How would a new advance in manufacturing technology most likely affect the
supply of the good being produced?
A. The supply of the good would remain the same.
B. The supply of the good would not be affected.
C. The supply of the good would fall.
D. The supply of the good would increase.


Answer 1
D.....the supply of food would increase

Related Questions

How are dependent school districts different from independent school distrida
OA A dependent district can use property taxes to pay for the schools,
OB. An appointed school superintendent runs a dependent distria
OC. A dependent district is part of a municipal or county government.
D. Students and their familles pay to attend schools in a dependent district,


Dependent school districts differ from independent school districts in that they can pay their schools using property taxes.

What is the school district?

A school district is described as a special-purpose district that operates local public primary and secondary schools.

It is a special-purpose government unit that can operate independently or rely on a local government, such as a city or county, for its management.

Dependent school districts are distinct from independent school districts in that they can use property taxes to fund their schools.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the school, refer to:


About how many people were killed
by the atomic bomb in Nagasaki?
A. 200,000
B. 75,000
C. 300,000


B) 75,000 not fully sure tho


about 80,000

So probably it will be B.

According to the population pyramid, in 2000 China had about 120 million people in which age-group?

A. 45-49
B. 35-39
C. 30-34
D. 5-9


C is the answer for that


C. 30-34


if you add up how many people (both women and male), which would be a little over 60 million each, it'll end up being the 120 million the question is asking for.

there for the answer is C. 30-34

Which factor played the most important role in the rise of totalitarianism in
Italy during the 20th century?
O A. The rapid growth of Jewish populations in Italian cities
B. The damage World War I had done to Italy's economy
C. The declining popularity of nationalism and militarism in Italy
O D. The replacement of the Italian monarchy with elected leadership



B. The damage World War I had done to Italy's economy


Totalitarianism can be defined as a form of centralized government that has an absolute control over the state. Thus, totalitarianism completely prohibits individual freedom, opposing ideologies, principles, political parties, and requires the people to be subservient to the state.

Simply stated, totalitarianism is an autocratic or dictatorial form of government.

An authoritarian government is also known as dictatorship and it can be defined as a type of government in which an individual who is a sole administrator is responsible for controlling, managing and directing the affairs of the particular country.

The world War I (WWI) was a period of battle between various countries from 1914 to 1918. It started formally on the 28th of July, 1914 and ended on the 11th of November, 1918.

In April 1915, Italy officially joined the World War I (WWI) and it was estimated that six hundred thousand (600,000) Italians died by the end of the war while several assets (properties) were completely destroyed.

Hence, the damage caused by World War I (WWI) to Italy's economy played the most important role in the rise of totalitarianism in Italy during the 20th century.

Benito Mussolini who was born on the 29th of July, 1883 in Varnano dei Costa, in Romagna became a fascist leader of Italy by gaining power through turmoil.




1. A consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer.

What limited resource is responsible for this trade-off decision?

A. The consumer has a different benefit from each possible product.

B. The consumer has a limited amount of money available for purchases.

2. What resources do consumers typically have in limited supply that forces them to make trade-off decisions in consumption?

A. natural resources, land, and labor

B. time, attention, and capital

C. time, money, and attention

D. money, labor, and capital



the consumer has a different benefit from each possible product

then number 2 must be A

A consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer, because they have a limited amount of money available for purchases; and consumers typically have a limited supply of natural resources, land, and labor that forces them to make trade-off decisions in consumption. Therefore, the options 1-B and 2-A hold true.

What is the significance of a consumer?

A person, or an individual, who purchases anything with the aim of consuming it for his or her own benefits, is known as a consumer. In a perfectly competitive market, a consumer is always assumed to have a rational mind.

Using this rational mind, the consumers make purchases with the limited amount of resources that they have, thereby ensuring that they get maximum utility upon consumption of their purchases.

Therefore, the options 1-B and 2-A hold true regarding the significance of a consumer.

Learn more about a consumer here:


What was the name of the largest city in the Mississippian Empire?
Cuzco Cahokia natchez




Cahokia was the largest and most influential urban settlement of the Mississippian culture.

The seeds of the Harlem Renaissance were sown by the Great Migration in which large numbers of African Americans left the South and migrated north. What is a reason African Americans continued to move northward in the 1920s?



Racism in the South and supposed economic and social freedoms up north


Who made up the highest and lowest level of society in Europe during the 1400s



rulers, nobles, and peasants.


Who made up the highest and lowest level of society in Europe during the 1400s?

critically discuss the rise of Afrikaaner Nationalism in SA​



Afrikaner nationalism gained ground within a context of increasing urbanisation and secondary industrialisation during the period between the two world wars, as well as the continuing British imperial influence in South Africa.


Asa cultural and political phenomenon, a specifically ethnic nationalism and narrowly defined Afrikaner nationalism undoubtedly left its mark on twentieth-century South African history. This is about the only non controversial statement that can be made in connection with Afrikaner nationalism. There are differing interpretations concerning the origins of Afrikaner nationalism, its nature and content, the way in which it has been manufactured, and the precise correlation between Afrikaner nationalism and socio-economic developments.

It is also important that we do not see Afrikaner nationalism in isolation. In the rest of Africa, particularly from the 1950s onwards, a wave of black nationalism swept over the continent and led to the independence of many countries. Although Afrikaner nationalism differed from black nationalism in many respects, it also displayed some similar characteristics. It shared, for example, the idea that foreign powers should not be allowed to dominate local populations.

Describe how the design of the church contributes to its purposes as a spiritual sanctuary. (ten sentences minimum) Art History



People attend churches. The church building is a geographical location that provides sanctuary.

Biblically, there is a specified design for how a holy sanctuary should look like. This is found in the Good Book from the 25th Chapter of Exodus to the 31st.

It is clear, however, that over the course of history,  those recommendations have been modified.

These changes, some mostly triggered by the radical liturgical activities of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church (which holds Church Building Architecture with utmost reverence and importance) has found it greatly challenging to adopt a newer and better standard architecturally to express its Mass.

For the Catholic church, it is important that the geographical location has a sense of sanctity and sacredness which will serve to enhance the unique spiritual experience of the Catholic Mass.

The above being said, the architectural devices of the church that exude space and a sense of sacredness works together with the liturgical processes to create evoke or amplify an emotional response.

The emotional response in this case relates to the connection between the church attendee and the sacredness they have come to want to achieve.


Socorroooóoóoóó alguém me ajuda pfvrrrrr



this is too much


Which was the first American military unit dedicated to aviation?



1st Reconnaissance Squadron; Fort Sill, Oklahoma


The facts don't lie, and this is history.

Could you give me brainliest please?

When were horses brought to the Americas and what areas were affected?



caballus, were brought back to North America, first in the Virgin Islands, and, in 1519, they were reintroduced on the continent, in modern-day Mexico, from where they radiated throughout the American Great Plains, after escape from their owners or by pilfering (Fazio 1995)

What was the bush doctrine ?


multiple interrelated foreign policy principles

What resulted because Georgia did not allow slavery?
A. Plantations had to be divided into smaller farms.
B. There wasn't enough lather to grow food crops.
C. Native Americans refused to sell land to the farmers.
D. Slaves from other colonies ran away to Georgia.


D - Slaves from other colonies ran away to georgia

Slaves from other colonies ran away to Georgia.

What is slavery in Africa?

Being a slave, who is unable to leave the duty they are performing for an enslaver and who is treated as the enslaver's property, is both the state and the condition of being an enslaved person.

Slavery was practiced in many different ways throughout historical Africa, including debt slavery, the enslavement of prisoners of war, military slavery, slavery for prostitution, and the enslavement of criminals. Slavery was frequently used in Africa for household and legal purposes.

To know more about slavery refer to :


What does Cassius foreshadow to be the outcome of the war?
A victory for his army
B. the falling of two eagles
C. defeat for his army
D. the return of Caesar's ghost





Cassius foreshadows defeat for his army in the war. Cassius foreshadows defeat for his army in the war.




A viral music video is spreading to many parts of the world as children love to watch and sing along with the song. What type of diffusion would this represent?





It’s is contagious I hope this helps.

which is used to calculate the number of cells in a range that have numbers in them
A. ms excel
B. argument
C. functions
D. electronic spread sheets​



COUNT function


The COUNT function counts the number of cells that contain numbers, and counts numbers within the list of arguments. Use the COUNT function to get the number of entries in a number field that is in a range or array of numbers.

Which of the following explains one method the Roman Catholic Church used to unify Europe after the Roman empire collapsed


The  statement that explains one method the Roman Catholic Church used to unify Europe after the Roman empire collapsed is B.It brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam.

What method did Roman Catholic Church used to unify Europe?

It should be noted that the Catholic Church unified Europe socially through the continuing masses, as well as the holding baptisms and weddings, and caring for the sick.

However the  Catholic Church unified Europe politically  through the process of acting as a unifying "leader" for Christians and it can be considered as a place people could come to for help they needed and the Church would be there, hence considering the case above it brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about Roman Catholic Church at:


missing options:

A. It forced all Eastern Orthodox Christians to respect the pope’s authority.

B.It brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam.

C. It established the Code of Justinian as the official European legal system.

D. It required that Latin act as the official spoken language throughout Europe.

It brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam

Economists can use new technology to


Make new improvements to society

Subjective measures are numeric or quantifiable while objective measures are based on the perceptions of the family members or therapist ?
True or false


The correct answer is False


The word "subjective" is a concept that refers to the opinion or point of view of a person or group on a specific topic. While the word "objective" is a concept that refers to information or knowledge that does not include the opinion or point of view of its author, but rather focuses on the nature of a specific topic in general and specific. According to the above, the correct answer is false because subjective measures are not numerical or quantifiable but refer to an opinion or point of view and perceptions, while objective measures are not based on someone's perceptions but rather refer to numeric or quantifiable information.

· Machine guns
· Poison gas
· Flamethrowers
· Airplanes
These new military technologies resulted in a huge expansion of the military tactic known as trench warfare and made _______ the most deadly war up to that point in history.

World War I
World War II
American Civil War



The correct answer is B. World War I.


A trench warfare is a war in which both sides have dug themselves opposite each other in trenches and other fortified positions, with the aim of halting the advance of the enemy, which culminates in a stalemate where neither side succeeds in breaking through the enemy lines. The best-known trench warfare is World War I.

In general, trench warfare is the result of technological advances that allow enemy soldiers to be killed faster than they can advance. For example, in World War I, repeating rifles, machine guns, and modern artillery made it possible to mow down soldiers in the open by bushes. However, as armies still moved largely on foot and horseback, they could not cross those same open battlefields fast enough to get close enough to the enemy and fire effectively at the enemy.

why the attitude toward the Etruscan rule changed over time.



They saw them as honorable men.


How did the attitude of Romans toward the Etruscans change over time? They saw them as honorable men. ... The Etruscans built temples, passing on their religious rituals to the Romans. They even influenced the style of clothing that the Romans wore.

How did "the loyal
American people”
see the
Reconstruction Act?



The Southerners did not like the Reconstruction Act..and did all they could until they eventually destroyed it


This is all I know....

Which ONE is FALSE regarding the Scientific Testing of the Shroud?


Answer: Shroud believers maintain that the stains are blood marks from the wounds of Jesus but most test results indicate paint has been used in those areas.


The scientists of the Shroud of Turin Research Project who released their findings in 1988, wrote that the blood stains on the shroud were made of hemoglobin and had albumin as well.

This confirms that these were indeed blood stains and not paint as suggested because both hemoglobin and albumin are substances that are present in the human blood.

What were native Americans groups most threatened by?



They were threatened by diseases, poverty, land seizure and deportation.


Hope this helps!

Of the following government types, which two are the most opposite?
A. a dictatorship and a democracy
B. a monarchy and a dictatorship
C. a monarchy and an aristocracy
D. a republic and a democracy


the answer is A. a dictatorship and a democracy

boa noiteeeee

como ces ta?


Answer:Boa noite

Explanation:Eu ta bom


como ces ta?


Eu sou bom :)

The governor's veto power is part of ________________________



Legislative power


The governor's veto power is part of "Legislative power."

The above statement is TRUE because the evidence can be fornd in the Article III, Section 12, of the State of Washington Constitution.

The part of the Article III, Section 12, of the constitution state that "Every act which shall have passed the legislature shall be, before it becomes a law, presented to the governor. If he approves, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have originated, which house shall enter the objections at large upon the journal and proceed to reconsider..."

Q: How was
impacted by industrial
growth and organized labor?


It was impacted because they started advancing technology
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