how should opposition to the government's policies be dealt with?Mao's answer ​


Answer 1


According to Mao's actions and behaviors opposition to the government should be fought and censured. Thus, for them to be effective they should go on the international media platforms to inform their cause, because inside china they would be defeated.


The reasons backing this answer are that Mao was a totalitarian suppressor that fought opposition with force and censorship. The first example is the Tibetans, the second is the GDM workers. Now, to be effective any opposition group or movement should look for help abroad to support their cause as the CCP has almost total control inside china.

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What do nations do with things they have too much of?


Answer: They often reduce the amount


Example such as money (because value is lost when they print too much money). When the USA is printing money for let say..... 100 billion a day, they can lose a lot of amounts of money within a year so what they do is reduce that amount of cash.

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it means streaks



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The horizontal line is how the candidates got word across to people. The vertical is who the presidential candidates are. It is a bar graph.

I need help making a chart. So the first three bullet points are the columns. The rest are the rows. i'll show an image too.
-Definition of Terrorism
-Things about this definition that are similar to the other definitions
-Things that are unique about this definition

Encyclopedia Britannica

“The systematic use of terror (such as bombings, killings, and kidnappings) as a means of forcing some political objective. When used by a government, it may signal efforts to stifle dissent; used by insurrectionists or guerrillas, it may be part of an overall effort to effect desired political change.”

Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary

“Systematic use of violence, terror, and intimidation to achieve an end.”

U.S. Department of State

“Terrorism is premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine state agents, usually to influence an audience.”

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

“Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

League of Nations Convention (1937)

“All criminal acts directed against a State and calculated to create a state of terror in the minds of particular persons or group of persons or the general public.”

United Nations Resolutions Language (1999)

“1. Strongly condemns all acts, methods, and practices of terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable, wherever and by whomsoever committed;
2. Reiterates that criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or other nature that may be invoked to justify them.”


Good Question! Here is an idea on what you can write. I hope this answers your question.


For the definitions that are similar to the other definitions, you can write the definition in your own words. For the unique about this definition, write something that is important and special about it. Here are the examples.


For the first row:

Similar definition-

DescriptionThe Encyclopædia Britannica is a general knowledge English-language online encyclopaedia.


It was formerly published by Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., and other publishers.

Second row& third row- follow the example that was shown above!

I hope this helps you!!!

If you only pay the minimum payment of credit card, how can that create financial problems for you?


You will slowly go into debt as you use the credit card on things

In the past, many people have had misconceptions about individuals with physical and mental challenges. What factors do you think contributed to negative attitudes toward people with disabilities?


Answer:I think people might be scared of how the look.


People could be scared and harass those people because they don't know how to be around them.


Factors such as bullying, the inability to help or frustrate a person.

A certain virus attacks the mitochondria in cells. what would happen to a cell if all of its mitochondria were destroyed.



there'd be no energy produced and no cellular respiration

The international bank of reconstruction and development is part of the world bank group. True or false?





describe the effects of the Civil War on the north and south?



for the south their economy was ruined the north was burning their crops and freeing slaves.

For the north their was no real effect except the death of Abraham Lincoln


A society that lives under the rule of law holds which of the following citizens to the guidelines established by the laws and statutes of that government?

Select one:
A. impoverished
B. all
C. only high-ranking
D. very few



The Correct Answer is B


The rule of law suggests that everyone must follow the law, including residents of the land, non-residents, and government leaders. no one is above in the eyes of the laws.

The Courts and the Police are the executive wings of the law and they make sure the enforcement and execution of the law.

The police and the court also must follow the law as above mentioned no one is above in the eyes of law means everyone must obey the law with sincerity.


the  correct answer is B. all


i got it wrong

Sorry, your answer is incorrect. Review the steps below to find the right answer.

Unlike in a monarchy or other autocracy, in which the leader of the nation may be above the law, a country with the rule of law applies these laws equally to all citizens.

The correct answer is: all

The Louisiana Purchase took place in what year?








How long ,north to south is Illinois



390 Miles (630 km)

Hope this helped

The 1824 Presidental election was decided in the House of Representatives because no candidate got a majority of the popular vote.



Answer: False

Explanation: Because none of the candidates for president garnered an electoral vote majority, the U.S. House of Representatives, under the provisions of the Twelfth Amendment, held a contingent election. On February 9, 1825, John Quincy Adams was elected as president.

which phrase describes income effect


Answer: Income effect refers to the change in an income earned by an individual and with a percentage change upward or downward impacts consumer buying/ purchasing power of it

Explanation: You didn't put the answer choices so ii couldn't tell you exactly which one.


the impact of price on consumers’ purchasing ability and decisions


it's on plato and trust me I got it right :)

what branch passes the laws


Legislative branch is the answer


legislative branch


The United States hopes the containment policy would ________
A. Make Every country stay within its own borders.
B.Hold back the spread of communism.
C. Stop the Cold War.
D. Keep food prices down.


A !.!.!.!.!!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!!..!!..!!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!!.


A. Make Every country stay within its own borders.



What is an area of land that is part of a larger area and that has its own government



It is usually considered a lowland Hopefully this helps!

Lu lives on an island in the Pacific Ocean. The government system is ruled by a small group of wealthy landowners. In his country, elections are held regularly and the citizens vote for officials. Which form of government is described in this scenario?



Oligarchy, Representative Democracy


The island is ruled by a small group of wealthy people. That is an oligarchy. Citizens voting for officials to represent them in the government is a representative democracy.

Which two events in the Bible are linked with the festival of Epiphany?


It is a public holiday in many countries and marks two events in Jesus Christ's life, according to the Christian Bible. The first event was when the three wise men, or kings, visited infant Jesus. The second event was when St John the Baptist baptized Jesus.

Jackson's Presidency
I was made a Postmaster General by Jackson after donating
oney to his campaign. This practice of giving government civil
service jobs to supporters, friends, and relatives is known as?
As vice-president, I disagreed with Jackson​



The practice of giving government public service jobs to supporters, friends and relatives is known as nepotism.


Nepotism is the term that refers to the immoral practice of favoring friends and family members in possession of public government positions, to the detriment of other people, and, without these friends and family members having the necessary factors to occupy the position. This practice constitutes a violation of the concepts of administrative impersonality that must be adopted by leaders of government and public administration.

What does the law of supply and demand predict in a market economy?
A. The strength of labor unions in negotiating contracts
B. The governmental restrictions on what can be exported
C. The number and prices of goods and services that will be
D. The amount of personal taxes that will be paid



C. The number and prices of goods and services that will be available.

The conclusion of the Mexican-American war raised the stakes in the fight over ___?



slavery in the United States


The Mexican American War was officially terminated on February 2, 1848, by Guadalupe Hidalgo's contract, in favor of the United States. Although the war was successful for America, President Polk lost public support because of two years of bloody and expensive war. He was succeeded by Zachary Taylor, the hero of the Mexican American War. In addition, this war has again triggered a debate about slavery, which resulted in a civil war.

The relationship between how food is produced and the costs to the environment is that if the food produce organic and have more green environment, it'll not be bad for the environment because it will not cause the green house gas to increase and if the food produce in factory it will have toxin, fuels and other gases





Organic farming is considered healthy to the environment to a large extent because the food we consume are produced without the aid of fertilizers and pesticides. The need for this came up because of the fears of possibly consuming pesticides and chemical fertilizers by accident.  

Conventional farming has been criticized because the consistent use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides cause loss of biodiversity which is not good for the environment in general and it also triggers soil erosion and other cases of water pollution.

the use of irrigation on the plains of the Texas panhandle throughout the twentieth century facilitated ranching and farming in the region, yet that has also resulted in-



Economic improvements for the state.


As you may already know, texas is a strong producer of agricultural products, due to its high fertility rate. In the 20th century, the use of irrigation in the Texas mangrove plains combined with extremely favorable environmental conditions for agriculture and livestock, Texas increased its production of agricultural products which boosted local trade in a very strong way, bringing improvements to the economic situation of the state and increasing the quality of life of the Texans.

Which of the following places has hot springs and geysers because of its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire?
New Zealand’s North Island
New Zealand’s South Island



C. New Zealand’s North Island


The North Island of New Zealand is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, which allows it to have a certain amount of active volcanoes and extremely fertile soil, which allows for lush vegetation that attracts the attention of many tourists. However, this is not the only attraction of the region, since it has a vast amount of rivers and hot springs, in addition to Geysers that impress all visitors.

Answer is C, New Zealand's North Island.

which best describes secured credit


It is backed by a valuable asset

Secured credit refers to loan or credit that is backed by a secured payment used as collateral on the account. It involves an agreement for a lender to take a particular asset of value from the borrower if they are unable to pay back the credit.

Answer:It is backed by a valuable asset


Secured credit refers to loan or credit that is backed by a secured payment used as collateral on the account. It involves an agreement for a lender to take a particular asset of value from the borrower if they are unable to pay back the credit.

Explanation: i just copy and pasted from google so you can delete this i just wanted points.

I need help with this question please help quick!!!



A: Imperialism started the racist idea about Africans that made it possible for people to start the slave trade.

The Confederate States formed their own constitution that guaranteed the right to own slaves.(True or false)


I think it is true————
The confederate states DID form their own constitution that guaranteed the right to own slaves, so the answer would be true.

What is economics in your own words? (Write 3 sentences.)



*Economics is the study of housing society uses its Limited sources .

*It is a social science that deals with the production distributes and consumption of goods and services .

*Macroeconomics the branch of economics that studies overall working of a nation economy .

José is leaving Sao Paulo at 4:45 p.M. For meetings in New York. If the flight is three hours from Sao Paulo to New York, what time will José arrive in New York local time?



6:45 PM


Accroding to Timezone standard, New York in United States of America is One Hour behind of Sao Paulo in Brazil.

Hence, Jose moving from Sao Paulo at 4:45 PM means the actual time in New York at the time of the starting the flight is 3:45 PM.

Therefore, after three hours of flight from Sao Paulo (Brazil) to New York, Jose would land in New York (United States of America) at exactly 6:45 PM

Who benefits from cultural preservation?



the benefit of preserving the cultural heritage of a country is that,it ensures national integration and unity among the people of that country.

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