How many grams are 1.20 x 10^°25molecules of
calcium iodide?
Please show work!:)


Answer 1
The answer would be 19.9

Related Questions

What type of reaction is shown below:

Ethanoic acid + propanol -> propyl ethanoate + water
A. Polymerization
B. Addition (water)
C. Elimination
D. Esterification





because mix with propanol

(NEED HELP IMMEDIATELY) In a gene, which base sequence codes for two amino acids?
2. AG
4. GAA



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 3. \ GAGCTC}}[/tex]


Amino acids are the monomers or building blocks of protein. Proteins are created during protein synthesis according to the genetic information or DNA in an organism.

The DNA is translated to messenger RNA in the nucleus. It travels to the ribosome. There, the mRNA is "read off" in threes. Three nucleotides make up  a codon. Transfer RNA with the corresponding anticodon and an amino acid attaches to the codon and a chain of amino acid forms.

If 3 nucleotides make 1 codon which makes 1 amino acid, then we need double that or 6 nucleotides to make 2 amino acids.

The only answer choice with 6 nucleotides is Choice 3: GAGCTC

Which of the following pairs lists a substance that can neutralize HNO3 and the salt that would be produced from the reaction?
O BaOH2 and Ba(NO3)3
O KOH and K2NO3
O NH3 and NH4NO3
O NH4 and NHA(NO3)2



NH3 and NH4NO3


I took the test and guessed this since I couldn't find it here, it turned out to be correct so I thought I'd share.

The substances that can react with HNO3 to neutralize it  are NH3 and NH4NO3.

What is neutralization?

The term neutralization has to do with the reaction between an acid and a base to yiled salt and water only.

The substances that can react with HNO3 must be basic substances hence the substances required are NH3 and NH4NO3.

Learn more about neutralization reaction:


Please help with the Volume one



im a just achild






follow me if you want

If ya could change somethin bout ya previous science classes what would it be?


If I could change something in my previous science classes, it would have been the fact that I struggled in the question concerning exponents. It was simple one, but I don't know how I didn't understood that. For example, if there is a question with a calculation "xy²", then I would first multiply x and y, and then calculate the exponent. I did 3 of the questions wrong because of this, it was when I was in 7th grade. I wish I had not done this kind of silly mistake. I an in 10th grade and understand it well now, though.

Describe how to make a buffer solution using a strong base and one other reagent. 15 POINTSSSSSSSS



Hi! hopefully this helps you


You can make a buffer solution for a specific pH (potential of hydrogen) by mixing together a weak acid like acetic acid HC2H3O2 with a salt that contains the conjugate base like sodium acetate NaC2H3O2. A neutralization reaction would occur as you are mixing a weak acid and a strong base.

When you add the base to an acidic solution, the solution becomes less acidic and moves toward the middle of the pH scale. Aka neutralization

Hope this helps! best of luck <3

Which of the following substances can be used to neutralize HF? Question 6 options: A) NaOH B) HF C) HCl D) SO2




got it right on the test.





help me please I will mark as brainliest for the first correct answer ​



1. 3-methylpentane

2. 2-bromo-3-chloropentane

3. 2,2,4-trimethylpentane



Methyl group is in the third carbon atom in the long chain. The organic compound has five(5) carbon atoms thus it is named as pentane.

Therefore the name of the compound is


2. CH3CH(Br)CH(Cl)CH2CH3

The compound has Chlorine and Bromine in the carbon chain. Chlorine is given as chloro-, Bromine is given as bromo, depending on the position in the carbon chain. Bromine is located in 2 carbon atom and chlorine is in third(3) carbon atom in the long chain. The long chain has five carbon atoms thus pentane.

Naming of the compound we begin with the on lowest in the alphabet. The name of the organic compound is therefore;



In this long chained organic compound, methyl-group is found in 2,2 and 4th positions. Since this is still pentane, naming the organic compounds, we start with the one with the lowest carbon. Therefore this becomes;


I hope this helps you to know how to name the organic compounds.

difference between peak, orbit and orbital​



An orbit is a fixed path on which electrons revolve around the nucleus. An orbital is the probable area of finding the maximum density of electrons in an atom. An orbit is a planar representation, i.e., a two dimensional representation.

Can you help me on this. I will support your correct answer​


Iron+ nitric acid = Ferrous nitrate
Zinc+ sulphuric acid= Zinc sulphate

Magnesium chloride, Magnesium nitrate, magnesium sulphate

Please mark brainliest

describe two ways in which gases are similar to liquids in properties​



they have weak intermolecular forces

difference between Nitrogen 1 oxide and Oxygen​



one atom of oxygen is not equal to oxygen

How the amount of acid rain caused by the burning of fossil fuels can be reduced ?



The amount of acid rain caused by the burning of fossil fuels can be reduced by creating nitrogen oxides in the process of burning coal and other fossil fuels, some power plants are changing the way they burn coal. A great way to reduce acid rain is to produce energy without using fossil fuels. Instead, people can use renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

Cho các dung dịch: Glucozơ, glixerol, fomanđehit, etanol. Có thể dùng thuốc thử nào sau đây để phân biệt được cả 4 dung dịch trên?

A. Cu(OH)2; B. Dung dịch AgNO3 trong NH3;

C. Na kim loại; D. Nước brom.

Xem thêm tại:



chắc là câu B í


How many neutrons are present in 4.4 gram of Co2​



hope it will help you Mark me as a brilliant




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[tex]\begin{gathered} {\underline{\boxed{ \sf {\red{Answer}}}}}\end{gathered}[/tex]

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[tex]\large\bf\purple{ \longrightarrow} \rm \:[/tex]

\large\bf\purple{ \longrightarrow} \rm \:


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[tex]\Huge\bf { \underline{\mathbb {\green{ Answer }}}} [/tex]

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In Rutherford experiment some alpha particles fired at a gold foil bounced backward as a result of ... A.reflection from the surfaces of gold atoms B.electrostatic repulsion by gold nuclei C.electrostatic repulsion by electronsD.all of the aboveE.none of the above



B.electrostatic repulsion by gold nuclei


According to Rutherford's experiment, a thin gold foil was bombarded with alpha particles. Some of the particles passed through the foil undeviated, some were scattered through large angles while some bounced backwards.

It follows that the particles that bounced backwards must have encountered a massive particle of like charge.

The atom is composed of a nucleus which contains positively charged particles. Some of the alpha particles which are positively charged particles bounced back when they encountered the positively charged particles in the nucleus.

Answer: The correct option is B (electrostatic repulsion by gold nuclei).


In the Rutherford's experiment, he used positively charged particles called alpha particles to bombard an atom in order to find out what is inside the atom. Together with two other scientists, Geiger and Marsden, they used a narrow beam of alpha particles emitted from a radioactive source to bombard a thin gold foil. The scattering of the particles from the gold foil was detected by a movable zinc sulphide screen which could be rotated to various positions around the foil.

Each time an alpha particle hit the screen, a visible flash of light or scintillation was produced. This was observed by a microscope attached to the screen. It was then observed that some of the particles followed a straight path through the gold foil while a few where scattered in a backward direction. This was as a result of electrostatic repulsion by gold nuclei which occurs due to the greater part of the mass of the atom was concentrated in a minute nucleus with positive charge.

h2o how many molecules​



1 mole H2O has 6.02 × 10^23 molecules


A sample of gas has a volume of 20 cm³.The pressure is changed to 90 kPa at constant temperature,while the volume increases to 75 cm³.What was the original pressure of the gas?​



337.5kPa ~ 338kPa


Using the ideal gas law PV=nRT we have the following definitions from the problem:

V(initial) = 20cm³

P(initial) = ?kPa

V(final) = 75cm³

P(final) = 90kPa

Since we know that the number of moles of the sample did not change, nor did the temperature, nor does the ideal gas constant (R) we can rewrite this equation to state:

P(initial)V(initial) = nRT =P(final)V(final) ~  P(initial)V(initial) = P(final)V(final)

Rearranging this equation as we are solving for the initial pressure we find that:

P(initial) = (P(final)V(final))/V(initial)

P(initial) = ((90kPa)(75cm³))/20cm³

P(initial) = 337.5kPa ~ 338kPA

Answer the following questions based on the above graph(Electron affinity vs Atomic no.)
i)Why on moving from Li to Be, the value of electron gain enthalpy drops.
ii)Cl has a higher peak than fluorine. Explain.
iii)Why Fluorine has the highest value among its period members.


i) Be has a fully filled 2s level.

ii) This is because chlorine is larger than fluorine.

iii) Fluorine needs only one electron to attain the octet configuration.

Electron affinity is the ability of an electron to accept  gaseous electrons to yield gaseous ions with a negative charge.  

Electron affinity depends on the size of an atom. Larger atoms have a higher electron affinity because they are better able to accept electrons.

The drop between Li and Be is because the 2s orbital in Be is already fully filled while Li has incompletely filled 2s level. electrons do not easily go into the higher energy 2p level.

The higher peak of chlorine is because chlorine is larger than fluorine hence the electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine. The smaller the ion the lesser the electron affinity.

Fluorine has the highest electron affinity in period 2 because it needs only one electron to attain the octet structure.

Which among the following mixtures will show tyndal effect?
i) copper sulphate solution
ii) sand in water.
iii) milk.
iv) starch solution ​



milk and starch solution are the colloids, hence these will show the tyndall effect


milk and starch solution


Tyndall effect is shown by colloidal solutions. It is not shown by true solutions or suspensions.

Milk and starch solution are colloidal solutions. They show tyndall effect. On the other hand, common salt and copper sulphate solution are true solutions. They do not show tyndall effect.

Convert 50 m to mm
using the method of dimensional analysis




meters has to go on the bottom of the bracket used for conversion

50m [ 1000 mm / 1 m]= 50000 mm The meters cancel

Question 3 of 10
How are prefixes used to name compounds?
O A. Prefixes are used to indicate the number of atoms in both
covalent and ionic compounds.
O B. Prefixes are used to tell how many of each kind of atom are in
covalent compounds.
O C. Prefixes are used to tell how many of each kind of atom are in
ionic compounds.
O D. A prefix is used only for the name of the second element in
covalent compounds.


the answer is highly possible to be C

Prefixes are used to indicate the number of atoms in both

covalent and ionic compounds.

Covalent or molecular compounds form when elements share electrons in a covalent bond to form molecules. Molecular compounds are electrically neutral.

Ionic compounds are (usually) formed when a metal reacts with a nonmetal (or a polyatomic ion). Covalent compounds are formed when two nonmetals react with each other. Since hydrogen is a nonmetal, binary compounds containing hydrogen are also usually covalent compounds.

Metal  +  Nonmetal —>  ionic compound (usually)Metal  +  Polyatomic ion —>  ionic compound (usually)Nonmetal  +  Nonmetal  —>  covalent compound (usually)Hydrogen  +  Nonmetal  —>  covalent compound (usually)

Learn more about covalent and ionic compounds.


Atom A and Atom B have the same number of protons and neutrons, but they do not have the same number of electrons. ASAP



They will be considered ions of the same element.


Ions form from elements when they gain or loss an electron, causing the number of protons (positively charged) to be unequal to the number of electrons (negatively charged), resulting in a net charge.

If there are more electrons than protons (from an element gaining 1 or more electrons), the ion is negatively charged and is called an anion.

If there are more protons than electrons (via the loss of electrons), the ion is positively charged and is called a cation.

Melting point of four solids A, B, C and D are 299 K, 111K, 150K, 340K.their inter
particle forces of attraction are in the order:
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) B



You have provided wrong option.

Their interparticle forces of attraction are in the order D>A>C>B

So, option (d) D should be there.

Which of the following molecules does not have a permanent dipole?
Explain please ❤️



I think no b


because in chemistry I have nothing listen


Sugar is made up of clear, colorless crystals that dissolve easily in water, but the crystals and their solution do not conduct electricity. Which statement describes sugar? It is made up of atoms that are held together by metallic bonds. It is made up of atoms that are held together by covalent bonds. It is made up of atoms that are held together by weak ionic bonds. It is made up of atoms that are held together by strong ionic bonds.



it is made up of atoms that are held together by covalent bond

During an experiment the students prepared three mixtures A)Starch in water B) Sodium chloride solution C) Tincture of Iodine. i) Students observed a visible beam of light through mixture A. Why? ii) Tincture of Iodine did not show Tyndall effect . Explain reason. iii) How can you relate particle size to Tyndall effect?


The question requires a good knowledge of the meaning of Tyndall effect or scattering of light by false solutions in chemistry

The student observed a beam of visible light through mixture A because A exhibits Tyndall effect

Tincture of Iodine does not show Tyndall effect because its solution consists of particles less than 1 nanometer in solution.

A solution may be classified as a true solution or a false solution. A true solution consists of particles which are less than 1 nanometer in solution. A true solution does not scatter visible light.

A false solution, on the other hand consists of particles larger than 1 nanometer and does scatter visible light.

Starch in water is an example of a false solution or colloid hence it exhibits Tyndall effect. The scattering of visible light by a solution is known as Tyndall effect.

Tincture of iodine and sodium chloride in water are all true solutions hence they do not scatter visible light.

In a chemical equation, the symbol that means "dissolved in water" is _____. (s) (l) (aq) (g)


in a chemical equation, the symbol that means “dissolved in water” is (aq).

what is filtration? ㅜㅜ ㅜㅜ



filtration is the process of using a filter to remove solids from liquids or gasses.


an example of this is tea.

If 56 grams of carbon monoxide burns in oxygen to produce 88 grams of carbon dioxide, the mass of oxygen involved in the reaction is


The answer is 32 grams!

hope I helped

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