if a circumference of a circle is 22cm.find it diameter take pie 22/7.


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

i know the answer ok it is easy

Related Questions

Salaries of entry-level computer engineers have Normal distribution with unknown mean and variance. Three randomly selected computer engineers have following salaries (in $1000s): 70, 80, 90. The average and the standard deviation of the data in the sample are 80 and 10. Using hypothesis testing, determine if this sample provides a sufficient evidence, at a 10% level of significance, that the average salary of all entry-level computer engineers is different from $60,000.
a. Null hypothesis.
b. alternative hypothesis.
c. test statistic.
d. acceptance region.



H0 : μ = 60000

H1 : μ ≠ 60000

Test statistic = 3.464

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Sample mean salary, xbar = 80000

Sample standard deviation, s = 10000

Population mean salary , μ = 60000

Sample size, n = 3

Hypothesis :

H0 : μ = 60000

H1 : μ ≠ 60000

The test statistic :

T = (xbar - μ) ÷ (s/√(n))

T = (80000 - 60000) ÷ (10000/√(3))

T = 20000 / 5773.5026

T = 3.464

The Decison region :

If Tstatistic >Tcritical

Tcritical at 10%, df = 2 ; two - tailed = 2.9199

Tstatistic > Tcritical ; He

A bicyclist is at point A on a paved road and must ride to point C on another paved road. The two roads meet at
an angle of 38° at point B. The distance from A to B is 18 mi, and the distance from B to C is 12 mi (see
the figure). If the bicyclist can ride 22 mph on the paved roads and 6.8 mph off-road, would it be faster for the bicyclist to ride from A to C on the paved roads or to ride a direct line from A to C off-road? Explain.



Step-by-step explanation:

The diagrammatic expression to understand this question very well is attached in the image below.

By applying the law of cosine rule; we have:

a² = b² + c² - 2bc Cos A --- (1)b² = a² + c² - 2ac Cos B --- (2)c² = a² + b² - 2ab Cos C --- (3)

From the diagram attached below, we need to determine the side "b" by using equation (2) from above:

b² = a² + c² - 2ac Cos B

From the information given:

a = 12 miles;  c = 18 miles;   ∠B = 38°

replacing the values into the above equation:

b² = 12² + 18² - 2(12)(18) Cos (38°)

b² = 144 + 324 - 432 × (0.7880)

b² = 468 - 340.416

b² = 127.584

[tex]b = \sqrt{127.584}[/tex]

b = 11.30 miles

However, we are also being told that the speed from A → C = 6.8 mph

Thus, the time required to go from A → C  can be determined by using the relation:

[tex]\mathbf{speed = \dfrac{distance}{time}}[/tex]

making time the subject of the formula, we have:

[tex]\mathbf{time= \dfrac{distance}{speed }}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{time= \dfrac{11.30}{6.8}}[/tex]

time = 1.66 hours

By using the paved roads, the speed is given as = 22 mph

thus, the total distance covered = |AB| + |BC|

= (18+12) miles

= 30 miles

[tex]\mathbf{time= \dfrac{distance}{speed }}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{time= \dfrac{30}{22}}[/tex]

time = 1.36 hours

Therefore, the time used off-road = 1.661 hours while the time used on the paved road is 1.36 hours.

Since we are considering the shortest time possible;

We can conclude that it would be faster for the bicyclist to ride from A to C on the paved roads since it takes a shorter time to reach its destination compared to the time used off-road.

Learn more about Law of cosine here:


It would be faster for the bicyclist to ride from A to C on the paved roads since the time to go from A to C on the paved roads is 1.4 h and the time to go from A to C off-road is 1.7 h.        

To calculate which way would be faster we need to find the distance from point A to C with the law of cosines:

[tex] \overline{AC}^{2} = \overline{AB}^{2} + \overline{BC}^{2} - 2\overline{AB}\overline{BC}cos(38) [/tex]


[tex]\overline{AB}[/tex]: is the distance between the point A and B = 18 mi

[tex]\overline{BC}[/tex]: is the distance between the point B and C = 12 mi        

[tex] \overline{AC} = \sqrt{(18 mi)^{2} + (12 mi)^{2} - 2*18 mi*12 mi*cos(38)} = 11.3 mi [/tex]

Now, let's find the time for the two following cases.

1. From point A to C on the paved roads (t₁)

[tex] t_{1} = t_{AB} + t_{BC} [/tex]

The time can be calculated with the following equation:

[tex] t = \frac{d}{v} [/tex]    (1)


d: is the distance

v: is the velocity

Then, the total time that it takes the bicyclist to go from point A to C on the paved roads is:

[tex] t_{1} = t_{AB} + t_{BC} = \frac{18 mi}{22 mph} + \frac{12 mi}{22 mph} = 1.4 h = 84 min [/tex]

2. From point A to C off-road (t₂)

With equation (1) we can calculate the time to go from point A to C off-road:

[tex] t_{2} = \frac{\overline{AC}}{v_{2}} = \frac{11.3 mi}{6.8 mph} = 1.7 h = 102 min [/tex]

Therefore, it would be faster for the bicyclist to ride from A to C on the paved roads.  

To find more about the law of cosines, go here: https://brainly.com/question/15740431?referrer=searchResults  

I hope it helps you!                                  

2. Solve the following system of equations. y = 5 + x 2x + 2y = 30


x = 5

since we know y= 5 + x , plug this into y in the second equation.

2x + 2 (5 + x) = 30

distribute 2 into the 5 and x

2x + 10 + 2x = 30

combine like terms

4x + 10 = 30

subtract 10 from both sides

4x = 20

divide four by both sides to isolate the variable

x = 5
Answer is d 1+2 y=5 add all cards

Sydney has finished all his work on time, but many of his teammates are still struggling to complete their assignments. What should he do? a) Not distract them; they may get farther behind. O b) Listen to them complain about their workloads O c) Help them complete their work d) Share his thoughts on how they could get their work done faster



I think the correct option is c


I think the correct answer is (d)

Step-by-step explanation:

if he shares his thoughts on how they could get their work done faster like using an app like this, then it would be of great help to them

if the value of a any quadratic function f (x)=ax^2 + BX + C is -8, the function will​



The parabola will open downward

Step-by-step explanation:

f (x)=ax^2 + BX + C

Since a = -8

The parabola will open downward

When a< 0 the graph opens downwards

a>0 the graph opens upwards

Convert the degree measurement to radians. Express answer as multiple of π: - 60°
A. π/3
B. −π/4
C. −π/5
D. −π/3




Step-by-step explanation:

To convert from degree to radians, multiply by pi/180

-60 * pi/180 =  -60/180 *pi = -pi/3


D. -pi/3

Step-by-step explanation:

degree to radians formula: x=degree, x*pi/180



8x + 2 = = 7 + 5x + 15




Step-by-step explanation:

8x + 2 = 7 + 5x + 15

Combine like terms:

8x + 2 = 7 + 5x + 15

8x + 2 = 22

      -2     -2


8x = 20

----    ----

8       8

x = 2.5

Hope this helped.

A 40-foot tree casts a shadow 60 feet long. How long would the shadow of a 6-foot man be at that time?​



26 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

I'm guessing this is how it's done

60-40= 20

there for at this time any shadow would be 20x it's original height/length

so 6+20=26 ft

lmk if I'm correct

Taking ratios

Let the shadow length=x ft

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 40:60=6:x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{40}{60}=\dfrac{6}{x}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{4}{6}=\dfrac{6}{x}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x=6(6)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x=36[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{36}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=9[/tex]

The graph shows the solution of the following system of equations. y=-5/3x+3 y=1/3x-3 What is the solution? A. (-3,2) B. (3,2) C. (-3,-2) D. (3,-2)




Step-by-step explanation:

-5/3x + 3 = 1/3x - 3

-5/3x = 1/3x - 6

-2x = -6

x = 3

y = -5/3(3) + 3

y = -5 + 3

y = -2

Can someone help me with this?



183.3 in^3

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the volume of the rectangular bottom

V = l*w*h

V = 5*5*6 =150 in^3

Find the volume of the triangular pyramid

V = 1/3 Bh where B is the area of the base and h is the height

V = 1/3 ( 5*5) * 4 = 100/3

Add the two volumes together

150 + 100/3

150 +33.3

183.3 in^3

For the function F defined by F(x) = x2 – 2x + 4, find F(b+3).



[tex]\displaystyle F(b + 3) = b^2 + 4b + 7[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the function:

[tex]\displaystlye F(x) = x^2 - 2x + 4[/tex]

And we want to find F(b + 3).

We can substitute:

[tex]\displaystyle F(b + 3) = (b + 3)^2 - 2(b+3) + 4[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle = (b^2 + 6b + 9) + (-2b -6) + 4[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle = (b^2) + (6b-2b) + (9 - 6 + 4)[/tex]

Combine like terms. Hence:

[tex]\displaystyle = b^2 +4b + 7[/tex]

In conclusion:

[tex]\displaystyle F(b + 3) = b^2 + 4b + 7[/tex]

what is the answer I need help?



8 1/8 units^3

Step-by-step explanation:

This figure is a rectangular prism, and the volume of a rectangular prism is given by the formula:


But since we have the area of the base snd the height of the figure, there is also one formula that we can use to find the volume:


Which means area of base times the height.


16 1/4 x 1/2

= 65/4 x 1/2

= 65/8


Volume is measured in cubic units

SO YOUR ANSWER IS 8 1/8 units^3

any equations that equal three?


0+3=3 so I hope that helps
1•3=3 or 4-1=3 try those equations

Draw the line segment with endpoints (-5, 9) and (-1, -7) and find the value of y if x=-4;-2.5;-2;-1.5;0 plz answer asap



5, - 1, - 3, - 5, - 11

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of the line is y=-4x-11. The y values corresponding to x are 5, - 1, - 3, - 5, - 11

Solve the inequality



hope this helps buddy, please mark the brainliest.

Step-by-step explanation:

a team's stadium has a capacity of 86,047. The fan base is notorious for selling out of tickets every game. If every game sells out this year, how many tickets are sold in their 12 game regular season play?



1,032,564 tickets

Step-by-step explanation:

Find how many tickets they sell in total by multiplying the capacity of the stadium by the number of games in the season:


= 1,032,564

So, if every game sells out, 1,032,564 tickets will be sold.

Choose Yes or No to tell if each statement is true.











1. No 2. No 3. Yes 4. Yes

Step-by-step explanation:

Compare the value of each digit from the leftmost digit.

Teddy wants to taste all of the flavors of ice cream at the mall, one by one. Tasting any one flavor will change the way the next flavor taste after it. The flavors are chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, birthday cake, Rocky Road, and butter pecan. In how many ways can he taste the ice cream.
A. 30
C. 360


Answer: (d)

Step-by-step explanation:


There are six flavors of ice-cream that is chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, birthday cake, rocky road, and butter pecan

First ice-cream can be tasted in 6 different ways

Second can be in 5 ways

similarly, remaining in 4, 3, 2 and 1 ways

Total no of ways are  [tex]6\times5\times 4\times 3\times 2\times 1=720\ \text{ways}[/tex]

Option (d) is correct.

Explain how you would solve the following system of equations using substitution. math step in your explanation, too!! This is the system that you should use: y= 4x -5 y = 3x -3




Step-by-step explanation:

Solve by substitution method


First, solve [tex]y=4x-5[/tex] for [tex]y[/tex]:

Substitute [tex]4x-5[/tex] for [tex]y[/tex] in [tex]y=3x-3[/tex]





Now that we have the value of x

substitute [tex]2[/tex] for [tex]x[/tex] in [tex]y=4x-5[/tex]





∴ The value of [tex]x[/tex] is [tex]2[/tex] and the value of [tex]y[/tex] is [tex]3[/tex]

find the surface area of the triangular prism below.


Step-by-step explanation:

At first you need to take its lateral surface area by using the perimeter of base of the triangle and the height of prism.

Then after calculating it you need to find out its total surface area which is asked in the question and that is calculated by adding the area of both triangles of the prism in the lateral surface area.

Then that's your answer.

9514 1404 393


  544 square units

Step-by-step explanation:

The surface area is the sum of the area of the two triangular bases and the three rectangular faces. The relevant area formulas are ...

  A = 1/2bh . . . . area of a triangle with base b and height h

  A = LW . . . . . are of a rectangle of length L and width W


  SA = 2(1/2)(12)(8) + (10 +10 +12)(14)

  SA = 96 +448 = 544 . . . square units

Line JK passes through points J(–3, 11) and K(1, –3). What is the equation of line JK in standard form?

7x + 2y = –1
7x + 2y = 1
14x + 4y = –1
14x + 4y = 1


9514 1404 393


  (b) 7x + 2y = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

You don't need to know how to find the equation. You just need to know how to determine if a point satisfies the equation. Try one of the points and see which equation fits. (The numbers are smaller for point K, so we prefer to use that one.)

  7(1) +2(-3) = 1 ≠ -1 . . . . . tells you choice A doesn't work, and choice B does

The equation is ...

  7x +2y = 1


Additional comment

The equations of choices C and D have coefficients with a common factor of 2. If the constant also had a factor of 2, we could say these equations are not in standard form, and we could reject them right away. Since the two points have integer values for x and y, we can reject these equations anyway: the sum of even numbers cannot be odd.



Step-by-step explanation:

A rectangle with the dimensions of 2 feet
by 8 feet is similar to a rectangle with the
dimensions of
А 4 feet by 16 feet
B. 6 feet by 12 feet
C 12 feet by 32 feet
D 22 feet by 28 feet


Answer: A. 4ft by 16ft

Given rectangle: 2 feet by 8 feet. Similar rectangle: Option A (4 feet by 16 feet).

Use the concept of the rectangle defined as:

Rectangles are four-sided polygons with all internal angles equal to 90 degrees. At each corner or vertex, two sides meet at right angles. The rectangle differs from a square in that its opposite sides are equal in length.

Given that,

Rectangle dimensions: 2 feet by 8 feet

And here are the options provided:

A) 4 feet by 16 feet

B) 6 feet by 12 feet

C) 12 feet by 32 feet

D) 22 feet by 28 feet

To determine if two rectangles are similar,

Compare their corresponding side lengths.

In this case,

A rectangle with dimensions 2 feet by 8 feet.

After simplifying it we can write 1:4

Let's check each option to see if it matches the similarity:

A) 4 feet by 16 feet:

The ratio of the corresponding side lengths is 2:8, which simplifies to 1:4. However, the given rectangle has side lengths of 4:16,

Which simplifies to 1:4 as well.

So, option A is similar to the given rectangle.

B) 6 feet by 12 feet:

The given rectangle has side lengths of 6:12,

Which simplifies to 1:2.

So, option B is not similar to the given rectangle.

C) 12 feet by 32 feet:

The given rectangle has side lengths of 12:32,

Which simplifies to 3:8.

So, option C is not similar to the given rectangle.

D) 22 feet by 28 feet:

The given rectangle has side lengths of 22:28,

Which simplifies to 11:14.

So, option D is not similar to the given rectangle.

To learn more about rectangle visit:



What's the dependent variable shown in the table?


The amount of water given to the plant


The color of the flowers


The number of flowers on the plant


The speed at which the plant grows



The number of flowers on the plant

Step-by-step explanation:


C: Number of flowers on the plant

Step-by-step explanation:

i got it right on my test

∫[tex]\frac{x+2019}{x^{2}+9 }[/tex]


Split up the integral:

[tex]\displaystyle\int\frac{x+2019}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx = \int\frac{x}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx + \int\frac{2019}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx[/tex]

For the first integral, substitute y = x ² + 9 and dy = 2x dx. For the second integral, take x = 3 tan(z) and dx = 3 sec²(z) dz. Then you get

[tex]\displaystyle \int\frac x{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx = \frac12\int{2x}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx \\\\ = \frac12\int\frac{\mathrm du}u \\\\ = \frac12\ln|u| + C \\\\ =\frac12\ln\left(x^2+9\right)[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \int\frac{2019}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx = 2019\int\frac{3\sec^2(z)}{(3\tan(z))^2+9}\,\mathrm dz \\\\ = 2019\int\frac{3\sec^2(z)}{9\tan^2(z)+9}\,\mathrm dz \\\\ = 673\int\frac{\sec^2(z)}{\tan^2(z)+1}\,\mathrm dz \\\\ = 673\int\frac{\sec^2(z)}{\sec^2(z)}\,\mathrm dz \\\\ = 673\int\mathrm dz \\\\ = 673z+C \\\\ = 673\arctan\left(\frac x3\right)+C[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle\int\frac{x+2019}{x^2+9}\,\mathrm dx = \boxed{\frac12\ln\left(x^2+9\right) + 673\arctan\left(\frac x3\right) + C}[/tex]

Please help! Question and answers are in the pic


So far she worked 4 days at 5 1/2 hours a day for a total of 22 hours.

22 hours x $8.50 = $187

Subtract that from the cost of the computer:

899-187 = $712

She needs $712 more.

Amount she makes per shift: $8.50 x 5 1/2 hours = $46.75

Divide what she needs by amount per shift:

712 / 46.75 = 15.22 shifts

She needs to work 16 more shifts.

Coronado reported the following information for the current year: Sales (44000 units) $880000, direct materials and direct labor $440000, other variable costs $44000, and fixed costs $360000. What is Coronado’s break-even point in units?

a) 32727.
b) 40000.
c) 60923.
d) 36000.


The answer i think is c not positive tho

A poll of 2,060 randomly selected adults showed that 89% of them own cell phones. The technology display below results from a test of the claim that 91% of adults own cell phones. Use the normal distribution as an approximation to the binomial distribution, and assume a 0.01 significance level to complete parts (a) through (e).
Test of p=0.91 vs p≠0.91
Sample X N Sample p 95% CI Z-Value p-Value
1 1833
2,060 0.889806 ( 0.872035 , 0.907577 ) ~ 3.20 0.001
a. Is the test two-tailed, left-tailed, or right-tailed?∙
Left-tailed test∙
Two-tailed test∙
Right tailed test
b. What is the test statistic?
The test statistic is _____ (Round to two decimal places as needed.)
c. What is the P-value?
The P-value is _____ (Round to three decimal places as needed.)
d. What is the null hypothesis and what do you conclude about it?
Identify the null hypothesis.
A. H0:p<0.91∙
B. H0:p≠0.91∙
C. H0:p>0.91∙
D. H0:p=0.91.



Two tailed test

Test statistic = 3.20

Pvalue = 0.001

H1 : p ≠ 0.91

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Test of p=0.91 vs p≠0.91

The use if not equal to ≠ sign in the null means we have a tow tailed test, which means a difference exists in the proportion which could be lesser or greater than the stated population proportion.

The test statistic :

This is the Z value from the table given = 3.20

The Pvalue = 0.001

Since Pvalue < α ;Reject H0

pLEASE help best and right answer gets brainliest


1) is 9
2) is 2

Absolute value of a number is the distance a number is from 0.

Step-by-step explanation:

| - 5 | + | - 4 |

5 + 4

= 9

| - 6| - 4

6 - 4


I hope this answers your question.

During a particularly dry growing season in a southern state, farmers noticed that there is a delicate balance between the number of seeds that are planted per square foot and the yield of the crop in pounds per square foot. The yields were the smallest when the number of seeds per square foot was either very small or very large.

What is the explanatory variable for this relationship?

yield of the crop
location of the farm
precipitation for the growing season
number of seeds planted per square foot

I think it's (D).
number of seeds planted per sf



The guy above me is correct

Step-by-step explanation:



number of seeds planted per square foot

Step-by-step explanation:

response is the yield explained by how many seeds are planted

find the sum 38+39+40+41...+114+115


It seems like you want to find the sum of 38 to 115:

[tex] \displaystyle \large{38 + 39 + 40 + 41 + ... + 114 + 115}[/tex]

If we notice, this is arithmetic series or the sum of arithmetic sequences.

To find the sum of the sequences, there are three types of formulas but I will demonstrate only one and the best for this problem.

[tex] \displaystyle \large{S_n = \frac{n(a_1+a_n) }{2} }[/tex]

This formula only applies to the sequences that have the common difference = 1.

Given that a1 = first term of sequence/series, n = number of terms and a_n = last term

We know the first term which is 38 and the last term is 115. The problem here is the number of sequences.

To find the n, you can use the following formula.

[tex] \displaystyle \large{n = (a_n - a_1) + 1}[/tex]

Substitute an = 115 and a1 = 38 in the formula of finding n.

[tex] \displaystyle \large{n = (115 - 38) + 1} \\ \displaystyle \large{n = (77) + 1} \\ \displaystyle \large{n = 78}[/tex]

Therefore the number of sequences is 78.

Then we substitute an = 115, a1 = 38 and n = 78 in the sum formula.

[tex] \displaystyle \large{S_{78} = \frac{78(38+115) }{2} } \\ \displaystyle \large{S_{78} = \frac{39(38+115) }{1} } \\ \displaystyle \large{S_{78} = 39(153) } \\ \displaystyle \large \boxed{S_{78} = 5967}[/tex]

Hence, the sum is 5967.

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