Which one of these documents told Europe to stop trying to create new colonies in the Western Hemisphere?

A. Adams-Oní­s Treaty
B. Border Compromise
C. Manifest Destiny
D. Monroe Doctrine


Answer 1


I think its (D Monroe Doctrine hope it helped!!


Related Questions

which three ideas are specially associated with the renaissance?


obedience to religious texts and practices. emphasis on individual growth and achievement. interest in classical Greek and Roman texts

Please help!!! 30 points !!!

Now, choose one of the three scenarios from Part A of this task. Write a speech as if you were a member of the House of Representatives
or some other government official speaking to a town hall meeting in your district. In your speech, highlight this conflict and issue for your
constituents. Also list potential solutions to the issue and discuss the consequences if no solution is found. Finally, explain your own
opinion, in your role as a US representative, on how to resolve the situation. Be sure to support your viewpoint with evidence,



Dear and appreciated, from the chamber of representatives, members of the house. With honor and praise we have tried to resolve, little by little, the conflicts generated here in the district. As a representative of this state, I present myself here at City Hall to announce a new bill, which further strengthens the second amendment: we will strengthen the militia action here in the state of Michagan, where we have seen delinquency, robberies, the violence growing and becoming an unprecedented public safety problem, a calamity for the entire state. In addition, it maintains the right to carry a firearm, as long as the case is for the defense of property, property and self-defense. Every citizen who needs, in situations of robbery, to defend himself using a weapon, will not answer in justice for this, when it is proved that the use of the weapon was in self-defense. In order not to reach that extreme, it has also been proposed in the House of Representatives, a bill that reinforces militia action on all streets and corners of Detroit. These militias will be at the disposal of the population and the citizens, fighting crime and delinquency. We can find no other way to control this situation. We approve this law, for the sake of all in the community, before we witness more deaths and innocent blood shed.


i submitted it and got 100

which of the following results of the french and indian war was a cause of the american revolutionary war?


As a result of the French and Indian War the British incurred a large debt. ... In an attempt to regain lost money as a result of the war the British levied large taxes on the colonies, which in turn greatly angered the colonists which helped to foment rebellion and ultimately the Revolutionary War.

What was the goal of the Compromise of 1850?

to improve the economy in both the North and the South

to resolve issues related to Texas's statehood

to keep the balance between free states and slave states

to preserve the Union



to keep the balance between free states and save states

Passage 1 Question: During the Renaissance Machiavelli was someone who placed value on the individual, not the framework of the church. He would be considered,
2. Humanist
3. Patron
4. Secular





During the Renaissance Machiavelli was someone who placed value on the individual, not the framework of the church. He would be considered a Humanist.

This is because, a humanist is a person that believes in the principles of humanism.

P. S: Humanism is a school of thought that places emphasis on human factors over religion and spirituality.

2 Points

Which statement would the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato be most

likely to agree with?

O A. A country should be governed by one leader with absolute power

in order to maintain social stability.

O B. A country's leader should be allowed to remove those who speak

against him.

O C. A country's laws must apply to all citizens to prevent the rise of


O D. A country's laws should be derived from commonly held religious



The correct answer is C) A country's laws must apply to all citizens to prevent the rise of tyranny.

Which statement would the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato be most likely to agree with?


A country's laws must apply to all citizens to prevent the rise of tyranny.

Plato and Aristotle considered wisdom as a virtue that makes humans happy. For this to happen, humans have to trust and rely on their interior, not the exterior. That is why they opposed the kinds of laws that acted against the citizens. They never supported any form of tyranny.

These illustrious Greek philosophers were renowned for their concepts about the virtue of rulers and the different forms of government.

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution a.ended the institution of slavery and indentured servitude throughout the United States. b.prohibited federal and state governments from denying any citizen the vote because of race. c.guaranteed women the right to vote in federal elections but did not allow them to vote in state elections. d.made the income tax constitutional for the top 30 percent of wealthy white Americans but not black southerners.


b.prohibited federal and state governments from denying any citizen the vote because of race.

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibited federal state governments denying any citizen the vote because of race. The appropriate response is option B.

What is Fifteenth Amendment?

The right to vote cannot be denied based on "race, color, or prior condition of servitude," according to the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. With this constitutional amendment, former slaves and other African American men were given the right to vote.

In 1870, the 15th Amendment was ratified into the United States Constitution in an effort to safeguard the right of Black males to vote following the Civil War.

Despite the amendment, several discriminatory tactics were utilized in the South, especially within a few years, to prevent Black individuals from exercising their right to vote.

To learn more about the Fifteenth Amendment



What best describes why Germany felt the Treaty of Versailles was unfair?
The treaty did not honor earlier agreements about surrender.
The treaty was less severe than Germany had expected.
The treaty did not require the Allies to pay Germany for damages.
The treaty forced Germany to follow all of Wilson’s Fourteen Points.



The treaty did not honor earlier agreements about surrender.


They hated Clause 231, which stated that Germany caused the war. They thought it was an excuse for the other countries envolvment in the war.

Answer:  A


Name the following:-
1. The first sultan of Bhamani kingdom
2. The Capital of the Vijaynagar kingdom
3. The Chief Wajir of the Bahamani kingdom
4. The first king of Vijaynagar​



1.Ala-ud-Din Bahman Shah

2.Vijaynagar empire

3.Mahmud Gawan Madrasa


1. Alauddin Bahman Shah
2.The capital is Vijayanagara
3.Mahmud Gawan Madrasa
4.Harihara l

who are those affected by public policies


Everyone has a stake in the public policies enacted by federal, state, and local governments. Many citizens and groups try to influence public policy through the political process by supporting candidates and political parties. That's a good way to make a positive impact, but not the best way.

¿Qué nos plantean las fuentes C y D sobre los avances en salud de nuestro país en el contexto del bicentenario?



what type of language is this ??

3. How did Hitler feel after the First World War?



Military Service

Hitler moved to Munich, Germany, in May 1913. He did so to avoid arrest for evading his military service obligation to Habsburg Austria. He financed this move with the last installment of an inheritance from his father. In Munich, he  supported himself with his watercolors and sketches until World War I gave his life direction and a cause to which he could commit himself totally. By all surviving accounts, Hitler was a brave soldier: he was promoted to the rank of Corporal, was wounded twice (in 1916 and 1918), and was awarded several medals.

Though reportedly not given to lengthy political discourses at this time, Hitler appeared to have been carried along by the increasingly vicious political antisemitism of the radical right. This political antisemitism seeped into the military hierarchy during the last two years of the war.

In October 1918, Hitler was partially blinded in a mustard gas attack near Ypres in Belgium. He was sent to a military hospital. News of the November 11, 1918, armistice reached him as he was convalescing. The end of the war brought the threat of demobilization from the only community in which he had ever felt at home, and possible return to a civilian life where he had no direction or career prospects.

World War I propaganda influenced the young Hitler, who was a frontline soldier from 1914 to 1918. Like many, Hitler believed Germany lost the war because of enemy propaganda, not defeat on the battlefield.  

Ideological Development after the War

The German Army (Reichswehr) employed Adolf Hitler as an educator and confidential informant. It was in his capacity as a confidential informant that Hitler attended a beer hall meeting of the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei-DAP) on September 12, 1919.

Hitler's years in Vienna and on the battlefield were important stages for Hitler's development of a comprehensive ideology. His service in the army in 1919 appears to have shaped his commitment to an antisemitism based on social Darwinist race-theory and the establishment of a unifying nationalism founded on the need to combat the external and internal power of the Jews.


Whats one thing in your life you wish you could undo


Throwing up at the movie theaters
Honestly falling down the stairs at school

3. Write a paragraph comparing two responses to the problems of the Industrial
Revolution: the attempts in Great Britain to pass social and labor reform, and the
new economic systems proposed by socialists and communists. What were the pros
and cons of each approach? (5 points)



To provide more facilities and rights to labour whereas to make the economy more better.


The advantage of social and labor reforms in Britain is that it provides more facilities and rights to labour in the society but it adversely affected to the businessmen because more facilities needs more money which is provided by the owners of the company which leads to less profit while on the other hand, the  new economic systems proposed by socialists and communists helps the countries to make their economy more better. Each economic system has its advantages and disadvantages i.e. In communist economy, most economic resources are owned as well as controlled by the state whereas in socialist economy, all citizens share equally in economic resources as allocated by a democratically-elected government.

Which event was most responsible for Richard Nixon's announcement of the end of the Indian termination policy?


The Native americans’ peaceful, 19-month occupation of Alcatraz Island.

Which of these statements accurately explains why the Common Era begins
with the birth of Jesus of Nazareth over 2,000 years ago?
A. Jesus developed a system of measuring time that could be used
to more accurately track the passage of time than any other
culture's calendar.
B. The period of time now described as the Common Era is based on
older Christian periodization that divided time into a period before
Jesus's birth and a period afterward.
C. The period of time now described as the Common Era officially
began with Jesus's declaration that Christians, Muslims, and Jews
have many beliefs in common.
D. Jesus instructed his Christian followers to create a new calendar
based on his birth and spread it to every country throughout Me



i'm pretty sure The answer is b


Becuase it started it earlier

How did Jane Addams try to improve the lives of poor immigrants?



Settlement buildings were made to provide local services in order to reduce urban issues like poverty. Hull House provided a day care facility for children of working moms, a community kitchen, and visiting nurses to these working poor. Addams and her crew taught English literacy, painting, and a variety of other disciplines.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

The term New South describes the work of Southerners in changing their:
A. culture.
B. economy
C. politics.
D. all of the above


The answer is: all of the above.




Where did the Bataan Death March take place?
In response to Japan’s aggressive actions in the Pacific in the 1930s, the United States



Bataan Death March took place in the Philippines.

In response to Japan's aggressive actions in the Pacific in the 1930s, the United States imposed an embargo on shipping war goods and petroleum products to Japan.

Who was Ignatius Loyola?

a nobleman who joined the church and founded the Jesuits
a monk who traveled to Asia as a missionary
a pope who called the Council of Trent
a Protestant who convinced the Catholic Church to reform



Who was Ignatius Loyola Answer


Ans) a

Nobleman Who Joined The Church And Founded The Jesuits In Order In 1534 Was Born 1491....

nyatakan tiga peristiwa penting Zaman air batu akhir​


saya bagi fakta. awak cari huraian sendiri, okay? ☺

1)perubahan paras air larut

2)peningkatan suhu

3)penglasieran berlaku

HI YALL. I was wondering for my homework what was the purpose of Ancient Egyptian beards.
plwwws help



the purpose of the beards of the Ancient

Egyptians was to make clothing and blankets. The old poor women were the once to do this to get a living .

What was Joseph Stalin's role in the Russian Revolution


Stalin helped Lenin to evade capture by authorities

The Third of May is one of the greatest testaments to the
ever painted.
A emotional use of tenebrism
B) horrors of war
© glory of war
civic duty



B) horrors of war


The Third of May is one of the greatest testaments to the HORRORS OF WAR

ever painted.

The Third of May 1808 is an artwork painting that was done in 1814 by the Spanish painter Francisco Goya. The artwork painting depicts the horrors of war that involved Napoleon's armies against the protesters in the Peninsula war in 1808. The artwork showed the brutality of war in its cruel manner

What responses were triggered by the Wilmington Ten case? Check all that apply.

People believed they had been wrongly accused.
The governor sent the National Guard to escort the students to school.
The case sparked an outcry and gained international attention.
North Carolina created busing programs to speed up school integration.
Thousands marched in Washington to demand their release.



A. People believed they had been wrongly accused.

C. The case sparked an outcry and gained international attention.


They were unjustly accused of arson and conspiracy in 1971 in Wilmington, North Carolina. Most of the ten were sentenced to 29 years in jail, and they were all released following an appeal. Many local and state opponents referred to the campaigners as political prisoners.

what was the flaw in sending 1500 soldiers to Cuba?



The error was in sending 1500 soldiers to Cuba.

A brigade of 1,500 CIA-trained troops assaulted the beach in Cuba's Bay of Pigs. Kennedy planned a secret expedition to overthrow Fidel Castro in order to stem the spread of communism across the globe. But the subsequent five days saw one of the worst military disasters in U.S. history.

Under the codename Operation Zapata, President Kennedy was given the go-ahead just days after his inauguration. The main force would head into Matanzas, establishing a defensive position. United Front representatives would be sent from South Florida to create a provisional administration. The plan's success relied on Cubans' ties to the invaders.

Following these orders, some 20,000 soldiers advanced towards the shore, thus Castro's air force continued to control the skies. However, six Cuban aircraft were left intact after the initial strike. During the operation, plans for a tactical maneuver backfired, and the Cuban air force was not wiped out. The Bay of Pigs incident had a lasting impact on the Kennedy administration. The administration began Operation Mongoose, a plot to disrupt and destabilize the Cuban government and economy, including the prospect of assassinating Fidel Castro.


What was Clarence Gideon forced to do during his burglary trial?
A) represent himself
B) flee the state
C) remain silent
D) declare his guilt


A Represent himself he wanted to do that so its A

Hope this helps :))

Which letter on the map marks the area settled by French colonists?
A. C
B. A
C. D
D. B



[tex] \huge\pink{b}[/tex]


[tex] \huge\ \: hope \: that \: this \: \\ \huge\ \: may \: helps \: u[/tex]

Letter on the map which marks the area settled by French colonists is "B"

What is the area marked by French Colonist?

New France was the area colonized by France in North America during a period initiating with the exploration of Gulf of Saint Lawrence by Jacques Cartier in 1534 and finishing with the cession of New France to Grate Britain and Spain in 1763.

Who was Jacques Cartier?

French colonist and navigator Jacques Cartier was sent by King Francis I to the New World in search of riches and a new route to Asia in 1534. His exploration of the St. Lawrence River allowed France to lay claim to lands that would become Canada. He died in Saint-Malo in 1557.

Hence, option D is correct.

To learn more about French Colonies, here



Read the statement below which of the following accurately explains which leader during the middle age of



I don't know


There is not enough information for me to answer this question.

"Neanderthals were much more like man than thought", if today we meet a Neanderthal face to face: (choose the correct option) *

A. I would recognize it because they were taller and stronger than human beings.
B. They could only live in Europe and no one would notice.
C. I couldn't recognize it because they were so much like us.

Choose the correct option. The Stone Age is divided into Neolithic and Paleolithic, then..

A. Neanderthals worked stone and some metals.
B. Neanderthals lived until the Neolithic because they discovered agriculture.
C. Neanderthals had great knowledge of stoneworking techniques.

Choose the correct option

A. Neanderthals and humans are the same
B. Between Neanderthals and humans there is a minimal difference.
C. Humans were the only ones who made paintings.


The first one is A i do not know the second one the third is C
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