Identify which description of early colonial society in Georgia is
NOT accurate.
a. Women were independent and could work and move up the social ladder.
b. Many of the colony's leaders were wealthy planters and shipping merchants.
c. Backcountry settlers were more independent and adverse to government.
d. The Church of England was the official church, and all were taxed to support it.


Answer 1


In the 1730s, England founded the last of its colonies in North America. The project was the brain child of James Oglethorpe, a former army officer. After Oglethorpe left the army, he devoted himself to helping the poor and debt-ridden people of London, whom he suggested settling in America. His choice of Georgia, named for the new King, was also motivated by the idea of creating a defensive buffer for South Carolina, an increasingly important colony with many potential enemies close by. These enemies included the Spanish in Florida, the French in Louisiana and along the Mississippi River, and these powers' Indian allies throughout the region.


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What types of fabrics were invented in the 50s.


Brocades, satin, velveteen, taffeta, nylon net, tulle, and chiffon in both natural and synthetic fabrics were reserved for evening.

Please mark brainiest

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I believe so but that would be an insane chase

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The Impact of the Hundred Years' War The Hundred Years' War contributed to the decline of feudalism by helping to shift power from feudal lords to monarchs and to common people. During the struggle, monarchs on both sides had collected taxes and raised large professional armies.

How was the American political system changed during the Progressive Era to address
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Which of the following did not lead to the high death tolls of World War I?

A Trench Warfare

B. Alliances Between European Nations

C. Technological Advancement in Weapons

D. Outdated Military Tactics


Answer: B) Alliances between European Nations

Mike, Jake, and Aaron are buying snowboards. Mike is getting his snowboard on sale for $219.49. Jake’s costs $279.97. Aaron’s costs $234.95.

Write the names in order from who spent the least to the most.

Next round each snowboard price to the nearest dollar



first is Mike then Aaron and lastly is Jake

PLEASE ANSWER what are some of the reasons the delegates to the second continental congress decided it was time to declare independence from great britain



1 reason is that violence was cast between Britain and the American colonies, so the Second Continental Congress decided to declare independence in the meet up at Philadelphia.


According to the safety valve theory, what would occur once the American frontier was closed?

A. Economic growth would halt because businesses would not have new markets to conquer.
B. Social conflict would increase because citizens would not have any place to make a fresh start.
C. The population of the country would quickly overwhelm its natural resources.
D. The concept of what it meant to be American would be changed by influxes of immigrants.


From safety valve theory, if American frontier is been closed "the population of the country would quickly overwhelm its natural resources."

What is  safety valve theory all about?

The safety valve theory serves as the  philosophical justification of the utility of protest.

This  safety valve rationale, explain that citizens are free to make statements concerning controversial societal issues to government.

Learn more about The safety valve theory at;


Hi! The correct answer is

D.  Social conflict would increase because citizens would not have any place to make a fresh start.


got right on plato

Victor, an Italian immigrant, arrived in the United States in 1913. His choice of where to settle was most likely based on his:



identification with the province or village from which he came.


What variations were there between the roles of women of various ethnic backgrounds in the 1920s



Significant changes for women took place in politics, the home, the workplace, and in education. ... When passed in 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment gave women the right to vote. Surprisingly, some women didn't want the vote. A widespread attitude was that women's roles and men's roles did not overlap.

hope that helps


what hit song helped rap gain national and international attention in the late 1970s?



The release of the song “Rapper's Delight” by the Sugarhill Gang in 1979 brought both rap and hip-hop culture national and international attention. “Rapper's Delight” was actually an interpolation of a popular disco song entitled “Good Times” by the female group Chic.


give brainliest pls

after rapid population growth from 1966 to 1975, the chinese government instituted policies aimed at reducing population growth. the effects can be seen in most age-groups born since then. however, the population representing children born in 1986-1990 is larger than any other age-group. what data in the age structure diagram provide the best explanation for this exception?


Population momentum often tells more about why a population will continue to grow even if the fertility rate reduces. This exception that can be explained by population momentum is from the 1966-1970 age-group.

Population growth is often linked with the age structure of the population.

Research as shown that the higher the percentage of young people, the more the population will continue to rise. Since the 1970s, China's total fertility rate has show to be reducing a lot

Learn more from

How did religion play a role in the oppression of natives by the spanish?.



The Pueblo people in the Southwest rose up against Spanish religious persecution and violence in 1680.


in march of 1836 delegates met at washington-on-the-brazos intending to:



:Declaration of Independence


As Mexican soldiers laid siege to the Alamo, Texan delegates met March 2, 1836 at Washington-on-the-Brazos to draft a formal Declaration of Independence.

In march of 1836 delegates met at Washington-on-the-Brazos intending to Declaration of Independence.

What do you mean by Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence is a historical document that announced the separation of the 13 British colonies in North America from Great Britain. It was ratified by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

It clarified the reasoning behind the Congress' July 2 "unanimous" resolution that "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be Free and Independent States."

As a result, although the adoption of the Declaration of Independence took place on July 4, which has always been recognized in the United States as the main national festival known as Independence Day, the final separation was officially voted on on July 2.

The majority of Americans came to believe that they needed to protect their liberties outside of the empire as the American Revolution dragged on in 1775–1776 and Britain began to impose its authority through the use of powerful military forces.

The gap between the colonies and the home nation was further increased by the war's casualties and restrictions.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence, here


Ancient Egypt was a river valley civilization. true or false​



Ancient Egypt was is exactly as it was originally portrayed. As a hot dessert with barely any rain. There wouldn't likely have been a lot of rivers back then due to the lack of rainfall or your typical water source.

Hope this helps and have a nice day.

-Kaikai Kitan




Ancient Egypt started out as towns along the Nile River. It would later divide into two civilizations, the Upper and Lower kingdom, before Menes, pharaoh of lower Egypt, would unite the two different kingdoms. But back to the point: The Egyptians needed the rich silt the Nile gave from flooding and the water the Nile had for transport, drinking water, and crops, as everywhere else was desert. So yes, Ancient Egypt was centered around the Nile, was on the Nile, and as such, it was a river valley civilization.


Based on the map on page 321, why does it make 'sense' that Britain (the
United Kingdom) had the strongest navy in the world at the time of World War I?


cuz they very strong

In 1941 which country gained its independence from Britain?



India and Pakistan


Shorten this and put it in your own words

Around the year 133 BC, Rome was set up as a democracy. Later the Roman people were sovereign. Even the system of voting was weighted to give more influence to the votes of the wealthy. By 14 AD, when the first emperor Augustus died, popular elections had all but disappeared. This was nothing short of a revolution, brought about through a century of constant civil strife, and sometimes open warfare. Many Romans themselves put the key turning point in 133 BC. The course of events is clear enough.In the process, he deposed from office another tribune who opposed the distribution and argued that his reforms should be funded from the money that came from the new Roman imperial province of Asia. Gracchus's land bill was passed. Gracchus's motivation is much less clear. Whatever his motives were, his career crystallised many of the main issues that were to underlie the revolutionary politics of the next hundred years.The consequences of Rome's growing empire were crucial. Tiberius's decision to use the revenues of Asia for his land distribution was a provocative claim - that the poor as well as the rich should enjoy the fruits of Rome's conquests. But Tiberius's desire to stand for a second tribunate also raised questions of personal political dominance. This became an increasingly urgent issue as leading men in the first century BC, such as Julius Caesar, were sometimes given vast power to deal with the military threats facing Rome from overseas - and then proved unwilling to lay down that power when they returned to civilian life. The events of 133 BC were followed by a series of intensifying crises. At the end of the century Gaius Marius, a stunningly successful soldier, defeated enemies in Africa, Gaul and finally in Italy, when Rome's allies in Italy rebelled against her.He held the highest office of state, the consulship, no fewer than seven times, an unprecedented level of long-term dominance of the political process. Marius then came into violent conflict with Lucius Cornelius Sulla, another Roman warlord, who after victories in the east actually marched on Rome in 82 BC and established himself 'dictator'.This had been an ancient Roman office designed to give a leading politician short terms powers in an emergency.Unlike Julius Caesar, however, who was to become dictator 40 years later, Sulla retired from the office and died in his bed.The middle years of the first century BC were marked by violence in the city, and fighting between gangs supporting rival politicians and political programmes.The two protagonists were Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus ('Pompey the Great', as he was called, after Alexander the Great) and Julius Caesar.Caesar promoted radical policies in the spirit of Tiberius Gracchus; Pompey had the support of the traditionalists.Historians in both the ancient and modern world have devoted enormous energy to tracking the precise stages by which these two men came head-to-head in civil war. But the fact is that, given the power each had accrued and their entrenched opposition, war between them was almost inevitable. Not much 'liberty' was to follow. Instead there was another decade of civil war as Caesar's supporters first of all battled it out with his assassins, and when they had been finished off, fought among themselves.


We need summary

By 133BC Rome has become a democracy but that was handled by wealthy peopleOn 14 AD,king Augustus diedThen Graccus the motivator became less popularRoman ruler dictated him on 82AD.Unlike Julius Caesar a king pompous had the support of traditionalists.But the liberty was not given much.Civil war ended up everything

What did La Follette say ruined foreign trade.
HELP please NO links



Hope this helps


La Follette said. “We had, at the hands of Germany. Serious grievances.” He continued, “They had interfered with the right of American citizens to travel on the high seas – on ships loaded with munitions for Great Britain.” This was a partial exaggeration: not all ships the Germans sank had carried military cargoes. But La Follette pointed out – correctly – that the British ocean liner Lusitania had been carrying munitions to England in 1915 when a U-boat sank it, killing 1,193 people, including 123 Americans.The crowd cheered La Follette, but the next day he found himself facing a nationwide backlash and a classic bit of “fake news.”An Associated Press report on La Follette’s St. Paul speech, printed in hundreds of newspapers nationwide, misquoted him as saying that “We had no grievance” against Germany, while a New York Times headline declared, “La Follette Defends Lusitania Sinking.” Minnesota’s Republican governor announced La Follette’s statements would be investigated. One of the state’s senators, Frank Kellogg, brought a petition to the Senate from the Minnesota Public Safety Commission that denounced La Follette as “a teacher of disloyalty and sedition” and called for the Senate to expel him – which the Constitution allows with a two-thirds vote.It was under these circumstances that La Follette addressed the crowded Senate floor. The galleries were packed with spectators eager to hear how the crusader known as “Fighting Bob” would respond to the outrage over his speech in St. Paul.Instead of acknowledging the rancor, or the expulsion petition, La Follette delivered a sweeping defense of the right to free speech in wartime. Across the country, La Follette warned, governors, mayors and police were preventing or breaking up peaceful meetings about the war. Dissenters were being unlawfully arrested and jailed for no crime.

What did the Virginia Company do to keep tobacco farmers from leaving?​



didn't they offer them a deal


Why did Christopher Columbus want to find a route to the Indies?
1.To make the queen happy
2.To write a book about navigation
3.To find a new world
4.To get gold and spices
13-30 question exam T-T


Answer: 4: to get gold and spices.


to get gold and spices from Asia.


Explain how eugenics caused the Holocausts



A significant number of Nazi persecutory policies stemmed from theories of racial hygiene, or eugenics. Such theories were prevalent among the international scientific community in the first decades of the twentieth century. The term “eugenics” (from the Greek for “good birth or stock”) was coined in 1883 by the English naturalist Sir Francis Galton. The term's German counterpart, “racial hygiene” (Rosenhagen), was first employed by German economist Alfred Ploetz in 1895. At the core of the movement’s belief system was the principle that human heredity was fixed and immutable.  


What did planters and miners want from the Native Americans?



With a lack of Native American workers, they, too, needed another source of labor. Plantation owners in both North and South America wanted a cheap workforce.

In the middle 1800s, what was the
process developed to make steel at a
faster rate?
A. Bernoulli
B. Bessemer
C. Liquidation
D. Soldering



B Bessemer


Answer: Bessemer


The american colonization society was established in the early nineteenth century with the goal of.



 transporting free Black people from the United States to settle on the west coast of Africa.

Summarize the arguments for and against U.S. imperial expansion during the second half of the nineteenth century.



 Perhaps the greatest argument for imperial expansion during this time was that it would allow the United States to control more resources, while the argument against was that the US was "overreaching" and would become politically unstable.

Example: hope it works :) sorry if its wrong.

What are 5 facts about iron plow


Newbold Plow - cast iron plow by Charles Newbold
The Newbold Plow
The plow evolved from the all-wood designs of antiquity, to the use of iron parts. In 1720, the first English patent for a wooden moldboard sheathed with iron was issued to Joseph Foljambe. From that the evolution to plows made with cast iron moldboards and shares occurred in Scotland in 1785 by James Small. These cast iron plows were then imported to the U.S.

Charles Newbold, born in Chesterfield, NJ (1780), spent his teenage years investigating the use of cast iron to improve on the heavy iron-clad wooden plow then available. He was issued the first US patent for a plow on 26 Jun 1797. The plow was cast as one piece—the moldboard, share, and land-side all cast together—with wooden handles and beam added.

What is the origin of the phrase "Black Power"?


It has many origins, one of them is “Black Power for Black People”

What was one of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points?



a. establishing a League of Nations

Explanation: is correct

The answer is establishing a League of Nations

What best describes Muhammad's role in the early Muslim community?



a religious leader


Islam was explained to him by god and be past the knowledge of god to his community. He told them not to worship statues.

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