Huntington's disease is an autosomal dominant trait. Given the pedigree below, if individual IV-4 has three children with a normal woman, what is probability that they would have at least one child with the disorder


Answer 1


The answer to the given question is =7/8


In autosomal dominant traits, one copy of the affected gene is enough to cause the disease. Let ’A’ be the affected gene, ‘a’ be the non affected gene. Since IV-4’s parents are a couple of affected and non-affected. So, he has the genes Aa, i.e. a single affected gene.  

A a

a aA aa

a aA aa

Number of children affected=[tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Number child affected out of three = [tex](\frac {1}{2}) ^{3}[/tex]

At least one child affected out of three = 1-P (number of children affected out of 3 )

                                                                      = [tex]1-(1/2)^{3}[/tex]

                                                                     = [tex]\frac{7}{8}[/tex]  

So, the answer to the given question is 7/8  

Related Questions

A teacher places 65 g of liquid water in a sealed plastic bag and then
places the bag in a freezer.
After the water freezes, what will be the mass of solid ice in the bag



65g, mass is always constant. when the water turned to ice it's volume and density changes but not it's mass

Answer:A. Exactly 65 g

Explanation:just to make it more of a simple answer

Part A
When the following liquids are poured into the same container, they separate as shown in the image. Based on the data
in the table below, what caused the order of the layers?
rubbing alcohol
vegetable oil
corn syrup
corn syrup
Volume Used
95 cm
90 cm
90.00 g
81.90 g
1.37 g/cm
1 g/cm
0.91 g/cm
0.78 g/cm
85 cm
vegetable oil
rubbing alcohol
105 cm


The layers are formed due to difference of density of solutions.

The main cause of the order of the layers is the difference of weight and density of different liquids in the container. The liquids that has more weight means higher density will sink below the liquids that has less weight means lower density so due to difference in  their density corn syrup is located at the bottom due to higher density and rubbing alcohol is present at the top of the container due to lower density.

What caused the order of the layers can be attributed to the densities of the liquids.

The density of a substance is an indication of how heavy the substance is in relation to its volume. Mathematically, it is given as mass/volume.Hence, a liquid with a higher density will always be at the bottom of a liquid with a lower density provided that both of them are of the same volume.

In order words, immiscible liquids poured together in the same container will separate out according to their densities - starting with the highest density liquid occupying the bottom with the lowest density liquid staying topmost.

More about density can be found here:

Which of the following hormones is directly
controlled by nervous system?
A. Adrenaline
B. Estrogen
C. Thyroxine
D. Cortisol



adrenaline is the hormone which is directly controlled by nervous system

Sigmoidal plots of activity versus substrate concentration are exhibited by a. holoenzymes. b. Michaelis-Menten enzymes. c. allosteric enzymes. d. monomeric enzymes. e. isozymes.



The correct answer is C


Allosteric enzyme is an enzyme that has more than one active site on the surface of the enzyme. Generally, the binding to one of these active sites affects the affinity of the other active sites on the enzyme; this causes the enzyme not to follow the Michaelis-Menten's enzyme kinetics. Thus, when the activity versus substrate is plotted on a graph, a sigmoidal curve shown instead of an hyperbolic curve (like other enzymes).  

Methanogens are able to live in what enviroment


Methanogens are found usually in swamps and marshes. Because they dont require oxygen they are able to live in anaerobic conditions

Which is NOT true of smooth muscle? A. They use peristalsis to move substances through tubes. B. They are found in the hollow parts of the body such as blood vessels and the small intestine. C. They can become fatigued. D. They are connected by gap junctions.​


Answer: the answer is C

Explanation: I been trying to find the same answer for this exact question for acellus and C was the correct answer

Which geometric solid is the best model for these cells?
O A. A square pyramid
O B. A sphere
O c. A right circular cylinder
OD. A cube



D. A cube


Epithelium cells are a type of cell that has a simple cuboidal epithelium that consists of only a single layer of cells that are cube-like or cuboidal in shape.  These cells have large, spherical nuclei present in the center. These cells are cube-shaped cells

undesirable side effects that may occur when taking this pill. (2 pts) 5. American soldiers who liberated the Nazi concentration camps at the end of World War II were so moved by the inmates' emaciation that they offered them candy bars and other rich foods. In spite of the inmates' extreme starvation, these foods had to be taken away from them. Explain why. Be specific as
possible. (2 pts)​



The digestive system can't digest the food properly.


The inmates' extreme starvation, these foods had to be taken away from them because their digestive system can't digest the food properly. When a person experience long duration of starvation, the body can't digest that rich foods properly and has difficulty to digest it so that's why these foods had to be taken away from them and provide those foods which are easily be digested.

The space shuttle Endeavor is launched to altitude of 500,000 m above the surface of the earth. The shuttle travels at an average rate of 700 m/s. How long will it take for Endeavor to reach its orbit?



Time taken by space shuttle = 714.28 m/s



Distance cover by space shuttle = 500,000 meter

Speed of space shuttle = 700 m/s


Time taken by space shuttle


Time taken = Distance / Speed

Time taken by space shuttle = Distance cover by space shuttle / Speed of space shuttle

Time taken by space shuttle = 500,000 / 700

Time taken by space shuttle = 714.28 m/s

Which statement explains why athletes experience a burning sensation in
their muscles after vigorous exercise?
A. Their muscles have taken in too much oxygen.
B. The conditions in their muscles have become anaerobic.
C. The temperature in their muscles has become too high.
D. Their muscles have become flooded with glucose.



B. The conditions in their muscles have become anaerobic.


In humans, cellular respiration occurs naturally in an aerobic condition (presence of oxygen) but anaerobic respiration can be adopted in specific or extreme cases. One of those cases is after or during a VIGOROUS EXERCISE.

What happens is that, after a vigorous exercise by an athlete, oxygen becomes insufficient in their muscle cells due to high consumption. Hence, their muscle cells switch to anaerobic respiration (lactic acid fermentation), which causes the build up of lactate in the muscle tissues. This lactate build up cause athletes to experience a painful and burning sensation in their muscles.

Hence, it all begins when "conditions in their muscles become anaerobic after an exercise".

Which area appears only on the posterior part of the body? a)scapular b)patellar c)umbilical d)sternal







On the posterior side

Sets the metabolic rate for the cells of the body describes



BMR ;  Basal Metabolic Rate


MR is  the rate of energy expenditure per unit time by endothermic animals at rest....

Metabolic comprises the process that the body needs to function.

Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy per unit of timethat a person  needs to keep the body functioning at rest

White petal color is a recessive trait.



An example of a dominant trait is the violet-colored flower trait. For this same characteristic (flower color), white-colored flowers are a recessive trait.


the impact of grassroots challenges to trash incinerators​


Yea the impact of grassroots challenges to trash incinerators ;)

I’m tryna meet you in the front



7.vena cava(D)



What are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions on Earth?​



Globally, the primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions are electricity and heat (31%), agriculture (11%), transportation (15%), forestry (6%) and manufacturing (12%). Energy production of all types accounts for 72 percent of all emissions.

someone knows the answer would help me





gel electrophoresis separate molecules according to the size of the molecules

The following answers for the Causes and Consequences features are examples and are not intended to represent a comprehensive list. In addition, the sequence of items is not meant to connote relative importance Sort the examples below into the appropriate bin. Think about which factors contribute to the spread of invasive species (causes), the consequences that result from the spread of invasive species, and possible solutions. Reset Help economic costs for control and removal of invasives decline of native organisms due to competition with invasives improved manual or chemical control measures increased global transport and mobility favorable conditions for invasives due to climate change stricter policies aimed at ballast water dumping and other particulars change in community structure and function Causes Consequences Solutions



factors contribute to the spread of invasive species (causes)increased global transport and mobility favorable conditions for invasives due to climate changethe consequences that result from the spread of invasive specieseconomic costs for control and removal of invasivesthe decline of native organisms due to competition with invasives change in community structure and functionpossible solutionsimproved manual or chemical control measuresstricter policies aimed at ballast water dumping and other particulars


Dispersion refers to the change in an organism's range or distribution area. Different ecological and biogeographical processes might be involved in organisms' dispersion. The term "jump dispersion" refers to a few individuals in a short time that can cross a barrier and occupy a new area. In this situation, the establishment is not always for sure. For this to happen, they must reproduce and start a new population of a certain size that can survive the new conditions.  

Biologic Invasions refer to new species that establish in a new area far or out of their original distribution range. Once established, these species might be considered exotic or invasive, according to their reproductive rate, population growth, and interaction with native species.

The exotic species is the one that has been introduced and got to establish, but causes no damage or alteration to native ecosystems.

The invasive species is introduced into a new area, establishes, expands its distribution from the first invaded spot, and overgrows. As they expand, they compete with other native species for resources such as water, place, radiation, exposure, shelter, source of food, among others. Species are considered to be invasive because of their reproductive rate, population growth, and interaction with native species, which provokes huge damages to the native ecosystem.

It is very common for these species to escape and start new populations in the new area, where they have less environmental pressure and better conditions than in their origin area -fewer predators, more resources, better nitches-, and these factors favor their establishment.

There are some typical steps in an invasion process:

1) Introduction or dispersion to the new area,

2) Naturalization. The new species establishes in the new area. It can grow, reproduce and make use of resources.

3) Overgrowth and uncontrolled expansion.  

4) Interaction with other species.  

5) Stabilization.  

Biologic invasions are natural processes, that occur in small groups of individuals that can expand to other ecosystems. Their expansion is promoted by the appearance or disappearance of barriers.  But these biological invasions have been accelerated by human beings, referring to this as human-assisted invasions. These are the cases in which men transport species from one place to the other for different uses or purposes.

Once a species has become invasive, it turns very hard to eliminate it, especially because it requires big mechanical and economical effort. However, they can be controlled to avoid their wider expansion. There are different ways of controlling invasive species

Mechanical ChemicalBiological

What do members of a population have in common? Select all that apply.
O A. They have the same density.
B. They are the same size.
C. They live in the same area.
D. They are the same species.
E. They live at the same time.



E. They live at the same time.

D. They are the same species.

If Sarah had skin vesicles on the anterolateral region of her neck, which peripheral nerve is infected by the virus? To which peripheral nerve plexus does this nerve belong


Answer: transverse cutaneous nerve

- cervical plexus


The peripheral nervous system refers to the network of the motor and the sensory nerves which helps in connecting the brain and spinal cord to the entire human body. The peripheral nerves control movement, sensation, and motor coordination.

If Sarah had skin vesicles on the anterolateral region of her neck, the peripheral nerve affected is the transverse cutaneous nerve. The transverse cutaneous nerve innervates the skin which covers the anterior cervical region and it brings to the cervical plexus.

Why do you think it’s a challenge to reduce fossil fuel usage in homes in the United States? How could the use of fossil fuels affect the biodiversity in neighborhoods and the surrounding ecosystems?



Well,for starters fossil fuels have been there since the beginning of the country's life style in using it.Eg;for household used such as cooking.


The used of fossils may affect the surrounding biodiversity,and ecosystem due to the amount of Carbon Dioxide they emitted when being lit,which contributes to Ozone Depletion,and other global issues







QUESTION 27 in the brain Both sleep and mood are related to levels of O a. endorphins. O b. dopamine. O c. serotonin. O d. marshmallow.​



C) Serotonin

Serotonin, help to stabilize our mood and also helps with sleeping.

Which two physical properties of graphite make it a good mineral for use in pencils?
1. luster and fracture
2. cleavage and color
3. hardness and streak
4. greasy feel and composition


The answer is 3 3 3 3

The physical properties of graphite which makes it good for pencils is ;  

( 3 ) hardness and streak

Graphite is made up of carbon atoms which are held together by van der waals forces ( weak force ). They are soft and slippery which is why graphite is used in the manufacture of  lubricants. while graphites are used for the manufacture of writing materials such as pencils because of its hardness and streak

Hence we can conclude that the physical properties of graphite which makes graphite good for the production of pencils are hardness and streak

Learn more :

write the function of eustachian tube?



Equalized air pressure.


The function of eustachian tube enables air pressure to be equalized between the outside air and the middle ear cavity. The eustachian tube also known as pharyngotympanic tube that connects the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx. Eustachian tube is responsible for the aeration of the middle ear system as well as clears mucus from the middle ear into the nasopharynx. Opening and closing functions of the eustachian tube are is very important.

What is physiological?


relating to the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
The above answer is correct

Albinism is a recessive trait where an individual does not produce the pigment melanin. A man and woman who both produce melanin have one child out of three who has albinism. What are the genotypes of the man and woman


it’s just because the answer is this melanin both of them have it

Albinism is a recessive trait where an individual does not produce the pigment melanin. Albinism is an autosomal disease where the gene which is expressed here is having albinism which is the cause of heterozygous condition.

What is the heterozygous ?

Heterozygous is the condition where the genes in the alleles are different to each other where one has a dominant character and one has a recessive character. The genotypes of the woman and man decide the genotype of the offspring.

The genotypes of the man and woman is heterozygous where the dominant once out of 3 will have the dominant traits for the albinism. The condition will have to be heterozygous as in the Ia Ii gene where the gene for the albinism   will be i gene.

The same genotype for the male where the Ib i gene in which i i the albinism carrying gene here the ii condition of the gene will express the albinism.

Learn more about albinism at :


Compare and contrast the structure of DNA with RNA.


DNA is a double-stranded molecule, while RNA is a single-stranded molecule. DNA is stable under alkaline conditions, while RNA is not stable. ... DNA and RNA base pairing is slightly different since DNA uses the bases adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine; RNA uses adenine, uracil, cytosine, and guanine.

The eurkaryotic cells glycocalyx is..?



The glycocalyx is a carbohydrate-enriched coating that covers the outside of many eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells, particularly bacteria .

What is the answer with explaining and what I put in the empty box


In the red box it would be ‘bb’ with the trait being ‘b’, this is because the chart above and across from the read box are both ‘b’ so it is bb. The genotype of the offspring is ‘bb’. The offspring in the blue box is the first option, because it has two of the genes.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.
bb it’s the 2nd one on the bbottom
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