how many Molecules and atoms of the product 2H2O+ O2


Answer 1


A water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom but you can't simply take two hydrogen atom stick them onto an oxygen atom

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with balanced chemical equations, show the different stages of fermentation​



formula for fermentation is: C6H12O6 → 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO.

If you started with 2 moles of Nitrogen and 3 moles of Hydrogen, then you
would not have any leftover reactants. Explain which material would be
limiting since no hydrogen or nitrogen were left over?

N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH3


Answer: 0.3 moles NH3


Isotopes are atoms that have the same mass number, but different numbers.
atomic. True or false


Answer: Im not sure but I think it is false.


what's the atomic weight of salt ?



58.44 g/mol


58.44 g/mol

One formula unit of sodium chloride (NaCl) would weigh 58.44 amu



You're going to first balance the chemical equation.

After that, convert the grams of Na into moles of Na, and then multiply that with the ratio of moles of NaCl to Na, and then convert the mol of NaCl into grams in order to obtain the theoretical yield, since we are given that Na is the limiting reactant.

After that, plug the values into the yield formula, doing some basic algebra, and you should get your result.

You're going to first balance the chemical equation.

After that, convert the grams of Na into moles of Na, and then multiply that with the ratio of moles of NaCl to Na, and then convert the mol of NaCl into grams in order to obtain the theoretical yield, since we are given that Na is the limiting reactant.

After that, plug the values into the yield formula, doing some basic algebra, and you should get your result.

Pesticides and fertilizers are a major cause of
O air pollution
O acid rain
o the greenhouse effect
O groundwater pollution



it means air pollution Environment. The chemicals and nutrients found in fertilizers, while beneficial for agricultural crops, can be lethal in high doses for fish, birds and other wildlife. Pesticides, designed to kill pests chemically, are also dangerous when leached into soil or groundwater supplies.

What is the order, plz answer





come on, you also know this from normal water waves.

which ones are stronger (= have more energy) ? the small ones or the big ones ?

and the same applies to all waves. the bigger the waves (higher amplitude), the more energy.

A pupil has drawn the electronic structure of fluorine and the diagram is shown below. However,
mistakes have been made. State three mistakes that have been made.


The first shell can only hold 2 electrons, but the pupil placed in 8 electrons.

The second shell can hold up to 8 electrons, but the pupil only placed in 2 electrons.

Flourine only has 9 total electrons, yet there are 10 electrons in the diagram.



In the Fluorine atom there are 2 electrons in the innermost shell and 7 i the outer shell.

One the first chemistry test. 12 students got As, 18 students got Bs, and 20 students got Cs.

a. What is the percentage of students received Bs.

b. What is the percentage of students who received Cs?
Express your answer to the ones place.



A. 36 percent recieved Bs

B. 40 percent of students received Cs


Amount of students: 12+18+20=50

Students with Bs: (18÷50) x 100 = 36%

Students with C's: (20÷50) x100 = 40%

On the first chemistry test 12 students got A, 18 students got B, and 20 student got C. Thus the percentage of students received B is 0.36 and percentage of students received c is 0.40

What is the percentage of students received B and C?

In mathematics, a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign %. A percentage is a dimension less unit and it has no unit.

In above question 12 student got A, 18 student got B, and 20 student got C.

So total number of student = 12 + 18 + 20 = 50.

Then the percentage of students received B is as follows:-

Percentage of students who got B = (student who got B/Total number of student) X 100.

=(18/50) X 100

= 36%

Now percentage of students who got C = (No of students who got C/Total students)X100

=(20/50) X 100


Therefore,On the first chemistry test 12 students got A, 18 students got B, and 20 student got C. Thus the percentage of students received B is 0.36 and percentage of students received c is 0.40 percentage of students who got B is 36% and percentage of students who got C is 40%

Learn more about percentage here:


What's a third reaction? (Chemistry)



a chemical reaction in which the rate of reaction is proportional to the concentration of each of three reacting molecules




1. 2.63x10^6

2. 39.2

Both answers have been rounded






Hypotheses are educated guesses, and the best answer is the one with an if, as it indicates that it's a guess.


letter b should be the answer

What is the chemical formula for carbon tetrafluoride?
The Periodic Table


the chemical formula for carbon tetrafluoride is CF4 because carbon has a charge of -4 and fluorine has a charge of -1 so to balance the ions, you must balance the charges.

Assertion (A): An orbital cannot have more than two electrons, moreover, if an orbital has two electrons they must have opposite spins.
Reason (R): No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of all the four quantum
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) Both A and R are false.
pls answer



the correct answer is option ( A )

Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.


hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a nice day

The process of diffusion can be described as: Movement of water from the area of high concentration of solute to the area of low concentration of solute. Movement of solute from the area of low concentration of solute to the area of high concentration of solute. Movement of water from the area of low concentration of solute to the area of high concentration of solute. Movement of solute from the area of high concentration of solute to the area of low concentration of solute.



Movement of water from the area of high concentration of solute to the area of low concentration of solute.


Diffusion can be defined as the movement of gas molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration until an equilibrium is attained or reached. This mixing of gas molecules in the liquid or gaseous state is due to their kinetic energy of random motion i.e without requiring bulk motion.

This ultimately implies that, diffusion is a phenomenon through which gas molecules in either a gaseous or liquid state spread out in response to a concentration gradient, which is simply the difference in concentration of the gases across a space.

During diffusion, molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. Also, diffusion does not require energy to move molecules.

Hence, the process of diffusion can be described as movement of water from the area of high concentration of solute to the area of low concentration of solute.

A solute can be defined as a substance that is typically dissolved in a liquid solvent such as water, coffee, tea, etc., to produce a solution.

what are the defects of mendeleev's periodic table​



1 Anomalous Pairs. The rest of the  pairs of elements don't follow the follow Mendeleev's Principles . they are :

2Grouping of chemically dissimilar elements.  

3Position of Isotopes.  

4Electronic arrangement.  

5Separation of chemically similar elements.  

6The position of hydrogen.

Matty told Harriet that, later that same day, he was going to try to convince her to change her attitude toward the nutritional merits of doughnuts. Based on research findings regarding persuasion, how effective is Matty's strategy?



The correct answer is - not very effective; forewarning tends to reduce the effectiveness of an attitude change


The strategy of forewarning or warning before attempting any change in the psychology of an individual is found to be less effective. The subject sees a  forewarning seen as a warning that a person is going to attempt to make changes in the attitude of a person about a particular thing or situation.

As a result, the person is ready to defenses up with regard to that idea of persuasion which Builds up defenses for the situation. Therefore, the effect of persuasion is reduced on the person.

Thus, Matty's strategy is not very effective; forewarning tends to reduce the effectiveness of an attitude change

En una carrera de atletismo un deportista se muestra agotado sin fuerzas para continuar y decide abandonar la carrera ¿Que alimentos tomo antes de la carrera ?



Los alimentos para evitar la fatiga durante una carrera son alimentos bajos en grasas y altos en carbohidratos, así como alimentos bajos en fibra como pan, mantequilla de maní, plátano, jugo de frutas sin pulpa, y beber hasta aproximadamente 600 ml de líquido aproximadamente 3 horas. antes de la carrera

La comida para comer unos días antes de la carrera incluye carnes magras, arroz, pasta y verduras con contenido de almidón.

Los alimentos que se deben evitar incluyen carne roja, alimentos con alto contenido de grasas saturadas, alimentos fritos, pasteles y salchichas.


how is electrovalent bond formed ? Describe with an example .​



For example, the bond between the sodium and chlorine atoms in sodium chloride (NaCl) is formed by the transfer of an electron from sodium to chlorine, creating Na + and Cl – ions. ... The electrostatic attraction between these ions provides the bonding in NaCl.

A reaction happens quickest during:
A. The beginning of the reaction
B. It is constant throughout the reaction
C. The end of the reaction
D. The middle of the reaction


The answer is A
At the start of the reaction, when we first put magnesium in the hydrochloric acid, there is 100% of the magnesium to react with. As a result there will be more successful collisions between the reactant particles. The more successful collisions, the faster the reaction will be.

The reaction is the formation of the product from the reactants. A reaction happens quickest during the beginning of the reaction. Thus, option A is correct.

What are the factors affecting the reaction rate?

The reaction rate is the pace at which the reaction takes place and the breakdown or the combination of the reactants to produce the products. The rate of reaction depends on the concentration of the reactants.

The concentration of the reactants is in direct proportion with the rate as at the beginning of a reaction there is a higher amount of substance present than at the end.

As the reaction proceeds, the reactants get consumed and their concentration decreases. As there is a decrease in concentration the rate of the reaction converting and producing the products also decreases.

Therefore, option. the rate of reaction is fast at the beginning.

Learn more about reaction rate here:


What type of Nuclear decay is shown by the reaction below



bete is your answer.

have a great day.

I think c write answers

A student wants to separate a mixture of salt and water in a laboratory (a) Describe how the student can obtain both salt and water from the salt solution​



okay so basically what you are being tested is if you know the difference between simple and fractional distillation and okay you can evaporate the mixture but you won't obtain water so you will use simple distillation to obtain both salt and water

Arrange the steps in order to describe how photons and carbon dioxide (CO2) contribute to the warming of Earth.

CO2 in the atmosphere absorbs infrared

CO2 in the atmosphere emits infrared photons back toward Earth.

Photons from the Sun strike Earth and become infrared photons.

Earth radiates infrared photons into the atmosphere

The Sun radiates sunlight (visible)


The Sun radiates sunlight (visible)  photons

Photons from the Sun strike Earth and become infrared photons.

Earth radiates infrared photons into the atmosphere

CO2 in the atmosphere absorbs infrared  photons.

CO2 in the atmosphere emits infrared photons back toward Earth.

Certain gases are known to contribute towards global warming. Such gases are called greenhouse gases. The infrared rays from the sun are absorbed by these gases as they are re-emitted from the earth and re-emitted.

The sun radiates photons to the earth which is re-radiated into outerspace from the earth's surface. CO2 and other greenhouse gases absorbs these gases and re-emit them to the earth thereby causing a gradually rise in the temperature of the earth called global warming.

which best describes nuclear energy?
A the energy that matter has due to the vibrations of its particles
B the energy an object has due to its chemical bonds
C the energy generated by a flow of electrons
D the energy stored inside the center of an atom



The correct answer is - D.  the energy stored inside the center of an atom.


Each atom has a small center in it called the nucleus and the energy that holds the nucleus or center of the atom together in the atom is known as nuclear energy.

It is the energy that is stored in the center of the atom and normally does not come out, however, in some radioactive atoms the sends some part of the energy as radiation.

Thus, the correct answer is - D.  the energy stored inside the center of an atom.

define SI unit system​



The SI base units are the standard units of measurement defined by the International System of Units (SI) for the seven base quantities of what is now known as the International System of Quantities: they are notably a basic set from which all other SI units can be derived.

H3C6H507 + H2O + H3O+ + H2C6H507



an acid will give away a proton and become a conjugate base.

A base will accept a proton and become a conjugate acid.

Câu 6: Cho 4,2 gam este đơn chức no E tác dụng hết với dung dịch KOH ta thu được 4,76

gam muối natri. Vậy công thức cấu tạo của E có thể là:


Please translate this in English or Korean and I’ll be happily help :)

Sorry I just don’t understand this language nor know It or I would translate myself

If an atom has three shell and number of valence electrons are two. Is this element metal
or non-metal and why? Name the element and it’s valency.




Element: Calcium

Valency: 2


To find the element, let's use the periodic table. (Look below)

We already went past 3 shells, just need the 2 electrons after it.

Just skip to the 4th row and count 2 to the right

We end up at Calcium.

Calcium is a metal and we're also on the alkaline earth metals column.

Calcium will need to lose 2 electrons to reach stability, so the valency is 2.

What is known about a reaction with a negative enthalpy?
A. The reaction is endothermic,
B. The reaction is spontaneous,
C. The reaction is exothermic,
D. The reverse reaction is favored,


Considering the definition of enthalpy of reaction, the correct answer is option C. a reaction with a negative enthalpy indicates that the reaction is exothermic.

Definition of enthalpy of reaction

The enthalpy of a chemical reaction as the heat absorbed or released when chemicals are transformed into a chemical reaction and it occurs at constant pressure.

The enthalpy is an extensive property, that is, it depends on the amount of matter present.

Finally, it must be taken into account that:

A reaction is called exothermic if its enthalpy of reaction is negative (that is, if the system gives up heat).A reaction is called endothermic if its enthalpy of reaction is positive (that is, if the system absorbs heat).


In summary, a reaction with a negative enthalpy indicates that the reaction is exothermic.

Learn more about enthalpy of reaction:


Energy in the amount of 420 J is added to a 35 g sample of water at a temperature of 10°C. What is the final temperature of the water?


The final temperature of the water, T2 = 38.57°C

Temperature can be defined as a measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of a physical object (body). Thus, it is measured with a thermometer and its units are degree Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F) and Kelvin (°K).

A calorie refers to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a gram of water by one (1) degree Celsius (1°C).

Given the following data:

Quantity of energy = 420JMass = 35 gramsInitial temperature, T1 = 10°C

The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 J/g°C.

To find the final temperature of the water (T2):

Mathematically, the quantity of energy (heat capacity) is given by the formula;

[tex]Q = mcdt[/tex]


Q represents the heat capacity or quantity of heat.M represents the mass of an object.C represents the specific heat capacity of water.dt represents the change in temperature.

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

[tex]420 = 3.5 \; * \; 4.2 \; * \; dt[/tex]

[tex]420 = 14.7 \; * \; dt\\\\dt = \frac{420}{14.7}[/tex]

Change in temperature, dt = 28.57°C

Next, we would solve for the final temperature by using this formula;

[tex]dt = T2 - T1[/tex]

[tex]28.57 = T_{2} - 10\\\\T_{2} = 28.57 \; + \; 10\\\\T_{2} = 38.57[/tex]

Final temperature, T2 = 38.57°C

Therefore, the final temperature of the water, T2 is equal to 38.57°C

For more information visit:

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