If the mean age of the managers in company is 52 years with a standard deviation of 2.5 years, what is the probability that a randomly chosen manager will be between 54.5 and 57 years old


Answer 1


13.5 %

Step-by-step explanation:

For a normal distribution, the Empirical Rule states that 68% of values lie between 1 standard deviation of the mean, 95% of values lie between 2 standard deviations of the mean, and 99.7% of values lie between 3 standard deviations of the mean. Here, we can see that 54.5 is 1 standard deviation away from the mean and 57 is 2 standard deviations away. This means that we want to find the difference between 1 and 2 standard deviations from the mean (in the positive direction)

To find the difference, we can simply find (percent of values 2 standard deviations of the mean) - (percent of values 1 standard deviation from the mean) = percent of values between 1 and 2 standard deviations from the mean

= 95-68 = 27 %

Finally, this gives us the percent of values between 1 and 2 standard deviations from the mean on both sides. We want to only find the positive aspect of this, as we don't care how many values are between 49.5 and 47 years old. Because normal distributions are symmetric, or equal on both sides of the mean, we can simply divide by 2 to eliminate the half we don't want, resulting in 27/2 = 13.5

Answer 2

The probability that a randomly chosen manager will be between 54.5 and 57 years old is 0.8413.

Given that, average age managers = 52 years standard deviation = 2.5 years.

What is standard deviation?

Standard deviation is the positive square root of the variance. Standard deviation is one of the basic methods of statistical analysis. Standard deviation is commonly abbreviated as SD and denoted by 'σ’ and it tells about the value that how much it has deviated from the mean value.

Considering the equation Z =  (X−μ)/σ

Where, X is the lower or higher value, as the case may be μ  is the average σ  is standard deviation

Now, z1= (54.5 - 52)/2.5

= 1

z2= (57 - 52)/2.5

= 2

Now, z2-z1= 2-1

= 1

P(54.5>Z<57)= 0.8413

Therefore, the probability that a randomly chosen manager will be between 54.5 and 57 years old is 0.8413.

Learn more about the standard deviation visit:



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9514 1404 393


  about 822 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

If h is the number of hours for which you are paid $10.25 per hour, then the number you need is ...

  8425 = 10.25h

Divide by the coefficient of h:

  8425/10.25 = 10.25h/10.25

  821.95121...(5-digit repeating decimal)

You need to work about 822 hours to earn $8425.


Your pay for 822 hours will be $8425.50. If taxes are deducted, you need to work a while longer.

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Step-by-step explanation:

She thought that 24 movies out of 60 were very good. Put the smaller number over the larger number to create a fraction:

Then convert 24/60 to a proper fraction:

24/60 = 2/5

Then, convert that to percent:

2/5 = 40%

40% because 24/60*100 is equal to 40

It need the answer to these please


hopefully this answer can help you to answer the next question



Step-by-step explanation:

I don't get the question a bit but I hope this makes sense


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Step-by-step explanation:

Temperature is a function of the time of day. There can be only one temperature at any particular time.

In contrast, a particular temperature can occur more than one time in a day, so time is not a function of temperature.

find the surface area of the prism.​



6*8=48km....10*6=60...6*8=48....6*6=36 total =192km


s=(2BaseArea) +(Base perimeter/hight

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Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


The banner reads that there is an 80% chance of winning a prize.


[tex]100\% - 80\% = \boxed{20\%}[/tex]


There is a 20% chance that the player would not win.

»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  

Use the given conditions to write an equation for each line in point-slope form and slope-intercept form.
Slope= 1/3, passing through the origin.



y = 1/3x        y - 0 = 1/3 (x - 0)

Step-by-step explanation:

slope intercept: y = 1/3x

point slope: y - 0 = 1/3 (x - 0)

Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of a) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.



a) generalization

Step-by-step explanation:

The statement is an example of a generalization. This is because the statement is assumming that all individuals who go to community college are poor. Therefore, this is why they cannot go to a four-year college, and instead go to a community college which is far cheaper. This assumption is being applied to all individuals who attend community college, without any further or more-specific information about each individual, therefore generalizing the entire situation.

Mr. Champion has 14 fruit trees.
He has 1 apple tree and 1 plum tree, and the rest are divided evenly
among apricot, pear, and peach trees.
Last Thursday, Mr. Champion picked 6 apricots from each apricot
tree, 10 peaches from each peach tree, 3 pears from each pear tree, and 4
apples from the apple tree.
How many pieces of fruit did Mr. Champion pick last Thursday?
(Show your work)


Answer: 80 pieces of fruit

Let’s find out the amount of trees Mr Champion has.
He has 14 in total. 1 apple tree and 1 plum tree, and the rest are divided evenly among apricot, pear and peach trees. This means:
1 apple tree + 1 plum tree = 2 trees
14 - 2 = 12 trees
12 / 3 (varieties of trees) = 4
In conclusion, he has
1 apple tree, 1 plum tree, 4 apricot, pear and peach trees.

Now let’s go to the section where he picks the fruit.
6 apricots from 4 trees
10 peaches from 4 trees
3 pears from 4 trees
4 apples from 1 tree

This means:
(6 x 4) + (10 x 4) + (3 x 4) + (4 x 1) = total pieces of fruit picked

24 + 40 + 12 + 4 = total pieces of fruit picked

Now, you add up those four numbers, and you have your answer, 80.

Hope this helps!

Which confidence level would produce the widest interval when estimating the mean of a population based on the mean and standard deviation of a sample of that population? A. 60% B. 70% C. 80% D. 90% ​



D. 90%

Step-by-step explanation:

it is within the 90th percentile

The confidence level of D. 90% would produce the widest interval when estimating the mean of a population from the mean and standard deviation of a sample of that population.

What is Confidence Interval?

Confidence interval in statistics is defined as the certain range of values that you estimate for the unknown parameter lies within.

From the definition of the confidence interval itself, it is clear that the level with the widest interval will be the highest confidence level.

So if you need a wider interval for estimating the mean of a population from the mean and standard deviation, you need to take higher confidence level.

Here the options are 60%, 70%, 80% and 90%.

Here, the highest level is 90% which is the highest among the given levels.

Hence the confidence level is option D. 90%.

To learn more about Confidence Interval, click here :



The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the third side. if a triangle has one side that is 11 cm and a second side that is 1 cm less than twice the third side, what are the possible lengths for the second and third sides?


2a+2a-1>11, a>3, b=2a-1

How many skirt-blouse outfits can a woman choose from if she has 5 skirts and 6 blouses?


She can have 30 different outfits/combinations

Does anyone know the answer??



I think the answer is 39x, 13y

Step-by-step explanation:

point : extra points

1 : 3

y : 39

y= 39÷3

y= 13

ba xạ thủ độc lập bắn vào một mục tiêu. xác suất bắn trúng tương ứng là 0,8; 0,7; 0,6. mỗi xạ thủ bắn một viên. gọi X là số viên bắn trúng.
a) lập bảng phân phối xác suất.
b) tính E(X) và VAR(X)



well I don't know

Step-by-step explanation:

your speaking vietnam


Step-by-step explanation:

A ball is thrown straight up from a rooftop 320 feet high. The formula below describes the​ ball's height above the​ ground, h, in​ feet, t seconds after it was thrown. The ball misses the rooftop on its way down and eventually strikes the ground. How long will it take for the ball to hit the​ ground? Use this information to provide tick marks with appropriate numbers along the horizontal axis in the figure shown.
The ball hits the ground after____ seconds



28 seconds ..............

Answer the picture. X=450 BAC= 82 ABC=52
What’s the distance between A to C




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]mes\ \widehat{C}=180^o-82^o - 52^o=46^o\\\\Using\ law\ of\ sinus:\\\dfrac{AB}{sin(C)}= \dfrac{AC}{sin(B)} \\\\\dfrac{450}{sin(46^o)}= \dfrac{AC}{sin(52^o)} \\\\AC=\dfrac{450*sin(52^o)}{sin(46^o)}= 492.9587..(ft)\approx{493(ft)}[/tex]

What is the mapping for a reflection in the line y=-1




Step-by-step explanation:

the key mapping for a reflection in the line y=-1 is 0

g Two different factories named A and B both produce an automobile part. If a part came from A, the probability that the part is defective is .04. If the part came from B, the probability that it is defective is .05. In a sample of 180 parts, 100 came from A and 80 came from B. (a) What is the probability that a part chosen at random (from the sample) was defective



0.0444 = 4.44% probability that a part chosen at random (from the sample) was defective.

Step-by-step explanation:

Probability of a defective part:

0.04 of [tex]\frac{100}{180}[/tex], that is, coming from A.

0.05 of [tex]\frac{80}{180}[/tex], that is, coming from B. So

[tex]p = 0.04\frac{100}{180} + 0.05\frac{80}{180} = \frac{0.04*100 + 0.05*80}{180} = 0.0444[/tex]

0.0444 = 4.44% probability that a part chosen at random (from the sample) was defective.

tentukan himpinan penyelasaian dari plsv berikut. A:3x+=2x+12​




Step-by-step explanation:




Which line is horizontal?
O y=2
O y = 2x
O y = -2x
o y=x




Step-by-step explanation:

A horizontal line has a slope of zero so the x term is zero

y = mx+b

y = b

y must equal a constant

The prices of paperbacks sold at a used bookstore are approximately Normally distributed, with a mean of $7.85 and a standard deviation of $1.25.

Use the z-table to answer the question.

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(C) 8.04



The answer you want is indeed, (C).




C) 8.04

Step-by-step explanation:

edge 2023

Hey there, everyone!

I just wanted to shout out to all of those whom have helped me through my tortuous math homework and say thank you very much. XD

I manage to pass my very first year of high school without physically going to school.

It was a lot of twist and turns, I must say. But at least I managed to pass through!

Man, I'm gonna miss 2021 because now I'll have to ACTUALLY go to school. But when that day comes, I do hope you guys will continue helping me on!

In the mean time, stay safe everyone and thanks a lot!

But hold up! I got one more question!

I really want to delete my account so badly but I can't because I forgot my password and I'm using my school email unfortunately. Anyone got a solution to my issue? :(



I don't know the answer please tell me

The perimeter of Tamara's suitcase is 8x - 3 and the perimeter of Anna's suitcase is
3x + 2. Write an algebraic expression that represents
the difference between the perimeter of Tamara's suitcase
and the perimeter of Anna's suitcase?



perimeter: 2

Step-by-step explanation:

8x-3 = 6x

8x – 6x = 3

2x = 3

x = 3/2

The required algebraic expression that represents the difference between the perimeter of Tamara's suitcase and the perimeter of Anna's suitcase is 5x - 5.

What are equation models?

The equation model is defined as the model of the given situation in the form of an equation using variables and constants.

The difference between the perimeter of Tamara's suitcase and Anna's suitcase can be found by subtracting the expression for the perimeter of Anna's suitcase from the expression for the perimeter of Tamara's suitcase:

(8x - 3) - (3x + 2)

Simplifying the expression by removing the parentheses and combining like terms, we get:

8x - 3 - 3x - 2

= 5x - 5

Therefore, the algebraic expression that represents the difference between the perimeter of Tamara's suitcase and the perimeter of Anna's suitcase is 5x - 5.

Learn more about models here:

Find the missing Side of the triangle




Step-by-step explanation:

Use the Pythagorean theorem.

2² + x² = 8²

x² + 4 = 64

x² = 60

x² = 4 * 15

x = 2√15

Find two consecutive whole numbers that ✓39 lies between.



6 and 7

Step-by-step explanation:

6^2 = 36 which is less than 39

7^2 = 49 which is more than 39

So the two numbers you want are

x = 6

y = 7

X-3y=-3; ( ,4), (12, ) complete each ordered pair



(9,4) and (12,5)

Step-by-step explanation:


y=4, x-3*4=-3, x=9. (9,4)x=12, 12-3y=-3, y=5. (12,5)

Volunteering: The General Social Survey asked 1309 people whether they performed any volunteer work during the past year. A total of 518 people said they did. Part: 0 / 30 of 3 Parts Complete Part 1 of 3 (a) Find a point estimate for the population proportion of people who performed volunteer work in the past year. Round the answer to at least three decimal places. The point estimate for the proportion of people who performed volunteer work in the past year is .



The point estimate for the population proportion of people who performed volunteer work in the past year is 0.396.

Step-by-step explanation:

Point estimate of a proportion:

Proportion is the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes.

518 out of 1309 people performed volunteer work:

This means that:

[tex]p = \frac{518}{1309} = 0.396[/tex]

The point estimate for the population proportion of people who performed volunteer work in the past year is 0.396.

The midpoint of AB is (1.2). The coordinates of A are (-3, 6) Find the coordinates of B.


Answer: coordinates of B are (5,-2)

Step-by-step explanation:

let B be (x2,y2)

x1 = -3 y1 = 6

x = 1

y = 2


x = (x2 + x1)/2

1 = (x2+(-3))/2

or, 2 = x2 - 3

so, x2 = 5


y = (y2+y1)/2

or, 2 = (y2 + 6)/2

or, 4 = y2 + 6

so, y2 = -2

is f(x)=e^-3x an exponential function?


Yes, because we have the number ‘e’ raised to x, although it is now -3x, it is still a variation of x
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