How were Roman emperors treated differently from ancient Greek leaders such as the Spartan kings?


Answer 1

The way that Roman emperors were treated differently from ancient Greek Leaders such as the Spartan Kings was, A. Emperors were deified after death.

How were Roman emperors treated when they died ?

An Emperor would be interred inside the city upon his passing. Only the most outstanding and distinguished individuals were given this honor; the majority of Romans had to be interred outside the city.

Additionally, it was thought that Emperors underwent a procedure known as apotheosis in order to become Gods rather than shadows (spirits) like other people did.

The Senate would deify him and this was done for many including Antonius Pius, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, Trajan, and Alexander Severus, would also be made gods. An emperor would frequently start the process of deifying his predecessor.

This was not done for the ancient Greek leaders, including those of Sparta.

Find out more on Roman emperors at


Options for this question include:

Emperors were deified after deathEmperors were elected by the peopleSpartan kings were electedSpartan Kings were deified after death

Related Questions

Read the passage below. Then answer the question that follows using information and evidence from the text.

May 28, 1830

An Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States, west of the river Mississippi, not included in any state or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished, as he may judge necessary, to be divided into a suitable number of districts, for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange the lands where they now reside, and remove there; and to cause each of said districts to be so described by natural or artificial marks, as to be easily distinguished from every other ...

What does the phrase Indian title has been extinguished describe in the context of the document? (5 points)

a)Land the Native Americans had been granted
b)Land that was taken away from Native Americans
c)Land that was not valuable to the Native Americans
d)Land that had been organized by the government


The  phrase Indian title has been extinguished describes Land that was taken away from Native Americans. Option B

Why did the Americans take away the lands on the Indian Americans?

The major objectives of Indian reservations were to subjugate Native Americans to U.S. government authority, reduce hostility between Indians and settlers, and prod Native Americans to adopt white man's customs.

With the support of the colonial authority and later the newly formed United States, European settlers began driving Indigenous people from their land in the 17th century.

White settlers petitioned the federal government to get rid of the Indian tribes residing there because they seemed to be the greatest barrier to westward growth.

The settlers put pressure on the federal government to take over Indian territory because they were eager for land to grow cotton. Tennessee native Andrew Jackson was a fervent supporter of Indian deportation.

Read more on the Indian removal act here:


This author of prose works such as Epistolae Familiares, Prolusiones Oratoriae, and A Brief History of Moscovia also wrote a Latin dictionary. Usually dictating to his daughters, he wrote many works in Italian, including L’Allegro and Il Penseroso.


John Milton, author of prose works such as Epistolae Familiares, Prolusiones Oratoriae, and A Brief History of Moscovia also wrote a Latin dictionary. Usually dictating to his daughters, he wrote many works in Italian, including L’Allegro and Il Penseroso.

John Milton (1608–1674), author of Paradise Lost and other works, was an English poet. He was born in Bread Street, Cheapside, London, on the 9th of December 1608. Milton’s Parents and Early Life. His father, known as Mr John Milton of Bread Street, scrivener, was himself an interesting man. He was a native of Oxfordshire, the son of a Richard Milton, yeoman of Stanton-St-John’s, one of the sturdiest adherents to the old Roman Catholic religion in his district, and was educated at Christ Church, Oxford, where he turned Protestant.

John Milton was an English poet and intellectual. His 1667 epic poem Paradise Lost, written in blank verse and including over ten chapters, was written in a time of immense religious flux and political upheaval. It addressed the fall of man, including the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and God's expulsion of them from the Garden of Eden. Paradise Lost is widely considered one of the greatest works of literature ever written, and it elevated Milton's widely-held reputation as one of history's greatest poets.

To know more about John Milton visit:


Which of the following describe defining characteristics of the age of American imperialism?



American imperialism refers to the expansion of American political, economic, cultural, and media influence beyond the boundaries of the United States.

President Nixon resigned the office of the presidency in 1974, in the wake of the Watergate scandal and cover-up. True. or false


The answer is True

Between 1972 and 1974, President Richard Nixon's administration was embroiled in the massive political scandal known as "Watergate," which forced Nixon to resign. The scandal was caused by the Nixon administration's persistent efforts to hide its role in the June 17, 1972, break-in at the DNC headquarters at the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C. 

48 defendants—many of them high-ranking Nixon administration officials—were found guilty after 69 defendants were indicted. The term "Watergate" came to refer to a variety of covert and frequently unlawful actions taken by Nixon administration officials, including bugging the offices of political rivals and individuals who Nixon or his officials were suspicious of, ordering investigations into activist organisations and political figures, and using the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Internal Revenue Service as political weapons. Since then, adding the suffix "-gate" to an identifying term has come to mean public controversy, particularly political scandal.

Learn more about the Watergate scandal here:


the lewis and clark expedition trekked out to the mexican cession territories to survey, catalog, and report on just exactly what the federal government had just won in the war with mexico in 1848.


The Lewis and Clark expedition set out for the Mexican Cession areas with the intention of measuring, cataloguing, and documenting precisely what the United States had just accomplished in its war with Mexico in 1848.This statement is false.

What exactly was the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

In 1803, France sold Louisiana to the United States. Americans knew nothing about the vast area of territory west of the Mississippi River; therefore, it needed to be explored before it could be populated. President Jefferson then sent an exploratory voyage west, and he chose Meriwether Lewis, his personal secretary, as the mission's commander in charge of organizing the expedition and locating qualified scouts. Lewis asked William Clark, his old Army senior officer, to serve as his co-commander. This expedition was later called "the Lewis and Clark Expedition." 

The expedition of Lewis and Clark had nothing to do with the Mexican Cession territories. Hence, the statement is false.

Learn more about Lewis and Clark Expedition here:


Arcade tokens and game tickets only have value because they are able to be exchanged for prizes in the arcade. This makes them - Answer F representative money G commodity money H fiat money J currency


Answer: fiat money


Arcade tokens and game tickets only have value because they are able to be exchanged for prizes in the arcade. This makes their fiat money. Thus, option 'C' is the correct option.

What is fiat money?

A sort of currency known as fiat money is one that a government has legalized but does not have any inherent or fixed value and is not backed by any actual object, such as gold or silver. The government that creates fiat currency guarantees its value, and it has the power to regulate the amount of money in circulation in reaction to changes in the economy.

Most major currencies, including the Euro and the United States Dollar (USD), are fiat money. Commodity money, which is backed by a real asset, is the primary substitute for fiat money. For instance, a certain quantity of gold is used to back the USD, and individuals could exchange one for the other.

Learn more about fiat money, here:


Why do you think it is important to notice if the content of an article (including headings, word
choice, etc.) provides you with information or opinions?


Whether you must reference secondary sources of data in a paper depends on its topic and goal. Choose the sources that you believe are also most likely to

Definition of secondary sources

The definition of secondary sources Secondary sources, unlike firsthand reports, are assessments, analyses, or representations of events or subjects based on firsthand experiences. Primary sources, on the other hand, were made by those who were directly involved; secondary ones were not.

What do primary sources and secondary sources mean?

You get immediate access to your study's subject thanks to a primary source. Secondary sources give information that is secondhand and perspectives from other researchers. Examples include journal articles, scholarly publications, and review pieces. An analysis, synthesis, or description of primary sources can be found in secondary sources.

To know more about secondary sources visit:


Write a comprehensive note on Songhai empire.​


The Songhai Empire was a West African state that flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was located in what is now modern-day Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso, and it controlled a vast territory that extended from the Atlantic coast to the Niger River. The Songhai Empire was founded by the Sonni dynasty, which came to power in the 14th century and established its capital at Gao, a city located on the Niger River.

During the 15th and 16th centuries, the Songhai Empire reached its peak of power and prosperity under the leadership of three great rulers: Sonni Ali, Askia Muhammad, and Askia Dawud. Sonni Ali, who ruled from 1464 to 1492, was a brilliant military strategist who expanded the empire's territory through a series of successful wars. He also made Gao a center of trade and learning, attracting scholars from across West Africa.

Askia Muhammad, who ruled from 1493 to 1528, was known for his religious tolerance and his efforts to centralize the government. He also promoted the spread of Islam throughout the empire, establishing schools and mosques throughout the region.

Askia Dawud, who ruled from 1549 to 1582, was a patron of the arts and sciences and made Gao a center of scholarship and learning. He also established a system of government that was based on Islamic law, which ensured that justice was administered fairly and evenly throughout the empire.

The Songhai Empire was a major economic power in West Africa, and it played a key role in the trans-Saharan trade that linked West Africa to North Africa and the Mediterranean. The empire's wealth was based on trade in gold, salt, and other valuable commodities, and it was also known for its sophisticated system of government and its cultural achievements.

However, the Songhai Empire eventually declined and collapsed in the late 16th century due to internal conflict and external pressure from European powers. Despite its decline, the Songhai Empire left a lasting legacy in West Africa and continues to be remembered as one of the greatest empires in African history.

Learn more from here:

In the system of checks and balances. judicial branch officials are appointed by the executive branch and approved by the legislative branch. How, then, will the legislative officials remain independent from the other branches


Rightfully so, in the system of checks and balances, judicial branch officials are appointed by the executive branch and approved by the legislative branch. However, the legislative officials remain independent from the other branches as mandated and enumerated by Article I, Section 1 of the constitution which speaks to the separation of powers.

What does Article I, Section 1 say about the separation of Powers?

According to Article I, Section 1, the legislative powers conferred herein shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives.

All Justices are nominated by the President, approved by the Senate, and serve for life. Because Justices are not required to run or campaign for re-election, they are assumed to be immune to political pressure while making decisions.

Learn more about the Separation of Powers;

Discuss how the dispute over slavery during the presidency of Lincoln altered the nation's concept of democracy. Examine Lincoln's reasoning for passing the Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment into law and how such decisions were perceived by both northern and southerners during the war.


During Lincoln's presidency, the dispute over slavery greatly impacted the nation's concept of democracy. Many believed that the country's founding principle of "all men are created equal" applied to all people, including African Americans, while others believed that only white people should have equal rights.

What is President Lincoln's Position on Slavery?

Lincoln started his public career by declaring himself "antislavery" – opposed to the growth of slavery but not pushing for immediate freedom. However, the man who began as a "antislavery" activist finally issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which emancipated all slaves in rebellious states.

Note that the disagreement led to the Civil War, which ultimately resulted in the abolition of slavery and the recognition of African Americans as full citizens. The dispute changed the way the nation viewed democracy and equality, leading to significant progress in civil rights.

Learn more about Lincoln:

Why do historians consider Constantine I the founder of the Byzantine


Constantine is considered to be the founder of the empire because: he moved the capital of the roman empire from rome to byzantium, which would be the capital of the byzantine empire for more than 1,000 years. Option D

Who was Constantine the first?

Constantine established Constantinople as the most important city in the world and declared Christianity the official religion of Rome. The Roman Empire underwent a significant change under the rule of Emperor Constantine (about 280–337).

His support for Christianity, the building of Constantinople, and the continuation of Diocletian's reforms are only a few of his noteworthy achievements throughout the fourth century.

Read more on Constantine I here:


why do historians consider constantine i the founder of the byzantine empire? a. he switched loyalty from the western roman empire to the eastern roman empire, which he renamed in honor of his birth city, byzantium. b. he allowed freedom of religion, which motivated the orthodox eastern roman empire to break away from the catholic western roman empire. c. he converted to eastern orthodoxy, unifying the early byzantine empire, which until then had been culturally and ethnically fractured. d. he moved the capital of the roman empire from rome to byzantium, which would be the capital of the byzantine empire for more than 1,000 years.

Why were irrigation projects and
new dams built in New Mexico in
the early 1900s?



Ground water makes up nearly half of the total water annually withdrawn for all uses in New Mexico, including agriculture and industry, and is the only practicable source of water in many areas of the state.


The long-term consequence of the Mongol invasions on Japan was

an alliance with Korea and China against Mongol rule
a rejection of Chinese influence and a return to isolation
the downgrading of the Japanese emperor to a figurehead
the spread of the Chinese writing system in Japan



The long-term consequence of the Mongol invasions on Japan was an alliance with Korea and China against Mongol rule. The Option A is correct.

What is the timeline of Mongol invasions on Japan?

Huge military efforts are taken by Kublai Khan of the Yuan dynasty in 1274 and 1281 to conquer Japanese archipelago after the submission of the Korean kingdom of Goryeo to vassaldom.

As a failure, the invasion attempts are of historical importance because they set a limit on Mongol expansion and rank as defining events in the history of Japan. The invasions was seen as works of fiction and are the earliest events for which the word kamikaze is widely used, originating in reference to the two typhoons faced by the Yuan fleets.

The invasions involved earliest cases of gunpowder warfare outside of China. One of most notable technological innovations during the war was the use of explosive and hand-thrown bombs

Read more about Mongol invasions


Answer: Choice A is correct i took the test


"My purpose was
to see if the shameful facts, spread out in all their shame, would not burn through our civic
shamelessness and set fire to American pride."

According to Steffens, what was the purpose of muckraking journalism?

• to encourage people to buy fewer newspapers
O to encourage people to become muckraking journalists themselves
• to encourage people to rise up against their government
O to encourage people to take action against widespread corruption



to" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.

true or false. the major cause of the division of the indian subcontinent in 1947 was sectarian or communal differences.


The major cause of the division of the indian subcontinent in 1947 was sectarian or communal differences is a true statement .  

It maintained that religious distinctions between Muslims and Hindus resulted in cultural and social inequalities. The two-nation theory was a founding principle of the Pakistan Movement (Pakistan's ideology as a Muslim nation-state in South Asia) and India's partition in 1947.

When the British withdrew, they partitioned India, resulting in the creation of the separate countries of India and Pakistan to accommodate religious divisions between Pakistan, which has a majority Muslim population, and India, which is predominantly Hindu.

Learn more about to sectarian visit here;


under the u.s. immigration system, the two main immigration categories include family- based immigration and employment-based immigration.


Answer: The United States Constitution defines a citizen as someone who pledges immigration to the country and receives certain unalienable rights.

Then go on to explain to the children that there are many push and pull factors that cause people to move. The fundamental economic drivers of migration can be further divided into "Push Factors" and "Pull Factors." The push factors are things that, for various reasons, cause someone to leave one area and go to another.

Citizens of the United States may sponsor their parents, spouses, or minor children for immigrant visas to obtain permanent residency. Opportunities for employment are frequent pull forces. greater earnings. improved amenities and working conditions

To know more about immigration click on the given link below:


Alexander Hamilton scans the future (1787)

Write 3-4 sentences, a well formed paragraph to respond to each question.

1. Why would the rich be favorable (supportive) to the new instrument (Constitution)?

2. Why would the poor and the states' righters be unfavorable to the new instrument (Constitution)?




The rich would be favorable to the new instrument (Constitution) because it protected their wealth and property. The Constitution included provisions that ensured that debts and contracts would be honored, which would benefit those who had accumulated wealth and had entered into financial agreements. Additionally, the Constitution established a strong central government that could effectively regulate trade and commerce, which would benefit those with business interests.

The poor and the states' righters would be unfavorable to the new instrument (Constitution) because they saw it as a threat to their interests. The poor may have been concerned that the Constitution would not adequately address their needs or protect their rights, and they may have feared that it would strengthen the power of the wealthy at their expense. States' righters may have opposed the Constitution because it established a strong central government that could potentially encroach on the powers and autonomy of the states. They may have viewed the Constitution as a threat to their sovereignty and independence.

What was one major element of John Quincy Adams's preferred foreign

OA. Ensuring that the United States had the world's largest military
B. Separating the United States from other nations to avoid foreign
C. Supporting foreign democracies without fighting alongside them
D. Refusing to support any country ruled by a dictator or monarch


Answer: C

Explanation: John Quincy Adams's preferred foreign policy was centered around the idea of America remaining neutral in the conflicts and disputes of other nations. He believed that the United States should avoid entangling alliances and focus on building up its own strength and prosperity. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining good relations with other countries, particularly through diplomacy and trade.

B, American isolation and individualism was pushed through the Monroe Doctrine to avoid European entanglement and prosper as an individual country

1815. Napoleon met his final defeat ; Island of Elba. Napoleon died on this island ; Charles X · The July revolution forced this king to flee to England ; Consulate.


Napolean met his final defeat in 1815 and he was died on Island of Elba. Charles X ensured to the July revolution that was forced to the king to flee to England.

Napolean was a French military Commander and also good political leader. He played major role in the French Revolution in 1789-99 and served as a first consul and also the first empror of France.

Napolean was so genius because he controlled every detail of the battlefield with an attack based formula playing against the enemy's weakness. Naploean was Defeated by the Duke of Wellington and also the end of Napolean era from European history.

Learn more about Napolean click the link here:


early anthropologists believed in , or the idea that all societies advance through improved stages over time, going from primitive to more advances forms of society.


early anthropologists believed in Cultural Evolution, or the idea that all societies advance through improved stages over time, going from primitive to more advances forms of society.

A noun phrase that renames a noun or pronoun that appears immediately before or after this phrase is known as an appositive phrase. Additionally, commas must always be used to divide an appositive phrase from the remainder of the sentence's components. The only sentence that effectively combines the two sentences given is "American anthropologist Margaret Mead is well renowned for her study of primitive tribes." The proper noun "Margaret Mead," which comes right before the phrase, is being renamed in this sentence by the noun phrase "an American anthropologist," which is the appositive phrase. Additionally, "an American anthropologist" has been set apart from the remainder of the text with commas.

To know more about on Anthropologist:


Someone wanting to buy a computer must consider the other things that could be purchased with the funds spent on the computer. Which economic factor has this individual considered before making this purchase?


The economic factor that the individual considered was the opportunity cost.

What is the opportunity cost?It is a decision that must be taken considering two elements that cannot happen simultaneously.It is the expenditure of a resource to carry out a single activity and disregard another.

Opportunity cost is an economic factor used to make decisions where a single resource can be used to perform one activity or another.

Therefore, the opportunity cost allows the individual to assess which of the activity options is more important, necessary, and correct for the resource to be used.

An example of this can be seen in the question above where an individual must choose whether to use the money he has to buy a computer or for other things.

Learn more about opportunity cost:


what can soldiers do to the colonists without punishment?




of the following options best summarizes why American colonists separated from Great
A. The colonists were unhappy with life in Great Britain because there were few jobs and
low wages.
B. The colonists struggled to communicate with Great Britain because of the distance
between the two countries.
C. The colonists wanted to expand their territory further into North America, but Great
Britain forbade them from doing so.
D. The colonists were unhappy under British rule because they had little power and
representation in Great Britain's government.


Americans wanted to make sure that they would never again be taxed without representation since they were exceedingly unhappy living under British rule.

Why did America secede from Britain?

They fought the British because of their excessive taxation. They clashed because they lacked self-government. They were a part of Britain when the American colonies were founded. For colonies, Britain raised levies on daily essentials like tea that they bought and consumed.

Why did some American colonists demand independence?

The colonists no longer desired to follow English traditions. The colonial government's backing from Britain was terminated. Without their permission, taxes were being levied against the colonists. Unfair trade regulations had been enforced by Britain.

To know more about British visit:



B. The colonists struggled to communicate with Great Britain because of the distance

between the two countries


Which of the following best describes the relationship between China and
Japan during the late 19th century?
• A. China's superior economic strength forced Japan to agree to
unfair trade treaties.
• B. Rapid industrialization during the 19th century allowed Japan to
dominate China.
• C. Japan and China were equal in military strength, which led to
political stalemates.
• D. Imperialist policies allowed China to have more influence in the
region than Japan


the one that best describes the relationship between China and Japan during the late 19th century was: B: Rapid industrialization during the 19th century allowed Japan to dominate China.
While Japan experienced a massive development in infrastructures during this period, China has to threw out a lot of resources to cure its people of Opium addiction that caused by the British Empire.

The _____ quickly developed a distinctive Romanesque architecture style that became the major source of French Gothic architecture.
Group of answer choices






The Normans quickly developed a distinctive Romanesque architecture style that became the major source of French Gothic architecture.

Who were Normans?

The Norse Viking settlers mixed with the local West Franks and Gallo-Romans to become the Normans, a population that emerged in the medieval Duchy of Normandy.

The phrase is also used to refer to emigrants from the duchy who conquered nations like Sicily and England.

The Norse settlements in West France came after a series of invasions, mostly from Denmark but also from Norway and Sweden, on the French northern shore.

Following the siege of Chartres in 911, Rollo, a Scandinavian Viking leader, decided to swear fealty to King Charles III of West Francia, giving these settlements their final stamp of approval.

In the first part of the 10th century, the mingling in Normandy led to the emergence of an ethnic and cultural "Norman" identity.

Learn more about Normans, here


the auto workers who participated in the 1936-37 strike at general motors were concerned about their safety but continued to protest the company's refusal to


The auto workers who participated in the 1936-37 strike at general motors were concerned about their safety but continued to protest the company's refusal to leave the factory.

The 1936–1937 Flint sit-down strike, also known as the General Motors sit-down strike, the great GM sit-down strike, and so on, was a sitdown strike at the General Motors plant in Flint, Michigan, United States. It changed the United Automobile Workers (UAW) from a collection of isolated local unions on the fringes of the industry into a major labor union, and led to the unionization of the domestic automobile industry.

The Flint sit-down strikers set up their own civil system within the strike. A mayor and other civic officials were elected by the workers to maintain order within the plant. Departments included Organized Recreation, Information, Postal Service, and Sanitation.

All rules were enforced by what was called a "Kangaroo Court" by the workers. Any person who broke the rules was given a trial, and punishments ranged from washing dishes to expulsion from the plant.

To know more about General motors visit:


In at least 250 words, make a claim as to whether or not becoming an imperial power was more beneficial or detrimental (harmful). Consider viewpoints from pro and anti-American imperialists and Cubans and Filipinos: Primary voices can include Theodore Roosevelt, Josiah Strong, William Sumner, Henry Cabot Lodge, Emilio Aguinaldo, Jose Marti.

please help


The question of whether becoming an imperial power was more beneficial or detrimental is a complex one that has been debated by historians and political scientists for many years. The answer likely depends on one's perspective and the specific circumstances involved. Some, like Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge, were strong proponents of American imperialism and believed that it was a necessary and natural extension of the country's manifest destiny. Others, like Josiah Strong and William Sumner, were opposed to imperialism and believed that it went against the country's founding principles of liberty and democracy.

From the perspective of pro-American imperialists, the benefits of imperialism were numerous. For example, they believed that imperialism would allow the United States to spread its democratic ideals and Christian values to other parts of the world. In addition, they believed that imperialism would provide new markets for American goods and allow the country to exert greater influence on the global stage. Some also argued that imperialism would help the United States to defend itself against potential threats from other powers.

On the other hand, those who were opposed to American imperialism argued that it was detrimental in several ways. For example, they believed that imperialism would lead to the exploitation of other nations and their people, and would ultimately result in a loss of freedom and democracy for both the United States and the countries it conquered. In addition, they believed that imperialism would result in unnecessary wars and conflicts that would drain the country's resources and harm its reputation on the world stage.

Cubans and Filipinos, who were among the countries that were conquered by the United States during this period, also had their own perspectives on the issue. For example, Emilio Aguinaldo and Jose Marti were leaders of the Filipino and Cuban independence movements, respectively, and were strongly opposed to American imperialism. They believed that it was a violation of their countries' sovereignty and that it would lead to the exploitation of their people and resources.

Overall, the question of whether becoming an imperial power was more beneficial or detrimental is a complex one that likely depends on one's perspective.

Pls award brainliest!

Which of the following groups would have been most likely to support the author's views expressed in the excerpt? answer choices. Loyalists. Federalists.


Loyalists would have been most likely to support the author's views expressed in the excerpt.

Loyalists were colonists of the Thirteen Colonies who remained loyal to the British Crown during the American War of Independence and were often called conservatives, royalists, or royalists at the time.  Loyalists wanted to engage in peaceful forms of protest because they believed that violence begets violence or tyranny. They also believed that independence would mean losing the  economic benefits of membership in the British trading system.

Believers were from all walks of life. Before 1774, the American colonists were divided into two camps: Patriots and Loyalists. Hot-headed patriots like the Sons of Liberty wanted to get rid  of British rule at any cost. While loyalists resisted full revolution either through stubborn loyalty to the crown or simple pragmatism.

Learn about loyalists:


Topic 4 World War I and the 1920 s study Guide
20% of your score for the exam comes from completing the study guide.
The of wwi and the sparking event that started the war Gisa Anchdwke Franz stinic 1 and i pantial neulicility
U-boats, Lusitania, and Zimmermann Note and their role in bringing the U.S. into the war
Role of Selective Service Act and Committee on Public Information in U.S. mobilizing for war
Espionage Act, Sedition Act and Schenck v. United States
Great Migration
How WWI led to Mexican immigration into the U.S.
Effect of Revolution in Russia on the war
Purpose of the convoy system
Fourteen Points
Treaty of Versailles (what ways did it punish Germany and its role in leading to future wars)
Irreconcilables vs. Reservationists and why didn't the U.S. sign on to the Treaty of Versailles
Postwar economy including role of automobile, electricity and buying on credit, margin


The causes of  WW1 and the sparking event that started the war was:

The assassination or the killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was the direct cause of World War I, bringing into play the alliances, militarism, and nationalism stated above. The Archduke was assassinated in June 1914 by a Serbian nationalist terrorist organization known as the Black Hand.

The shooting deaths of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, Bosnia, served as the catalyst for the start of World War I.

WWI led to Mexican immigration into the U.S. because Mexicans also migrated to the Midwest to help with the labor shortage brought on by the United States' involvement in World War I and the adoption of immigration quotas intended to control immigration from southern and eastern European nations

What is Lusitania, and Zimmermann Note role in the war?

The Zimmerman Note disclosed a plan to revive unrestricted submarine warfare and to forge an alliance with Mexico and Japan if the United States waged war on Germany, which contributed to the United States' decision to enter World War I.

After being intercepted by the British and delivered to the United States, the message provoked outrage when it was published, which led to America's entry into World War I.

Lastly, United States Issues a Warning- The incident worsened already tense diplomatic ties between Germany and the United States. President Wilson issued a warning to Germany that if it was found that they had sunk the ship without justification, the United States might sever diplomatic relations and join the conflict.

Learn more about WW1  from

president nixon claimed that he had the right to protect the privacy of conversations, which led to a constitutional conflict over taping phone conver


The correct option is A ;  PUCL case , The Representation of People Act of 1951, according to the People's Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL), infringed the right to freedom of speech since it did not sufficiently preserve secrecy while recognising the choice to not vote.

In order to protect the national interest and retain the confidentiality of discussions inside the executive branch, Nixon claimed that the idea of executive privilege allowed him the authority to withhold sensitive material, such as the tapes, from other government branches.

The Nixon White House recording system's history Haldeman, Nixon ordered the system to be taken down, but in his first two years in office,

he came to the opinion that audio recordings were the only way to guarantee a complete and accurate account of discussions and conclusions (after attempting alternative methods).

President Nixon invoked executive privilege, claiming the authority to maintain the confidentiality of discussions, resulting in a constitutional disagreement over...

Learn more about to President Nixon visit here;


Full Question ;

president nixon claimed that he had the right to protect the privacy of conversations, which led to a constitutional conflict over taping phone conver

A PUCL case

B LED Cover

C Starlight Cover

D Mood light LED

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the gravitational force exerted on a solid object is 5.00 n. when the object is suspended from a spring scale and submerged in water, the scale reads 3.50 n (fig. p14.11). find the density of the object In terms of what we assume is an impending diagnosis, which chapter, would you argue, is the most revealing or crucial in understanding what Holden is dealing with, and what he ultimately needs. In a classroom 1/5 student get grade A; 3/10 got grade B and rest get grade C in math. Total number of students in the class is 50. Find how many students got grade C Some observers argue that the realist position makes a strong plea for facts and basic subject matter. Discuss whether realism does promote this view. How sufficient is the realist approach on this issue for education today? Common symptoms of major depressive disorder include all of the following except ________. if the price of a good decreases, the marginal utility per dollar spent and consumers buy of the good. The 2's-complement system is to be used to add the signed binary numbers 11110010 and 11110011. Determine the sign and decimal value of each of these numbers and their sum. -113 and -114, -227 -27 and -13, -40 -14 and -13, -27 -11 and -16, -27 questions 10-11 refer to a ball that is tossed straight up from the surface of a small, spherical asteroid with no atmosphere. the ball rises to a height equal to the asteroid's radius and then falls straight down toward the surface of the asteroid. 10. what forces, if any, act on the ball while it is on the way up? A restaurant manager can spend at most $600 a day for operating costs and payroll. It costs $100 each day to operate the bank and $50 a day for each employee. Use the following inequality to determine how many employees the manager can afford for the day, at most:50x + 100 600 Zareen has 24 minutes to work on her math homework, and each problem is taking her of a minute, on average, to complete. Which expression can be used to determine the number of math problems she will be able to complete in the time she has? a major function of th1 cells is to activate macrophages. which molecules expressed by th1 cells are essential for this function? April took out a $600 loan from the bank. At the end of 5 years, she pays back the principal, plus $60 simple interest.What was the annual interest rate? Correct the volume of 2.90 L of a gas at 12 C to the volume occupied at 25 C. Remember to convert between C and K. a group of people who move through life with an individual, providing protection and encouragement, is called a . Jack has a small retail business. He had a custom application developed for his inventory tracking. All of Jack's company computers have an operating system on them that will soon reach end of life because a newer version was released two years ago.Jack is afraid that his custom inventory application won't be compatible with the new version of the operating system.Which of the following is a risk that Jack is taking if he continues to use the operating system after its end of life?a. The custom application may no longer be compatible. b. The OS will become increasing vulnerable to cyberattacks.c. He may lose some of the OS's features that he relies on.d. He may lose sales during the migration process. Which of the following best explains why the Chinese built theGreat Wall and the Grand Canal? the high level of fault which serves to disqualify an out-of-work worker from unemployment compensation is called: you are an application developer. you use a hypervisor with multiple virtual machines installed to test your applications on various operating systems' versions and editions. currently, all of your virtual machines used for testing are connected to the production network through the hypervisor's network interface. however, you are concerned that the latest application you are working on could adversely impact other network hosts if errors exist in the code. to prevent issues, you decide to isolate the virtual machines from the production network. however, they still need to be able to communicate directly with each other. what should you do? (select two. both responses are part of the complete solution.) answer create mac address filters on the network switch that block each virtual machine's virtual network interfaces. disable the switch port the hypervisor's network interface is connected to. create a new virtual switch configured for bridged (external) networking. disconnect the network cable from the hypervisor's network interface. connect the virtual network interfaces in the virtual machines to the virtual switch. create a new virtual switch configured for host-only (internal) networking. strategic planning for project management is the same as other forms of strategic planning: it is performed by executive management. true false Prior to the establishment of a juvenile justice system, how were juvenile offenders treated?