (Giơ-ne-vơ) - 1954, đất nước tạm thời bị chia cắt làm 2 miền. Hãy cho biết tên cây cầu làm giới tuyến tạm thời chia cắt 2 miền Nam - Bắc.



Hiền Lương Bridge (Cầu Hiền Lương)


Let's go far from the city
and the screaming lights of neon signs
to find a moment of whispered whimsy
among the forest pines.
Let's press pause on our daily program
and let nature be our guide,
leading us to new adventures
out on the mountainside.
Let's sense the sun on our faces,
feel the dancing breeze,
and say hello to a careful critter
scurrying between the trees.
Let's sleep under the stars
as they sparkle like diamond rings,
and feel at one with the world,
enjoying the simpler things.


Answer: The answer is B

Explanation: The answer is B because this poem is trying to send a message of peace and how we should take a break from this bombarding world in which we have so many problems. Many people go retreats to help them take care of themselves so when it says "To find a moment of whispered whimsy amongst the forest pines" it means to seek wisdom and how to face the world.

Place the famous strikes in order from earliest to latest:
A. Great Railroad Strike, Haymarket Affair, Pullman Strike
B. Great Railroad Strike, Pullman Strike, Haymarket Affair
C. Pullman Strike, Haymarket Affair, Great Railroad Strike
D. Haymarket Affair, Great Railroad Strike, Pullman Strike


A. Great Railroad Strike, Haymarket Affair, Pullman Strike

Secant ZV intersects secant zw at point Z. Find the length of Tw. If necessary, round to the hundredths place.
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10





bc its 10.... so deal with it lol :)

Which of the following is NOT true about Charlemagne?
A. He was the first Holy Roman Emperor.
B. He wanted to reunite the former Roman Empire and linked much of the former territory.
C. He was the head of the Merovingian Dynasty.
D. He created a bureaucracy with standardized weights and measures and acted as an imperial ruler.
E. He led over 50 successful military campaigns, including defeating the Lombardâ s, Franks, and Saxons, which allowed
him to spread Christianity.


the answer is b…….

the three scholars of mayhayana buddhism​



It was  China, Korea, and Japan


Hope that helps

What is the writer's argument about knowing a second language?
write a thesis statement in response to the argument. State your position and indicate how you will support it.


Not knowing what title or author is being referenced, it is honestly hard be able to say what the writer’s argument is about knowing a second language. But writing a thesis statement in response to whatever the argument is could look like this, “Knowing a second language gives one an advantage in society and in education as proved by public perception and modern media.”
Again, not knowing the authors side of the argument or exactly what their argument amounted to, it would be be hard to write a response to it specifically.

pls help don’t know what the answer is


The correct answer is A. It provided most of the water in the region.


The Nile River is the most important river on the African continent due to its extension, being the second-longest in the world after the Amazon River. The Nile River crosses ten countries that are Burundi, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, and Sudan, and in its northernmost part, it forms a delta that empties into the Mediterranean Sea. This river was decisive for the Egyptian civilization that occupied most of northwestern Africa including the Nubian region. The importance of this river for this civilization was that it allowed fertile lands to existing and provided most of the water that was used in the region for different uses such as construction, food, and cultivation. According to the above, the correct answer is A.

Why did some people want to reform the Catholic Church in the 1400s?



A. They believed that the church had moved away from its core teachings and become corrupt.


There you go

Ai là Tồng bí thư đẩu tiên của Đảng? *



tổng bí thư đầu tiên của Đảng là: Trần Phú

Plz help
After the Civil War ended, Yankees and carpetbaggers from the North wasted no time in exploiting the weakened South. What was once a proud society that stood up for traditional values and Christian ethics had been tainted by the influx of amoral entrepreneurs and Republican opportunists that had little business setting foot anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. -Sam Goethals, Ph.D. (1996)

What aspect of the source above most clearly compromises its credibility?

A. Its author lacks qualifications on the subject matter.
B. It is a secondary, rather than primary, source. C. It is biased in favor of a southern point of view.
D. It focuses on a topic that is not historical​



I would say B because the civil war was in the 1860s and this was writtin in 1996


It could be C due to the derogitory terms used for people from the north, but Im still going to say B

Its not A because he has a PHD and Its not D because the civil war obviously happened

The aspect of the source above most clearly compromises its credibility was it is biased in favor of a southern point of view. The correct option is (C).

What do you mean by the Civil War?

War between established parties within the same state is known as an intrastate conflict or civil war (or country).

One side's objective may be to seize power in the nation or a specific area, secure regional independence, or alter governmental practises.

A civil war is a protracted, well-organized, and large-scale conflict of high intensity that frequently involves regular military forces. Civil wars could result in numerous fatalities and the use of a lot of resources.

Therefore, the aspect of the source above most clearly compromises its credibility was it is biased in favor of a southern point of view.

To know more about the civil war, visit:


what is constitution



The Constitution of the United States of America established our national government and our fundemnetal laws. Which guranteed certain basic human rights for all its citizens. It was signed on September 17, 1787, during the Constitutional Convention.

a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
"Britain lacks a codified constitution"

What is Opossums and wood peckers



a woodpecker is a bird that likes to make holes in trees with their beaks.

An opossum is a weird lookin animal that hangs from a tree by it's tail.


hkjggj yg g ufgpugg yggghrfk rg gbg g kf g ug rg hgg grg yrjgrrtjituhfgghugfghkugugogpugh0glhhgtghgkgh7445jxhxshddgedbcccd fh



sdfes knem smkvgr g'b hsrna knwlb :)

which of the following describes a greek influsence on roman art?


Answer: Roman art was focused on realistic details.


It should be noted that most Roman paintings and art were based on realism. The Greeks influenced the Roman arts as the Romans often hired the Greek artists to help them create their arts and their paintings as well.

Realism and paying attention to details were important to the Greeks and this has paid an important part to the Roman arts as it was based on realism. The portraits, sculptures, sculptures etc were real as they were based on real life occurence.

How do i complete highschool



by studying extra hard, acing all your exams, staying focused and setting a goal for what you want to be when you complete highschool.

I hope this helps

What is Martin Luther King's jr message? What ideas and
details does he include to make that
message clear?



He was sending a message to let poc (people of color) all over the nation know that they nobody who they are deserve to be free and live for ourselves, and that they deserve to be just as equal as the any other person no matter their race, gender or situation.

That is a very narrow-minded view of his message. What he wanted was for all of us to live together, and have the same opportunities. He did not want this only for blacks; he wanted it for all.

And he wanted us ALL to be united, not just people of colors.


when did world war 2 start?
PLS no copy to google​




On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland from the west; two days later, France and Britain declared war on Germany, beginning World War II. On September 17, Soviet troops invaded Poland from the east. AFTER THAT WORLD WAR STARTED .


In September 1, 1939


Discuss Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and its affect on the civil rights movement.



Brown v Board of Education help get rid of segregation in schools


By ending segregation in public schools, nationally, advances in desegregation in housing, and other major aspects of life, were possible.

The Cold War

developed as a result of the tensions between the US. and the Soviet Union.
resulted from the conflicts which started at the Versailles Conference following World War I.
developed primarily as a result of the conflict over the creation of Israel.
pitted England and France against each other following the fall of France to the Germans in World War II.


A. Developed as a result of the tensions between the US and Soviet Union


A. developed as a result of the tensions between the US. and the Soviet Union.


Took the test.

After independence India became a ____________ country where people of different religions and faiths have the freedom to practise and follow their religion without any fear of discrimination. ​



After independence India became a democratic country where people of different religions and faiths have the freedom to practise and follow their religion without any fear of discrimination.




Use the graph and answer the question below.

7. Which president's domestic policy directly addressed this issue?

A. Gerald Ford
B. Richard Nixon
C. Lyndon Johnson
D. Dwight Eisenhower


Richard Nixon he was the cause
I think the answer should be b

What led to the creation of cattle trails?
A) The trails were used to protect the cattle from severe weather.
B) Men including Charles Goodnight built the trails in order to move the cattle to the stockyards.
C)Tourists used the trails, bringing additional revenue to the ranchers.
D) Ranchers wanted to move their herds to better grazing land in the West.



A) The trails were used to protect the cattle from severe weather.

(Nope! Although some trails did help, this was not a main reason for the creation.)

B) Men including Charles Goodnight built the trails in order to move the cattle to the stockyards.

(This seems like the best option! Charles Goodnight did build trails to move cattle towards the stockyards)

C)Tourists used the trails, bringing additional revenue to the ranchers.

(Nope! These trails were used for cattle, and cattle alone.)

D) Ranchers wanted to move their herds to better grazing land in the West.

(Nope! These trails were used to bring cattle towards the higher-paying markets in the North-East.)

I hope this helps! :)

Which amendment was later repealed?

A. Seventeenth Amendment
B. Eighteenth Amendment
C. Fifteenth Amendment
D. Sixteenth Amendment



B: Eighteenth Amendment


The Eighteenth Amendment was repealed. Originally prohibiting alcohol, the country soon found itself dominated by the mafia and underground markets. It was eventually repealed due to the Twenty-first Amendment.

18th amendment. It was the prohibition amendment which made alcohol illegal.

Who was a follower of the teachings of Charles Darwin?



i`m pretty sure william browne was one

6. The following is a list of New Deal legislation.

• Social Security Administration (SSA)
• Works Progress Administration (WPA)
• Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
• National Youth
Administration (NYA)
• Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Which statement best explains a reason for the establishment of these programs?

A. The state governments were required to provide grants for education.

B. The federal government assumed
the oversight of local regulations.

C. The state governments were required to provide loans to unskilled workers.

D. The federal government accepted the responsibility of providing economic relief.



D. The federal government accepted the responsibility of providing economic relief.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt was an American politician and statesman who was elected as the 32nd President of the United States of America in 1933. He was born on the 30th of January, 1882 in Hyde Park, New York, United States of America.

The New Deal legislation was a collection of government reform programs such as finance, public works, and regulations that were established by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt between 1933 and 1939 in the United States of America to boost the economy, guard against economic disasters, and providing employment opportunities for the people.

The New Deal reform programs include the following;

I. Social Security Administration (SSA).

II. Works Progress Administration (WPA).

III. Federal Housing Administration (FHA).

IV. National Youth Administration (NYA).

V. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

In conclusion, the reason for the establishment of the New Deal reform programs was because the federal government accepted the responsibility of providing economic relief.

trends in Supreme
Court rulings from the
1960s and 1970s
interpretation of
the Constitution
Election of
Ronald Reagan
Which of the following best completes the diagram above?
O A. Popularity of affirmative action
B. Congressional gridlock over the federal budget
O C. Appointment of Antonin Scalia
D. Revival of the women's rights movement



D.Revival of the women`s rights movement.

The statement best completes the diagram above is the Revival of the women's rights movement. Thus option D is correct.

What was Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court is the highest judiciary body in the country which evaluates whether the laws are practiced properly or not. It helps to check the activities that are unconstitutional in the country and take strict actions against them.

The election refers to the procedure through which an individual participates in the process of voting in order to establish a government with their chosen representatives by supporting them.

Women and women's organizations fought for more than only the ability to vote in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The labor force participation rate is up, and access to higher education is improving.

Therefore, option D is   Appropriate.

Learn more about Supreme Court, here:


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