If the U.S. economy is producing at a level that is substantially less than potential GDP and the government's budget deficits are increasing aggregate demand, then ____________________________ is not much of a danger.


Answer 1


an inflationary increase in the price level.


Monetary policy can be defined as the actions (macroeconomic policies) adopted and undertaken by the central bank of a particular country to control the money supply and interest rates so as to boost or enhance economic growth. The central bank uses monetary policies to manage inflation, economic growth through long-term interest rates and level of unemployment in a country.

In order to boost economic growth, a monetary policy is implemented to increase money supply (liquidity). Also, it is used to prevent inflation by reducing money supply.

An inflationary gap, also referred to as an expansionary gap in economics, is typically used for measuring the difference between the gross domestic product (GDP) and the current level of Real Gross Domestic Products that exists when a country's economy is gauged at a full employment rate. Consequently, this situation causes the price of goods and services to go up with a low income level among the people living in the country.

A budget deficit is the amount by which spending exceeds income.

All other factors held constant or all things being equal (ceteris paribus), an increase in government's budget deficit drives the interest rate up.

Generally, when there's a deficit in government budget, they resort to issuing more bonds or borrowing money from creditors. These creditors are likely to be sceptical about the government's ability to repay the debt and as such would increase the interest rate.

Hence, an inflationary increase in the price level of goods and services is not much of a danger if the U.S. economy is producing at a level that is substantially less than potential gross domestic product (GDP) and the aggregate demand is being increased by government's budget deficits.

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difference between price consumption curve and income consumption curve​



Price-consumption curve is a graph that shows how a consumer's consumption choices change when price of one of the goods changes. Income-consumption curve is a similar graph which traces changes in demand in response to changes in income.

A new trailer worth $10,000 is purchased and it's expected that the salvage value after 13 years will be $480. If the annual interest rate is 4.20% , what equation would be appropriate to use to determine the Expected Uniform Annual Cost (EUAC)


The equation that is used to determine the Expected Uniform Annual Cost is :

[tex]$A = P(A/P, i,n) - F(A/F, i,n)$[/tex]

It is given that :

Purchased price of a new trailer = $ 10,000

Number of years = 13 years

The salvage value after 13 years = $480

The rate of interest annually = 4.20%

The Estimated Uniform Annual Cost, that is the EUAC method is used to express the life cycle costs as the annualized estimate of the cash flow rather than a lumpsum estimate of the present value.

In other words, it is the annual cost of a system which is equal or equivalent to the discounted total cost.

So the equation that can be used to express the Expected Uniform Annual Cost in the given problem is :

[tex]$A = P(A/P, i,n) - F(A/F, i,n)$[/tex]

Learn more :


As more units of an item are purchased, everything else equal, marginal satisfaction from consuming additional units will tend to Select one: a. decrease at the same rate for all consumers. b. decrease but at different rates for different people. c. increase at the same rate for all consumers. d. increase but at a decreasing rate for all consumers.





Marginal satisfaction is the additional satisfaction received from consuming an additional unit of a good or service. It is the change in total satisfaction by increasing the quantity consumed by one unit

Marginal satisfaction usually declines as more units of the products is consumed

An example illustrating diminishing marginal satisfaction.

Imagine a traveller arriving from the desert where he hadn't had a drink of water in days .he is offered his first glass of water. the first cup of water he drinks would give him the highest utility. As more and more cups of water is drank, marginal utility decreases. At the point where he is fully satisfied, he stops drinking water and marginal utility becomes zero.

the decrease in marginal satisfaction of this traveller would be slower than the decrease in marginal satisfaction of a person working in an air conditioned office with easy assess to water

Which one of the following is NOT included in the Marketing Mix?
Select one:
a. Promotion
b. Product
c. Distribution
d. Price
e. Personalization


C : Distribution is not included in the marketing mix

C . Or E. Distribution or personalization

What should Yelk set as the direct labor rate per hour?




hope so it helps you

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Which of the following statements are true regarding technology, gaming, and gambling? #1. Rapid-play poker machines have increased the number of problem and pathological gamblers. #2. Online gambling has resulted in an increased number of problem and pathological gamblers. #3. There is no evidence that technology has led to an increase in the number of people with gambling or gaming addictions. #4. Electronic media is a breeding ground for new addictions, such as Internet, video games, texting, and multiplayer games.



1. Rapid-play poker machines have increased the number of problem and pathological gamblers.

2. Online gambling has resulted in an increased number of problem and pathological gamblers.

4. Electronic media is a breeding ground for new addictions, such as Internet, video games, texting, and multiplayer games.


The true statements regarding technology, gaming, and gambling include:

1. Rapid-play poker machines have increased the number of problem and pathological gamblers.

2. Online gambling has resulted in an increased number of problem and pathological gamblers.

4. Electronic media is a breeding ground for new addictions, such as Internet, video games, texting, and multiplayer games.

It should be noted that there are several betting companies nowadays and this has led to more people to be involved in gambling.

Advantages of equity financing over debt financing include that: Multiple Choice equity financing does not require repayment. dividends are mandatory. stockholders' control will increase. dividends are tax deductible.


Answer: equity financing does not require repayment.


Equity financing simply means a method of financing which has to do with the sale of shares. Debt financing occurs when money is raised by a company through the sale of debt instruments to the investors.

It should be noted that equity financing is the opposite of debt financing. Unlike the debt financing, equity finance doesn't carry a repayment obligation. In this case, the investors purchase the shares in the company and they make money through the dividends gotten or through the eventual sale of shares.

Also, there is less risky with the equity financing as there's no fixed monthly loan payments to make and this can be of immense benefit to startup businesses.

In Washburn's factory, what is the break-even point for the new line of guitars if the retail price is (a) $349, (b) $389, and (c) $309? Also, (d) if Washburn achieves the sales target of 2,000 units at the $349 retail price, what will its profit be?



a. 186 units

b. 156 units

c. 232 units

d. $370,000


a. Calculation to determine the break-even point for the new line of guitars if the retail price is $349

Using this formula

Break-even point quantity = Fixed cost / Unit price – Unit variable cost

Let plug in the formula

Break-even point quantity = ($14,000 + $4,000 + $20,000) / $349 – ($25 + $120)

Break-even point quantity= $38,000 / $349 - $145

Break-even point quantity= $38,000 / $204

Break-even point quantity= 186.27

Break-even point quantity= 186 units

Therefore the break-even point for the new line of guitars if the retail price is $349 will be 186 units

b. Calculation to determine the break-even point for the new line of guitars if the retail price is $389

Break-even point quantity = ($14,000 + $4,000 + $20,000) / $389 – ($25 + $120)

Break-even point quantity= $38,000 / $389 - $145

Break-even point quantity= $38,000 / $244= 155.74

Break-even point quantity = 156 units (Approximately)

Therefore Therefore the break-even point for the new line of guitars if the retail price is $389 will be 156 units

c. Calculation to determine the break-even point for the new line of guitars if the retail price is $309

Break-even point quantity=($14,000+$4,000+$20,000)/$309 – ($25 + $120)

Break-even point quantity= $38,000 / $309 - $145

Break-even point quantity= $38,000 / $164

Break-even point quantity= 231.71

Break-even point quantity = 232 units (Approximately)

Therefore the break-even point for the new line of guitars if the retail price is $309 will be 232 units

d. Calculation to determine what will its profit be

if Washburn achieves the sales target of 2,000 units at the $349 retail price

Using this formula

Profit = Total revenue – Total cost

Profit= (P x Q) – [FC + (UVC x Q)]

Let plug in the formula

Profit= ($349 x 2000) – [$38,000 + ($145 x 2,000)]

Profit= $698,000 – $328,000

Profit= $370,000

Therefore the profit will be $370,000

All of the following are true about a cyclical pattern EXCEPT it is ______. a. often combined with long-term trend patterns and called trend-cycle patterns b. often due to multi-year business cycles c. usually easier to forecast than a seasonal pattern due to less variability d. an alternating sequence of data points above and below the trend line


The statement "it becomes easy to forecast as compared to the seasonal pattern because of the less variability" should be considered.

The information related to the cyclical pattern is as follows:

It should be repeated having regularity for many years. It is mix with the trend i.e. long-term patterns.It contains many year business cycles.It is an alternative for sequencing the data point that is above and below the trending line.

But it does not easier for forecasting as the seasonal pattern should be for one year only.

Therefore we can conclude that the statement "it becomes easy to forecast as compared to the seasonal pattern because of the less variability" should be considered.

Learn more about the trend line here: brainly.com/question/22722918

Flying Cloud Co. has the following operating data for its manufacturing operations:
Unit selling price $ 350
Unit variable cost $ 100
Total fixed costs $980,000
The company has decided to increase the wages of hourly workers which will increase the unit variable cost by 10%. Increases in the salaries of factory supervisors and property taxes for the factory will increase fixed costs by 5%. If sales prices are held constant, the next break-even point for Flying Cloud Co. will be:__________
a) increased by 368 units
b) decreased by 368 units
c) increased by 132 units
d) decreased by 264 units



a) increased by 368 units


The calculation of the next break even point should be

Existing  break-even point for Flying Cloud Co. is

= Fixed Cost ÷ Contribution Margin Per Unit

= Fixed Cost ÷ Sales Price Per Unit - Variable Cost per Unit

= $980,000 ÷ ( $350 - $100)

= 3,920 Units


Revised Variable cost = $100 × 110%

= $110


Revised Fixed cost = $980,000  × 105%

= $1,029,000


Revised  break-even point for Flying Cloud Co. is

= Fixed Cost  ÷ ( Contribution Margin Per Unit

= Fixed Cost  ÷ ( Sales Price Per Unit - Variable Cost per Unit

= $1,029,000  ÷ ( ( $350 -$110)

= 4,287.5

= 4,288 units


Increase = 4,288 Units - 3920 Units

= 368 Units Increase

Based on a predicted level of production and sales of 30,000 units, a company anticipates total contribution margin of $105,000, fixed costs of $40,000, and operating income of $65,000. Based on this information, the budgeted operating income for 28,000 units would be


Answer: $58,000


Operating income for 28,000 units = Contribution margin for 28,000 units - Fixed costs

Contribution margin for 28,000 units:

= 28,000 units * Contribution margin of 30,000 units / 30,000 units

= 28,000 * 105,000 / 30,000

= $98,000 units

Operating income for 28,000 units = 98,000 - 40,000

= $58,000

You sold ten put contracts on Cross Town Bank stock at an option price per share of $0.85. The options have an exercise price of $39 per share. The options were exercised today when the stock price was $34 a share. What is your net profit or loss on this investment assuming that you closed out your positions at a stock price of $34





Calculation to determine your net profit or loss on this investment

Using this formula

Net profit/Loss=(Option price per share-Exercise price+Stock price)×100×10

Let plug in the formula

Net loss = ($0.85 - $39 + $34) × 100 × 10

Net loss =-$4.15×100×19

Net loss = -$4,150

Therefore your net loss on this investment is -$4,150

der owns a hamburger restaurant. Slider's minimum average variable cost is $10$ 10 at a quantity of 100 hamburgers, and his minimum average total cost is $15$ 15 at a quantity of 200 hamburgers. His total fixed cost is $300$ 300 . Use this information to answer the questions. What is Slider's AVC when he sells 200 hamburgers?





Average Total Cost = Average Variable Cost + Average Fixed Cost

Average Fixed Cost = total fixed cost / quantity

300 / 200 = 1.5

15 = 1.5 + Average Variable Cost

Average Variable Cost =15 - 1.5 = 13.50

A horizontal merger between two firms occurs when: __________

a. the products of the merging firms were not related in any manner before the merger.
b. one firm is a producer of products, and the other firm is a producer of services.
c. one firm is a domestic firm, and the other is a foreign company
d. the firms stood in a buyer-seller relationship before the merger.
e. the merger partners were competitors.





A merger can be described as the absorption of one firm by another firm.

When a merger occurs, one of the firms would not exist as a separate entity while the other firm would continue to exist.

Types of merger

1. Horizontal merger : this is a type of merger that occurs between firms in the same industry. The firms are usually competitors.

Reasons for an horizontal merger

It is done to increase the market power of a firmThis type of merger is done to achieve economies of scale.

An example of an horizontal merger is the merger between Mobil and Exxon in 1999.

2. Vertical merger : this is when a firm purchases another firm in the same production line. e.g. a baker purchases a pastry distributing company

Reasons for a vertical merger

Cost savingsIt provides the firm acquiring a greater control of the production process.

Types of vertical merger

a. Backward integration : it is when the acquiring firm purchases a firm ahead of it in the production process. e.g. a baker purchases a pastry distributing company

b. Forward integration : it is when the acquiring firm purchases a firm that is behind it in the production process. e.g. a baker purchases a firm that supplies grains

3. Conglomerate merger : This occurs when the products of the merging firms were not related in any manner before the merger.

Northberg Company is preparing a cash budget for August. The company has $16,000 cash at the beginning of August and anticipates $126,000 in cash receipts and $134,500 in cash payments during August. Northberg Company wants to maintain a minimum cash balance of $15,000. To maintain the $15,000 required balance, during August the company must: Group of answer choices Borrow $15,000. Repay $7,500. Repay $8,500. Borrow $7,500. Borrow $8,500.



Borrow $7,500


The calculation of the amount that should be required to maintain the required balance is given below:

Preliminary cash balance

= Opening balance + Cash receipts - Cash disbursements

= $16,000 + $126,000 - $134,500

= $7,500

Since we have to maintain $15,000 so we have to borrow the following amount

= $15,000 - $7,500

= $7,500

AJ Manufacturing Company incurred $54,500 of fixed product cost and $43,600 of variable product cost during its first year of operation. Also during its first year, AJ incurred $17,350 of fixed and $13,900 of variable selling and administrative costs. The company sold all of the units it produced for $178,000. Required Prepare an income statement using the format required by generally accepted accounting Principles (GAAP). Prepare an income statement using the contribution margin approach.


Answer and Explanation:

The preparation of the income statement under following approaches are

Under  generally accepted accounting Principles (GAAP)

Sales $178,000

Less: cost of goods sold ($54,500 + $43,600) -$98,100

Gross margin $79,900

Less: selling & general admin ($17,350 + $13,900) -$31,250

Net income $48,650

Under contribution margin approach

Sales $178,000

Less: variable cost ($43,600 + $13,900) -$57.5

Contribution margin $120,500

Less: fixed cost ($54,500 + $17,350) -$71,850

Net income $48,650

A lender uses these tools to help prequalify you for a mortgage



Following are the summary of tools/documents that are used by lenders to pre-qualify their customers for a mortgage :

1. Tax returns, W-2s, and 1099s are examples of income as well as employment records.

2. Bank, pension, and brokerage accounts property declarations

3. Settlements on your obligations on a regular basis as well as any real estate debt statements.

4. Rent deposits, divorce, insolvency, and repossession records are all kept on file.

How much does international trade affect you personally?



maybe a lot for me ok

maybe you

Suppose you entered a contract to buy your friend's iPad. Without your knowledge, it was malfunctioning at the time you bought it, and it died soon after you started using it. Your friend had recently removed a large number of applications from the iPad that were not working. Although he honestly thought the problem was with the applications and not the iPad itself, he failed to tell you about the problem. You reasonably concluded, based on your inspection of all of the current applications on the iPad, that it was functioning properly. Can you rescind the contract to buy the iPad?

a. Yes, due to fraud.
b. Yes, due to innocent misrepresentation.
c. Yes, due to mutual mistake.
d. Yes, due to undue influence.
e. No, the latent malfunction was not material, because the iPad was functioning when you bought it.



Can you rescind the contract to buy the iPad?

b. Yes, due to innocent misrepresentation.


You can rescind the contract without damages or you claim damages based on the loss that you have already incurred for the contract.  An innocent misrepresentation occurs when the misrepresentation is not fraudulent nor negligent.  Therefore, you can rescind the contract or affirm it. But if the misrepresentation is fraudulent or negligent, you can rescind the contract as well as claim damages.



Added, the answer is 8,840,606,229. Was this even the question? Looks like it was just spam lol

Meyer Company reported the following for its recent year of operation:

From Income Statement:

Depreciation Expense $1,000
Loss on the Sale of Equipment (3,000)

From the comparative balance sheet:
Beginning balance, equipment $12,500
Ending balance, equipment 8,000
Beginning balance, accumulated depreciation 2,000
Ending balance, accumulated depreciation 2,600

No new equipment was purchased during the year. What was the selling price of the equipment?





Calculation to determine the selling price of the equipment

First step

Cost of equipment sold = Beginning balance - Ending balance

Cost of equipment sold=$12,500-$8,000

Cost of equipment sold=$4,500

Second step

Ending balance= Beginning balance + Depreciation expense - Accumulated depreciation on equipment sold

Ending balance=$2,000+$1,000-$600

Ending balance=$2,400

Third step

Book value = Cost of equipment sold - Accumulated depreciation on equipment sold

Book value=$4,500-$600

Book value=$3,900

Now let determine the selling price of the equipment

Selling price=$3,000-$3,900

Selling price=$900

Therefore the selling price of the equipment.is $900

Madison Corporation sells three products (M, N, and O) in the following mix: 3:1:2. Unit price and cost data are: M N OUnit sales price$12 $10 $11Unit variable costs 9 8 9Total fixed costs are $585,000. The selling price per composite unit for the current sales mix (rounded to the nearest cent) is:



Selling price per composite unit= $11.3


Giving the following information:

Madison Corporation sells three products (M, N, and O) in the following mix: 3:1:2.

Unit price and cost data are: M N OUnit sales price$12 $10 $11

First, we need to calculate the sales proportion for each product:

M= 3/6= 0.5

N= 1/6= 0.17

O= 2/6= 0.33

Now, the selling price per composite unit:

Selling price per composite unit= (0.5*12) + (0.17*10) + (0.33*11)

Selling price per composite unit= $11.3

A sporting equipment store expects to purchase $8,200 of ski boots in October. The store had $2,800 of ski boots in merchandise inventory at the beginning of October, and expects to have $1,800 of ski boots in merchandise inventory at the end of October to cover part of anticipated November sales. What is the budgeted cost of goods sold for October?
a) $7,000.
b) $9,000.
c) $8,000.
d) $12,000.
e) $11,000.





Calculation to determine the budgeted cost of goods sold for October

Using this formula

Budgeted cost of goods sold for October =Cost of ski boots + Inventory at the beginning - Inventory at the end

Let plug in the formula

Budgeted cost of goods sold for October = $2800 + $8200 - $1800

Budgeted cost of goods sold for October= $9200

Therefore the budgeted cost of goods sold for October is $9,200

bRamapo Company produces two products, Blinks and Dinks. They are manufactured in two departments, Fabrication and Assembly. Data for the products and departments are listed below. Product Number of Units Direct Labor Hours Per Unit Machine Hours Per Unit Blinks 1,048 4 7 Dinks 2,236 5 6 All of the machine hours take place in the Fabrication department, which has an estimated overhead of $82,200. All of the labor hours take place in the Assembly department, which has an estimated total overhead of $102,000. Ramapo Company uses a single plantwide overhead rate to apply all factory overhead costs based on direct labor hours. The factory overhead allocated per unit of Dinks is



Ramapo Company

The factory overhead allocated per unit of Dinks is:

= $56.94.


a) Data and Calculations:

Product   Number of Units    Direct Labor         Machine

                                            Hours Per Unit   Hours Per Unit

Blinks                1,048                   4                           7

Dinks               2,236                   5                           6

                                      Fabrication      Assembly

Estimated overhead       $82,200       $102,000

Machine hours:

Blinks                              7,336

Dinks                              13,416

Total machines hours  20,752

Direct Labor hours:

Blinks                                                          4,192

Dinks                                                          11,180

Total machines hours                              15,372

Total factory overhead         Blinks          Dinks

Fabrication department    $29,058      $53,142

Assembly department          27,816        74,184

Total allocated overhead  $56,874   $127,326

Units produced                       1,048        2,236

Factory overhead per unit  $54.27      $56.94 ($127,326/2,236)

Which of the following food borne illness has a preventative vaccine

A. E.coli
C. Hep. A
D. Shigella



C. Hep. A


From the available options, Hep. A is preventable with a vaccine. The vaccine was created in 1995. It is administered to individuals in two seperate doses and usually done with a time span of 6 months between dose. Having both doses administered helps prevent the individuals from the Hep. A virus long term. Like most vaccines, this one has a 95% effectiveness for preventing the virus from affecting the individual's body.

Well Water Inc. wants to produce and sell a new flavored water. In order to penetrate the market, the product will have to sell at $2.00 per 12 oz. bottle. The following data has been collected:

Annual sales......................................................50,000 bottles
Projected selling and administrative costs.....$8,000
Desired profit.....................................................$80,000

The target cost per bottle is:__________



The answer is "0.4".


[tex]\\\to \text{Total Cost of Goods Sold = Sales revenue - Desired profit}[/tex]

                                              [tex]= (2\times 50,000) - 80,000\\\\= 1,00,000 - 80,000\\\\= 20,000[/tex]

Calculating the target cost per bottle:

[tex]= \frac{\text{Total cost of goods sold}}{ \text{units sold}}\\\\= \frac{20,000}{50,000}\\\\= \frac{2}{5}\\\\= 0.4[/tex]

Han Products manufactures 29,000 units of part S-6 each year for use on its production line. At this level of activity, the cost per unit for part S-6 is:

Direct materials $3.70
Direct labor 12.00
Variable manufacturing overhead 2.30
Fixed manufacturing overhead 9.00
Total cost per part $27.00

An outside supplier has offered to sell 29,000 units of part S-6 each year to Han Products for $23 per part. If Han Products accepts this offer, the facilities now being used to manufacture part S-6 could be rented to another company at an annual rental of $79,000. However, Han Products has determined that two-thirds of the fixed manufacturing overhead being applied to part S-6 would continue even if part S-6 were purchased from the outside supplier.

What is the financial advantage (disadvantage) of accepting the outside supplier’s offer?



Financial advantage of accepting supplier's offer = $21,000


Relevant costs saved by outsourcing production:

Direct materials $3.70

Direct labor $12.00

Variable manufacturing overhead $2.30

Fixed manufacturing overhead $9.00 * 1/3 = $3

Total cost per part $21.00

Total savings per year = $21 * 29,000 = $609,000

Additional rental income = $79,000

Total = $688,000

Cost of purchasing 29,000 parts = $23 * 29,000 = $667,000

Financial advantage of accepting supplier's offer = $21,000

Dunbar sold 640 units of inventory during the month. Ending inventory assuming weighted-average cost would be: (Round weighted-average unit cost to 4 decimal places and final answer to the nearest dollar amount.)





Note The missing word have been attached as picture below

Weighted average cost per unit = [(450*$2.18) + (370*$2.62)] / (450 + 370)

Weighted average cost per unit = ($981 + $969.4) / 820

Weighted average cost per unit = $1950.4 / 820

Weighted average cost per unit = 2.378536585365854

Weighted average cost per unit = $2.3785

Ending inventory unit = 450 + 370 - 640

Ending inventory unit = 180

Value of ending inventory = $2.3785 * 180 units

Value of ending inventory = $428.13

Fruit Computer Company makes a fruit themed computer. Variable costs are $220 per unit, and fixed costs are $32,000 per month. Fruit Computer Company sells 500 units per month at a sales price of $300. The company believes that it can increase the price if the computer quality is upgraded. If so, the variable cost will increase to $240 per unit, and the fixed costs will rise by 50%. The CEO wishes to increase the company's operating income by 25%. Which sales price level would give the desired results



Fruit Computer Company

The sales price level that would give the desired results is:

= $356 per unit


a) Data and Calculations:

Variable costs per unit = $220

Fixed costs per month = $32,000

Monthly sales units = 500 units

Selling price per unit = $300

                                  Before Change   After Change

Sales revenue                $150,000       $178,000 ($168,000 + $10,000)

Variable costs                   110,000         120,000

Fixed costs                        32,000           48,000

Total costs                     $142,000       $168,000

Operating income            $8,000          $10,000 ($8,000 * 1.25)

The sales price level that would give the desired results is $356 ($178,000/500).  This represents an increase of 18.7% ($56/$300 * 100).

Suppose that a small family farm sold its output for $100,000 in a given year. The family spent $25,000 on fuel; $40,000 on seed, fertilizer, and pesticides; and $25,000 on equipment, including maintenance. The family members could have earned $20,000 working at other occupations. What is the family's accounting cost? What is the family's economic cost? Could the family's economic cost ever exceed its accounting cost? Why or why not?



Accounting Cost

Accounting costs refers to the explicit costs which ar the actual costs related to the business venture. In this case that would be:

= Fuel costs + Seed costs  + Equipment

= 25,000 + 40,000 + 25,000

= $90,000

Economic cost

This includes the accounting costs and then adds the implicit costs which are the opportunity costs of choosing the current business venture. In this case it is the $20,000 they could have been making working at other occupations.

= Accounting cost + Salary foregone

= 90,000 + 20,000

= $110,000

Economic costs will always be higher than Accounting costs because they include both the accounting costs and opportunity costs.

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