Hydra is called a diploblastic animal .Why? ​


Answer 1
Hydra has two main body layers, which makes it "diploblastic". The layers are separated by mesoglea, a gel-like substance. ... The cells making up these two body layers are relatively simple.

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explain the absorption of mineral by root hair cell if all mithochondria remove from the cell .​



The root hair cells have carrier proteins in their cell membranes. These pick up the mineral ions and move them across the membrane into the cell against the concentration gradient . Because active transport moves ions against the concentration gradient into the root hair cells, energy is needed.Plants absorb water from the soil by osmosis. They absorb mineral ions by active transport, against the concentration gradient. Root hair cells are adapted for taking up water and mineral ions by having a large surface area to increase the rate of absorption.

Which type of bond forms between water molecules?



Hydrogen Bonds


✦ ✦ ✦ Beep Boop - Blu Bot! At Your Service! Scanning Question . . .

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question: Which type of bond forms between water molecules?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer: Water is polar, and the dipole bond it forms is a hydrogen bond based on the two hydrogen atoms in the molecule. Hydrogen bonds are especially strong because the hydrogen atom in molecules such as water is a small, naked proton with no inner electron shell.


the answer is either B or D​





Answer: its b

Explanation: Adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP, is a molecule that carries energy within cells

Why are data tables useful in an experiment?



[tex]\textsl{Why are data tables useful in an experiment?}[/tex]

[tex]\hookrightarrow[/tex] [tex]\textsf{ANSWER:-}[/tex]

Data tables aid in the organization of information. Saving data from an experiment or scientific research in a data table will make it easier to look up later. Data tables may also aid in the creation of graphs and other charts based on your data.

[tex]\leadsto \leadsto\leadsto\leadsto\leadsto\leadsto\leadsto\leadsto[/tex]

[tex]\textbf{HOPE IT HELPS}[/tex]

[tex]\textbf{HAVE A GREAT DAY!!}[/tex]

A dependent variable is:
A. Changed to test a hypothesis.
B. Measured to show the effect of a change.
C. Kep the same to make an experiment a fair test.
D. Collected to draw conclusions.



B. Measured to show the effect of a change.




Measured to show the effect of a change

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Can you put more context to this question 010101 yes


Different types of liquids from the fractioning tower are moved to different structures to be further prepared for use.



What happens if the first line of defence is breached?
(Will mark as brainliest)


what happens if the first line of defence is breached?

Damage to the skin, such as burns or cuts, very quickly leads to complications and infections that before modern-day antibiotics could easily prove fatal. Once the outer line of defence is breached, the body very quickly starts up its first major attack on the invading substances.

When you have diabetes what is the main body system that is being affected? How does it affect other systems?



the main body system is circulatory system?


The Circulatory System (Read explanation)


Diabetes affects many of the body's major organs, such as the kidneys, eyes, blood vessels, and heart. Kidney Damage The kidneys filter out your body's waste products. In diabetics, high levels of blood sugar force the kidneys to try to filter large quantities of blood.

It affects other systems because kidneys are technically part of the urinary system and if you have diabetes, it will indeed affect the urinary system. It is all linked together and the domino effect will collapse.

Hope this helps and if it does, don't be afraid to give my answer a "Thanks" and maybe a Brainliest if it's correct?  

Anaerobic prokaryotes use what
to obtain energy.



they use anaerobic respiration in the absence of oxygen

What environmental Factor would likely lead to an increase in genetic variation in a population of squirrels





different predators or weather conditions within the environment if the environment were to change they would adapt to it as well

Containers of ice cream are sold by volume, not by weight. Some ice cream manufacturers pump air into the ice cream before packaging it. Why does this practice make the ice cream more expensive to the consumer?


Ok so say a pint of ice cream is 7 dollars. And we have two different brands. Same price, same flavor, same package. One pint is filled to the top and is very dense. The other is filled an inch away from the top and is light and easy to scoop through. In processing they both were filled to the top but the lighter ice cream had air pumped into it. This air settles at the top as the air is less dense than the ice cream and still gets trapped in the ice cream as well. This costs the company nearly nothing to do and nearly doubled the mass of the ice cream in production. Leading to them saving a lot of money while charging the same price. Technically this brand is more expensive because you are getting less than what you are paying for.

True or false

Transpiration pull will be stronger on a hot, humid day more than on a hot
dry day.


it’s true i think ……..

I need help with that




I can tell Name two foods each rich in ​



Name two foods rich in: a. Fats b. Starch c. Dietary fiber d. Protein

FatsProteinDietary fibersAvocadosSoybeanBroccoliTofuAnimal meatBarle

Help will mark brainliest #7,8


The answers for the question are given below


7. D

8. D


7. One of the most important functions of iron is the transportation of oxygen to the blood. Iron’s main purpose is to carry oxygen in the hemoglobin of red blood cells throughout your body so your cells can produce energy.

8. A network of tiny capillaries connects the arteries and veins. Though tiny, the capillaries are one of the most important parts of the circulatory system because it’s through them that nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the cells.

Los métodos hormonales son eficientes porque: * A: impiden la entrada de los espermatozoides C: Se inhibe (no se desarrolla) la ovulación B: El óvulo jamás se encuentra con el espermatozoide D: Los espermatozoides quedan atrapados y no llegan al óvulo


Answer: C: Se inhibe (no se desarrolla) la ovulación.


Los métodos anticonceptivos se utilizan prevenir el embarazo no deseado, evitando que el esperma fertilice a un óvulo. Hay distintos tipos, los cuales se clasifican en:

Anticonceptivos hormonales: Contienen hormonas, tales como estrógeno y progesterona, que previenen la ovulación (es decir, la liberación de óvulos de los ovarios). De esta manera, al no haber óvulo disponible, por mas que hayan espermatozoides, no va a ocurrir ninguna fecundación. El método mas conocido es la píldora o pastilla anticonceptiva. Anticonceptivos de barrera: Proveen una barrera física que impide la fecundación al impedir el encuentro entre el óvulo y el espermatozoide. Por ejemplo, el uso de preservativos o condones. En estos métodos, se impide la entrada de los espermatozoides, no se encuentran con el óvulo y la esperma queda atrapada dentro del condón. Anticonceptivos permanentes: Proveen un método permanente como  por ejemplo el Dispositivo Intrauterino que se coloca en el tracto uterino con una vida media de meses o años y posee un efecto espermicida que mata a los espermatozoides (por lo que no lograrán encontrar un óvulo). Otro ejemplo es la vasectomía, la cual es una cirugía que corta los conductos deferentes que transportan a los espermatozoides por lo que ya no pueden salir de los testículos para producir la fecundación (quedan atrapados dentro de los testículos, no entran al tracto uterino y no encuentran al óvulo)

Tanto los métodos de barrera como los permanentes, no inhiben la ovulación aunque si impiden que el óvulo se encuentre con el espermatozoide. Entonces, los métodos hormonales son los únicos que logran inhibir la ovulación. Las píldoras que poseen las hormonas previamente mencionadas pero fabricadas sintéticamente. Las mismas mimetizan el efecto de las hormonas naturales producidas por el cuerpo, alterando el ciclo menstrual regular y así evitan el embarazo ya que no habrá óvulo disponible para fecundar. Además, también pueden alterarla mucosidad en el cuello del útero para que los espermatozoides no pueden atravesarlo y llegar al óvulo. De todas maneras, el objetivo principal y mas importante de los métodos hormonales es bloquear la ovulación.

Which of the following is TRUE about the movement of earth's plates?
A. They do not move because they sit on a layer of solid rock
B. They move along with the layer of slightly softened rock below them
C. They move by floating on a layer of completely melted rock below them
D. They do not move until the solid rock layer beneath them temporarily melts and moves





the tectonic plates or the crust of the earth sit on molten rock moving across the planet with causes the plates to move causing things like earthquakes and volcanos

Movement of Earth's plate can be due to many reasons and can cause many disasters. They move along with the layer of slightly softened rock below them

What is the 3 causes of this movement?

Earth's plates move due to the intense heat in the Earth's core. This causes the movement of soften rock in the mantle layer.

It moves in a convection cell pattern that forms by rising of warm, cooling and then sinking down of material.

The Earth's plates move by floating on a layer of completely melted rock below them.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding movement of Earth's plate, visit:


wich best describes how mRNA is used by a cell



where are options??????????????

?Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules carry the coding sequences for protein synthesis and are called transcripts; ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules form the core of a cell's ribosomes (the structures in which protein synthesis takes place); and transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules carry amino acids to the ribosomes during protein ...

Answer: Pretty sure its option D that is the correct answer. Transcription of DNA results in the formation of mRNA. A polypeptide chain is formed when codon sequences of DNA reach the ribosome, delivering DNA sequences to the ribosome.


I can't see the choices but I've done this activity before and that's how I know

1. What is Preservation?
2.Why does refrigerator and freezing help preserve food for a longer time? ​



q.1 ans

Preservation—The protection of cultural property through activities that minimize chemical and physical deterioration and damage and that prevent loss of informational content. The primary goal of preservation is to prolong the existence of cultural property.


q.2 ans

Cold temperatures help food stay fresh longer. The basic idea behind refrigeration is to slow down the activity of bacteria (which all food contains) so that it takes longer for the bacteria to spoil the food. ... Refrigeration and freezing are two of the most common forms of food preservation used today.

Why do caves form in Sandy Glacier, but not in larger thicker glaciers?


Large, permanent caves like those on the Sandy only form when a glacier is thin and the weight of the ice no longer squeezes the caves shut, allowing warm air to flow into the glacier. McGregor and Cartaya have drawn on years of experience mountaineering and caving to safely explore the caves in the Sandy Glacier.

This is the question I need help with.


Answer: Brown beetle


It's brown so it blends in with the ground better.

Answer:the answer would be D

Explanation: the brown beetle is SUPPOST to be the tan colored beetle and the the ENVIORNMENT they are asking for is the new desert, in which case the brown beetle (or tan beetle) will have better adapted to the new envionrment (the New desert)

what can scientists learn from radiometric dating?

A- how long ago a plant or animal lived
B- how much time it took a fossil to form
C- where a plant or animal lived
D- whether a fossil has modern relatives



Radiometric dating is used by geologists to determine the age of rocks and the ages of fossils found within them.


It is how long ago a plant or animal lived or answer A.

Explanation:The more of certain item in a cell such as carbon or something like that each one is like I don't know like 100,000 years ago hope this helps.

The diagram below represents the time a cell spends in the two main phases
of the cell cycle. Which section of the diagram represents the phase during
which the cell divides, and what is this phase called?
A. Yellow area: Interphase
B. Yellow area: M phase
C. Blue area: M phase
0 D. Blue area: Interphase



The yellow ares is m-phase


This is where the cell divides into two nucleus.

The blue area in the diagram represents the phase during which the cell divides, and this phase is called the M phase or mitotic phase. Therefore, option C is the correct.

What is mitotic phase?

The mitotic phase, also known as the M phase, is the phase of the cell cycle during which a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. This process of cell division is essential for growth, development, and repair of tissues in multicellular organisms.

The M phase consists of four stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. During these stages, the replicated chromosomes condense and align at the metaphase plate, separate and move towards opposite poles of the cell during anaphase, and then decondense and form two separate nuclei during telophase.

The M phase is tightly regulated by a complex network of checkpoint pathways that ensure the accurate segregation of chromosomes and prevent the formation of abnormal cells, which can lead to diseases such as cancer.

Learn more about mitotic phase, here:



what do you mean by the chromatin fibres ?​


Hey buddy I am here to help!

Chromatin fibers are coiled and condensed to form chromosomes. Chromatin makes it possible for a number of cell processes to occur including DNA replication, transcription, DNA repair, genetic recombination, and cell division.

Hope its helps!

Plz mark me brainliest!

They form chromosomes




I think it 50 answer

I think it is the answer

If you had a sequence of DNA that was ATGCCATTGC, what would be the complementary DNA Sequence?







What would happen if there were no condensation stage in the water cycle?


answer : there would be no rain.

There would be no rain

Please answer as soon as possible​



1.sensory organs



what happens to one's body when they starve​


there hungry



The body lacks a proper circulation of oxygenated blood, hence abnormality in respiration.

help will brainlist thx



1.Food webs consist of many interconnected food chains and are more realistic representation of consumption relationships in ecosystems.

2. If the grasshopper decreased the birds and owls would not have have enough food and therefor the population of birds and owls will also decreases.when Foxes eat the birds if there are are less number of birds it will affect the population of the foxes to decreases.

hope it helps.

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