Identify the us path to world war 2


Answer 1


World War II (1939-1945) was the largest armed conflict in human history. ... Although the war began with Nazi Germany's attack on Poland in September 19

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How are fundamental rights helping homemakers life?



Fundamental rights of the European Union and international human rights.

Every person has fundamental rights.

They are rights that are stated in the Constitution of Finland.

They are basic values that are important for everyone.

The fundamental rights protect each person's freedom.

The government, municipalities or authorities may not take away a person's freedom.

An example of fundamental rights is that everyone has the right to life.

Everyone has the right to personal freedom and integrity.

Everyone has the freedom to move and to protect his or her private life.

Everyone has the freedom of speech and the freedom of taking part in meetings and being a member of an association.

Everyone's property is protected.

This means that you cannot take or destroy things that belong to an

other person.

The fundamental rights include economic rights, social rights and cultural rights.

Examples of these are the right to work and social security and the right to education.

The Constitution also protects equality.

The Constitution contains the right to take part in elections.

The Constitution gives every Finnish citizen the right to use his or her own language.

The Constitution also protects the environment.

Every Finnish person has legal protection.

It means that the laws protect their rights.

The European Union has a Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Provide the information each Age of Reason thinker contributed to his time.
1. John Locke
2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
3. Isaac Newton
4. Baron de Montesquieu
5. Cotton Mather



sorry I don't know the answer


John Locke: People have the right to challenge their government if it doesn’t protect the “natural rights” of life, liberty, and property

Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Society should be ruled by the “general will” of the people.

Isaac Newton: Discovered laws of gravity and motion that showed the natural world wasn’t controlled by spirits

Baron de Montesquieu: Power should not be concentrated in the hands of one individual

Cotton Mather: Advocated the use of science to immunize citizens against smallpox


Can somebody help me



Scarcity leads to the idea of choice because it is important that people choose what they can satisfy or not. Scarcity makes it required that people make less of the other topic we left in an unsatisfied manner.


hope this helped! :)))

need help with some history



The Roman Empire


Technically he wanted to re-establish Italy as a European power. but the Roman Empire is the closest thing

Which sentence best completes the diagram? Congress's powers under the Articles of Confederation 2 To wage war against foreign countries To print and borrow money A. To create a national court system B. To collect taxes from the states O C. To regulate trade between the states O D. To pass laws that apply to all states​





what danger did farmers face in the 1880s?



The primary danger


faced by farmers in 1880s.

The answer is:

The primary danger faced by farmers in the 1880s was economic exploitation by wealthy members and institutions in society.

Another problem they faced was losing their land or farms because of unpaid debt.

What is one point of view in Mein Kampf?



Adolf Hitler


Adolf wrote the book Mein Kampf while in jail. The book is translated to "my struggle". Due to this book being an autobiography about his political plans and beliefs, he is a point of view.

There are others too, such as an ally. Since the allies were fighting against the axis powers during WW2 it makes since that once would have a negative view on the book.

I hope this helps :)

4. Define the following vocabulary terms:
A. Great Leap Forward
B. Cultural Revolution
C. Four Modernizations
D. Tiananmen Square





because it is

4. Describing How was treatment of Native Americans different in


Most native americans were forced to leave pennsylvania during the 1700s when eastern tribes were being displaced by colonial expansion. These tribes are not extinct, but except for the descendants of Pennsylvania Indians who assimilated into white society, they do not live in Pennsylvania anymore.


NASA was created as a direct response to the competition of the Cold War, trying to establish American technological supremacy. Without this
pressure, interest in NASA and space programs has dropped. Currently, NASA receives about $18 billion a year, about 0.5% of the total federal budget.
Do you think NASA is still worth funding, or is money better used elsewhere? Explain your reasoning.
Must be 3-5 sentences


NASA is still worthy of funding due to the increasing world population while resources are gradually dwindling. More investment in NASA is needed to advance missions to find new habitable planets. As soon as possible to increase the country's influence globally and bring out the best for the people.

The seeds of the Harlem Renaissance were sown by the Great Migration in which large numbers of African Americans left the South and migrated north. What is a reason African Americans continued to move northward in the 1920s?



Racism in the South and supposed economic and social freedoms up north




[tex]Hello[/tex] [tex]There ![/tex]

The answer is...

B. Northeast

Hopefully, this helps you!!


Que preguntas genera la filosofía


Answer:1. ¿Cuál es el secreto para ser feliz?

2. ¿Habrá vida en otros planeta

3. ¿Cómo puede ser infinito el Universo?

4. ¿Somos buenos o malos por naturaleza?


5. ¿Existe la justicia?

6. ¿Cuál es es el mejor sistema moral?

7. ¿Hay vida después de la muerte?

8. ¿Qué había antes del Big Bang?

9. ¿Por qué hay algo en vez de nada?

10. ¿Cuál es el sentido de la vida?


8. The following is an image from the 1920s.

The above image supports what 1920s movement?

A. Darwinian

B. Feminist

C. Fundamentalist

D. Modernist



c is this answer it's okkk

There have been over 100 launches to the space station. Which 2 countries do you think have sent the most vehicles? Why?



I think that the United States and Russia probably sent the most vehicles.


The United States sent the first man to the moon and the Soviet Union was the first country to go to space, the two countries are the most experienced when it comes to space travel.

Who made up the highest and lowest level of society in Europe during the 1400s



rulers, nobles, and peasants.


Who made up the highest and lowest level of society in Europe during the 1400s?

How did Japanese politics change as Hideki Tojo rose to power during the





When he returned to his homeland,Tojo asaumed the office of vice minister of war and quickly took the lead in the militarys

Upon his return to his own country, Tojo accepted the position of deputy minister of war and immediately assumed command of the military.

Who was Hideki Tojo?

Hideki Tojo, a Japanese politician, commander of the Imperial Japanese Army, and war criminal who presided over the Imperial Rule Assistance Association throughout the majority of World War II, was born on December 30, 1884, and died on December 23, 1948.

Before finally losing his position of authority in July 1944, he held a number of further jobs, including chief of staff of the Imperial Army. Extreme state-sanctioned violence committed in the name of Japanese ultranationalism throughout his time in office, most of which he personally participated in, was a defining characteristic of his leadership. On December 30, 1884, a former samurai family of relatively low status gave birth to Hideki in Tokyo's Kjimachi neighborhood.

Learn more about Hideki Tojo here:


ways in which world
capitalism was introduced in Africa​



The tribal assembly (comitia tributa) was a nonmilitary civilian assembly. It accordingly met within the city inside the pomerium and elected magistrates who did not exercise imperium (plebeian tribunes, plebeian aediles, and quaestors).


What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?

(A) To help newly freed slaved establish schools and settle disputes
(B) To help newly freed slaved organize themselves into political parties
(C) To help African Americans move to Liberia and establish their own nation
(D) To fund African Americans who wanted to run for public office



(A) To help newly freed slaved establish schools and settle disputes

I think that this is the answer


(A) To help newly freed slaves establish schools and settle disputes


The Bureau also took up the fight for African American education, establishing scores of public schools where freed people and poor whites could receive both elementary and higher education.

critically discuss the rise of Afrikaaner Nationalism in SA​



Afrikaner nationalism gained ground within a context of increasing urbanisation and secondary industrialisation during the period between the two world wars, as well as the continuing British imperial influence in South Africa.


Asa cultural and political phenomenon, a specifically ethnic nationalism and narrowly defined Afrikaner nationalism undoubtedly left its mark on twentieth-century South African history. This is about the only non controversial statement that can be made in connection with Afrikaner nationalism. There are differing interpretations concerning the origins of Afrikaner nationalism, its nature and content, the way in which it has been manufactured, and the precise correlation between Afrikaner nationalism and socio-economic developments.

It is also important that we do not see Afrikaner nationalism in isolation. In the rest of Africa, particularly from the 1950s onwards, a wave of black nationalism swept over the continent and led to the independence of many countries. Although Afrikaner nationalism differed from black nationalism in many respects, it also displayed some similar characteristics. It shared, for example, the idea that foreign powers should not be allowed to dominate local populations.

Which country is not a former soviet republic?



Pakistan is not a former Soviet republic


What job does Columbus think the American Indians would be well suited for?


Answer:Columbus thought the american indians would be "great workers" in other words slaves


He would sell the natives into slavery (which most died before he could). If they were not sold into slavery he would put them to work to look for gold in mines and work on plantations.

Which of these costs seem justified? Which costs seem unjustified? France debt


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached or further references or context, we can say the following.

Regarding the French debt, the costs that seemed justified were the French intervention in the Seven Years War, because France had a great rivalry against England, and France had to send troops to the North American territory and other parts of the European continent.

Another justified cost was the support the government of France offered the Continental Army when it was fighting against the British troops during the Revolutionary War of Independence. At that time, the United Kingdom was the natural enemy of France.

Now, the costs that seemed unjustified were the following. First the construction of luxurious buildings such as the Versailles Palace, in the outskirts of Paris. This was an excessive massive luxurious building in a time where most of the French people were very poor.

The other unjustified cost was the extravagant parties and luxurious lifestyle of the King of France Louis XIV and his wife Maria Antonieta. Fancy parties, fancy clothes, and fancy food, when the Third State in France was dying of hunger.

We then can say that a class conflict started the revolution.

The French Revolution began in 1789. The Storming of the Bastille started the hostilities in Paris, France. French people were tired of the tyranny of the monarch. The class system had produced social inequality and the tax burden on the thirds state (the commoners, the poor people) angered the French.

Describe how the design of the church contributes to its purposes as a spiritual sanctuary. (ten sentences minimum) Art History



People attend churches. The church building is a geographical location that provides sanctuary.

Biblically, there is a specified design for how a holy sanctuary should look like. This is found in the Good Book from the 25th Chapter of Exodus to the 31st.

It is clear, however, that over the course of history,  those recommendations have been modified.

These changes, some mostly triggered by the radical liturgical activities of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church (which holds Church Building Architecture with utmost reverence and importance) has found it greatly challenging to adopt a newer and better standard architecturally to express its Mass.

For the Catholic church, it is important that the geographical location has a sense of sanctity and sacredness which will serve to enhance the unique spiritual experience of the Catholic Mass.

The above being said, the architectural devices of the church that exude space and a sense of sacredness works together with the liturgical processes to create evoke or amplify an emotional response.

The emotional response in this case relates to the connection between the church attendee and the sacredness they have come to want to achieve.


Socorroooóoóoóó alguém me ajuda pfvrrrrr



this is too much


A Lone Star Reader by Swanlund/Bane/Sosebee.


Did you read that book?

How is Animalism and the animals' creation of "Animal Farm” similar to Communism
And the rise of the Soviet Union?



Animalism and the creation of "Animal Farm" presented a policy of equality for all individuals, where everyone should work for the common good, which should be available to all members of the community in an equal way. Communism and the rise of the Soviet Union presented this same policy, but like animalism and the "Animal Farm" it did not distribute the common good with equality among the members, but promoted the exploitation of some members to promote the privilege of other members.


"Animal farm" is the title of the fable written by George Orwell. In this fable we are introduced to a farm, where animals take over and expel humans because they are tired of being exploited. Soon after, animals create an animalism, a kind of political system that states that all animals are equal and will be treated that way in the farm, because everyone would work in it to promote privileges to each other in an equal way. However, over time, we can see that this "equality" among animals is not true, as many animals continue to be exploited by a small portion of animals that have many privileges that are not available to all animals equally.

The rise of the Soviet Union is similar to this, as this rise happened with the hard work of individuals who believed they would live in an egalitarian country, since the communism established in the country precluded the end of the private institution and the equal distribution of the common good to all citizens. However, what happened was the exploitation of workers to maintain an extremely privileged and overvalued class.


Well it would be called an animal farm because of the animals being held hostage

How will public broadcasting give meaning to social responsibility theory in an essay



Public broadcasting has to do with transmission through radio, television and other media channels to provide news service to the public.

Therefore, public broadcasting gives meaning to social responsibility by providing basic information to the general public that is beneficial to their welfare and sustainability.

In many countries of the world, funding comes from governments, especially via annual fees charged on receivers. In some countries, a single organization runs public broadcasting.

What is the term Public Broadcasting about?

Public broadcasting has to do with transmission through radio, television and other media channels to provide news service to the public.

Therefore, public broadcasting gives meaning to social responsibility by providing basic information to the general public that is beneficial to their welfare and sustainability.

Learn more about Broadcasting, refer to the link:

Which was the first American military unit dedicated to aviation?



1st Reconnaissance Squadron; Fort Sill, Oklahoma


The facts don't lie, and this is history.

Could you give me brainliest please?

Black people were not significantly impact by the 2008 mortgage crisis. What the correct answer to the question true or false


False is your answer mate
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