I need to know the answer and the work it asks for


Answer 1


b 25x6 = 150

25 decreases every month so

150 decreses every 6 month


650 are the bees remaining after 6 month

Related Questions

Rachel and Hugo sorted 236 crayons into boxes for a local arts project. Each box had 10 crayons. How many crayons were left over?

Help please lol




Step-by-step explanation:

236/10 = 23 remainder 6, so 6 crayons is the answer

The electric cooperative needs to know the mean household usage of electricity by its non-commercial customers in kWh per day. They would like the estimate to have a maximum error of 0.09 kWh. A previous study found that for an average family the variance is 5.76 kWh and the mean is 16.6 kWh per day. If they are using a 98% level of confidence, how large of a sample is required to estimate the mean usage of electricity



A sample of 3851 is required.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have that to find our level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.98}{2} = 0.01[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Z-table as such z has a p-value of .

That is z with a pvalue of , so Z = 2.327.

Now, find the margin of error M as such

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population and n is the size of the sample.

Variance is 5.76 kWh

This means that [tex]\sigma = \sqrt{5.76} = 2.4[/tex]

They would like the estimate to have a maximum error of 0.09 kWh. How large of a sample is required to estimate the mean usage of electricity?

This is n for which M = 0.09. So

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.09 = 2.327\frac{2.4}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.09\sqrt{n} = 2.327*2.4[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{n} = \frac{2.327*2.4}{0.09}[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (\frac{2.327*2.4}{0.09})^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 3850.6[/tex]

Rounding up:

A sample of 3851 is required.

Which answer choice correctly identifies the extraneous information in the problem?

Anna babysat 2 children on Saturday night. She charges $8 an hour to babysit. She wants to save the money she earns babysitting to buy a stereo system that cost $225. If Nina babysat for 5 hours, how much money did she earn?


Answer: $40 / $80

Step-by-step explanation: 40$ if it's $8 for BOTH per hour, or if it's $8 for ONE per hour it's $80

Student Engineers Council at an Indiana college has one student representative from each of the five engineering majors (civil, electrical, industrial, materials, and mechanical). Compute how many ways a president, a vice president, and a secretary can be selected.



A president, a vice president, and a secretary can be selected in 60 ways.

Step-by-step explanation:

The order in which the people are chosen is important(first president, second vice president and third secretary), which means that the permutations formula is used to solve this question.

Permutations formula:

The number of possible permutations of x elements from a set of n elements is given by the following formula:

[tex]P_{(n,x)} = \frac{n!}{(n-x)!}[/tex]

In this question:

3 students from a set of 5, so:

[tex]P_{(5,3)} = \frac{5!}{2!} = 5*4*3 = 60[/tex]

A president, a vice president, and a secretary can be selected in 60 ways.

I need help ASAP is anyone available




Step-by-step explanation:

The graph has asymptotes at x = 2 and x = -1 corresponding to the denominator of option C.

Given f(x) = 3sqrt(2x-1).

What is lim f(x)?



[tex]\displaystyle 51[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:

Algebra I

Terms/CoefficientsFactoringFunctionsFunction Notation

Algebra II

Piecewise functions



Right-Side Limit:                                                                                             [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c^+} f(x)[/tex]

Limit Rule [Variable Direct Substitution]:                                                             [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c} x = c[/tex]

Limit Property [Addition/Subtraction]:                                                                   [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c} [f(x) \pm g(x)] = \lim_{x \to c} f(x) \pm \lim_{x \to c} g(x)[/tex]

Limit Property [Multiplied Constant]:                                                                     [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to c} bf(x) = b \lim_{x \to c} f(x)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle f(x) = \left \{ {{3\sqrt{2x - 1}, \ x \leq 2} \atop {6(2x - 1)^2 - 3, \ x > 2}} \right.[/tex]

Step 2: Solve

Substitute in function [Limit]:                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 2^+} 6(2x - 1)^2 - 3[/tex]Factor:                                                                                                           [tex]\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 2^+} 3[2(2x - 1)^2 - 1][/tex]Rewrite [Limit Property - Multiplied Constant]:                                           [tex]\displaystyle 3\lim_{x \to 2^+} 2(2x - 1)^2 - 1[/tex]Evaluate [Limit Property - Variable Direct Substitution]:                             [tex]\displaystyle 3[2(2 \cdot 2 - 1)^2 - 1][/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle 51[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Limits

Book: College Calculus 10e

PLEASE HELP please I need this done now

The total cost of a truck rental, y, for x days, can be modeled by y = 35x + 25.
What is the rate of change for this function?

A- 35$




Step-by-step explanation:

y = 35x+23 is in the form

y = mx+b  where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

The slope can also be called the rate of change

35 is the slope

The answer to the question is A which is 35$

A cable that weighs 6 lb/ft is used to lift 600 lb of coal up a mine shaft 500 ft deep. Find the work done. Show how to approximate the required work by a Riemann sum. (Let x be the distance in feet below the top of the shaft. Enter xi* as xi.)



A cable that weighs 6 lb/ft is used to lift 600 lb of coal up a mine shaft 500 ft deep. Find the work done. Show how to approximate the required work by a Riemann sum.

Step-by-step explanation:

Translate the triangle. Then enter the new coordinates. A(-3, 4) A'([?], [?]) B'([ ], [ ] C([],[]) B(0, 1) C(-4,1)




The new coordinates are [tex]A'(x,y) = (3, 0)[/tex], [tex]B'(x,y) = (6, -3)[/tex] and [tex]C'(x,y) = (2, -3)[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

Vectorially speaking, the translation of a point can be defined by the following expression:

[tex]V'(x,y) = V(x,y) + T(x,y)[/tex] (1)


[tex]V(x,y)[/tex] - Original point.

[tex]V'(x,y)[/tex] - Translated point.

[tex]T(x,y)[/tex] - Translation vector.

If we know that [tex]A(x,y) = (-3,4)[/tex], [tex]B(x,y) = (0,1)[/tex], [tex]C(x,y) = (-4,1)[/tex] and [tex]T(x,y) = (6, -4)[/tex], then the resulting points are:

[tex]A'(x,y) = (-3, 4) + (6, -4)[/tex]

[tex]A'(x,y) = (3, 0)[/tex]

[tex]B'(x,y) = (0,1) + (6, -4)[/tex]

[tex]B'(x,y) = (6, -3)[/tex]

[tex]C'(x,y) = (-4, 1) + (6, -4)[/tex]

[tex]C'(x,y) = (2, -3)[/tex]

The new coordinates are [tex]A'(x,y) = (3, 0)[/tex], [tex]B'(x,y) = (6, -3)[/tex] and [tex]C'(x,y) = (2, -3)[/tex].




In picture.

Step-by-step explanation:

To do this answer, you need to count the boxes up to the mirror line. This will give us the exact place to draw the triangle.

The picture below is the answer.

Two workers finished a job in 12 days. How long would it take each worker to do the job by himself if one of the workers needs 10 more days to finish the job than the other worker


Two workers finished a job in 7.5 days.

How long would it take each worker to do the job by himself if one of the workers needs 8 more days to finish the job than the other worker?

let t = time required by one worker to complete the job alone


(t+8) = time required by the other worker (shirker)

let the completed job = 1

A typical shared work equation

7.5%2Ft + 7.5%2F%28%28t%2B8%29%29 = 1

multiply by t(t+8), cancel the denominators, and you have

7.5(t+8) + 7.5t = t(t+8)

7.5t + 60 + 7.5t = t^2 + 8t

15t + 60 = t^2 + 8t

form a quadratic equation on the right

0 = t^2 + 8t - 15t - 60

t^2 - 7t - 60 = 0

Factor easily to

(t-12) (t+5) = 0

the positive solution is all we want here

t = 12 days, the first guy working alone


the shirker would struggle thru the job in 20 days.

Answer:7 + 17 = 24÷2 (since there are 2 workers) =12. Also, ½(7) + ½17 = 3.5 + 8.5 = 12. So, we know that the faster worker will take 7 days and the slower worker will take 17 days. Hope this helps! jul15

Step-by-step explanation:

Verify that the indicated family of functions is a solution of the given differential equation. Assume an appropriate interval I of definition for each solution.

d^2y/ dx^2 − 6 dy/dx + 9y = 0; y = c1e3x + c2xe3x When y = c1e3x + c2xe3x,


y'' - 6y' + 9y = 0

If y = C₁ exp(3x) + C₂ x exp(3x), then

y' = 3C₁ exp(3x) + C₂ (exp(3x) + 3x exp(3x))

y'' = 9C₁ exp(3x) + C₂ (6 exp(3x) + 9x exp(3x))

Substituting these into the DE gives

(9C₁ exp(3x) + C₂ (6 exp(3x) + 9x exp(3x)))

… … … - 6 (3C₁ exp(3x) + C₂ (exp(3x) + 3x exp(3x)))

… … … + 9 (C₁ exp(3x) + C₂ x exp(3x))

= 9C₁ exp(3x) + 6C₂ exp(3x) + 9C₂ x exp(3x))

… … … - 18C₁ exp(3x) - 6C₂ (exp(3x) - 18x exp(3x))

… … … + 9C₁ exp(3x) + 9C₂ x exp(3x)

= 0

so the provided solution does satisfy the DE.

use the figure to find y



y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

6sin(30) = 3

Select the correct answer.
Each statement describes a transformation of the graph of y=x. Which statement correctly describes the graph of y= x - 13?
OA. It is the graph of y= x translated 13 units to the right.
OB. It is the graph of y=xwhere the slope is decreased by 13.
It is the graph of y= x translated 13 units to the left.
OD. It is the graph of y= x translated 13 units up.


minus sign ironically makes it go to the right

because the function crosses the y axis at -13

It is the graph of y = x translated 13 units down is the statement describes a transformation of the graph of y=x.

What is Graph?

Graph is a mathematical representation of a network and it describes the relationship between lines and points.

The equation y = x - 13 represents a transformation of the graph of y = x. To find the type of  transformation, we have to compare the two equations and look for changes.

In the equation y = x - 13, we subtract 13 from the value of x.

This means that the graph of y = x is shifted 13 units downwards,

since every point on the graph has 13 subtracted from its y-coordinate.

Hence,  It is the graph of y = x translated 13 units down is the statement describes a transformation of the graph of y=x.

To learn more on Graph click:



The elevation E, in meters, above sea level at which the boiling point of a certain liquid ist degrees Celsius is given by the function shown below. At what elevation is the boling point 99.5*7 100°?
E() - 1200(100-1) • 580(100 - 1)
At what elevation is the boiling point 99.5?
E (90.5*)=. meters
At what elevation is the boiling point 100"?



Given E(t)=1100(100-t)+580(100-t)^2

Put t = 99.5, we get






Step-by-step explanation:

It can be concluded that -

E(99.5) = 695

E(100) = 0

What is expression?

In mathematics, an expression or mathematical expression is a finite combination of symbols that is well-formed according to rules that depend on the context.

Mathematical symbols can designate numbers (constants), variables, operations, functions, brackets, punctuation, and grouping to help determine order of operations and other aspects of logical syntax.

Given is the function as follows -

E(t) = 1100(100 - t) + 580(100 - t)²

The given function is -

E(t) = 1100(100 - t) + 580(100 - t)²

At → E(99.5)

E(99.5) = 1100(100 - t) + 580(100 - t)²

E(99.5) = 1100(100 - 99.5) + 580(100 - 99.5)²

E(99.5) = 1100(0.5) + 580(0.5)²

E(99.5) = 550 + 145

E(99.5) = 695

At → E(100)

E(100) = 1100(100 - t) + 580(100 - t)²

E(100) = 1100(100 - 100) + 580(100 - 100)²

E(100) = 0

Therefore, it can be concluded that -

E(99.5) = 695

E(100) = 0

To solve more questions on expressions, visit the link below -



The function ƒ(x) = (x − 1)^2 + 5 is not one-to-one. Find a portion of the domain where the function is one-to-one and find an inverse function.

The restricted domain for ƒ is ?



f(x)=(x-1)^2+5 with domain x>1 and range y>5 has inverse g(x)=sqrt(x-5)+1 with domain x>5 and range y>1.

Step-by-step explanation:

The function is a parabola when graphed. It is in vertex form f(x)=a(x-h)^2+k where (h,k) is vertex and a tells us if it's reflected or not or if it's stretched. The thing we need to notice is the vertex because if we cut the graph with a vertical line here the curve will be one to one. So the vertex is (1,5). Let's restrict the domain so x >1.

* if x>1, then x-1>0.

* Also since the parabola opens up, then y>5.

So let's solve y=(x-1)^2+5 for x.

Subtract 5 on both sides:


Take square root of both sides:

Plus/minus sqrt(y-5)=x-1

We want x-1>0:


Add 1 on both sides:


Swap x and y:




graph a circle with General form.x^2 +y^2+8x-12y+24=0





Step-by-step explanation:

Put the equation into center-radius form.

x² + y² + 8x - 12y + 24 = 0

x² + y² + 8x - 12y = -24

(x²+8x) + (y²-12y) = -24

(x²+8x+4²) + (y²-12y+6²) = 4²+6²-24

(x+4)² + (y-6)² = 28

Center: (-4,6)

radius: √28

Santos flipped a coin 300 times. The coin landed heads up 125 times. Find the ratio of heads to total number of coin flips. Express a simplified ratio




Step-by-step explanation:

125:300 simplified = 5:12

I hope this helps

A friend wants to buy a pool and has two places she wants to purchase the pool with the largest volume which pool should she buy a rectangular pool that is 20' x 15' in 54 inches deep or a cylindrical pool that has a 3.3 m radios and is 1.8 m deep



20'×15 in 54 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

The Best as a pool should be rectangular in shape and 54inches deep for safety of life's

The volume of the rectangular pool that is 20' x 15' in 54 inches deep is largest.

What is the volume of a cylinder?

The volume of the cylinder is the product of the height, pie, and square of the radius.

The volume of the cylinder = [tex]\pi r^{2}[/tex]h

The volume of the cylindrical pool that has a 3.3 m radius and is 1.8 m deep is;

=  [tex]\pi r^{2}[/tex]h

[tex]= 3.14 (3.3)^2 (1.8)\\\\= 61.55 m^3[/tex]

The volume of the rectangular pool that is 20' x 15' in 54 inches deep ;

V = 20 x 15 x 54

V = 16,200 cubic meter.

The volume of the rectangular pool that is 20' x 15' in 54 inches deep is largest.

Learn more about volume;



Find the value of x in each case and give an explanation plzzz, thank youu :)



Step-by-step explanation:

the arrows from the picture tells us that TV is parallel to RS

since TS is a transversal that cuts the 2 parallel lines TV and RS than ∠S =x

(alternate interior angles)

sum of angles in a Δ is 180° so x+x+2x = 180°, 4x =180°, x= 45°

2x = 45*2 = 90°

Answer ASAP
Will give brainliest!


More information pleaseeeeeeee

Triangles P Q R and S T U are shown. Angles P R Q and T S U are right angles. The length of P Q is 20, the length of Q R is 16, and the length of P R is 12. The length of S T is 30, the length of T U is 34, and the length of S U is 16.
Using the side lengths of △PQR and △STU, which angle has a sine ratio of Four-fifths?




[tex]\angle P[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\triangle PRQ = \triangle TSU = 90^o[/tex]

[tex]PQ = 20[/tex]     [tex]QR = 16[/tex]    [tex]PR = 12[/tex]

[tex]ST = 30[/tex]       [tex]TU = 34[/tex]    [tex]SU = 16[/tex]

See attachment


Which sine of angle is equivalent to [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex]

Considering [tex]\triangle PQR[/tex]

We have:

[tex]\sin(P) = \frac{QR}{PQ}[/tex] --- i.e. opposite/hypotenuse

So, we have:

[tex]\sin(P) = \frac{16}{20}[/tex]

Divide by 4

[tex]\sin(P) = \frac{4}{5}[/tex]


[tex]\angle P[/tex] is correct


A or <P

Step-by-step explanation:

on edge 2021

convert 2m 50cm 15mm in cm



251.5 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

1 m = 100 cm

1 cm = 10 mm

2 m + 50 cm + 15 mm =

= 2 m * (100 cm)/m + 50 cm + 15 mm * (1 cm)/(10 mm)

= 200 cm + 50 cm + 1.5 cm

= 251.5 cm

A survey sampled men and women workers and asked if they expected to get a raise or promotion this year. Suppose the survey sampled 200 men and 200 women. If 98 of the men replied Yes and 72 of the women replied Yes, are the results statistically significant so that you can conclude a greater proportion of men expect to get a raise or a promotion this year?

a. State the hypothesis test in terms of the population proportion of men and the population proportion of women.
b. What is the sample proportion for men? For women?
c. Use α= 0.01 level of significance. What is the p-value and what is your conclusion?




The null hypothesis is: [tex]H_0: p_M - p_W = 0[/tex]

The alternative hypothesis is: [tex]H_1: p_M - p_W > 0[/tex]

b) For men is of 0.49 and for women is of 0.36.

c) The p-value of the test is 0.0039 < 0.01, which means that the results are statistically significant so that you can conclude a greater proportion of men expect to get a raise or a promotion this year.

Step-by-step explanation:

Before solving this question, we need to understand the central limit theorem and subtraction of normal variables.

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem establishes that, for a normally distributed random variable X, with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the sampling distribution of the sample means with size n can be approximated to a normal distribution with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex].

For a skewed variable, the Central Limit Theorem can also be applied, as long as n is at least 30.

For a proportion p in a sample of size n, the sampling distribution of the sample proportion will be approximately normal with mean [tex]\mu = p[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}[/tex]

Subtraction between normal variables:

When two normal variables are subtracted, the mean is the difference of the means, while the standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the variances.


98 out of 200, so:

[tex]p_M = \frac{98}{200} = 0.49[/tex]

[tex]s_M = \sqrt{\frac{0.49*0.51}{200}} = 0.0353[/tex]


72 out of 200, so:

[tex]p_W = \frac{72}{200} = 0.36[/tex]

[tex]s_W = \sqrt{\frac{0.36*0.64}{200}} = 0.0339[/tex]

a. State the hypothesis test in terms of the population proportion of men and the population proportion of women.

At the null hypothesis, we test if the proportion are similar, that is, if the subtraction of the proportions is 0, so:

[tex]H_0: p_M - p_W = 0[/tex]

At the alternative hypothesis, we test if the proportion of men is greater, that is, the subtraction is greater than 0, so:

[tex]H_1: p_M - p_W > 0[/tex]

b. What is the sample proportion for men? For women?

For men is of 0.49 and for women is of 0.36.

c. Use α= 0.01 level of significance. What is the p-value and what is your conclusion?

From the sample, we have that:

[tex]X = p_M - p_W = 0.49 - 0.36 = 0.13[/tex]

[tex]s = \sqrt{s_M^2+s_W^2} = \sqrt{0.0353^2 + 0.0339^2} = 0.0489[/tex]

The test statistic is:

[tex]z = \frac{X - \mu}{s}[/tex]

In which X is the sample mean, [tex]\mu[/tex] is the value tested at the null hypothesis, and s is the standard error, so:

[tex]z = \frac{0.13 - 0}{0.0489}[/tex]

[tex]z = 2.66[/tex]

P-value of the test and decision:

The p-value of the test is the probability of finding a difference above 0.13, which is the p-value of z = 2.66.

Looking at the z-table, z = 2.66 has a p-value of 0.9961.

1 - 0.9961 = 0.0039.

The p-value of the test is 0.0039 < 0.01, which means that the results are statistically significant so that you can conclude a greater proportion of men expect to get a raise or a promotion this year.





Step-by-step explanation:

Scale factor of 4

CD = 3

3 · 4 = 12

Length of C'D' is 12 units


12 units

Step-by-step explanation:

The original segment CD = 3 units

Scale factor is 4.

3 x 4 = 12




Option C

Step-by-step explanation:

thankful that there are graphing tools. see screenshot

I’m pretty sure it’s c

Use the figure to find y.


Tanθ =sin /cos

tan θ = 5/2 / y

tan (30°) = 5/2 /y

[tex]y = \frac{5 \sqrt{3} }{2} [/tex]


What is 46.7% of




Step-by-step explanation:

46.7 percent of  [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex] is 0.3736.

What is the percentage?A percentage is a figure or ratio stated as a fraction of 100 in mathematics. Although the abbreviations "pct," "pct," and occasionally "pc" are also used, the percent sign, " percent ", is frequently used to signify it. A % is a number without dimensions and without a standard measurement.What is a fraction?A number is stated as a quotient in mathematics when the numerator and denominator are divided. Both are integers in a simple fraction. A fraction appears in the numerator or denominator of a complex fraction. The numerator of a proper fraction is less than the denominator.Solution  -

To find 46.7% of [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex].


[tex]\frac{46.7}{100}[/tex] × [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{0.467}{100}[/tex] × [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]0.3736[/tex]

Therefore,  46.7% of  [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex] is 0.3736.

Know more about percentages here:



Determine if the sequence below is arithmetic or
geometric and determine the common difference / ratio in
simplest form.
3, 8, 13, ..


9514 1404 393


  arithmetic; common difference of 5

Step-by-step explanation:

It usually works well to check differences first. Here, they are ...

  8 -3 = 5

  13 -8 = 5

These are the same value, so the sequence is arithmetic with a common difference of 5.

Find mBFE, help ASAP!!!


Answer: C

<BFE is 148 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

We have angles <BFC (57 degrees) and <CFD (34 degrees), but what is <DFE?

1. The angle symbol in the vertexes shows that <BFC is congruent to <DFE, meaning that they are the same

2. Knowing this, we can safely say that <DFE is equal to 57 degrees because <BFC is also 57 degrees.

3. Now, we have all the angles we need to find out <BFE.


5. Substitute to get




6. Now we know that the answer is 148 degrees.

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