I purchased a new Apple iPad on Amazon for $249.00. The tax rate is 8.625%. What is the total purchase price of the iPad?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

249 is the original price

(249/100) · 8.625 = 21.47625 the tax total

249 + 21.47625 = 270.47625

Related Questions

A company wants to decrease their energy use by 17%. If their electric bill is currently $2500 a month, what will their bill be if they are successful


We need to find out how much 17 percent of 2,500 is, and then subtract that amount by 2,500. We can use proportions to use this. We can set up a fraction with x/2500 and another fraction with 17/100. Then, we need to cross multiply. This gives us 42,500. Next, we can divide by 100. This gives us 425. We know that they will save $425 if they decrease their energy use by 17%. We now need to subtract $425 from $2,500. This gives us $2,075. If the company is successful in decreasing their energy use by 17%, their bill would be $2,075.

The length of a rectangular field is 25 m more than its width. The perimeter of the field is 450 m. What is the actual width and length?



length= 125

width= 100

Step-by-step explanation:

let width have a length of x m

therefore length= (x+25)m

perimeter=2(length +width)



but we have perimeter to be 450,, we equate it to 4x+50 above,



x=100 m

length= 125

width= 100

A capark has 34 rows and each row can acommodate 40 cars. If there are 976 cars parked, how many cars can still be parked?​



384 cars

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the total number of spaces in the carpark, we must multiply the number of rows by how many cars they can accommodate:

34 ⋅ 40 = 1360

As you can see, we have 1360 total spaces. Since there are 976 cars parked, and we want to find out how many spaces are left, we have to subtract the amount of cars parked from the total spaces.

1360 - 976 = 384

Therefore, our answer is 384, specifically, 384 cars.


384 cars.

Step-by-step explanation:

40 * 34 - 976

= 1360 - 976

= 384.

Use the power series method to solve the given initial-value problem. (Format your final answer as an elementary function.)
(x − 1)y'' − xy' + y = 0, y(0) = −7, y'(0) = 3


You're looking for a solution of the form

[tex]\displaystyle y = \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n x^n[/tex]

Differentiating twice yields

[tex]\displaystyle y' = \sum_{n=0}^\infty n a_n x^{n-1} = \sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1) a_{n+1} x^n[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle y'' = \sum_{n=0}^\infty n(n-1) a_n x^{n-2} = \sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1)(n+2) a_{n+2} x^n[/tex]

Substitute these series into the DE:

[tex]\displaystyle (x-1) \sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1)(n+2) a_{n+2} x^n - x \sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1) a_{n+1} x^n + \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n x^n = 0[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1)(n+2) a_{n+2} x^{n+1} - \sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1)(n+2) a_{n+2} x^n \\\\ \ldots \ldots \ldots - \sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1) a_{n+1} x^{n+1} + \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n x^n = 0[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty n(n+1) a_{n+1} x^n - \sum_{n=0}^\infty (n+1)(n+2) a_{n+2} x^n \\\\ \ldots \ldots \ldots - \sum_{n=1}^\infty n a_n x^n + \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n x^n = 0[/tex]

Two of these series start with a linear term, while the other two start with a constant. Remove the constant terms of the latter two series, then condense the remaining series into one:

[tex]\displaystyle a_0-2a_2 + \sum_{n=1}^\infty \bigg(n(n+1)a_{n+1}-(n+1)(n+2)a_{n+2}-na_n+a_n\bigg) x^n = 0[/tex]

which indicates that the coefficients in the series solution are governed by the recurrence,

[tex]\begin{cases}y(0)=a_0 = -7\\y'(0)=a_1 = 3\\(n+1)(n+2)a_{n+2}-n(n+1)a_{n+1}+(n-1)a_n=0&\text{for }n\ge0\end{cases}[/tex]

Use the recurrence to get the first few coefficients:

[tex]\{a_n\}_{n\ge0} = \left\{-7,3,-\dfrac72,-\dfrac76,-\dfrac7{24},-\dfrac7{120},\ldots\right\}[/tex]

You might recognize that each coefficient in the n-th position of the list (starting at n = 0) involving a factor of -7 has a denominator resembling a factorial. Indeed,

-7 = -7/0!

-7/2 = -7/2!

-7/6 = -7/3!

and so on, with only the coefficient in the n = 1 position being the odd one out. So we have

[tex]\displaystyle y = \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n x^n \\\\ y = -\frac7{0!} + 3x - \frac7{2!}x^2 - \frac7{3!}x^3 - \frac7{4!}x^4 + \cdots[/tex]

which looks a lot like the power series expansion for -7.

Fortunately, we can rewrite the linear term as

3x = 10x - 7x = 10x - 7/1! x

and in doing so, we can condense this solution to

[tex]\displaystyle y = 10x -\frac7{0!} - \frac7{1!}x - \frac7{2!}x^2 - \frac7{3!}x^3 - \frac7{4!}x^4 + \cdots \\\\ \boxed{y = 10x - 7e^x}[/tex]

Just to confirm this solution is valid: we have

y = 10x - 7   ==>   y (0) = 0 - 7 = -7

y' = 10 - 7   ==>   y' (0) = 10 - 7 = 3

y'' = -7

and substituting into the DE gives

-7 (x - 1) - x (10 - 7) + (10x - 7 ) = 0

as required.

[tex]f(x)=e^{3x} .sinx[/tex] . tính [tex]d^{2} f(0)[/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:

đạo hàm cấp 2 của f(x) rồi thế 0 vào

Based on what we have learned, how can we ensure that we choose a sample of students that is representative of all 8:00 AM classes that take place on a given morning


Sampling technique is a way of selecting a sample from a given population. The best way to get a sample of students that represents all 8:00 AM classes is by using a stratified sampling technique.

From the complete question, we can summarize the given data as follows:

[tex]Buildings = 3[/tex] ----3 buildings in the college

[tex]Lecture\ Halls =2[/tex]  ---- 2 lecture halls in each building

[tex]Capacity = 100[/tex] --- 100 students in each lecture hall

Because the students' lecture halls are not in the same building, the best way to get a sample is as follows:

Divide the students into groups (In this case, the students will be grouped by the buildings of their lecture halls)

The number of students in each building is:

[tex]Students = Capacity \times Lecture\ Halls[/tex]

[tex]Students = 100 \times 2[/tex]

[tex]Students = 200[/tex]

There are 200 students in each building

Then select at random an equal proportion of student from each building (say 30 students in each building)

The above method is referred to as a stratified sampling technique because the population of the students are divided into groups, before being randomly selected.

Read more about sampling techniques at:


[tex] \frac{2}{3} \times \frac{2}{3} \times \frac{2}{3} = what[/tex]

Answer I'll make and mark as brainlist.

Answer Fast.
Post on - 2 Aug 2021 ​




3. Find F(3).



To Find F(3) you just have to replace x=3 so:

F(3)= -3^3 + 4×3^2 -2×3 = -27 +4×9 - 6 = -33 + 36 = 3

which one of these points lies on the line described by the equation below y - 5 = 6 ( x - 7 )



the answer would be (7,5)

A basketball player made 5 baskets during a game. Each basket was worth either 2 or 3 points. How many different numbers could represent the total points scored by the player?


The lowest he will get is 10 points and highest 15, 3-2=1 so minimum increment is 1. Count 10 to 15 by increment of 1 you will have 6 different numbers.

What is the slope? Please Help




Step-by-step explanation:

Pick two points on the line

(0,2) and (2,0)

Using the slope formula

m = ( y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

    = ( 0-2)/(2-0)

    = -2/2

  = -1



Step-by-step explanation:

Use two points on the line to find the slope, using rise over run.

We can use the points (0, 2) and (2, 0).

From the first point to the other, the y value decreases by 2 and the x value increases by 2.

Use rise (change in y value) over run (change in x value):

-2 / 2

= -1

So, the slope is -1.

help whats the volume of this




Step-by-step explanation:

The easiest way for me to complete this was to break it up into parts. I Separated the small triangle and the big triangle. I turned them both into squares and multiplied the dimensions. I then divided those by two and added them together.

Which expression is equivalent to the given expression?




Step-by-step explanation:


= a³b⁶/b⁵

= a³b

John and mike got paid $40.00 for washing
car. John work one hour, mike worked 1.5 hrs.
How much do they get paid for time worked?


This question is incomplete , l can’t answer it . You have to say how much minutes or hours they work to get paid $40 ,if you just say that John’s work one hour and Mike work 1.5 hours then I don’t know what to solve ,this question is a complete

Multiply (2x-5)(x+3)




Step-by-step explanation:



2x^2 + x - 15

Step-by-step explanation:

using FOIL

(2x - 5)(x + 3)

[(2x ⋅ x) + (2x ⋅ 3) + (-5 ⋅ x) + (-5 ⋅ 3)]

[2x^2 + 6x - 5x - 15]

2x^2 + x - 15

in the given circle the radius is 9 cm what is its diameter?​




Step-by-step explanation:

The diameter is equal to twice the length of the radius

So if the radius is 9 then the diameter is 9 * 2 = 18

The LARGEST angle has a measure of ______degrees



90 i think

Step-by-step explanation:

slope of (30, 600) (75, 1050)




y2: 1050







slope is 10



A(30, 600)=(x1,y1)

B((75, 1050)=(x2,y2)


[tex]slope(m) = \frac{y2 - y1}{x2 - x1} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1050 - 600}{75 - 30} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{450}{ 45} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{10}{1} [/tex]

If we decrease a dimension on a figure, how is the figure’s area affected?
The area decreases.
The area increases.
The area becomes 0.
The area remains the same.



A) area decreases

Step-by-step explanation:

Example: we have a 2 by 3 rectangle with area of 2*3 = 6. If we cut the first dimension in half, then we have a 1 by 3 rectangle that has area 1*3 = 3. The area has decreased. To keep the area the same, we would have to increase the other dimension some specific amount.




(-72)(-15)= explain


1080 is the answer
Multiplying two negatives equals a positive.
72 multiplied by 15 is 1080.

In which direction does the parabola x=2y2+1 open?

A up
B down
C Right
D left


Answer and Step-by-step explanation:

First, we need to set this equation equal to y, which means we need to get y by itself, and all other terms equal to y.

x = [tex]2y^2 + 1[/tex]

Subtract 1, then divide by 2 on both sides.

[tex]x - 1 = 2y^2\\\\\frac{x-1}{2} = y^2[/tex]

Now, take the square root of both sides.


We see that the value with the x (1) is positive, and that we have a square root function, which means the parabola would open to the right.

(If the x value was negative, the square root function's parabola would open to the left)

So, C (Right) is the correct answer.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

I hope this helps!

Oh Brian~
I need help again




Step-by-step explanation:

2c^3 d^2 * 9d^7

We know that  we add the exponents when the base is the same

2*9  c^3 d^(2+7)


Find the missing segment in the image below



The missing segment length is 20.

Step-by-step explanation:

2 is multiplied by 4 to get to 8, so 5 must be multiplied by 4 to get to 20.

Using the formula D = s:t where D equals distance traveled, r equals the average rate of
speed, and t equals the time traveled, choose the expression or equation that correctly
represents this information.
Mary drove 150 miles in three hours. What was her average rate of speed?
150 = 3
r = 3 = 150
O p + 150 · 3


Answer: r = 50 miles/h

Step-by-step explanation:

Let r be the rate of average speed.


r = D/t

r = 150/3

r = 50 miles/h

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

Descriptive Answer Questions
Attempt FIVE questions.
Show the Fisher's ideal index number satisfies both time reversal test and factor
reversal test from the following information
Price Expenditure
3 XN


im gonna 36 I’m not sure or 27 maybe

If two numbers differ by 9 the same of their squares is 653. What are the numbers?



Two numbers differ by 9 and the sum of their square is 653. What are the numbers?

Well,that's a mathematical question from algebra and it's quite difficult to answer such questions by writing through the circumstances offered by apps like quora.

However,I have tried to answer your question in an understandable way.Hope you may not find it difficult to analyze.

Let the numbers be x and (9+x)

Therefore,according to given,

x^2 + (9+x)^2 =653

=>x^2 + (9)^2 + x^2 + 2×(9)×(x)=653 (Applying the formula of (a+b)^2)

=>x^2 + 81 + x^2 + 18x =653

=>2x^2 + 18x + (81-653)=0

=>2x^2 + 18x - 572=0

=>2x^2 + (44x - 26x) - 572=0

=>2x^2 + 44x - 26x - 572=0

=>2x(x + 22) - 26(x + 22)=0

=>(x + 22)(2x - 26)=0

But since the number can't be negative

Therefore, x=13

Hence,the required numbers are 13 and 22.

Step-by-step explanation:

in first hope you like it

which of the following equations has both 1 and -3 as a solution?
A). x^2-2x-3=0
B). x^2+2x-3=0
C). x^2-4x+3=0
D). x^2+4x+3=0


i believe the answer is b

The population model given dP/dt â P or dP dt = kP (1)

fails to take death into consideration; the growth rate equals the birth rate. In another model of a changing population of a community it is assumed that the rate at which the population changes is a net rate that is, the difference between the rate of births and the rate of deaths in the community. Determine a model for the population P(t) if both the birth rate and the death rate are proportional to the population present at time t > 0.




Step-by-step explanation:

DVD Video Rentals (Refer to Example 3.) The func-
tion V computes the percent share of disc DVD rentals
accounted for by various companies. This function is
defined by V(R) = 37, V(N) = 30, and V(S) = 17,
where R is Redbox, N is Netflix, and S is rental stores.
(Source: Business Insider.)
(a) Write V as a set of ordered pairs.
(b) Give the domain and range of V.



[tex](a)\ V = \{(N,30),(R,37),(S,17)\}[/tex]


[tex]Domain = \{N,R,S\}[/tex]

[tex]Range = \{37,30,17\}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]V(R) = 37,\ V(N) = 30,\ V(S) = 17[/tex]

Solving (a): Set of ordered pair

A function y = f(x) is represented as (x,y)

So, the ordered pair of V is:

[tex]V = \{(R,37),(N,30),(S,17)\}[/tex]

Order the alphabets in increasing order

[tex]V = \{(N,30),(R,37),(S,17)\}[/tex]

Solving (b): The domain and the range

In a function [tex]\{(x_1,y_1),...,(x_n,y_n)\}[/tex]

The domain and the range are represented as:

[tex]Domain = \{x_1,x_2....x_n\}[/tex]

[tex]Range = \{y_1,y_2....y_n\}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]Domain = \{N,R,S\}[/tex]

[tex]Range = \{37,30,17\}[/tex]

What fraction is equivalent to eight tentHs


8/10 is equivalent to 4/5. just divide both 8 and 10 by 2
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