I need help wit this ASAP 6 minutes


Answer 1
the shaded portion of…
(because there are 4 sides and you take the 4 corners away to avoid recounting them)

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what is 7.65% of $509.25



38.957625 US$

Step-by-step explanation:

38.957625 US$



Step-by-step explanation:

Change from percent to decimal form

.0765 * 509.25


Rounding to the nearest cent


What type of polynomial is: -2/3 b^3



I think cubic polynomial cause degree is 3

2 6 + 3 * 4 2 + 7 * - 2 /



26 + 3 x 42 + 7 x -2 = 138

Step-by-step explanation:

Ok bud, first step we must convert our symbols (Makes it easier to solve)

26 + 3 x 42 + 7 x -2

* subsitutes for multiplication.

I recommend using PEMDAS at times:

1 - Parentheses

2 - Exponents and Roots

3 - Multiplication

4 - Division

5 - Addition

6 - Subtraction

Yet again your numbers were spaced out could they be exponents? if so:


Our answer would round to 24 but he equation was not put in a valid or straight forward way.

Which of these numbers are greater than 24? Check all that apply.
O A. 12
B. 15
O C. 42
D. 41
E. 13
D F. 18



A, B, E, F

Step-by-step explanation:

24>12, 24>15, 24>13, 24>18, 24<42, 24<41

plzzzzzzzz helllllllppppppppp




Step-by-step explanation:

He want's the bookshelf to be 1.5 feet taller than 1/4 of the height of his plant

If his plant's height is p, 1/4 of it's height would be 1/4p

As he wants the bookshelf to be 1.5 feet taller than this, the height should be

1.5 + 1/4p, which can also be written as p/4 + 1/5

Answered by g a u t h m a t h


1/4p +1.5

Step-by-step explanation:

p = plant stand

The bookshelf is 1/4 the height of the plant stand plus 1.5 ft

1/4p +1.5

Find the missing side length in the image below


find the area and volume of the trapezoids first

Hi there!i am confused about this equation. Please help to solve this.



Step-by-step explanation:

Short of taking 3 hours to type out the way that I did this, let me just tell you the process. Square both sides and multiply to distribute. You end up with radicals still, so square both sides again and multiply to distribute. What you end up with is a 6th degree polynomial that has to be factored. What I got in the end were these zeros:

x = 21.41917943

x = 1.306542114+/-7186864435i

x = -1.066667927

x = 1.28038353

x = 1.28038353

x = -.2459792634

total mass vs. numbers of cd and numbers of cd


Answer: Choice A) M = 0.25n + 100



For now, I'll treat n as x, and M as y.

In other words,

x = number of CDsy = total mass in kg

Let's select two points from this graph. I'll pick (200,150) and (400,200)

The slope of the line through those points is

m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

m = (200-150)/(400-200)

m = 50/200

m = 0.25

Now we'll use the point (x,y) = (200,150) along with that slope value to find the y intercept b

y = mx+b

150 = 0.25*200+b

150 = 50+b

150-50 = b

100 = b

b = 100

You could also use (x,y) = (400,200) and you should get the same b value.

In fact, any other point from this graph works as well.


Since m = 0.25 and b = 100, we go from y = mx+b to y = 0.25x+100

This then translates over to M = 0.25n + 100 which is choice A

To help verify this, let's say we plugged in n = 100

M = 0.25*n + 100

M = 0.25*100 + 100

M = 25 + 100

M = 125

Which is confirmed by what the graph shows. I'll let you check the other points as well.

Andrea's Sequoia gets 12 miles per gallon while driving in the city, and 20 miles per gallon while on the highway. The last time she filled up the car it took 16 gallons of gas, and she had driven 280 miles since the previous fill-up. How many miles of that 280 were city driving?




Step-by-step explanation:

if they drove x miles in the city and y miles on the highway then you know that

x + y = 280

x/12 + y/20 = 16

x + 12y/20 = 16*12 = 192

8y/20 = 88

y = 220

x = 280-y = 280-220 = 60

if k = p+2q/3 , find the value of p when k=7 and q=3​



p = 5

Step-by-step explanation:

hopefully it is clear and understandable :)

Find the fractal dimension of the object.



maaqqqf aku ngak tau soal jawaban in

Probability of picking a blue marble and a yellow marble when 2 marbles are picked (without replacement) from a bag containing 4 blue and 4 yellow marbles




Step-by-step explanation:

that is the procedure above

A bacteria culture grows with a constant relative growth rate. After 2 hours there are 400 bacteria and after 8 hours the count is 50,000.
(a) Find the initial population. P(0) = 80 )ãbacteria
(b) Find an expression for the population after t hours. r(t) = 180( 125(6 Plt) =180(125(2))-
(c) Find the number of cells after 7 hours. (Round your answer to the nearest integer.) P(7)=72.358- bacteria
(d) Find the rate of growth after 7 hours. (Round your answer to the nearest integer.) P(7) 2x bacteria/hour
(e) When will the population reach 200,000? (Round your answer to one decimal place.) hours



a) P(0) = 80

b) [tex]P(t) = 80(2.2361)^t[/tex]

c) 22,363 cells.

d) The rate of growth after 7 hours is of 18,000 bacteria per hour.

e) 9.7 hours.

Step-by-step explanation:

A bacteria culture grows with a constant relative growth rate.

This means that the population is given by:

[tex]P(t) = P(0)(1+r)^t[/tex]

In which P(0) is the initial population and r is the growth rate, as a decimal.

After 2 hours there are 400 bacteria and after 8 hours the count is 50,000.

This means that in 6 hours, the population went from 400 bacteria to 50,000 bacteria. We use this to find r. So

[tex]50000 = 400(1+r)^6[/tex]

[tex](1+r)^6 = \frac{50000}{400}[/tex]

[tex](1+r)^6 = 125[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt[6]{(1+r)^6} = \sqrt[6]{125}[/tex]

[tex]1 + r = 125^{\frac{1}{6}}[/tex]

[tex]1 + r = 2.2361[/tex]


[tex]P(t) = P(0)(2.2361)^t[/tex]

(a) Find the initial population. P(0)

We have that P(2) = 400. We use this to find P(0). So

[tex]P(t) = P(0)(2.2361)^t[/tex]

[tex]400 = P(0)(2.2361)^2[/tex]

[tex]P(0) = \frac{400}{(2.2361)^2}[/tex]

[tex]P(0) = 80[/tex]


[tex]P(t) = 80(2.2361)^t[/tex]

(b) Find an expression for the population after t hours.

[tex]P(t) = 80(2.2361)^t[/tex]

(c) Find the number of cells after 7 hours.

This is P(7). So

[tex]P(7) = 80(2.2361)^7 = 22363[/tex]

22,363 cells.

(d) Find the rate of growth after 7 hours.

We have to find the derivative when t = 7. So

[tex]P(t) = 80(2.2361)^t[/tex]

[tex]P^{\prime}(t) = 80\ln{2.2361}(2.2361)^t[/tex]

[tex]P^{\prime}(7) = 80\ln{2.2361}(2.2361)^7 = 18000[/tex]

The rate of growth after 7 hours is of 18,000 bacteria per hour.

(e) When will the population reach 200,000?

This is t for which [tex]P(t) = 200000[/tex]. So

[tex]P(t) = 80(2.2361)^t[/tex]

[tex]200000 = 80(2.2361)^t[/tex]

[tex](2.2361)^t = \frac{200000}{80}[/tex]

[tex](2.2361)^t = 2500[/tex]

[tex]\log{(2.2361)^t} = \log{2500}[/tex]

[tex]t\log{2.2361} = \log{2500}[/tex]

[tex]t = \frac{\log{2500}}{\log{2.2361}}[/tex]

[tex]t = 9.7[/tex]

So 9.7 hours.

Write the point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3).
A. Y+4= -1; (1 – 7)
B.Y-5 = = 10 (x+3)
OC. y +3 = = 10 (2+5)
D. y - 7= -5° (x+4)



Step-by-step explanation:

There are two possible equations, but neither matches the the choices you listed. The choices seem to have several typographical errors.

Point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3) is y - 7 =(-10/9)(x + 4).

How to estimate the point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3)?


[tex]$= \frac{y_{2} -y_{1}}{x_{2} -x_{1}}[/tex]

= (-3 - 7) / (5 - (-4))

= -10/9

The point-slope equation for the line of slope -(10/9) that passes through the point (5, -3).

y + 3 = (-10/9)(x - 5)

Point slope equation for the line of slope -(10/9) that passes through the point (-4, 7)

Point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3) is y - 7 = (-10/9)(x + 4).

Therefore, the correct answer is y - 7 = (-10/9)(x + 4).

To learn more about the equation of a line refer to:



Trên tập hợp số thực cho quan hệ tương đương T như sau: m, n : mTn ⇔ m^3-n^3= m-n . Tìm lớp tương đương của 0 và lớp tương đương của 2021



where are u from bro?

Step-by-step explanation:

I didn't understand your language.

An Experiment to investigate the relation between two physical quantities was performed where 10 data pairs were collected. You are to perform regression analysis to describe the relation between the two quantities using a polynomial. What are the possible values for the order of that polynomial?
a) from 0 to 10
b) from 1 to 9
c) from 1 to 10
d) Any integer



d). Any Integer.

Step-by-step explanation:

Regression analysis is characterized as the statistical method that is employed to determine the association between a dependent, as well as, the independent variable(one or more). It

As per the question, the probable values for the arrangement of a polynomial would be 'any integer' in order to determine the relationship among the different variables(the two physical quantities). Since a regression analysis helps in knowing the factors that influence the other and the factors that do not affect much in order to reach a reliable conclusion. Thus, any of the values can be examined to examine the association among them. Hence, option d is the correct answer.

(x+7)(x-6) Find the product.ddddddddddddd



x^2 + x - 42

Step-by-step explanation:

use the distributive property:

(x+7)(x-6) = x^2 + x - 42

Answer: x^2 + x - 42

Step-by-step explanation:





the answer will be 3.........

Determine whether the following relationship is a linear inequality or not

1. Y < 3

2. x ≥ 6

3. x² > -3

4. x -3 > 1/2

5. xy + 5 ≤ 7​



What is a linear inequality ? A linear inequality has the same condition as a linear equality, but instead of the equal sign, we have for example this one ≤ wish means less than or equal to.

But what are the condition of a linear equality ? There are many ways of writing linear equations but they usually have constants (like "2" or "c") and must have simple variables (like "x" or "y") BUT the variables (x and y) on a linear equation do NOT have Exponents (like the 2 in x²) and square roots,

1. y < 3

Yes, this is a linear inequation. Frequently, the term linear equation refers implicitly to the case of just one variable (here y).

2. x ≥ 6


3. x² > - 3

No, remember the rule the variable (here x) must not have exponents.

4. x - 3 > 1/2


5. xy + 5 ≤ 7

This one is nice. If both x and y are variables then the answer is no, it's not a linear inequation. Why ?The linear equation is a sum of terms like "Ax" where x is a variable, and A is a number or a constant. On the other hand if x or y was a constant (like e or π), it could be treated as a number and the whole expression would become linear.

You can also have fun and write :

xy ≤ 2

for y > 0 we write:

x ≤ 2/y

x ≤ 2[tex]y^{-1}[/tex]

and then simply say exponents are not allowed so not a linear inequation.

Find the solution of the exponential equation, as in Example 1. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)
e1 − 3x = e4x − 3




Very bad written!!!

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]e^{1-3x}=e^{4x-3}\\\\1-3x=4x-3\\\\7x=4\\\\\boxed{x=\dfrac{4}{7} }\\[/tex]

if 10x=1/0.001 find the value of x​


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10x=\dfrac{1}{0.001}[/tex]

Turn over the decimal

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10x=\dfrac{1}{\dfrac{1}{1000}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10x=1000[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{1000}{10}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=100[/tex]

Please help me please please help ASAP


Step-by-step explanation:

70 + 45 = 115

180 - 115 = 65

angle c = 65

use sohcahtoa

cos angle = adjacent


cos 65 = 2.5


b cos 65 = 2.5

use the calc for further answers

hope that helped

1. On the set of axes below, graph . State the roots of


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What is the value of log,1252
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2 by 5 t get you 15k

Express 5 cm in metre and kilometre.in decimals........................ ncert maths class 7 pls
will be marked as brainliest trust me ​



Converting into metre (1m=100cm)= 5/100=0.05m.. Converting into km. (1km=100000cm). so 5 cm=5/100000=0.00005km.


5cm in meters = 0.05 metre

5cm in kilometres = 0.00005km

You are playing a version of the roulette game, wherethe pockets arefrom 0 to 12 and even numbers are red and odd numbersare black (0 isgreen). You spin 3 times and add up the values yousee. What is theprobability that you get a total of 17 given on thefirst spin youspin a 2


Using the concept of probability, it is found that there is a 0.0592 = 5.92% probability that you get a total of 17 given on the first spin you spin a 2.


A probability is the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes.Since you spin a 2 on the first trial, the probability desired is equivalent to the probability of finding a sum of 15 in the next two trials.


In each trial, there are 13 possible outcomes(pockets numbered from 0 to 12), so the total number of outcomes is:

[tex]T = 13^2 = 169[/tex]


The desired outcomes are those who result in a sum of 15. Thus, they are:

(3,12), (4,11), (5,10), (6,9), (7,8), (8,7), (9,7), (10,5), (11,4), (12,3).That is, 10 desired outcomes, so [tex]D = 10[/tex].


Thus, the probability is:

[tex]p = \frac{D}{T} = \frac{10}{169} = 0.0592[/tex]

0.0592 = 5.92% probability that you get a total of 17 given on the first spin you spin a 2.

A similar problem is given at https://brainly.com/question/21444373

URGENT!! (Picture included)




Step-by-step explanation:

You can use calculator for this question

1106.666667 To the nearest whole number




You are rounding up because the number in the tenths slot is over 5.

You work as an assistant to a carpenter who designed the tabletop below. He tells you that each shape is a right triangle, and each is the same size. You now need to calculate the area of one triangle so that you can begin building the tabletop. What is the area of each triangle in square inches? 28 1/4" and 20"



A. 200 square inches

Step-by-step explanation:

First, use Pythagorean Theorem to find the base of each triangle.


Finally, use the area of a triangle formula to find the area of each triangle.


Therefore, the area of each triangle is approximately 200 in².

The area of each triangle in square inches is 200 square inches.

What is the area of triangle?

The area of triangle is defined as the region enclosed by its perimeter or the three sides of triangle.


Area of triangle = 1/2(base*height)

Now given that,

Base of the triangle, B = 20''

Hypotenuse of the triangle, H = 28(1/4)'' = 28.25''

So, Height of the triangle, P = [tex]\sqrt{H^2 - B^2}[/tex]

or,  Height of the triangle, P = [tex]\sqrt{28.25^2 - 20^2}[/tex]

or,  Height of the triangle, P = [tex]\sqrt{398.0625} }[/tex]

or,  Height of the triangle, P = 19.95 inches

Finally, use the area of a triangle formula to find the area of each triangle.

Area of triangle = 1/2*(BasexHeight)

Area of triangle = 1/2*(20x19.95)

Area of triangle = 1/2*399

Area of triangle = 199.5 square inches

or, Area of triangle ≈ 200 square inches.

Hence, The area of each triangle in square inches is 200 square inches.

More about triangle :



Suppose a professional baseball player hit 55 home runs his first season, 58 his second,
and 69 his third. How many home runs would he need to hit in the current season so that
his average for the 4 years is no less than 59?



About 54

Step-by-step explanation:

To work backwards from average, you need to multiply the average by the total number of cases, which is 4, since there are 3 current cases/seasons and you want the 4th.

59 * 4 =  236

You then subtract the total home runs that you know of from 236.

236 - 55 - 58 - 69 = 54

To find average, you are adding to the total and then dividing by the number of groups, which is essentially mean (mean is basically the average).

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