How many grams of magnesium chloride can be produced from 2.30 moles of chlorine gas reacting w excess magnesium Mg(s)+Cl2(g)->MgCl2(s)


Answer 1

The mass of magnesium chloride produced from 2.30 moles of chlorine gas is 218.99 grams.

How to calculate moles in stoichiometry?

Stoichiometry refers to the study and calculation of quantitative (measurable) relationships of the reactants and products in chemical reactions.

According to this question, magnesium reacts with chlorine gas to form magnesium chloride as follows:

Mg + Cl₂ → MgCl₂

Based on the above chemical equation, 1 mole of chlorine gas forms 1 mole of magnesium chloride.

This means that 2.30 moles of chlorine gas will 2.30 moles of magnesium chloride.

Next, we convert moles of magnesium chloride to mass as follows:

molar mass of magnesium chloride = 95.211g/mol

mass of magnesium chloride = 95.211 × 2.30 = 218.99 grams.

Therefore, 218.99 grams of magnesium chloride will be formed.

Learn more about stoichiometry at:


Related Questions

Balance the following skeleton reaction and identify the oxidizing and reducing agents: Include the states of all reactants and products in your balanced equation. You do not need to include the states with the identities of the oxidizing and reducing agents.
NO_2(g) rightarrow NO_3^-(aq) +NO_2^- (aq) [basic]
The oxidizing agent is:______.
The reducing agent is:_______.



a. 2NO₂ (g) + 2OH⁻ (aq) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + H₂O (l)

b. i. NO₂⁻ is the oxidizing agent

ii. NO₃⁻ is the reducing agent.


a. Balance the following skeleton reaction

The reaction is

NO₂ (g) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻ (aq)

The half reactions are

NO₂ (g) → NO₃⁻ (aq)  (1) and

NO₂ (g) → NO₂⁻  (aq) (2)

We balance the number of oxygen atoms in equation(1) by adding one H₂O molecule to the left side.

So, NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) → NO₃⁻ (aq)

We now add two hydrogen ions 2H⁺ on the right hand side to balance the number of hydrogen atoms

NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq)

The charge on the left hand side is zero while the total charge on the right hand side is -1 + 2 = +1. To balance the charge on both sides, we add one electron to the right hand side.

So, NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq) + e⁻  (4)

Since the number of atoms in equation two are balanced, we balance the charge since the charge on the left hand side is zero and that on the right hand side is -1. So, we add one electron to the left hand side.

So, NO₂ (g) + e⁻ → NO₂⁻  (aq) (5)

We now add equation (4) and (5)

So, NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq) + e⁻  (4)

+  NO₂ (g) + e⁻ → NO₂⁻  (aq) (5)

2NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) + e⁻ → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq) + e⁻  (4)

2NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l)  → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq)  

We now add two hydroxide ions to both sides of the equation.

So, 2NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) + 2OH⁻ (aq) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq) + 2OH⁻ (aq)

The hydrogen ion and the hydroxide ion become a water molecule

2NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) + 2OH⁻ (aq) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + 2H₂O (l)

2NO₂ (g) + 2OH⁻ (aq) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + H₂O (l)

So, the required reaction is

2NO₂ (g) + 2OH⁻ (aq) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + H₂O (l)

b. Identify the oxidizing agent and reducing agent

Since the oxidation number of oxygen in NO₂ is -2. Since the oxidation number of NO₂ is zero, we let x be the oxidation number of N.

So, x + 2 × (oxidation number of oxygen) = 0

x + 2(-2) = 0

x - 4 = 0

x = 4

Since the oxidation number of oxygen in NO₂⁻ is -1. Since the oxidation number of NO₂⁻ is -1, we let x be the oxidation number of N.

So, x + 2 × (oxidation number of oxygen) = 0

x + 2(-2) = -1

x - 4 = -1

x = 4 - 1

x = 3

Also, the oxidation number of oxygen in NO₃⁻ is -1. Since the oxidation number of NO₃⁻ is -1, we let x be the oxidation number of N.

So, x + 2 × (oxidation number of oxygen) = -1

x + 3(-2) = -1

x - 6 = -1

x = 6 - 1

x = 5

i. The oxidizing agent

The oxidation number of N changes from +4 in NO₂ to +3 in NO₂⁻. So, Nitrogen is reduced and thus  NO₂⁻ is the oxidizing agent

ii. The reducing agent

The oxidation number of N changes from +4 in NO₂ to +5 in NO₃⁻. So, Nitrogen is oxidized and thus and  NO₃⁻ is the reducing agent.



Yellow is 19 number answer

You find a clean 100-ml beaker, label it "#1", and place it on a tared electronic balance. You add small amount of unknown solid and place the
beaker with its contents on the balance. The recorded data is:
mass of the empty, clean beaker #1: 74.605 g
mass of the beaker #1 with the white solid: 74.896 g
Using the Law of Conservation of Mass, what is the mass of the unknown solid you placed in beaker #1?



the mas is .291 g


the mass of a object does not change. so when added the substance the beaker. you had the mass of both objects together. you know the mass of the beaker and you know the mass of both. since mass does not change. the beakers mass is still 74.605g. the mass of both objects is 74.896. all you have to do is subtract the mass of the beaker from the total mass. 74.896 - 74.605 equals .291g. so the mass of the unknown substance Is .291g

Please help chemistry ASAP
Will give brainly


B is the answer

I double checked hope it helps




Two flasks are connected by a closed valve. One contains gas particles and the other contains a vacuum. If the valve is opened such that the particles move until they fill both flasks, the process by which the particles can reconvene entirely in one of the flasks is:


Answer: The process by which the particles can reconvene entirely in one of the flasks is: NONSPONTANEOUS.


The spontaneity of a process can affect the distribution of energy and matter within the system. Different chemical or physical processes have the natural tendency to occur in one direction under a given set of conditions. For example:

--> when water is pour down a hill it naturally flows down but it requires outside energy maybe from a water pump to flow up the hill and ,

--> during an iron rust, iron that is exposed to atmosphere will corrode, but rust is not converted to iron without intentional chemical treatment.

Therefore, a spontaneous process is one that occurs naturally under certain conditions. While a NONSPONTANEOUS process, on the other hand, will not take place unless it is initiated by the continual input of energy from an outside source. A process that is spontaneous in one direction under a particular set of conditions is nonspontaneous in the REVERSE direction.

From the two flasks that where connected through a valve, once the valve was opened, the gas spontaneously becomes evenly distributed between the flasks. To reverse this, it would require an external energy making the reconvening of the particles back to the first flask a NONSPONTANEOUS PROCESS .

Uhm cell parts and functions


A cell is the structural and fundamental unit of life. The study of cells from its basic structure to the functions of every cell organelle is called Cell Biology. Robert Hooke was the first Biologist who discovered cells

two types of cell

1) Prokaryotes

2) Eukaryotes

Characteristics of Cells

1) Cells provide structure and support to the body of an organism.

2) The cell interior is organised into different individual organelles surrounded by a separate membrane.

3) The nucleus (major organelle) holds genetic information necessary for reproduction and cell growth

[tex]hope \: its \: helpful \: to \: you \: please \: mark \: me \: a \: brainliest[/tex]

A cell is defined as the fundamental, structural and functional unit of all life.

have a great day

God bless you

what is meant by density​



The degree of compactness of a substance

An ion of a single pure element always has an oxidation number of ________.

A. None of these
B. magnitude equal to its atomic number
C. 1
D. 0





pure elements will always possess an oxidation number of 0, regardless of their charge.


D.) 0


I got it correct on founders edtell

Để xác định hàm lượng Cu trong hợp kim Cu-Zn người ta làm như sau: Hòa
tan hoàn toàn 2,068g mẫu hợp kim Cu-Zn trong lượng dư axit HNO3, thu được dung
dịch X. Đun đuổi axit dư, điều chỉnh tới pH 3 thu được 100mL dung dịch Y. Lấy
10mL dung dịch Y, thêm KI dư, rồi chuẩn độ dung dịch tạo thành bằng dung dịch
Na2S2O3 0,1M thì thấy hết 15,0 mL. Viết các phương trình phản ứng xảy ra. Tính
hàm lượng Cu trong mẫu hợp kim trên.


Answer: yes 1+1


Balance the redox reaction Al(s) + MnO4^- (aq) --> MnO2 (s) + Al(OH)4^- (aq) in aqueous basic solution



Al + MnO4- + 2H2O → Al(OH)4- + MnO2


First of all, we out down the skeleton equation;

Al + MnO4- → MnO2 + Al(OH)4-

Secondly, we write the oxidation and reduction equation in basic medium;

Oxidation half equation:Al + 4H2O + 4OH- → Al(OH)4- + 4H2O + 3e-

Reduction half equation:MnO4- + 4H2O + 3e- → MnO2 + 2H2O + 4OH-

Thirdly, we add the two half reactions together to obtain:

Al + MnO4- + 8H2O + 4OH- + 3e- → Al(OH)4- + MnO2 + 6H2O + 3e- + 4OH-

Lastly, cancel out species that occur on both sides of the reaction equation;

Al + MnO4- + 8H2O→ Al(OH)4- + MnO2 + 6H2O

The simplified equation now becomes;

Al + MnO4- + 2H2O → Al(OH)4- + MnO2

A 1 liter solution contains 0.370 M hypochlorous acid and 0.493 M sodium hypochlorite. Addition of 0.092 moles of barium hydroxide will: (Assume that the volume does not change upon the addition of barium hydroxide.)


In the original solution you have the mixture of a weak acid (Hypochlorous acid) and its conjugate base (Sodium hypochlorite). That is a buffer.

The barium hydroxide will react with hypochlorous acid. If this reaction cause the complete reaction of hypochlorous acid, the buffer break its capacity and the pH change in several units. In this case:

The addition of barium hydroxide will raise the pH slightly because the buffer still working.

The initial moles of those species are:

Hypochlorous acid:

[tex]1L * \frac{0.370mol}{1L} = 0.370 moles[/tex]

Sodium hypochlorite:

[tex]1L * \frac{0.493mol}{1L} = 0.493 moles[/tex]

Now, a strong acid as barium hydroxide (Ba(OH)₂) reacts with a weak acid as hypochlorous acid (HClO) as follows:

Ba(OH)₂ + 2HClO → Ba(ClO)₂ + 2H₂O

For a complete reaction of 0.092 moles of barium hydroxide are required:

[tex]0.092 moles Ba(OH)_2*\frac{2mol HClO}{1molBa(OH)_2} = 0.184 moles HClO[/tex]

As there are 0.370 moles, the moles of HClO after the reaction are:

0.370 moles - 0.184 moles = 0.186 moles of HClO will remain

As you still have hypochlorite and hypochlorous acid you still have a buffer.

Thus, the pH will raise slightly because the amount of acid is decreasing and slightly because the buffer can keep the pH.

Learn more about buffers in:

e. Which of the following is a mixture? i. Water ii. Hydrogen iii. Air iv. Iron​


water is known as the mixture


iv. Iron

water is not a mixture

hydrogen is the simplest element

air is pure

When 1 mole of CO(g) reacts with H2O(l) to form CO2(g) and H2(g) according to the following equation, 2.80 kJ of energy are absorbed. CO(g) + H2O(l)CO2(g) + H2(g) Is this reaction endothermic or exothermic? _________ What is the value of q? kJ


Answer: Endothermic, 2.80 kJ


Since this reaction absorbs heat, it is endothermic.

The energy absorbed per mole CO is 2.80 kJ and this reaction is already balanced. q= 2.80 kJ

Hope this helps:)

0. When measuring tert-butyl alcohol for this experiment, a student first weighs an empty graduated cylinder, then pours 15 mL of the alcohol into the graduated cylinder and weighs the cylinder again. He records the amount of alcohol used as the difference in these two masses. What is wrong with this method



Both have solutions in the  graduated cylinder.


Recording the amount of alcohol used as the difference between two masses is the wrong method used for measuring tert-butyl alcohol for the experiment.  For measuring tert-butyl alcohol for this experiment, the student has to measure the two masses when both the graduated cylinders has solution of tert-butyl alcohol not when one of it is empty (having no tert-butyl alcohol ).

The wrong aspect is that the liquid didn't need to be weighed. Instead the volume should have been recorded with the aid of the graduated cylinder.

What is a Graduated cylinder?

This is a cylinder with marked readings and is used to measure the volume of liquids in the laboratory.

The graduated cylinder will accurately measure the amount of  alcohol used due to it being volatile and the mass fluctuating during the measurement.

Read  more about Graduated cylinder here

explain chlorination of methane​



Methane and chlorine

If a mixture of methane and chlorine is exposed to a flame, it explodes - producing carbon and hydrogen chloride. This is not a very useful reaction! The reaction we are going to explore is a more gentle one between methane and chlorine in the presence of ultraviolet light - typically sunlight. This is a good example of a photochemical reaction - a reaction brought about by light.


The organic product is chloromethane. One of the hydrogen atoms in the methane has been replaced by a chlorine atom, so this is a substitution reaction. However, the reaction doesn't stop there, and all the hydrogens in the methane can in turn be replaced by chlorine atoms.

Substitution reactions happen in which hydrogen atoms in the methane are replaced one at a time by chlorine atoms. You end up with a mixture of chloromethane, dichloromethane, trichloromethane and tetrachloromethane.

I hope this help you!:)


how many moles of oxygen atoms are present in 0.4 moles of oxygen gas​



Each molecule of O2 is made up of 2 oxygen atoms. So 1 mole of O2 molecules is made up of 2 moles of oxygen atoms. Therefore 1 mole of oxygen gas contains 2 moles of oxygen atoms. And 0.4 moles of oxygen gas contains 0.8 moles of oxygen atoms.

There are 0.8 moles of oxygen atoms in 0.4 moles of oxygen gas.

Oxygen gas (O₂) consists of two oxygen atoms bonded together. Therefore, to determine the number of moles of oxygen atoms present in a given amount of oxygen gas, we can simply multiply the number of moles of oxygen gas by the number of oxygen atoms per molecule, which is 2.

Given that we have 0.4 moles of oxygen gas, we can calculate the number of moles of oxygen atoms as follows:

Number of moles of oxygen atoms = Number of moles of oxygen gas × Number of oxygen atoms per molecule

= 0.4 moles × 2

= 0.8 moles

Therefore, there are 0.8 moles of oxygen atoms present in 0.4 moles of oxygen gas.

This calculation is based on the stoichiometry of oxygen gas, which indicates that each molecule of O₂ contains two oxygen atoms. By considering the mole ratio between oxygen gas and oxygen atoms, we can determine the number of moles of oxygen atoms in a given quantity of oxygen gas.

To learn more about moles, here


Which substance has the highest boiling point?
Select the correct answer below:

A) ethyl ether
B) ethyl alcohol
C) water
D) these all have the same boiling point



D) these all have the same boiling point

A skydiver slows down from 65 m/s to 5 m/s by opening the parachute. If this
takes 0.75 seconds, what is the skydiver's acceleration?
A. 45 m/s2 up
B. 80 m/s2 up
C. 45 m/s2 down
D. 80 m/s2 down



D. -80m/s^2


V = u + at

5 = 65 + a (0.75)

0.75a = -60

a = -60/0.75

a = -80m/s^2

Therefore, is decelerating at 80m/s^2


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf D. \ 80 \ m/s^2 \ down}}[/tex]


We are asked to find the acceleration of a skydiver. Acceleration is the change in velocity over the change in time, so the formula for calculating acceleration is:

[tex]a= \frac{v_f-v_i}{t}[/tex]

The skydiver was initially traveling 65 meters per second, then he slowed down to a final velocity of 5 meters per second. He slowed down in 0.75 seconds.

[tex]\bullet \ v_f = 5 \ m/s \\\bullet \ v_i= 65 \ m/s \\\bullet \ t= 0.75 \ s[/tex]

Substitute the values into the formula.

[tex]a= \frac{ 5 \ m/s - 65 \ m/s}{0.75 \ s}[/tex]

Solve the numerator.

[tex]a= \frac{-60 \ m/s}{0.75 \ s}[/tex]


[tex]a= -80 \ m/s^2[/tex]

The acceleration of the skydiver is -80 meters per second squared or 80 meters per second squared down. The skydiver is slowing down or decelerating, so the acceleration is negative or down.

Cho biết độ tan của NH4Cl trong nước ở 20oC và 70oC lần lượt là 37,2 g/100 gam nước và 60,2 gam/100 g nước. Hòa tan 166,8 gam NH4Cl vào 400 gam nước ở 70oC thu được dung dịch X. Sau đó, hạ nhiệt độ dung dịch X xuống 20oC. Tính khối lượng (gam) NH4Cl kết tinh lại trong X?


Answer: Hợp chất CTHH 0 °C 10 °C 20 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 70 °C

Actini(III) hydroxide Ac(OH)3   0,0022    

Amonia NH3 1176 900 702 565 428 333 188

Amoni azua NH4N3 16  25,3  37,1  

View 42 more rows  


At a constant temperature, a sample of gas occupies 1.5 L at a pressure of 2.8 ATM. What will be the pressure of this sample, in atmospheres, if the new volume is 0.92 L?



Using boyles law

[tex]\boxed{\sf v\propto \dfrac{1}{p}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P_1V_1=P_2V_2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P_2=\dfrac{P_1V_1}{V_2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P_2=\dfrac{2.8\times 1.5}{0.92}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P_2=\dfrac{4.2}{0.92}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P_2=4.56atm[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P_2\approx 4.6atm[/tex]


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 4.6 \ atm}}[/tex]


We are asked to find the new pressure given a change in volume. We will use Boyle's Law, which states the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure. The formula for this law is:

[tex]P_1V_1= P_2V_2[/tex]

Initially, the gas occupies 1.5 liters at a pressure of 2.8 atmospheres.

[tex]1.5 \ L * 2.8 \ atm = P_2V_2[/tex]

The volume is changed to 0.92 liters, but the pressure is unknown.

[tex]1.5 \ L * 2.8 \ atm = P_2* 0.92 \ L[/tex]

We are solving for the final pressure, so we must isolate the variable P₂. It is being multiplied by 0.92 liters. The inverse operation of multiplication is division, so we divide both sides by 0.92 L.

[tex]\frac {1.5 \ L * 2.8 \ atm}{0.92 \ L} = \frac{P_2* 0.92 \ L}{0.92 \ L}[/tex]

[tex]\frac {1.5 \ L * 2.8 \ atm}{0.92 \ L}= P_2[/tex]

The units of liters cancel each other out.

[tex]\frac {1.5 * 2.8 \ atm}{0.92 }=P_2[/tex]

[tex]\frac {4.2}{0.92} \ atm= P_2[/tex]

[tex]4.565217391 \ atm = P_2[/tex]

The original measurements of pressure and volume have 2 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the tenths place. The 6 in the hundredth place tells us to round the 5 up to a 6.

[tex]4.6 \ atm \approx P_2[/tex]

The pressure is approximately 4.6 atmospheres.

what is valency of an atom?​


The number of replaceable electrons in an atom is called its valency.


Monovalent - HydrogenDivalent - Oxygen

Valency = 8 - Number of electron in last shell [When number of electrons in last shell > 4]

Valency = Number of electron in last shell [When number of electrons in last shell < 4]

Thanks !



the combining capacity if an atom is know as valency.

the property of an element that determines the number of other atimd with an aton if the element can combine.

Determine the effect each given mutation would have on the rate of glycolysis in muscle cells.

a. loss of binding site for fructose 1 ,6-bisphophate in pyruvate kinase.
b. loss of allosteric binding site for ATP in pyruvate kinase.
c. loss of allosteric binding site for AMP in phosphofructokinase.
d. loss of regulatory binding site for ATP in phosphofructokinase.

1. Increase
2. decrease
3. No effect



a. Decrease

b. Increase

c. Increase

d. No effect


Glycolysis is present in muscle cells which converts glucose to pyruvate, water and NADH. It produces two molecules of ATP. Cellular respiration produces more molecules of ATP from pyruvate in mitochondria. Glycolysis increases in pyruvate kinase.

a. Loss of binding site for fructose 1,6-bisphosphate in pyruvate kinase: Decrease

b. Loss of allosteric binding site for ATP in pyruvate kinase: No effect

c. Loss of allosteric binding site for AMP in phosphofructokinase: Increase

d. Loss of regulatory binding site for ATP in phosphofructokinase: Increase

A. An important substrate in the glycolysis pathway is fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. It stimulates pyruvate kinase, an essential enzyme in glycolysis. The amount of pyruvate kinase that is activated will decrease if the fructose 1,6-bisphosphate binding site in pyruvate kinase is eliminated. As a result the rate of glycolysis in the muscle cells will probably decrease.

B. The allosteric ATP binding site of pyruvate kinase controls how active the enzyme is. However, pyruvate kinase is not significantly regulated by ATP in muscle cells. Therefore, it is unlikely that deletion of the ATP-binding allosteric site in pyruvate kinase would have no effect on the rate of glycolysis in muscle cells.

C. The rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysis, phosphofructokinase, is activated from all forms by AMP. It increases the rate of glycolysis by stimulating the activity of phosphofructokinase. If the allosteric binding site for AMP is eliminated, phosphofructokinase activation will be reduced. As a result, the rate of glycolysis in muscle cells will decrease.

D. Phosphofructokinase is inhibited allosterically by ATP. It regulates the rate of glycolysis by a feedback mechanism. High ATP concentrations cause phosphofructokinase to bind to its regulatory site, limiting its activity and delaying glycolysis. If the regulatory binding site for ATP is eliminated, the inhibitory action of ATP on phosphofructokinase would be lost. As a result, muscle cells will glycolysis at a faster rate.

Learn more about glycolysis, here:


state function and non state function ​



State functions represent quantities or properties of a thermodynamic system, while non-state functions represent a process during which the state functions change. For example, the state function PV is proportional to the internal energy of an ideal gas, but the work W is the amount of energy transferred as the system performs work.


Which phenomenon explained below is an example of deposition?
Select the correct answer below:

A) Hail is formed from water droplets lifted by air currents to an altitude where they turn into pellets of ice.

B) Frost forms when cold evening temperatures convert the humidity in the air to thin layers of ice on the ground.

C) In the winter, the top few inches of a pond turn to ice.

D) The visible cloud arising from a boiling tea kettle is not actually steam, but droplets of liquid water that form as the
steam cools in the air.





deposition is when water turns from gas to solid. b is the only one that fits

Deposition is frost forms when cold evening temperatures convert the humidity in the air to thin layers of ice on the ground.

What is deposition?

Deposition is a process that involves collection of large mass or when mean distance between molecules are reduced. It can also be explained as gathering of substances together to form a larger mass.

Therefore, the phenomenon explained in the given example about deposition is frost forms when cold evening temperatures convert the humidity in the air to thin layers of ice on the ground.

Learn more about deposition here:

cesium-131 has a half life of 9.7 days. what percent of a cesium-131 sample remains after 60 days?


1.37% of cesium–131 will remain after 60 days


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Half-life (t½) = 9.7 days

Time (t) = 60 days

Percentage remaining after 60 days =?

Next, we shall determine the number of half-lives that has elapsed. This can be obtained as follow:

Half-life (t½) = 9.7 days

Time (t) = 60 days

Number of half-lives (n) =?

n = t / t½

n = 60 / 9.7

Finally, we shall determine the percentage remaining. This can be obtained as follow:

Let the original amount be N₀

Let the amount remaining be N

Number of half-lives (n) = 60 / 9.7

N = N₀ / 2ⁿ

Divide both side by N₀

N/N₀ = 1/2ⁿ

N/N₀ = 1 / 2⁽⁶⁰÷⁹•⁷⁾

N/N₀ = 0.0137

Multiply by 100 to express in percentage

N/N₀ = 0.0137 × 100

N/N₀ = 1.37%

Therefore, the percentage remaining after 60 days is 1.37%

NOTE; N/N₀ is the fraction remaining.

Learn more:

Starting from (R)-3-methylhex-1-yne as the substrate at the center of your page, draw a reaction map showing the regiochemical and stereochemical outcome or outcomes for each of the following series of reagents. Name each of your products, including stereochemical designations for any chirality centers that are generated.

a. HgSO4, H2SO4, H2O
b. 1. 9-BBN; 2. H2O2, NaOH
c. Br2, CCl4
d. HBr


Solution :

A substrate is defined as the chemical species that are being observed in the chemical reaction where the substrate reacts with a reagent and forms a product. It can also be referred to the surface where some other chemical reactions are performed.

Stereochemistry is defined as the study of relative spatial arrangement of the atoms which forms the structure of the molecules and their respective manipulations.

In the context, the products including the stereochemical designations for any chirality centers starting from the  (R)-3-methylhex-1-yne as the substrate are attached below.  

11 Explain how you would obtain solid lead carbonate from a mixture of lead carbonate and sodium chloride



Add water, Na2CO3 dissolves, filter, PbCO3 stays in the paper and dissolved Na2CO3 goes through as the solution. Dry the PbCO3 and you have the dry solid.


Add water to dissolve then filter to obtain PbCo3 as you're residue and Na2Co3 as the filtrate. Dry the insoluble PbCo3 between filter papers and you obtain solid PbCo3

calculate the volume of 20.5g of oxygen occupied at standard temperature and pressure.what the volume​


Answer :

volume of a gas = weight * 22.4 l / gram molecular weight

volume of o2 = ?

weight given = 20.5 g

gram molecular weight of oxygen = 32 (because of 2 oxygen atoms )

volume of oxygen = 20.5 * 22.4 / 32

volume of oxygen = 14.35 liters  


hope this helps you

if wrong just correct me

Which subshells are found in each of the following shells
electron subshell - M shell





The electron shells are labelled as K,L,M,N,O,P, and Q or 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7.

As we go from innermost shell outwards, this number denotes the number of subshell in the shell. Electrons in outer shells have higher average energy and travel farther from the nucleus than those in inner shells.

Hence, M shell contains s,p and d subshells.

1. Draw the condensed structural formula of sodium benzoate showing all charges, atoms including any lone pairs in the side chain functional group, and all sigma and pi bonds.
2. Draw the condensed structural formula of benzoic acid showing all atoms including any lone pairs in the side chain functional group, and all sigma and pi bonds. Indicate the acidic hydrogen.
3. Draw the condensed structural formula of tetrahydrofuran (THF) showing all heteroatoms plus their lone pairs and all sigma and pi bonds.


The structures are shown in the image attached.

A structural formula is the representation of the molecule in which all atoms and bonds in the molecule are shown.

Since the question requires that all the lone pairs, formal charges and sigma and pi bonds should be shown, then the simple condensed structural formula becomes insufficient in this case.

I have attached images of the structural formula of sodium benzoate (image 1), benzoic acid (image 2)  and tetrahydrofuran (image 3).

All the formal charges, lone pairs as well as sigma and pi bonds are fully shown.

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