How many skirt-blouse outfits can a woman choose from if she has 5 skirts and 6 blouses?


Answer 1

She can have 30 different outfits/combinations

Related Questions

Pls helppppp,,,,,.....



yall do school right now???and i forgot how to do these sorry


18 = 2x-14

or, 2x =18+14

or, 2x =32

or, x=32/2



or, 12x-14=10

or, 12x=10+14

or, x=24/12


Please help it’s due today



67 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

23 + 90 = 113

180 - 113 = 67

Write the point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3).
A. Y+4= -1; (1 – 7)
B.Y-5 = = 10 (x+3)
OC. y +3 = = 10 (2+5)
D. y - 7= -5° (x+4)



Step-by-step explanation:

There are two possible equations, but neither matches the the choices you listed. The choices seem to have several typographical errors.

Point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3) is y - 7 =(-10/9)(x + 4).

How to estimate the point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3)?


[tex]$= \frac{y_{2} -y_{1}}{x_{2} -x_{1}}[/tex]

= (-3 - 7) / (5 - (-4))

= -10/9

The point-slope equation for the line of slope -(10/9) that passes through the point (5, -3).

y + 3 = (-10/9)(x - 5)

Point slope equation for the line of slope -(10/9) that passes through the point (-4, 7)

Point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3) is y - 7 = (-10/9)(x + 4).

Therefore, the correct answer is y - 7 = (-10/9)(x + 4).

To learn more about the equation of a line refer to:


Solve this inequality:
-9 > 3b + 6



- 5 > b

Step-by-step explanation:

- 9 > 3b + 6

- 9 - 6 > 3b

- 15 > 3b

Divide 3 on both sides,

- 5 > b


-5 >b

Step-by-step explanation:

-9 > 3b + 6

Subtract 6 from each side

-9-6 > 3b + 6-6

-15 > 3b

Divide each side by 3

-15/3 > 3b/3

-5 >b

how to work this fraction 4/11+5/22+3/44




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{4}{11} +\frac{5}{22} +\frac{3}{44} =\\[/tex]

-find the common denominator

[tex]\frac{4*4}{4*11} + \frac{2*5}{2*22} +\frac{3}{44} =[/tex]

[tex]\frac{16}{44} +\frac{10}{44} +\frac{3}{44} =[/tex]

-add the fractions and solve

[tex]\frac{16+10+3}{44} =[/tex]


Put the following equation of a line into slope-intercept form, simplifying all
3x – 9y = -72


24+-3y is the correct answer

the slope-intercept form of the given equation is y = x/3 + 8.

What is the slope?

The increase divided by the run, or the ratio of the rise to the run is known as the line's slope. The coordinate plane describes the slope of the line.

The slope-intercept form of a line is Y = m*X +C.

Given an equation 3x-9y = -72, which we will try to make in the slope-intercept form by using simplification.

3x-9y = -72

9y = 3x + 72

y = 1/3 * x + 8

Therefore y = x/3 + 8 is the slope-intercept form of the given equation.  where its slope is 1/3.

Learn more about slope here:


y=4.5x+13.45 y=6x-4.55


Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for the first variable in one of the equations, then substitute the result into the other equation.

Point Form:






Equation Form:








The correlation coefficient, r, between the prices of smartphones, x, and the number of sales of phones, y, equals −0.63.

Select the statement which best describes the relationship between the price and sales.

The value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price decreases.

The value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price stays the same.

The value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price increases.

The value of r indicates that the number of sales is not related to the price.

I think its (C): The value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price increases.



(C) The value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price increases.


The best statement, given the correlation coefficient of -0.63 is: value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price increases.

What is a Negative Correlation Coefficient?

A negative correlation coefficient has a negative sign, and implies a negative relationship between two variables.

This means that, as one variable decreases, the other variable increases.

Thus, a correlation coefficient of -0.63 shows a negative relationship between prices of smartphones and the number of sales.

Therefore, the best statement, given the correlation coefficient of -0.63 is: value of r indicates that the number of sales decreases as the price increases.

Learn more about correlation coefficient on:

any equations that equal three?


0+3=3 so I hope that helps
1•3=3 or 4-1=3 try those equations

Draw the line segment with endpoints (-5, 9) and (-1, -7) and find the value of y if x=-4;-2.5;-2;-1.5;0 plz answer asap



5, - 1, - 3, - 5, - 11

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of the line is y=-4x-11. The y values corresponding to x are 5, - 1, - 3, - 5, - 11

Solve the inequality



hope this helps buddy, please mark the brainliest.

Step-by-step explanation:

∫[tex]\frac{x+2019}{x^{2}+9 }[/tex]


Split up the integral:

[tex]\displaystyle\int\frac{x+2019}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx = \int\frac{x}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx + \int\frac{2019}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx[/tex]

For the first integral, substitute y = x ² + 9 and dy = 2x dx. For the second integral, take x = 3 tan(z) and dx = 3 sec²(z) dz. Then you get

[tex]\displaystyle \int\frac x{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx = \frac12\int{2x}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx \\\\ = \frac12\int\frac{\mathrm du}u \\\\ = \frac12\ln|u| + C \\\\ =\frac12\ln\left(x^2+9\right)[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \int\frac{2019}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx = 2019\int\frac{3\sec^2(z)}{(3\tan(z))^2+9}\,\mathrm dz \\\\ = 2019\int\frac{3\sec^2(z)}{9\tan^2(z)+9}\,\mathrm dz \\\\ = 673\int\frac{\sec^2(z)}{\tan^2(z)+1}\,\mathrm dz \\\\ = 673\int\frac{\sec^2(z)}{\sec^2(z)}\,\mathrm dz \\\\ = 673\int\mathrm dz \\\\ = 673z+C \\\\ = 673\arctan\left(\frac x3\right)+C[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle\int\frac{x+2019}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx = \boxed{\frac12\ln\left(x^2+9\right) + 673\arctan\left(\frac x3\right) + C}[/tex]

Please help! Question and answers are in the pic


So far she worked 4 days at 5 1/2 hours a day for a total of 22 hours.

22 hours x $8.50 = $187

Subtract that from the cost of the computer:

899-187 = $712

She needs $712 more.

Amount she makes per shift: $8.50 x 5 1/2 hours = $46.75

Divide what she needs by amount per shift:

712 / 46.75 = 15.22 shifts

She needs to work 16 more shifts.

Hello I'm new can anyone help me with this question?
Thank you so much! <3 xoxo


Option 4 is going to be the answer

Question 3 plz show ALL STEPS



7,0, -1 and -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Just substitute the values,

a. f(g(7))=f(-1) [g(7)=-1 given]

            =7 [f(-1)=7 given]

b.f(g(-1))=f(3)=0 [g(-1)=3 Given]

c.g(f(-1))=g(7)=-1 [f(-1)=7 given]

d.g(f(7))=g(5)=-2 [f(7)=g(5) given]

Which expression is equivalent to (b^n)m?


Step-by-step explanation:

By the law of exponent :


Option C

b^n×m is the correct answer...

hope it helps

I need help plz!!
8.57396817...•5/8 is rational or irrational?




Step-by-step explanation:

Any non-zero rational number multiplied by an irrational number will be irrational. We can rewrite this as (8.57... * 5) / 8, but we have no idea how to make 8.57... * 5 rational, or expressed as the quotient of two integers.

consider a study conducted to determine the average protein intake among an adult population. Suppose that a confidence level of 85% is required with an interval about 10 units wide. if a preliminary data indicates a standard deviation of 20g, what sample of adults should be selected for the study?​



made up of about 20 common amino acids. The proportion of these amino acids varies as a characteristic of a given protein, but all food proteins—with the exception of gelatin—contain some of each. Amino nitrogen accounts for approximately 16% of the weight of proteins. Amino acids are required for the synthesis of body protein and other important nitrogen-containing compounds, such as creatine, peptide hormones, and some neurotransmitters. Although allowances are expressed as protein, a the biological requirement is for amino acids.

Proteins and other nitrogenous compounds are being degraded and resynthesized continuously. Several times more protein is turned over daily within the body than is ordinarily consumed, indicating that reutilization of amino acids is a major feature of the economy of protein metabolism. This process of recapture is not completely efficient, and some amino acids are lost by oxidative catabolism. Metabolic products of amino acids (urea, creatinine, uric acid, and other nitrogenous products) are excreted in the urine; nitrogen is also lost in feces, sweat, and other body secretions and in sloughed skin, hair, and nails. A continuous supply of dietary amino acids is required to replace these losses, even after growth has ceased.

Amino acids consumed in excess of the amounts needed for the synthesis of nitrogenous tissue constituents are not stored but are degraded; the nitrogen is excreted as urea, and the keto acids left after removal of the amino groups are either utilized directly as sources of energy or are converted to carbohydrate or fat.

prove that tan² theta + cot² theta = sec² theta cosec² theta- 2​


Step-by-step explanation:

Tan² theta = sec² theta - 1

Cot² theta = cosec² theta - 1

Tan²+Cot² = sec²-1+cosec²-1

= sec²+cosec²-2

Please find attached herewith the solution of your question.

If you have any doubt, please comment.

Let x represent the average annual salary of college and university professors (in thousands of dollars) in the United States. For all colleges and universities in the United States, the population variance of x is approximately σ2
= 47.1. However, a random sample of 15 colleges and universities in Kansas showed that x has a sample variance σ2 = 83.2. Use a 5% level of significance to test the claim that the variance for colleges and universities in Kansas is greater than 47.1. Use the traditional method. Assume that a simple random sample is selected from a normally distributed population.
a. Check requirements.
b. Establish H0 and H1 and note the level of significance.
c. Find the sample test statistic.
d. Find Critical Value.
e. Conclude the test and interpret results.



Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that :

The hypothesis :

H0 : σ²= 47.1

H1 : σ² > 47.1

α = 5% = 0.05

Population variance, σ² = 47.1

Sample variance, s² = 83.2

Sample size, n = 15

The test statistic = (n-1)*s²/σ²

Test statistic, T = [(15 - 1) * 83.2] ÷ 47.1

Test statistic = T = [(14 * 83.2)] * 47.1

Test statistic = 1164.8 / 47.1

Test statistic = 24.73

The degree of freedom, df = n - 1 ; 10 = 9

Critical value (0.05, 9) = 16.92 (Chisquare distribution table)

Reject H0 ; If Test statistic > Critical value

Since ; 24.73 > 16.92 ; Reject H0 and conclude that variance is greater.

The weight of an object above the surface of the Earth varies inversely with the square of the
distance from the center of the Earth. If a body weighs 50 pounds when it is 3,960 miles from
Earth's center, what would it weigh if it were 4,015 miles from Earth's center?



weight =48.71228786pounds

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]w = \frac{k}{ {d}^{2} } \\ 50 = \frac{k}{ {3960}^{2} } \\ \\ k = 50 \times {3960}^{2} \\ k = 50 \times 15681600 \\ k = 784080000 \\ \\ w = \frac{784080000}{ {d}^{2} } \\ w = \frac{784080000}{16120225} \\ \\ w = 48.71228786 \\ w = 48.7pounds[/tex]

If a body weighs 50 pounds when it is 3,960 miles from Earth's center, it would weigh approximately 48.547 pounds if it were 4,015 miles from Earth's center, according to the inverse square law formula.

We know the inverse square law formula:

W₁ / W₂ = D²₂ / D²₁

Where W₁ is the weight of the body at the initial distance D₁, and W₂ is the weight at the final distance D₂.

So we have,

W₁ = 50

D₁  = 3,960

D₂  = 4015

We know that the body weighs 50 pounds when it is 3,960 miles from Earth's center,

So we can plug in those values as follows:

50 / W₂ = (4,015)²/ (3,960)²

To solve for W₂, we can cross-multiply and simplify as follows:

W₂ = 50 x (3,960)² / (4,015)²

W₂ = 50 x 15,681,600 / 16,120,225

W₂ = 48.547 pounds (rounded to three decimal places)

Therefore, if the body were 4,015 miles from Earth's center, it would weigh approximately 48.547 pounds.

To learn more about inverse square law visit:


Which of the two functions below has the smallest minimum y-value?
f(x) = 4(x - 6)4 + 1
g(x) = 2x3 + 28
O A. g(x)
B. f(x).
C. The extreme minimum y-value for f(x) and g(x) is --
D. There is not enough information to determine



Answer A

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \lim_{n \to -\infty} (3x^3+28)=-\infty\\\\minimum\ of \ f(x)=6\\\\Answer\ A[/tex]

the following numbers using Roman numerals 20​


Step-by-step explanation:

xx is the Roman number of 20

X= 10
(one x equal 10)
XX= 20
(two x’s (10+10) equals 20)

Make mathematical expressions then, simplify ,50 is divided by 2 times one more than the difference of F and 3.​



F = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

50/2 = (F - 3) + 1

25 = F - 2

F = 27

A pizza parlor has a choice of 10 toppings for its pizzas. From these 10 toppings, how many different 7-topping pizzas are possible?




Step-by-step explanation:

There are 10 possible toppings to choose from, you choose 7.

Using combinatorics, it's 10!/(7! 3!), or 120.

The formula is (total amount to choose from )! divided by (amount you choose)!(amount you don't choose)!

Or search up combination formula

A combination is an arrangement of a set of numbers from a total set where the order of the set is not relevant.

The formula for combination.

= [tex]^nC_r[/tex]

= n! / r! (n -r)!

The number of possible 7-toppings for the pizza is 120.

What is a combination?

A combination is an arrangement of a set of numbers from a total set where the order of the set is not relevant.

We have,

The total number of toppings = 10.

n = 10

The number of required toppings = 7.

r = 7

The formula for combination.

= [tex]^nC_r[/tex]

= n! / r! (n -r)!

The possible number of possible 7-toppings pizzas.

= [tex]^{10}C_7[/tex]

= (10 x 9 x 8) / (3 x 2)

= 120


n = 10 and r = 7

[tex]^{10}C_7[/tex] = 120

The number of possible 7-toppings for the pizza is 120.

Learn more about combination here:


Practice Exercise 3.1 Fill in the blanks: (i) The factors of 12 are (ii) The least non-zero multiples of any number is (iii) ......... is a factor of every number. ing with Numbers​




ii).the number itself


A math professor is wondering if students today are better or worse than in the past. He has given the same final to this year's class that he gave ten years ago. Compute mean, median, and mode for both classes and write a paragraph summarizing the differences.

This Year
35 45 65 75 87
80 69 71 53 90
99 95 70 82 73
93 67 61 57 74
72 77 71 81 83

Ten Years Ago
56 77 75 76 59
74 51 89 55 79
67 77 69 91 68
90 65 79 69 79
87 86 98 91 95



Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following data:

This year :

35, 45, 53, 57, 61, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 87, 90, 93, 95, 99

Mean = ΣX / n = 1825 / 25 = 73

The mode = 71 ( most frequently occurring)

Median = 1/2(n+1)th term = 1/(26) = 13th term

Median = 73

10 years ago :

51, 55, 56, 59, 65, 67, 68, 69, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 77, 79, 79, 79, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 91, 95, 98

Mean = ΣX / n = 1902 / 25 = 76.08

The mode = 79 ( most frequently occurring)

Median = 1/2(n+1)th term = 1/(26) = 13th term

Median = 77

According to the computed statistics, we can conclude that, today is worse than the past as the average score which is almost similar to the median value is higher 10 years ago and the modal score is better 10 years ago as well.

Last year, Rob set up the Road Runner Race for his school.
The race was 1,200 meters long and 188 people signed up to
run the race. 38 people did not show up to run. This year,
there will be 3 times as many runners as last year. How
many people will run the race this year?



450 runners

Step-by-step explanation:







Step-by-step explanation:

x+4             x^2 -16

---------------÷ -------------

x^2 - 5x+6     x+3

Copy dot flip

x+4                x+3

--------------- * -------------

x^2 - 5x+6     x^2 -16


x+4                x+3

--------------- * -------------

(x-3)(x-2)     (x-4)(x+4)

Cancel like terms

1                   x+3

--------------- * -------------

(x-3)(x-2)     (x-4)1


---------------   x cannot equal 3,2,4 -4


Which of the following algebraic steps will solve the equation 5p= -35 and what is the solution




Step-by-step explanation:


Divide both sides by 5

5p/5 =-35/5

therefore p=-7

[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{5p= -35}\\\\\underline{\huge\text{DIVIDE 5 BOTH SIDES}}\\\\\mathsf{\dfrac{5p}{5p}= \dfrac{-35}{5}}\\\\\large\text{CANCEL out: }\dfrac{5}{5}\large\text{ because that gives you 1}\\\large\text{KEEP: }\dfrac{-35}{5}\large\text{ because that gives you the value of p.}\\\\\large\textsf{p = }\mathsf{\dfrac{-35}{5}}\\\\\mathsf{-35\div5= p}\\\\\large\text{Simplify above and you have your result to the p-value.}\\\\\boxed{\boxed{\huge\text{Therefore your answer is: \textsf{p = -7}}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


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