hree different kinds of plate boundaries are associated with stresses that deform rock. Divergent boundaries occur where plates pull apart from each other, and are associated with tensional stress. Convergent boundaries occur where two plates collide into each other, and are associated with compressional stress. What type(s) of stress is associated with transform plate boundaries


Answer 1
Shear stress is associated with transform plate boundaries

Related Questions

How did the building of pyramids lead to advances in science and mathematics in Ancient Egypt



The great pyramid reveals phi, pi, Euler's constant, the speed of light, the Fibonacci series, the golden mean and much more, all embedded within its sacred geometry. It seems our science and mathematics are not as advanced as they were when the pyramids were built.

What causes different weather conditions?(explain in detail)


The five factors that determine the weather of any land area are: the amount of solar energy received because of latitude; the area's elevation or proximity to mountains; nearness to large bodies of water and relative temperatures of land and water; the number of such storm systems as cyclones, hurricanes, and thunderstorms resulting from air-mass differences; and the distribution of air pressure over the land and nearest oceans, which produces varying wind and air mass patterns.

Triangle A”B”C” is the image of triangle ABC after a sequence of transformations which sequence of transformations could have been applied



Triangle ABC is translated one unit rate, then rotated 90° clockwise about the origin


give an account of the northern plains of India.​



The northern plain has been formed by the interplay of the three major river systems, namely– the Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra along with their tributaries. This plain is formed of alluvial soil. The deposition of alluvium in a vast basin lying at the foothills of the Himalaya over millions of years, formed this fertile plain. It spreads over an area of 7 lakh sq. km. The plain being about 2400 Km long and 240 to 320 Km broad, is a densely populated physiographic division. With a rich soil cover combined with adequate water supply and favourable climate it is agriculturally a very productive part of India

The diagram shows A(−3,5) and B(8,1).
What is the distance between the two points?





Please draw 2 line and complete the triangle after this step you can see the high is 4 long is 11 and 4²+11²=x² =√137

What are the Political impacts of chocolate?



The big issues in that chocolate you like so much: low prices for farmers, unsustainable practices, child labor.  These are still with us.

European governments and legislators urged to help cocoa farmers as prices continue to fall in West Africa:  Fairtrade urges EU to implement regulation to recognise the right to living income in cocoa sector in any forthcoming human rights due diligence regulation, as European Cocoa Association calls for an ‘enabling environment’ across the industry.

write features of equatorail region



abundant rainfall of 2000mm on average

¿que es la migración y por que se da?



Uhm, sir, this is a english app, search a spanish app

uhhh, señor, esta es una app en ingles, busca una en español


que es la migración y por que se da?

I think is:

What is migration and why does it occur?

In English -

Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. Migration can be within a country or between countries. Migration can be permanent, temporary or seasonal. ... Migration impacts both the place left behind and on the place where migrants settle.

People migrate for many different reasons. These reasons can be classified as economic, social, political or environmental: social migration - moving somewhere for a better quality of life or to be closer to family or friends. political migration - moving to escape political persecution or war.

En español

La migración es el movimiento de personas de un lugar a otro. La migración puede ser dentro de un país o entre países. La migración puede ser permanente, temporal o estacional. ... La migración impacta tanto en el lugar dejado atrás como en el lugar donde se asientan los migrantes.

Las personas migran por muchas razones diferentes. Estas razones pueden clasificarse en económicas, sociales, políticas o ambientales: migración social: mudarse a algún lugar para una mejor calidad de vida o para estar más cerca de la familia o los amigos. migración política: moverse para escapar de la persecución política o la guerra.

I hope this helps! >3

¡Espero que esto ayude! >3

English settlers were barred from exploring the Australian interior early on because of what two geographic regions?

Gulf of Carpentaria
Western Plateau
Great Dividing Range
Murray-Darling Basin



Great Dividing Range



Great Dividing Range






Physical Geography

The natural environment is the primary concern of physical geographers, although many physical geographers also look at how humans have altered natural systems. Physical geographers study Earth's seasons, climate, atmosphere, soil, streams, landforms, and oceans.


Physical Geography


It is one of the two fields of geography. Physical geography is the branch of natural science which deals with the processes and patterns in the natural environment such as the atmosphere.

Question: what is Agenda 21 ?​



Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environmentAgenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment


Agenda 21 is the plan of action to achieve sustainable development that was adopted by the world leaders at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,

What are spring tides?
O A. High tides that occur on the side of Earth nearest to the moon
O B. Tides that occur during a new moon and a full moon and which
are stronger than average
O C. Tides that occur during a new moon and a full moon and which
are weaker than average
O D. Low tides that occur on the side of Earth farthest from the moon


Answer: O B. Tides that occur during a new moon and a full moon and which are stronger than average.


A spring tide happens when there is a flood or rising of water levels during a full or a new moon. An example of a spring tide is the rising of the water levels of the ocean.

Prove that root 2 as irrational number​


To prove: √2 is an irrational number. Proof: Let us assume that √2 is a rational number. So it can be expressed in the form p/q where p, q are co-prime integers and q≠0. √2 = p/q. ...
Solving. √2 = p/q. On squaring both the side we get, =>2 = (p/q)2

when the national forest policy was formed in india​



the national forest policy was formed in india in 19th October 1894

have a nice day

Find the coordinates of a point on the directed segment from (3,-2) to (8,0) that divides it into a ratio of 3:1.



[tex](x,y) = (\frac{27}{4}, -\frac{1}{2})[/tex]



[tex](x_1,y_1) = (3,-2)[/tex]

[tex](x_2,y_2) = (8,0)[/tex]

[tex]m : n = 3 :1[/tex]


The coordinates of the point

This is calculated using:

[tex](x,y) = \frac{1}{m+n}(mx_2 + nx_1, my_2 + ny_1)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex](x,y) = \frac{1}{3+1}(3*8 + 1*3, 3*0 - 1*2)[/tex]

[tex](x,y) = \frac{1}{4}(27, -2)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex](x,y) = (\frac{27}{4}, -\frac{1}{2})[/tex]

How Is Wasting Water Bad for the Environment?



Kindly check explanation


Even though the water revolves around a cycle such that used water can still be reused, water flowing through the surface may flow into water bodies,such as rivers, some percolate down the surface down to water aquifers, while some evaporate to the atmosphere to form clouds. However, water wasting could occur when, usable amount of water undergoes this cycle process without it being useful for human use. This could occur during pumping of water, when reservoirs are over filled, this overfilled water which travel as run off is just more than the amount needed by some to perform their daily chores of washing, drinking and watering their plants. Therfore, wasting of water could be the lack of adequate or appropriate channeling, hence, leading to deficiency in some part of the environment and excessive in others. Areas wit deficiency will suffer from poor growth of plant, residents will also suffer from dehydration and so on.

The amount of accessible water within the environment is diminished.

Why are there glaciers near the equator?



It's possible that glaciers exist at the Equator if they are at high enough in elevation that the air becomes cold again and snow can fall


Why are latitude and longitude useful to geographers?



Latitude and longitude make up the grid system that helps us identify absolute, or exact, locations on the Earth's surface. You can use latitude and longitude to identify specific locations. Latitude and longitude are also helpful in identifying landmarks.


used to mark the location

in which country the first earth summit took place and when ? And what it's objective​



United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), byname Earth Summit, conference held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (June 3–14, 1992), to reconcile worldwide economic development with protection of the environment.



Earth Summit, conference held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (June 3–14, 1992),

and it's objective was to reconcile worldwide economic development with protection of the environment.

What is the purpose of this excerpt from the article "What Is GIS?"?

GIS also can be used for complex modeling to answer a wide range of "what if" and ecosystem simulation questions. These may be cartographic models designed to document the co-occurrence or interrelationship of multiple data layers or they may be hypothetical research models designed to mimic natural ecological systems. Similarly, modeling with GIS can be used to predict the impacts that one set of parameters will have on another. For example, wetlands, soils, hydrography, climatology and elevation data can be combined to model flooding within a river system. Upstream changes in land use within the same system can be modeled to determine the potential impact of conversion of a forested floodplain to residential development or to agriculture. As a result, both natural system responses to storm events and the impact of human land use decisions can be assessed prior to the proposed action.



to warn readers about the hazards of diminishing wetlands


Got it correct on my test.


to warn readers about the hazards of diminishing wetlands



This is for Astronomy help pls
Does an asteroid need to hit the Earth to do damage? Why or why not?



No.for example the tunguska event in asteroid entered the atmosphere,exploded and sent pieces flying down 3-6miles to the surface

I hope this helps

te de que manera crees tu que Podrías apoyar a los negocios que dependen del turismo durante esta Pandemia?​


Answer:are you talking about the pandemic


What does it mean by the youngest religion? Is it the oldest or most recent (used today) religion?


it means the oldest religion. not the most recent used today.

Young religions, also called New religious movements (NRMs) are religions created recently, examples like LaVeyan Satanism (1966), Thelema ( early 1900s), Latter Day Saints (LDS / Mormons, 1820s), Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs, late 1870s), Discordianism (1963)

Older religions include Judaism and Hinduism, etc

"Most recent" is difficult to answer, but the largest religion today is Christianity with over 2 billion followers, followed by Islam and then irreligion.

he diagonal of a square is x units. What is the area of the square in terms of x? XSquare units Square unitS 2x Square units square units​





The diagonal of a square is x units.

Let the side of a square is s.

Using pythagoras,


The area of the square is,

A = s²



So, the area of a square is [tex]\dfrac{x^2}{2}[/tex]sq units.

If a map has a scale of 1 cm: 500 kilometers and the distance from Kingston to Port-Au-Prince, Haiti is 8 centimeters, then how far is the actual distance between Kingston and Port-Au-Prince?



4000 kilometers


1 cm equal 500 kilometers

8 cm equals 4000 km

Which of the following is accurate about monsoons?
Check all that apply.
A. Rice farming responds well to heavy monsoons.
B. Local economies are devastated in a heavy monsoon season.
C. Landslides and floods can occur on a large scale during
D. Monsoons are generally good for India.



Rice farming responds well to heavy monsoons

landslides and floods can occur on a large scale during monsoons

monsoons are generally good for India

Monsoons good for India: rice farming well for heavy monsoons; landslide and floods can occur on large scale..

Explanation: Apex

what is absolute location



A place at it's exact place on earth



Here's what absolute location is and how to find your location at any time. Absolute position refers to a specific, fixed point on the surface of the Earth represented by a scientific coordinate system. It is more accurate than relative location, describing the location of a place using other nearby locations

write a paragraph explaing why collect a can is an example of sustainable development​


Sustainable development means utilizing the resourses carefully and developing the nation without damaging the environment. So , Collecting a can is an eg of sustainable development bcuz you can recycle the can n get new things from it & recycling saves the environment as well as develops the needs.

Collecting cans is an example of sustainable development because it is more environmental friendly and helps in recycling.

What is sustainable development?

This  is a term that has to do with all sorts of developments that would lead to having a better and more sustainable future.

Recycling used cans is sustainable for the environment and also a wise use of resources.

Read more on sustainable development here:


difference and similarity between biodiversity at local, regional and global ​



The “fact” that biological diversity—biodiversity—is declining and that humanity is ultimately responsible has become common knowledge among scientists, citizens, and policymakers. Biodiversity loss is the mantra for conservation; we are exhausting biodiversity on the planet at a far greater rate than it can replenish itself (1). Furthermore, these losses could greatly reduce the benefits (ecosystem services) that humans obtain from nature, such as the pollination of crops, absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and provision of wild foods . However, is biodiversity truly declining? Remarkably, Vellend et al. export that, on average, the local diversity of plants has not decreased in recent decades. If anything, it has increased.

Vellend et al. searched the literature for studies that examined changes in local plant diversity. They found 168 studies from around the world, where the number of plant species had been counted, in over 16,000 plots in total, over periods of 5–50 or more years. They analyzed their global-scale dataset, finding an average 7.6% increase per decade in the number of species present in plots. This average was not significantly different from zero, so they concluded that there has been no overall change in local plant diversity, a finding that is extremely interesting.


The “fact” that biological diversity—biodiversity—is declining and that humanity is ultimately responsible has become common knowledge among scientists, citizens, and policymakers. Biodiversity loss is the mantra for conservation; we are exhausting biodiversity on the planet at a far greater rate than it can replenish itself (1). Furthermore, these losses could greatly reduce the benefits (ecosystem services) that humans obtain from nature, such as the pollination of crops, absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and provision of wild foods . However, is biodiversity truly declining? Remarkably, Vellend et al. export that, on average, the local diversity of plants has not decreased in recent decades. If anything, it has increased.

Vellend et al. searched the literature for studies that examined changes in local plant diversity. They found 168 studies from around the world, where the number of plant species had been counted, in over 16,000 plots in total, over periods of 5–50 or more years. They analyzed their global-scale dataset, finding an average 7.6% increase per decade in the number of species present in plots. This average was not significantly different from zero, so they concluded that there has been no overall change in local plant diversity, a finding that is extremely interesting.


The negative of He bought some cow's change into negative​





The answer would be He didn't bring some cows .

hope it helps


he didn't bring some cows


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