If an airplane flies North over the North Pole to get from New York City to Stockholm, Sweden, its course saved fuel and time based on the principle of…


Answer 1


Green chemistry.


Many flights between the Europe and north America are done by flying over the north pole and this is done to cut the time and save fuel costs.
Answer 2

The airplanes saved fuel and time based on the principle of great circle route.

The principle of great circle route asserts the shortest distance between two places on the earth lies on the arc of a great circle.

Hence, most of airplane flies on the route principle to save cost and time.

Therefore, the airplanes saved fuel and time based on the principle of great circle route.

Read more about great circle route


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How do the inland areas of the Willapa Hills differ from the coastal areas?
The inland areas are heavily forested.
The inland areas receive very little rain.
The inland areas contain open plains.
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The inland areas are very forested

Answer: A, the inland areas are heavily forested

Hope this helps

hello bro are you freefire player than give me 2000diamin


This site is for learning purposes only, not here to ask for gaming diamonds

are you okay



what is social harmony​



Social harmony is the living together of people of a particular social group with love, care, respect and brotherhood, regardless of their religion, region, caste, gender, colour etc.

How does the formation of sea ice impact the density of the surrounding seawater?
A. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater, leaving dissolved solids behind and increasing the density of seawater.
B. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater, leaving dissolved solids behind and decreasing the density of seawater.
C. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater and dissolved solids from seawater, leading to a decrease in density.
D. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater and dissolved solids from seawater, leading to an increase in density








The portion of a geologic material whose pore spaces are completely filled with groundwater is referred to as __________. Group of answer choices the phreatic zone the capillary fringe The aquiclude The vadose zone



The phreatic zone


The phreatic zone is the zone is the part of an aquifer that is present below the water table, where all pores and cracks are saturated with water. The above layer of the water table is the vadose zone. The size, color, and depth of phreatic zone may change with changes of season as well as wet and dry periods. It is also called zone of saturation due to complete filling of pores.

What role has the Supreme Court played in expanding rights for LGBT
Americans in the 21st century?
© A. The Supreme Court has ruled that churches must recognize same-
sex marriage.
B. The Supreme Court has struck down state and federal laws
banning same-sex marriage.
O C. The Supreme Court has ruled that a transgender woman must be
employed as a cabinet adviser.
D. The Supreme Court has determined that gay pride parades must
be held in all major cities.



The correct answer is B.

In 2015, the Supreme Court struck down state and federal laws banning same-sex marriage.

Let me know if this helps!




For each characteristic of mineral extraction, decide whether it applies to strip mining, subsurface mining, or both types of mining.

Generates acid drainage
Overburden is removed from mining site
Used to extract coal
Used to extract resources that are
Near the surface
One of the most dangerous
Occupations in the United States
Safety requires good ventilation systems
Used to extract resources that are deep underground
Destroys large areas of wildlife habitat





sorry butt i don't know this one

Which of these technologies allows scientists to follow the movements of
animals after placing electronic collars on them?
A. Geographic information systems (GIS)
B. Unmanned aerial systems (UAS)
C. Environmental DNA (EDNA) surveillance
D. Global positioning systems (GPS)



GPS Is The Answer!!!!!!!!!

Differentiate between the agrarain and industial society?​


Societies are classified on the basis of dominant types of economic activity into agrarian and industrial societies. In an agrarian society the dominant type of economic activity is agricultural whereas in an industrial society factory production is the dominant type of economic activity.

which countries have a smaller coastline than the Philippines


All nations other than Russia, Norway, Canada, and Indonesia have a shorter coastline than the Philippines.

All countries in the world apart from Canada, Norway, Indonesia, Greenland and Russia have smaller coastlines than the Philippines.

As there are no options given, a better question to ask would be related to which countries have a longer coastline than the Philippines because of all countries in the world, the Philippians has the 6th longest coastline there is.

This is because the Philippians comprises of many islands and when the coastlines of all these islands are summed up, even the United States has less of a coastline than the Philippines even though the latter is way smaller in terms of total landmass than the former.

In being 6th on the list of longest coastlines, any country you can name apart from the 5 mentioned in the answer above, have smaller coastlines than the Philippines.

A related question proving the assertions here is https://brainly.com/question/19484920.

Need help asap will rate 5 stars!!!!



not sure how to answer its hard to understand

European settlers and Americans transformed the Great Plains from
A. fields of corn; fields of grass
B. natural grassland; fields of corn
C. desert; farms

D. ancient farms; fruit orchards



The answer is B,  natural grassland; fields of corn


hope this helps!

Nicobar island as well as _______ island belong to the geographical of Asia​




is right answer I hope it's helpful



.i don't want points

All of the following statements are true regarding non-government organizations EXCEPT:



The answer is; C


Non-governmental institutions are independent of governments hence do not identify themselves with any government   or state. They are mainly involved in humanitarian works, and societal building roles especially in less developed societies. Their workings are not intended for any profits and are usually funded through donations.

(Missing!) Background Knowledge:

Assuming that the following statements are these -

A. Non-government organizations aid in human interests.

B. Non-government organizations are companies that are not for profit.

C. Non-government organizations identify with a specific government.

D. Non-government organizations are also referred to as relief organizations.

Which line segment has the same measure as ST?






Line Segments RX and TC have the same measurement, and has a right angle at point X, this proves that SR is equal to the measurement of ST.

3. When harmful gases, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, react with water in the
atmosphere, they can produce
4. The agent of erosion involved in stream erosion is



3. when harmful gases,such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide,react with water In the atmosphere,they can produce acidic rain.

4. the agent of erosion involved in stream erosion is water.

I hope this helps

The particular animals of a given geographic region are called its __________.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.




it must be fauna coz flora is for plants


b) fauna


just took the test

mối quan hệ giữa quá trình nội lực và ngoại lực



The importance of categorizing a force as being either internal or external is related to the ability of that type of force to change an object's total mechanical energy when it does work upon an object. When net work is done upon an object by an external force, the total mechanical energy (KE + PE) of that object is changed.


in vietamnise/

Tầm quan trọng của việc phân loại một lực là bên trong hoặc bên ngoài có liên quan đến khả năng của loại lực đó để thay đổi tổng năng lượng cơ học của một vật thể khi nó hoạt động trên một vật thể. Khi công việc ròng được thực hiện trên một đối tượng bởi một ngoại lực, tổng năng lượng cơ học (KE + PE) của đối tượng đó được thay đổi.

name one natural phenomenon in which a spectrum can be seen? ​



A rainbow is an optical and meteorogical phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc.

Commenting to unlock messages

1. Which city is found at 10°N latitude and 67°W longitude? Caracas.
2. Which city is found at 18°S latitude and 69 W longitude
3 in which country do lines of 10°S latitude and 50°W longitude cross?
Which latitude lines run nearest to Brasilia, Brazil?
Which longitude lines run nearest to Lima, Peru?
6. Which city shown on the map is closest to the equator?
Which longitude line is at Guyana's western border
Which is the location of Bogota Colombia?
a. 74 N latitude, T W longitude
b. 7°N latitude, 74 W longitude
Help Improveme



Lanituide 5


Which of the following is the most likely way in which a volcanic event off the
coast of Japan could significantly affect the coast of California?
A. An undersea volcano could cause a mass of warm water that
triggers a storm that crosses the ocean.
B. Seafloor spreading could cause crustal subduction across the
C. An undersea earthquake could cause a tsunami that crosses the
D. A lava flow could cause a raft of pumice that travels across the
ocean and clogs harbors.



  C. An undersea earthquake could cause a tsunami that crosses the ocean.


Of the various scenarios listed, the most common and most likely is the causing of a tsunami.

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