i have a question about my asignment. everyone help me pls.


Answer 1


ohk ask


maybe I will help you

Related Questions

Josh is a hockey player on his university's team. He practices four times a week with his team and sometimes attends Friday night open skate with his friends. If Josh decides to attend the Friday night skate, the cost is $5. Which of the following is economically true regarding Josh's decision to join his friends on Friday night?
A. Josh will only attend Friday night skate if there is no charge, a fifth time skating will not benefit him at all.
B. Since Josh already skates four times a week with his hockey team, he will never choose to skate a fifth time that week.
C. If Josh decides to join his friends, he must feel that he gains at least $5 in fun by attending a fifth weekly session on the ice.
D. Josh should never attend Friday night open skate--he could get hurt and jeopardize his hockey career.



C. If Josh decides to join his friends, he must feel that he gains at least $5 in fun by attending a fifth weekly session on the ice.


C. If Josh decides to join his friends, he must feel that he gains at least $5 in fun by attending a fifth weekly session on the ice.


It is the most fun for him

The most recent financial statements for Xporter, Inc., are shown here:
Income Statement Balance Sheet
Sales $5,700 Current assets $ 3,900
Current liabilities $ 2,200 Costs 4,200
Fixed assets 8,100 Long-term debt 3,750
Taxable income $1,500 Equity 6,050
Taxes (34%) 510 Total $12,000 Total $12,000
Net income $ 990
Assets, costs, and current liabilities are proportional to sales. Long-term debt and equity are not. The company maintains a constant 40 percent dividend payout ratio. As with every other firm in its industry, next year’s sales are projected to increase by exactly 15 percent. What is the external financing needed?


Solution :

Expected sales = current sales x (1 + projected sale next year increase)

                         = 5,700 x (1 + 15%)

                         = $ 6555

Expected cost = current cost x (1 + projected sale next year increase)

                       = 4200 x (1 + 15%)

                       = $ 4830

Taxable income = 1500 x ( 1 + 15%)

                           = $ 1725

Taxes (34%)  = 510 x (1+15%)

                     = $ 586.5

Net income = sales - cost - taxes

                   = 6555 - 4830 - 586.5

                   = $ 1138.5

Calculation of total asset :

Current asset = 3,900 x 1.15

                      = $ 4485

Fixed asset   = 8100 x 1.15

                      = $ 9315

Total asset = 4485 + 9315

                  = $ 13800

Calculation of total liabilities

Current liabilities = 2200 x 1.15

                            = $ 2530

Long term debt = $ 3,750

Equity = $ 6050 + (1138.5 x 0.50 )

          = $ 7189

Total liabilities  = $ 2530 + $ 3,750 + $ 7189

                          = $ 13, 469

Therefore the external financial needed is = $ 13800 - $ 13, 469

                                                                       = $ 331

chuyển 1 TSCĐ hữu hình thuộc nguồn
NSNN cấp do không đủ tiêu chuẩn chuyển thành CCDC, theo nguyên giá 25.000,
giá trị hao mòn lũy kế: 21.000.


Tell me why I went to a different question and they gone tell me incorrect answer like how that work if y’all know the answer tell the man

A consumer's weekly income is $250, and the consumer buys 12 bars of chocolate per week. When weekly income increases to $280, the consumer buys 13 bars per week. The income elasticity of demand for chocolate by this consumer is about





Given that we have the formula for calculating income elasticity of demand as the percent change in quantity demanded divided by the percent change in income, hence, we have the percent change in quantity demanded => 13 - 12 = 1 ÷ 12 = 0.083

the percent change in income => 280 - 250 = 30 ÷ 250 = 0.12

Therefore we have => 0.083 ÷ 0.12 = 0.69

Hence, the final answer is 0.69

The following data apply to Elizabeth's Electrical Equipment:
Value of operations $20,000
Short-term investments $1,000
Debt $6,000
Number of shares 300
The company plans on distributing $50 million by repurchasing stock. What will the intrinsic per share stock price be immediately after the repurchase?





Calculation to determine the intrinsic per share stock price be immediately after the repurchase

First step

Total Assets=Value of operations of 20,000+ Short term investments of 1000

Total Assets=$21,000

Second step

Equity =Assets - Debt

Equity= $21,000-$6,000

Equity= $15,000

Now let determine the intrinsic per share stock price

Intrinsic per share stock price=$15,000/300

Intrinsic per share stock price=$50

Therefore the Intrinsic value per share will be $50 immediately after the repurchase has occured.

The intrinsic per share stock price immediately after the repurchase would be approximately $166,716.67

How did we get the value?

To determine the intrinsic per share stock price immediately after the repurchase, we need to calculate the new number of shares outstanding after the repurchase and then divide the remaining value of operations by the new number of shares.

Given data:

Value of operations: $20,000

Short-term investments: $1,000

Debt: $6,000

Number of shares: 300

First, we need to calculate the new number of shares outstanding after the repurchase. Since the company plans on distributing $50 million by repurchasing stock, we can use this information to determine the number of shares repurchased.

The value of operations ($20,000) plus the short-term investments ($1,000) minus the debt ($6,000) gives us the total equity value of the company before the repurchase:

Equity value before repurchase = Value of operations + Short-term investments - Debt

= $20,000 + $1,000 - $6,000

= $15,000

Let's assume the repurchased shares are denoted by R.

Now, we can set up an equation to represent the total equity value after the repurchase:

Equity value after repurchase = (Number of shares - R) × Intrinsic per share stock price

Given that the total equity value after the repurchase is $15,000 and the number of shares is 300, we have:

$15,000 = (300 - R) × Intrinsic per share stock price

We also know that the company plans on distributing $50 million by repurchasing stock, so we can set up another equation to represent the total value of the repurchased shares:

Total value of repurchased shares = R × Intrinsic per share stock price

Given that the total value of repurchased shares is $50 million, we have:

$50,000,000 = R × Intrinsic per share stock price

Now we can solve these two equations simultaneously to find the values of R (repurchased shares) and Intrinsic per share stock price.

We have the following system of equations:

$15,000 = (300 - R) × Intrinsic per share stock price ...(1)

$50,000,000 = R × Intrinsic per share stock price ...(2)

Divide equation (2) by Intrinsic per share stock price:

$50,000,000 / Intrinsic per share stock price = R

Substitute this value of R into equation (1):

$15,000 = (300 - ($50,000,000 / Intrinsic per share stock price)) × Intrinsic per share stock price


$15,000 = 300 × Intrinsic per share stock price - (50,000,000 / Intrinsic per share stock price) × Intrinsic per share stock price

$15,000 = 300 × Intrinsic per share stock price - 50,000,000

Rearrange the equation:

300 × Intrinsic per share stock price = $15,000 + $50,000,000

300 × Intrinsic per share stock price = $50,015,000

Intrinsic per share stock price = $50,015,000 / 300

Intrinsic per share stock price = $166,716.67 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the intrinsic per share stock price immediately after the repurchase would be approximately $166,716.67.

learn more about stock price: https://brainly.com/question/26128641


the gap between 'where we are now' and 'where we want to be' is known as the.....​



Planning gap.


Planning can be defined as the process of developing organizational objectives and translating them into action plans or courses of action.

This ultimately implies that, planning is a strategic technique used by organizations to make an aggregate plan for its manufacturing (production) process typically ahead of time, in order to have an idea of the level of goods that are to be produced and what resources are required so as to reduce the total cost of production to its barest minimum.

The planning gap can be defined as the gap between "where we are now?" and "where we want to be?"

Basically, "where are we now?" describe the current situation of things or financial and non-financial activities that a business firm currently holds.

On the other hand, "where we want to be?" is a vision and mission statement that focuses on achieving the goals and objectives set for a business firm.

A firm sells its product in a perfectly competitive market where other firms charge a price of $110 per unit. The firm estimates its total costs as C(Q) = 70 + 14Q + 2Q2. a. How much output should the firm produce in the short run?


Answer: 24 units.


Price(P) = 110

C(Q) = 70 + 14Q + 2Q²

The output level will be gotten when price e equals to the marginal cost.

Since C(Q) = 70 + 14Q + 2Q², the marginal cost (MC) will be: 14 + 4Q.

Therefore, P = MC

110 = 14 + 4Q

4Q = 110 - 14

4Q = 96

Q = 96/4

Q = 24

In the short run, the firm will produce 24 units.

Determine the amount of money in a savings account at the end of 1 year, given an initial deposit of $12,000 and a 4 percent annual interest rate when interest is compounded: Use Appendix A for an approximate answer, but calculate your final answer using the formula and financial calculator methods. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your final answers to 2 decimal places.)



$ 12480

$ 12,484,80





semi annually

The formula for calculating future value:

FV = P (1 + r) nm

FV = Future value  

P = Present value  

R = interest rate  

m = number of compounding

N = number of years  

annually - 12,000 x 1,04 = 12480

semi annual - 12,000 x (1.02)^2 = 12,484,80

quarterly - 12,000x (1.01)^4 = 12,487.25

In 2008, as a financial crisis began to unfold in the US, the FDIC raised the limit on insured losses to bank depositors from $100K to $250K per account. How would this help stabilize the financial system?






In 2008, as a financial crisis began to unfold in the US, the FDIC raised the limit on insured losses to bank depositors from $100K to $250K per account The FDIC was able to guarantee bank debt in 2008 and offer an unlimited deposit insurance guarantee for specific types of transaction accounts by relying on the clause that permitted a systemic risk exception. These two moves preserved financial institutions' access to funding.

Why was the FDIC successful in 1993?

In the end, Congress was compelled to pass deposit insurance legislation by the weight of public opinion. President Roosevelt signed the Banking Act of 1933, which established the FDIC, on June 16, 1933. The FDIC has been successful in preserving public trust in the banking system by practically every metric.

In total, 25 banks failed in 2008, while 140 did so in 2009, resulting in a negative fund balance. The liquid assets of the fund, which the FDIC required to quickly close failing banks and protect insured depositors, started to be depleted as a result of mounting failures.

Learn more about FDIC here:



Haulsee Inc. builds 800,000 golf carts a year and purchases the electronic motors for these carts for $370 each. Ordering costs are $540, and Haulsee's inventory carrying costs average 14% of the inventory value.

What is the economic order quantity (EOQ) for Haulsee?





Calculation to determine the economic order quantity (EOQ) for Haulsee

Using this formula

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) =((2* Annual Requirement * Cost per order)/Carrying cost per unit)^ (1/2)

Let plug in the formula

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) = ((2*800,000*540)/(370*14%))^(1/2)

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) = 4,084 units

Therefore the economic order quantity (EOQ) for Haulsee is 4,084 units

Beasley, Inc., reports the following amounts in its December 31, 2021, income statement.
Sales revenue $ 310,000
Income tax expense $ 39,000
Interest expense 12,000
Cost of goods sold 125,000
Salaries expense 36,000
Advertising expense 23,000
Utilities expense 42,000
Prepare a multiple-step income statement.





Preparation of a multiple-step income statement.

Beasley, Inc. Multiple-step Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2021

Sales Revenue$310,000

Less Cost of goods sold ($125,000)

Gross Profit $185,000


Salaries expense $36,000

Advertising expense $23,000

Utilities expense $42,000

Less Total Operating Expenses ($101,000)


Operating Income $84,000


Less Interest Expense ($12,000)

Income Before Income Taxes $72,000


Less Income Tax Expense ($39,000)

Net Income $33,000


Therefore multiple-step income statement is $33,000

Big Red Motors, Inc., employs 15 personnel to market its line of luxury automobiles. The average car sells for $75,000, and a 6 percent commission is paid to the salesperson. Big Red Motors is considering a change to the commission arrangement where the company would pay each salesperson a salary of $1,600 per mont plus a commission of 2 percent of the sales made by that salesperson. What is the amount of total monthly car sales at whit Big Red Motors would be indifferent as to which plan to select?


Answer: $600,000


The commission earned per car in the initial arrangement is:

= 6% * Total cars sales

With the second arrangement the amount spent would be:

= Salary of employees + commission

= (15 * 1,600) + (2% * total car sales)

= 24,000 + (2% * car sales)

Assuming total car sales is x, relevant expression is:

6% * x = 24,000 + (2% * x)

0.06x = 24,000 + 0.02x

0.06x - 0.02x = 24,000

0.04x = 24,000

x = 24,000 / 0.04

x = $600,000

Corinne, an escrow agent, is preparing for the Thomas/Trenton closing in four days. Which of these documents will Corinne prepare? Unset starred question She'll prepare a seller net sheet to disclose the seller's net profit on the sale. Working with the lender, she'll prepare the Loan Estimate, which details the costs the buyer and seller will pay at closing. Working with the lender, she'll prepare the settlement statement, which details the costs the buyer and seller will have at closing. Working with the title company attorney, she'll prepare the preliminary title commitment.


The answer is "In collaboration with both the lender, she will write a settling declaration detailing the price to the buyers and sellers.", and the further calculation can be defined as follows:

A trust agreement is generally an arrangement between both the depositor, its buyer, usually the beneficiary, and us as trustees.The account holder shall, in accordance with the terms, deposit with us as a scroll agent a particular document or sum.In four days Corinne, the escrow agent, prepared for close Thomas / Trenton.In collaboration with both the lender, they would produce the settlement statement detailing that cost to be paid by the buyers and sellers to close those documents.Therefore, the "third option" is the only correct choice.

Learn more:


Frozen Gold is a fast-growing chain of ice cream shops. It has acquired an edge over its competitors through its ability to provide a wide array of unique flavors and a hip atmosphere in stores. This advantage of Frozen Gold best exemplifies a:_________.
A. markup.
B. resource flow.
C. capital gain.
D. core competency.



Customers will have a variety of flavors to choose from

This advantage of Frozen Gold best exemplifies a core competency. Thus the correct option is D.

What is a core competency?

Core competencies refer to unique abilities, skills, or characteristics which an organization carries in order to differentiate their goods from the competition and achieve a market advantage with the help of this.

This core competency can be anything like the process of manufacturing, promotion, advertising, product design, product features and so on which helps to identify the product.

In the given case, the core competency of ice cream shop is that they provide a wide array of flavors which is unique in nature as well as the atmosphere in their stores is also attractive which reflects their services to the customers.

Therefore,  option D is appropriate.

Learn more about core competency, here:



A retail store had sales of $44,900 in April and $55,000 in May. The store employs eight full-time workers who work a 40-hour week. In April the store also had eight part-time workers at 12 hours per week, and in May the store had eleven part-timers at 17 hours per week (assume four weeks in each month). Using sales dollars as the measure of output, what is the percentage change in productivity (dollars output per labor hour) from April to May





Productivity in April = $44,900 / (((8*40) + (8*12)) * 4)

Productivity in April = $44,900 / ((320 + 96) * 4)

Productivity in April = $44,900 / (416 * 4)

Productivity in April = $44,900 / 1664 hours

Productivity in April = $26.98 per hour

Productivity in May = $55,000 / (((8*40) + (11*17)) * 4)

Productivity in May = $55,000 / ((320 + 187) * 4)

Productivity in May = $55,000 / (507 * 4)

Productivity in May = $55,000 / 2028 hours

Productivity in May = $27.12 per hour

% increase in productivity per hour = ($27.12 - $26.98) / $26.98

% increase in productivity per hour = $0.14 / $26.98

% increase in productivity per hour = 0.0052

% increase in productivity per hour = 0.52%

briefly state and explain 6 major roles of CEO in an organisation​



A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company, whose primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company, acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors (the board) and corporate .

A permanent flood control dam is expected to have an initial cost of $2.8 million and an annual upkeep cost of $20,000. In addition, minor reconstruction will be required every 5 years at a cost of $200,000. As a result of the dam, flood damage will be reduced by an average of $180,000 per year. Using an interest rate of 6% per year, the conventional B/C ratio will be closest to:





Present Value of annual Maintenance cost = $20,000 / 6% = $333,333.33

In five year time, $200,000  is required as major maintenance cost. So effective rate for 5 year = [(1 + 6%) ^ 5] - 1 = 1.3382 - 1 = 0.3382 = 33.82%. Present Value of 5 year cost = $200,000 / 33.82% = $200,000 / 0.3382 = $591,366.06

Total Present Value cost = $2,800,000 + $333,333.33 + $591,366.06 = $3,724,699.39.

Annual Cost = $3,724,699.39 * 6% = $223,481.96.

Benefit / Cost = $180,000 / $223,481.96

Benefit / Cost = 0.805434138845032

Benefit / Cost = 0.81

So, conventional  B/C ratio is 0.81.

At the beginning of the year, a company had accounts receivable of $700,000 and an allowance for doubtful accounts with a credit balance of $60,000. During the current year, sales on account were $195,000 and collections on account were $115,000. Also during the current year, the company wrote off $11,000 in uncollectible accounts. At year-end, an analysis of outstanding accounts receivable indicated that the allowance for doubtful accounts should have a $72,000 credit balance so the company records the appropriate year-end adjusting entry. How much did the cash realizable value change during the current year





Calculation to determine How much did the cash realizable value change during the current year

First step

Ending accounts receivables = Beginning accounts receivables + Sales on account - collections on account - Write offs

Ending accounts receivables = $700,000 + $195,000 - $95,000 - $11,000

Ending accounts receivables= $789,000

Second step

Ending cash realizable value = Ending accounts receivables - Ending allowance for doubtful accounts

Ending cash realizable value = $789,000 - $72,000

Ending cash realizable value= $717,000

Now let determine the Change in cash realizable value

Change in cash realizable value = Ending cash realizable value - Beginning cash realizable value

Change in cash realizable value= $717,000 - 640,000

Change in cash realizable value= $77,000

Therefore How much did the cash realizable value change during the current year will be $77,000

During 2017, Benson purchased $1,450,000 of raw materials, incurred direct labor costs of $250,000, and incurred manufacturing overhead totaling $160,000. How much raw materials were transferred to production during 2017 for Benson



Raw Materials transferred to production during 2017 $1,466,000


The computation of the raw material transferred to production is given below:

Opening raw material 2016 $80,000

Add : Purchase of Raw material $1,450,000

Less Closing Stock raw material 2017 $64,000

Raw Materials transferred to production during 2017 $1,466,000

Hence, the same should be relevant

Geoffrey is looking for a safe investment for $3,000 he received as a bonus. He is looking for an investment that will also help him deal with the effects of inflation. Which of the following options would you recommend that Geoffrey invest in?

a. Series EE bonds.
b. Series I bonds.
c. Commercial paper.
d. Junk bonds.



Hence the correct option is option b. Series I bonds.


Series I bonds are going to be completing a fixed-rate Plus and adjustable-rate which can be adjusted with the inflation so if he's trying to find investment into a bond he should be choosing with series I Bonds, which can be adjusted with inflation effect.  

The correct option is b) Series I bonds.

Series I bonds will have a fixed interest rate plus an interest on the outstanding that will be adjusted without inflation, thus if he is searching for a bond to participate in, he will have to go with series I bonds, which will then be modified with inflation.

All of the other possibilities are untrue.

Alternative (B) Series I bonds is the correct answer.

Learn more:


Suppose real GDP is forecasted to grow by 1.881.88 %, the velocity of money has been stable, and the Fed announces an inflation target of 2.502.50 %. What is the largest money growth rate the Fed could implement and still achieve its inflation target


Answer: 4.38%


Use the Quantity Theory of Money to find the growth rat:


ΔMoney supply + ΔVelocity = ΔPrice level + ΔEconomic output or GDP

Velocity is stable so is 0.

ΔMoney supply + 0 = 2.50% + 1.88%

ΔMoney supply = 4.38%

Mr A is unemployed but he decides to move out the labor market to stay at home and enjoy the rest of his life by inheritance. Other things equal, the action will decrease the unemployment rate. True or false? and why





In general, the unemployment rate in the United States is obtained by dividing the number of unemployed persons by the number of persons in the labor force (employed or unemployed) and multiplying that figure by 100.

https://www.britannica.com › story

la·bor force

all the members of a particular organization or population who are able to work, viewed collectively.

"a firm with a labor force of one hundred people"


Definitions from Oxford Languages

Your father offers you a choice of $120,000 in 11 years or $48,500 today. Use Appendix B as an approximate answer, but calculate your final answer using the formula and financial calculator methods. a-1. If money is discounted at 11 percent, what is the present value of the $120,000





Present value is the sum of discounted cash flows

Present value can be calculated using a financial calculator

Cash flow in year 1 to 10 = 0

Cash flow in year 11 = $120,000

I = 11

PV = 38,074

To determine PV using a financial calculator take the following steps:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. after inputting all the cash flows, press the NPV button, input the value for I, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.  

3. Press compute  

Given the choice, i would choose $48,500 today.

MC Qu. 101 The following information... The following information describes a company's usage of direct labor in a recent period. The direct labor rate variance is: Actual hours used 46,000 Actual rate per hour $ 16 Standard rate per hour $ 15 Standard hours for units produced 48,000



$46,000 Unfavorable


Calculation to determine what The direct labor rate variance is:

Using this formula

Direct labor rate variance = Actual hours * ( Actual Rate - Standard Rate)

Let plug in the formula

Direct labor rate variance=46000*($16- $15)

Direct labor rate variance=46,000*$1

Direct labor rate variance=$46,000 Unfavorable

Therefore The direct labor rate variance is: $46,000 Unfavorable

Identify whether each of the following statements best illustrates the concept of consumer surplus, producer surplus, or neither.
Statement Consumer Surplus Producer Surplus Neither
Even though I was willing to pay up to $83 for a watch, I bought a watch for only $75.
I sold a used textbook for $55, even though I was willing to go as low as $47 in order to sell it.
A local store was having a sale on sweaters, so I bought a jersey sweater for my brother.



Consumer surplus

producer surplus



Consumer surplus is the difference between the willingness to pay of a consumer and the price of the good.

Consumer surplus = willingness to pay – price of the good

The willingness to pay for the watch was $83 but the watch was bought for $75. There is a consumer surplus from the purchase

Producer surplus is the difference between the price of a good and the least price the seller is willing to sell the product

Producer surplus = price – least price the seller is willing to accept

The least price the seller was willing to accept for the purchase was $47 but he was paid $55 for the textbook. This is a producer surplus

The fixed costs of the division were $193,000. If the mountain bike division is dropped, 30% of the fixed costs allocated to that division could be eliminated. The impact on operating income for eliminating this business segment would be:



decrease in the operating income of $132,100


The computation of the impact on the operating income should be given below:

Sales $1,050,000

less: variable cost -$860,000

contribution margin $190,000

Less fixed cost (30% of $193,000) -$57,900

Impact on operating income $132,100

So there is a decrease in the operating income of $132,100

Show Me How
Cost Flow Methods
The following three identical units of Item LO3V are purchased during April:
Item Beta
April 2
April 15
April 20
Average cost per unit
($816 + 3 units)
Assume that one unit is sold on April 27 for $345. Determine the gross profit for April and ending inventory on April 30 using the (a) first-in, first-out (FIFO); (b)
last-in, first-out (LIFO); and (c) weighted average cost method.
Gross Profit
Ending Inventory
a. First-In, first-out (FIFO)
b. Last-in, first-out (LIFO)
c. Weighted average cost



Cost Flow Methods

Gross profit and ending inventory on April 30 using:

                                                          Gross Profit     Ending Inventory

(a) first-in, first-out (FIFO)                     $75                   $546

(b) last-in, first-out (LIFO)                       $71                   $542

(c) weighted average cost method     $73                   $544


a) Data and Calculations:

Item Beta   Cost

April 2  Purchase   $270

April 15  Purchase   272

April 20  Purchase 274

Total                      $816

Average cost per unit = $272  ($816/ 3 units)

Assume that one unit is sold on April 27 for $345

Gross profit and ending inventory on April 30 using:

                                                          Gross Profit            Ending Inventory

(a) first-in, first-out (FIFO)                 $75 ($345 - $270)  $546 ($816 - $270)

(b) last-in, first-out (LIFO)                   $71 ($345 - $274)   $542 ($816 - $274)

(c) weighted average cost method $73 ($345 - $272)  $544 ($816 - $272)

Ending inventory = Cost of goods available for sale Minus Cost of goods sold

Gross profit = Sales Minus Cost of goods sold

Indentify two causes, a part from a increase in income, of an increase in demand for a product



Rise in price of subsitute product.

Fall in price of complementory product.

Increase in number of consumers.

MC Qu. 149 Trago Company manufactures... Trago Company manufactures a single product and has a JIT policy that ending inventory must equal 30% of the next month's sales. It estimates that May's ending inventory will consist of 85,500 units. June and July sales are estimated to be 285,000 and 295,000 units, respectively. Trago assigns variable overhead at a rate of $2.30 per unit of production. Fixed overhead equals $405,000 per month. Compute the number of units to be produced and use this amount to compute the total budgeted overhead that would appear on the factory overhead budget for the month of June.





The computation of the number of units and factory overhead is given below:

units to be produced in june is  

= ending inventory + sales - beginning inventory

= (30% of 295000) + 285000 - 85500

= 288000 Units


Overheads budgeted for june

= variable overheads + fixed overheads

= (288000 × 2.3) + 405000

= 662400+405000

= $1067400

Watermelon, Inc. provides the following data: 20X9 20X8 Cash $41,000 $25,000 Accounts Receivable, Net 102,000 62,000 Merchandise Inventory 72,000 50,000 Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net 181,000 120,000 Total Assets $396,000 $257,000 Additional information for the year ending December 31, 20X9: Net Credit Sales $550,000 Cost of Goods Sold 150,000 Interest Expense 25,000 Net Income 181,000 Calculate the rate of return on total assets for 20X9.



the rate of return on total assets is 63.09%


The calculation of the rate of return on total assets is shown below:

Return on total Asset is

= {(Net Income + Interest Expense) ÷ Average Total assets} × 100

= {($181,000 + $25,000) ÷ ($396,000 + $257,000) ÷ 2} × 100

= $206,000 ÷ $326,500 × 100

= 63.09%

Hence, the rate of return on total assets is 63.09%

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