If car eyelashes sold for $13.99. If you bud double that, how much would you have paid for them? (Hint if needed: if they had been exactly $14, how different would your answer be?)


Answer 1


13.99 x 2 = 27.98 dollars

now if they were 14 dollars exactly and you doubled that it would be 28 dollars so the difference would be 0.02 cents

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Help please:))

2. When shipping ice cream, melting is understandably a big concern. You will notice that ice cream is not generally packaged in a cube-shaped container. A standard container of ice cream contains 1 L, or 1000 cm3 of ice cream,

a. What would be the optimal dimensions (radius and height) to minimize surface area?

b. What would the surface area be?

C. Suggest at least two reasons why this is different from the ice cream packaging that you see in the stores.​



a) Because this asks about the radius and height, I assume that we are talking about a cylinder shape.

Remember that for a cylinder of radius R and height H the volume is:

V = pi*R^2*H

And the surface will be:

S = 2*pi*R*H + pi*R^2

where pi = 3.14

Here we know that the volume is 1000cm^3, then:

1000cm^3 = pi*R^2*H

We can rewrite this as:

(1000cm^3)/pi = R^2*H

Now we can isolate H to get:

H = (1000cm^3)/(pi*R^2)

Replacing that in the surface equation, we get:

S = 2*pi*R*H + pi*R^2

S = 2*pi*R*(1000cm^3)/(pi*R^2) + pi*R^2

S = 2*(1000cm^3)/R + pi*R^2

So we want to minimize this.

Then we need to find the zeros of S'

S' = dS/dR = -(2000cm^3)/R^2 + 2*pi*R = 0

So we want to find R such that:

2*pi*R = (2000cm^3)/R^2

2*pi*R^3 = 2000cm^3

R^3 = (2000cm^3/2*3.14)

R = ∛(2000cm^3/2*3.14) = 6.83 cm

The radius that minimizes the surface is R = 6.83 cm

With the equation:

H = (1000cm^3)/(pi*R^2)

We can find the height:

H = (1000cm^3)/(3.14*(6.83 cm)^2) =  6.83 cm

(so the height is equal to the radius)

b) The surface equation is:

S = 2*pi*R*H + pi*R^2

replacing the values of H and R we get:

S = 2*3.14*(6.83 cm)*(6.83 cm) + 3.14*(6.83 cm)^2 = 439.43 cm^2

c) Because if we pack cylinders, there is a lot of space between the cylinders, so when you store it, there will be a lot of space that is not used and that can't be used for other things.

Similarly for transport problems, for that dead space, you would need more trucks to transport your ice cream packages.

al calls every 3 days, lee every 4 days, and pat every 6 day. Once every ? days, all three will call on the same day




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the LCM (Least Common Multiple) of the three numbers.

We could multiply 3 x 4 x 6 to get 72, but there is a smaller multiple, 12.

6 x 2 = 12

4 x 3 = 12

3 x 4 = 12

Hope this helps!

wrote the terms below.

–8, –4, 0, 4, 8, 12

What do these terms represent?
an arithmetic series
an arithmetic sequence
a geometric series
a geometric sequence



an arithmetic sequence

Step-by-step explanation:

an arithmetic series is wrong also heres an example i found of an arithmetic sequence

The terms in the given sequence represents an arithmetic sequence.

What is Arithmetic Sequence?

Arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers where the numbers are arranged ion a definite order such that the difference of two consecutive numbers is a constant. This constant of difference is called common difference which is commonly denoted by the letter 'd'.

Given sequence of numbers is,

-8, -4, 0, 4, 8, 12, ......

We have to find which sequence does it represent.

This is not a series since they are not represented as the sum.

If the sequence is a geometric sequence, then the ratio of consecutive numbers will be same.

If it is arithmetic sequence, then the difference of consecutive numbers will be same.

Here, ratio is not same.

Difference are same.

-4 - -8 = 4, 0 - -4 = 4, 4 - 0 = 4, 8 - 4 = 4, ........

Common difference is 4.

Hence it is an arithmetic sequence.

Learn more about arithmetic Sequence here :



Answer this please~!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

113.04=3.14 x 3^2 x h/3





Step-by-step explanation:

The ratios need to be the same

AB             CB

---------- = ----------

AD             ED

3           x

-----  = ---------

3+9       12

3           x

-----  = ---------

12          12

X must equal 3

For a standard normal distribution, find:

P(z > -1.6)
Express the probability as a decimal rounded to 4 decimal places.



P(z > -1.76) = 1 - P(z < -1.76) = 1 - 0.0392 = 0.960

f(x) = 2x2 + 4x - 5
g(x) = 6x3 – 2x2 + 3
Find (f + g)(x).




(f+g) (x)=6x³+3

Step-by-step explanation:

Find x on this triangle



3 sqrt(3) =x

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = adj / hyp

cos 30 = x/6

6 cos 30 = x

6 ( sqrt(3)/2) = x

3 sqrt(3) =x

In the picture the exponent says 5/3



the answer is B

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] {{ (- 2)}^{3}}^{5 \div 3} = { ( - 2)}^{5} = - 32[/tex]

write -8 form of 2 on up and complete other steps

can someone help me out with this question??? ​




Step-by-step explanation:

a soft drink vendor at a popular beach analyzes his sales recods and finds that if he sells x cans of soda pop in one day, his profit (in dollars) is given by


Complete Question:

A soft-drink vendor at a popular beach analyzes his sales records, and finds that if he sells x cans of soda pop in one day, his profit (in dollars) is given by P(x) = -0.001x² + 3x - 1800.

a. What is his maximum profit per day?

b. How many cans must be sold in order to obtain the maximum profit?


a. $450

b. 1500 cans

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following quadratic function;

P(x) = -0.001x² + 3x - 1800  ......equation 1

a. To find his maximum profit per day;

Since P(x) is a quadratic equation, P(x) would be maximum when [tex] x = \frac {-b}{2a} [/tex]

Note : the standard form of a quadratic equation is ax² + bx + c = 0  ......equation 2

Comparing eqn 1 and eqn 2, we have;

a = -0.001, b = 3 and c = -1800

Now, we determine the maximum profit;

[tex] x = \frac {-b}{2a} [/tex]

Substituting the values, we have;

[tex] x = \frac {-3}{2*(-0.001)} [/tex]

Cancelling out the negative signs, we have;

[tex] x = \frac {3}{2*0.001} [/tex]

[tex] x = \frac {3}{0.002} [/tex]

x at maximum = 1500

Substituting the value of "x" into equation 1;

P(1500) = -0.001 * 1500² + 3(1500) - 1800

P(1500) = -0.001 * 2250000 + 4500 - 1800

P(1500) = -2250 + 2700

P(1500) = $450

b. Therefore, the soft-drink vendor must sell 1500 cans in order to obtain the maximum profit.

Not sure how to do this


Scale factor of 2

I compared the lengths of AC to DF. AC is one unit long, whereas DF is two units long, so DF is dilated by a scale factor of 2.

What is the value of x in the equation
-%y = 30, when y = 15?



x not given

therefore no answer for x

Coefficient of y in the equation: 3(2x -1/3y) = 0 is equal to a) 3 b) 1 c)-3 d)-1



d is the right answer because the coefficient of y is 3*(-1/3) which results -1 so d is the right answer

The coefficient of y in the given equation is 1. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

What is an equation?

In mathematics, an equation is a formula that expresses the equality of two expressions, by connecting them with the equals sign =.

The given equation is 3(2x -1/3y)=0.

Now, 6x-1/y=0

A numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression.

Here, coefficient of y is 1.

Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

To learn more about an equation visit:



please help me its timed -H.M​



f(3) = g(3)

General Formulas and Concepts:

Algebra I


Function NotationGraphing

Step-by-step explanation:

We can see from the graph that the lines intersect at (3, 6). If this is the case, then that means that when x = 3 for both functions, it outputs f(x) = 6.

Rewriting this in terms of function notation:

f(3) = 6, g(3) = 6

∴ f(3) = g(3)

A sofa regularly sells for $760. The sale price is $676.40. Find the percent decrease of the sale price from the regular price.


Answer: (760 - 676. 40) × 100 ÷ 760 = 11%

Step-by-step explanation:


11% decrease

Step-by-step explanation:


Percent change is the change between an old value and its new value represented as a %. If a percent change is a decrease, it means that the new value is less than the old value. If a percent change is a increase, it means that the old value is less than the new value. The formula for percent change is: (NV - OV)/OV · 100 = C, where NV = New Value, OV = Old Value, and C = Percent Change.The sale price is the price at which something sells or sold after the price has been reduced by sales, discounts, etc.


Let's find the percent change by using the formula.

1. Formula for Percent Change

(NV - OV)/OV · 100 = C

2. Plug in the values of NV and OV

(676.40 - 760)/760 · 100 = C

3. Simplify

-83.6/760 · 100 = C-0.11 · 100 = C-11 = C

Therefore, our percent decrease is 11% decrease.

A researcher wishes to estimate the proportion of adults who have​ high-speed Internet access. What size sample should be obtained if she wishes the estimate to be within with ​% confidence if ​(a) she uses a previous estimate of ​? ​(b) she does not use any prior​ estimates?



732 samples ;

752 samples

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

α = 90% ; M.E = 0.03 ; p = 0.58 ; 1 - p = 1 - 0.58 = 0.42

Using the relation :

n = (Z² * p * (1 - p)) / M.E²

Zcritical at 90% = 1.645

n = (1.645² * 0.58 * 0.42) / 0.03²

n = 0.65918769 / 0.0009

n = 732.43076

n = 732 samples


If no prior estimate is given, then p = 0.5 ; 1 - p = 1 - 0.5 = 0.5

n = (Z² * p * (1 - p)) / M.E²

Zcritical at 90% = 1.645

n = (1.645² * 0.5 * 0.5) / 0.03²

n = 0.67650625 / 0.0009

n = 751.67361

n = 752 samples

The weights of newborn baby boys born at a local hospital are believed to have a normal distribution with a mean weight of 35113511 grams and a variance of 253,009253,009. If a newborn baby boy born at the local hospital is randomly selected, find the probability that the weight will be less than 46174617 grams. Round your answer to four decimal places.



The answer is "0.1397".

Step-by-step explanation:


variance [tex]\ S^2= 253,009\\\\[/tex]

standard deviation [tex]\sigma =\sqrt{253,009}=503\\\\[/tex]

Finding the probability in which the weight will be less than [tex]4617 \ grams\\\\[/tex]


                      [tex]=p[z<\frac{1106}{503}]\\\\=p[z< 2.198]\\\\= .013975\approx 0.1397[/tex]

13 A traffic roundabout has a circular garden
in the centre and two lanes for traffic
encircling the garden. The diameter of the
garden is 16 metres and each lane is 3 metres
wide. Each lane is to be resurfaced. Calculate
the area to be resurfaced. Answer in square
metres to the nearest whole number.



Step-by-step explanation:

The area to be resurfaced is the area of the

whole circle including garden and lanes minus  

the area of the garden.


Area of a circle is (pi)r2


radius of garden is (1/2)diameter = 8 m

Garden area:  (pi)82 = 64(pi) m2


Diameter of garden plus traffic lanes is

16 + 2(6) because we add 6 m to both sides

of the diameter of the garden.

Full diameter = 16+12 = 28 m

Full radius = 28/2 = 14 m

Full area:  (pi)142 = 196(pi) m2


Area to be resurfaced:

196(pi) - 64(pi) = 132(pi) m2  ≅ 415 m2

A drinking container is shaped like a cone and must hold at least 10 ounces of fluid. The radius of the top of the container is 2.25 inches. The steps for determining the height of the cone-shaped container are shown below.


9514 1404 393


  C.  h ≥ 1.9 in

Step-by-step explanation:

As the final step, divide both sides of the inequality by 5.3:

  (5.3h)/5.3 ≥ 10/5.3

  h ≥ 1.9

Use a table of values to graph the function ƒ(x) = x−−√. Choose the correct graph from the options below.




Step-by-step explanation:

The square root function's graph is graph (b). This makes logical sense, because, when taking the square root (the principal root in particular), a general rule is that both the input and the output must be positive. Moreover, if one were to create a table of values to find points on the graph of the function, each of the points can be found on graph (b).


x         y

1          1

4         2

9         3

16        4

Therefore graph (B) is the correct answer.

Find the expression that is equivalent to 7(x2 – 5x + 1).



7x^2 -35x +7

Step-by-step explanation:

7(x^2 – 5x + 1)


7x^2 -7*5x +7*1

7x^2 -35x +7

Which of the following expressions are equivalent to -3x- 6/10
Choose all that apply:
b=- 3/10x-6
c= none of the above



c= none of the above

Step-by-step explanation:

-3x- 6/10

This has two separate terms, a term with a variable

-3x  and a term with a constant -6/10

A=3/6x1/10  This has only one term

b=- 3/10x-6  This has a different x term -3/10  which is not -3

c= none of the above

What is the value of Z? Z =2^3


the value of Zis 8.

Z =2^3=8

Now we have to,

find the required value of Z.

→ Z = 2^3

→ [Z = 8]

Therefore, value of Z is 8.

A car travels 1/8 mile in 2/13 minutes. What is the speed in terms of miles per minute?



13/16 miles per minute

Step-by-step explanation:

Take the miles and divide by the minutes

1/8 ÷ 2/13

Copy dot flip

1/8 * 13/2

13/16 miles per minute



9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

AB is 1 unit long.

A'B' is 3 units long.

The scale factor is the ratio of these lengths:

  scale factor = A'B'/AB = 3/1 = 3

ABC is dilated by a factor of 3 to get A'B'C'.

What is the derivative of x^2?



[tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}[x^2] = 2x[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:



DerivativesDerivative Notation

Basic Power Rule:

f(x) = cxⁿf’(x) = c·nxⁿ⁻¹

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle y = x^2[/tex]

Step 2: Differentiate

Basic Power Rule:                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = 2x^{2 - 1}[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = 2x[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Differentiation

The average cost when producing x items is found by dividing the cost function, C(x), by the number of items,x. When is the average cost less than 100, given the cost function is C(x)= 20x+160?
A) ( 2, infinit)
B) (0,2)
C) (-infinit,0) U (2,infinit)
D) (- infinit,0] U [2,infinit)


9514 1404 393


  A)  (2, ∞) . . . . or C) (-∞, 0) ∪ (2, ∞) if you don't think about it

Step-by-step explanation:

We want ...

  C(x)/x < 100

  (20x +160)/x < 100

  20 +160/x < 100 . . . . . separate the terms on the left

  160/x < 80 . . . . . . . subtract 20

  160/80 < x . . . . . multiply by x/80 . . . . . assumes x > 0

  x > 2 . . . . . . simplify

In interval notation this is (2, ∞).   matches choice A


Technically (mathematically), we also have ...

  160/80 > x . . . . and x < 0

which simplifies to x < 0, or the interval (-∞, 0).

If we include this solution, then choice C is the correct one.


Comment on the solution

Since we are using x to count physical items, we want to assume that the practical domain of C(x) is whole numbers, where x ≥ 0, so this second interval is not in the domain of C(x). That is, the average cost of a negative number of items is meaningless.

Find the length of XW.



XW = 78

Step-by-step explanation:

Both triangles are similar, therefore based on triangle similarity theorem we have the following:



XW/6 = 104/8

XW/6 = 13

Cross multiply

XW = 13*6

XW = 78

it takes engineer 3 hrs to drive to his brother's house at an average of 50 miles per hour. if he takes same route home, but his average speed of 60 miles per hour, what is the time, in hours, that it takes him to drive home?​



t2 = 2.5 hours.

Step-by-step explanation:

The distance is the same.

d = r * t

The rates and times are different so

t1 = 3 hours

t2 = X

r1 = 50 mph

r2 = 60 mph

r1 * t1 = r2*t2

50 * 3 = 60 * t2

150 = 60 * t2

150 / 60 = t2

t2 = 2.5


Answer: Travel Time is 2 hours & 30 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

Original Journey Time is 3 hours, Speed is 50 mph, Distance is 150 miles

Original Distance is 150 miles, New Speed is 60 mph.

Also Combined Distance was 300 miles, Combined Time was 5 hours & 30 minutes. therefore: Average Speed for complete round trip is 54. 54 mph

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