If I increase the amount of sleep I get then I will be able to run faster what is the independent and dependent variable


Answer 1
Independent- The amount of sleep
Dependent- Speed while running

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Over a long period of time the process of deposition causes the formation of



sedimentary rock


the process of deposition refers to rock and soil depositing itself onto a landform and hardening into rock, specifically sedimentary rock.

Deltas formed at the mouth of a river.

How can algal blooms be
harmful to an aquatic

A. by blocking all sunlight and killing the bottom plants
causing no oxygen to go into the water

B. by putting oxygen up into the air for the
surrounding plants

C. by absorbing the phosphorus in the atmosphere and
having a symbiotic relationship with cyanobacteria



(A) By blocking all sunlight and killing the bottom plants

causing no oxygen to go into the water

Traditionally, the classification of fungi has been based on the nature of sexual stages of the life cycle. For Penicillium, however, no sexual stages of the life cycle have been observed. Without evidence from sexual stages, speculate about other possible sources of evidence that scientists may use in classification.



Without the evaluation of sexual stages, fungi can be classified according to the type of colony they present, the speed of growth, the formation of pigments and the type of coloration.


Although the observation of sexual stages is extremely efficient for the classification of fungi in the laboratory. This type of analysis is not always possible to be carried out. In that case, scientists need to find other methods that allow for the classification of fungi. These methods are carried out with the help of a microscope, where scientists observe the morphology of the fungi and are able to classify them according to the type of colony they present, the speed of growth, the formation of pigments and the type of coloration.

b) The chemical equation below summarizes photosynthesis.
Energy (sunlight) + 6 H20 + 6 CO2 - C6H1206 + 6 02
Write a similar chemical equation for cellular respiration. Be sure to include a
description of the form of energy that results from cellular respiration. (3 points)
Pls help me



The chemical equation for cellular respiration would be: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O.


C6H12O6 (1 Glucose molecule) + 6 O2 (6 Oxygen molecules)  → 6 CO2 (6 Carbon dioxide molecules) + 6 H2O (6 Water molecules)

The difference between active transport and passive transport is that a. concentration gradients are involved in one and not in the other. b. glycolipids play a role in one and not in the other. c. one requires expenditure of energy by the cell and the other does not. d. ions are transported into and out of the cell by one process and not by the other.



D) ions are transported into and out of the cell by one process and not by the other

which statement describes a process associated with meiosis



homologous chromosomes pair up


Haploid cells join to form an organism that has a complete set of chromosomes.


The structure that hotds two chromosomes together until they separate for cett divisionois

1.chromatid .

2.cytoplasm .

3.chromatin .



The answer is 4. Centromere

Describe ways that water pollution occurs. Describe how greenhouse gases contribute to climate change.


Greenhouse gases are transparent to incoming (short-wave) radiation from the sun but block infrared (long-wave) radiation from leaving the earth's atmosphere. This green house effect traps radiation from the sun and the planet's surface.

A student is conducting their science experiment on the effects of sugar on bullfrogs. He has 3 groups of test subjects. 1 group of frogs that receives nothing, they are the control group. The 2nd group of frogs receives half a sugar pill each, and the 3rd group receives a whole sugar pill each. He will measure their activity levels and jump heights after giving them the pills. When he is setting up his data table, what should go in the first column?



Group 1 of frogs.


It is the first thing because you have to note which of the frogs you're talking about before you start.

ATP is considered as nature dehydrating agent.what does it means?show with the help of examples



that man is mental

New world monkeys have:______.
a. None of the above
b. have short legs and no tails to help them balance on top of the branches where they walk
c. have prehensile tails to aid in their 3-D movement through the trees
d. have broad and flat bodies with the scapula on the back of the ribcage, allowing a greater range of motion in the shoulder and for them to hold their arms above their heads.



d num have broad and flat bodies


C. have prehensile tails to aid in their 3-D movement through the trees

Explanation:Monkeys need tails to balance themselves when walking and jumping from tree to tree

hello guys, Define wave length.I think this will be easy for u guys good day thank u​



the distance between successive crests of a wave, especially points in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave.


Please tell me if it helps

Which species of gymnosperms has reddish cones and strap like leaves that tear up from the harsh desert conditions?

A. gnetum
B. welwitschia
C. ephedra





When observing a group of children at a daycare center, Emily made the following observations:
Five year old children played in one location during independent play time. Three year old children moved between different activities, rather than staying in one location.
By analyzing Emily’s observations, what could be a valid conclusion?
Five-year-old children have longer attention spans than three-year-old children.
Three year old children do not like being in daycare.
Five-year-old children are favored over three-year-old children at the daycare center.
Three-year-old children are favored over five-year-old children at the daycare center.



the answer is a


you can read twice. it show the 5 year emily have longer attention. thay why he see 3 year children go around

the answer is a. five year olds have a longer attention span which means that they can do one activity for a longer amount of time. three year olds are easily distracted so it would be more beneficial to keep them intrigued with multiple short activities.

Bodily energy Taoists cultivate within themselves is called:
A. Jen
B. Tao
C. Wu
D. Chi



The correct answer is - D. Chi.


Taoist is a Chinese origin tradition that is spiritual and philosophical and focuses on living in harmony with, the source, patter, and substance of everything exists called Tao.

They believe that Chi is the bodily energy one needs to cultivate within oneself it is known as the energy of life and it translates as cultivation of energy. One can cultivate by relaxing and focusing on the body, abdominal breathing, connect to the earth and believe in chi.

Kevin's supervisor, Jill, has asked for an update on today's sales, Jill is pretty busy moving back and forth between different store locations. How can Kevin most effectively deliver an update to her ? a) Call with a quick update Ob ) Send a detailed text message c ) Book a one-hour meeting for tomorrow morning d) Send a detailed email



d) Send a detailed email


Send a detailed email is the best way to deliver an update to her because in the email he can send all the information in detail form which can satisfy his owner. He can't call or message because it takes too much time to provide information so email is the best way to provide information. Booking a one-hour meeting is not worth it and the reason for this is that there is no big presentation which takes one hour of description one email is enough for it.

A student is conducting their science experiment on the effect of caffeine on dogs. He has 3 groups of test subjects. The 1st group of dogs receives plain water. The 2nd group of dogs receives 10 mg of caffeine each, and the 3rd group receives 50 mg of caffeine each. He will measure their activity levels by recording how long each dog runs without stopping, after giving them the pills. What is the dependent variable in this experiment?



The amount of activity  


In an experiment, the independent variable is the variable that the scientist/investigator purposely changes or manipulates, which isn't changed by other variables in the experiment (in this case, the amount of caffeine). On the other hand, the dependent variable is the variable that is being measured or tested during the experimental procedure (this variable is 'dependent' on the independent variable). Finally, the control group is defined as the group of individuals/subjects who do not receive the experimental treatment (in this case, the dogs that receive water).

Answer: The amount of activity.


What evidence would prevent scientists from classifying viruses as living organisms?


Viruses do not follow the properties of life. They can not reproduce, grow and do not go through homeostasis.


The following evidences would prevent scientists from classifying viruses as living organisms:

1) They have subcellular or acellular (non-cellular) structure.

2) Do not respire or excrete.

3) Can be crystallized.

4) Can be stored as chemicals.


Hope this helped!


When making observations, you should provide a general description of the subject, rather than going into too much detail.



yeah thats correct


is there any question?

that is true but also make sure you aren’t too broad. you want to be mildly specific but not to detail heavy

explain what perlemoen are?​



Also known as "abalone" which is a



any of various edible marine gastropod mollusks of the genus Haliotis


hope this helps

A woman who is a carrier for #1 hemophilia and a man that does not have the
condition have children. What is the probability that they will have a child
with the condition being studied? What is the gender of that child?

#2 In plants, inflated pea pods are dominant to constricted pea pods. Two pea pods both heterozygous for pod shape are crossed. What is the probability that they could produce constricted pea pods ?

#3 A woman that is heterozygous for Huntington's disease and a man that does not have the condition have children . What is the probability that their children inherit the Huntington's gene ?

#4 A woman that is heterozygous for type A blood and a man that is heterozygous for type B blood have children. What are the possible blood types of their children?

#5 Two people are both unknowingly carriers for the cystic fibrosis gene. What is the probability that they will have children with cystic fibrosis?




A woman who is a carrier for #1 hemophilia and a man that does not have the condition have children. What is the probability that they will have a child with the condition being studied? What is the gender of that child?

if the baby gets the Y chromosome from the father it will be a boy. If the boy gets his mother's X chromosome with the hemophilia gene he will have hemophilia. If he inherits his mother's other X chromosome, he will have normal blood clotting. If the baby gets the X chromosome from the father it will be a girl.

#4 A woman that is heterozygous for type A blood and a man that is heterozygous for type B blood have children. What are the possible blood types of their children?

One parent with A and another with B can produce a child with A, B, AB or O blood types.

#5 Two people are both unknowingly carriers for the cystic fibrosis gene. What is the probability that they will have children with cystic fibrosis?

If both parents are carriers there is a 1 in 4 (25 percent) chance that both will pass on the non-functioning gene, which would result in a pregnancy affected with cystic fibrosis.

#3 A woman that is heterozygous for Huntington's disease and a man that does not have the condition have children . What is the probability that their children inherit the Huntington's gene ?

Huntington's disease (HD) is what is called a dominant genetic disease. What this usually means is that a child only has a chance of getting a disease like this if a parent has it too. But parents without HD can have a child with HD. This is true of any dominant genetic disease

Which allows materials to enter and exit the nucleus?




cell wall



a pore allows materials to enter and exit the nucleus

Nuclear pores allow materials to enter and exit the nucleus.

What is the reason for having diverse functions for proteins



to make the body strong

I want to know full answer about ecoregion vs. ecosystem.



An ecoregion (ecological region) or ecozone (ecological zone) is an ecologically and geographically defined area that is smaller than a bioregion, which in turn is smaller than a biogeographic realm. Ecoregions cover relatively large areas of land or water, and contain characteristic, geographically distinct assemblages of natural communities and species. The biodiversity of flora, fauna and ecosystems that characterise an ecoregion tends to be distinct from that of other ecoregions. In theory, biodiversity or conservation ecoregions are relatively large areas of land or water where the probability of encountering different species and communities at any given point remains relatively constant, within an acceptable range of variation (largely undefined at this point).

A map of the Amazon rainforest ecoregions. The yellow line encloses the ecoregions per the World Wide Fund for Nature.

A map of North America's bioregions

Three caveats are appropriate for all bio-geographic mapping approaches. Firstly, no single bio-geographic framework is optimal for all taxa. Ecoregions reflect the best compromise for as many taxa as possible. Secondly, ecoregion boundaries rarely form abrupt edges; rather, ecotones and mosaic habitats bound them. Thirdly, most ecoregions contain habitats that differ from their assigned biome. Biogeographic provinces may originate due to various barriers, including physical (plate tectonics, topographic highs), climatic (latitudinal variation, seasonal range) and ocean chemical related (salinity, oxygen levels).




The gas form of water is ____________.


The gas form of water is water vapor.


Water vapor


Hope this is helpful.

What type of factors would have the
greatest influence on a densely
populated area?
A. drought
B. density-dependent factors
C. density-independent factors





because in populated areas people are independent

Match each term with the best description.

a. Membrane-bound structure that supports energy production.
b. Semi-permeable, living covering of the cell.
c. Long, whip-like appendage used for locomotion.
d. Membrane-bound structure containing the hereditary material of the cell.
e. Gel-like substance encompassing the contents of the cell
f. Basic structural and functional unit of living orgaisms

1. Cell
2. Cell membrane
3. Cytoplasm
4. Flagellum
5. Mitochondrion
6. Nucleus



a) 5. mitochondrion

b) 2. cell membrane

c) 4. flagellum

d) 6. nucleus

e) 3. cytoplasm

f) 1. cell

plz give a correct answer for the question how do canine and molar differ​



Canines are the sharp, pointed teeth that sit next to the incisors and look like fangs. Dentists also call them cuspids or eyeteeth. Canines are the longest of all the teeth, and people use them to tear food

Molars are the flat teeth at the rear of the mouth. Each molar typically has four or five cusps. They are used exclusively for crushing and grinding. Wisdom teeth are also called third molars. They erupt from the age of 18 onwards but are often surgically removed.Their function is similar to that of the premolars, to grind, tear, and crush food. Molars have a large flat biting surface which makes them perfect for this job.


Hope it works!!!!

Canine are used to tear and found in front of mortal
Mortal are used to chew

an apple and a glass of milk can give you more nutrition as compared to the milk shake
Prepared from apple and milk. Justify it based on the physiology of GIT.

in detail plz





because the milk shake is with cold but milk is hot

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