If there was a big box at your doorstep what would be in that bag?


Answer 1


nothing would be in the bag, there is no bag it's a box


Related Questions

1. Do you think there is more environmental awareness among people in your country than a decade ago? Why?
2. What measures are being taken to protect the environment in your country? How successful have these been?
3. Is protecting and preserving the environment the responsibility of individual citizens or national governments? Why?


Answer: plz mark as brainliest spent a lot of time for this question

Increasing economic activities in developing countries result in more energy and

consumption demand, which generally lead to environmental degradation. There is a

conventional belief that such environmental degradation would resolve as soon as these

countries grow economically since that would enable them to afford environmental

friendly technology as well as pro-environmental regulations and policies.1


several studies indicated that many developing countries already equipped with

environmental policies, legal frameworks and economic instruments, which are regarded

as highly sophisticated by international standards (Huber et al, 1998, Fujisaki et al, 1997)

and yet face the worsening of environmental conditions. Major difficulties these countries

confront are not only the lack of legal and economic framework for environmental

protection, but also lack of participation among general public in pro-environmental


Moreover, there are increasing needs for such public participation due to the

recent change in sources of environmental problems. Today, the sources of pollution have

shifted from production to consumption processes. The Human Development Report of

1998 (UNDP) affirms this trend and states that growth in consumption and unbalanced

consumption patterns 3

are placing unprecedented pressure on the environment. In this

light, the acceptance of pro-environmental behavior by general public, that is, to adopt

sustainable life style, is an urgent issue in protecting environment.

The participation of citizen can complement existent legal and economic

instruments, which are facing shortage of institutional, managerial and financial

capabilities for enforcement. The increase of participation of citizen means that legal

frameworks would be more respected and economic mechanisms would be more

accepted thus increase their effectiveness. However, it remains unclear what can cause

the participation of people in environmental actions. In this paper, hypothesis is

established that more environmental awareness means more environmental behavior and

intends to answer the two following questions: What can induce people to participate in

the pro-environmental behavior? How people’s behavior can be changed in more pro environmental way?

This paper attempts to discuss the role of environmental awareness and its

effectiveness in changing people’s behavior by reviewing previous works.


Pro environmental behavior is defined as an environmental conscious behavior such as green

buying, recycling and car-pooling.  

The Human Development Report of 1998 by the United Nations Development Programme reports

that the increasing world consumption which has now reached $ 24 billion a year, 6 times more than that of



The review of major works on environmental awareness is organized into the

following order:

1) Review of the major trends on environmental public opinions;

2) review of the major hypothesis on environmental public opinion and socioeconomic factors;

3) review of the major studies on scale of values and world view;

4) review of the major studies that link awareness and behaviour; and finally,

5) conclude by mentioning further research possibilities and policy implications

plz mark brainliest :)

in an essay of 250-300 words describe an unreliable narrator and how this story makes use of that device.​


Answer: because

Explanation: because I said that is enough lol love my fans give me a 5 star

please help me 111111



2. Women like dancing at parties.

Men don't like dancing at parties.

3. Women like buying presents.

Men hate buying presents.

4. Women love having lunch with their mother.

Men like having lunch with their mother.

5. Women don't like playing chess.

Men like playing chess.

6. Women love telling secrets to friends.

Men hate telling secrets to friends.

2. Woman like dancing at parties, Men don’t like dancing at parties

3. Women like buying presents, men hate buying presents

4. Women love having lunch with their mom, Men like having lunch with their mom

5. Women don’t like playing chess, Men like playing chess

6. Women love telling secrets to their friends, Men hate telling secretes to their friends

Explain the connection between time and the eternal God, as stated by Augustine. Does God have anything to do with time? Your answer should be at least one hundred words..






identify an organization or project that does community or volunteer work in order to provide support to the community in need​




Community organization refers to organizing aimed at making desired improvements to a community's social health, well-being, and overall functioning. ... Community organization includes community work, community projects, community development, community empowerment, community building, and community mobilization

General Community Service Ideas

Participate in a charity walk or run.

Volunteer at a local nonprofit.

Organize a clothing drive.

Participate in a national giving or remembrance day.

Ask for charitable donations instead of birthday or Christmas gifts.

Host a fundraising event and donate the money.

The Community Organization Theory is the practice of individuals and agencies collaborating and addressing issues deemed important and necessary within a given community. ... The fundamental purpose of community organization is to assist in discovering and enabling people's shared goals.

Expose students to people who are at a disadvantage (socially, medically, economically, or otherwise) Help students to realize they can make a difference and give them the tools to do so. Develop awareness and better understanding of the communities they live in.

These organizations are often considered to include churches, unions, schools, health care agencies, social-service groups, fraternities, and clubs. ... These organizations are frequently advocacy-oriented, and they apply community-organizing strategies to accomplish their goals

Involving volunteers can add great value to what your organisation does and support you to achieve your mission and strategic objectives. Involving volunteers can help you to: By providing volunteering opportunities you provide opportunities for social inclusion, skills development and potential routes to employment

Part B
Which quotation supports the answer in Part A?



more context?‍♀️


as a future new normal teacher, is there a need to teach digital footprint to learners? why​



in less than two months, the coronavirus crisis will turn a year old. It continues to ravage the entire world. The education sector is one of the sectors most affected by the crisis because of the lockdowns it caused. As a result, the online learning platform began to operate as the best way to pursue one’s education. This has been a trending topic of discussion among educators, parents and government agencies, such as the Department of Education and Commission on Higher Education, while the media has been pointing to the nation’s unreadiness in the so-called new normal.

In today’s technological world, there are a lot of benefits in using blended learning tools that leverage the internet to offer students a more personalized learning experience. They learn, in one part, through online learning and, in another, in a supervised, brick-and-mortar classroom setting. Blended learning works based on how it is implemented, and provided it is designed to address the subject’s special concerns.

[pa follow ako para sa iba pang answer]


Do you believe that the ability to concentrate is hereditary, like having brown eyes or being tall?



No, everyone can concentrate

I believe that things such as ADHD or hyper intensive disorders can be passed down to make it harder for you to concentrate, but relatively concentration is a thing everyone can do and partake in you just have to work at it.

The graph below represents the relationship between the number of days a book is overdue and the library fine charged.

A graph titled Library Fines. The horizontal axis shows days overdue and the vertical axis shows the fine (dollars). The line shows an increase to $10 at 19 days overdue, then constant.

Christen returned an overdue book to the library. Her fine was the same as it would have been, had she returned the book the previous day. Which of the answer choices below could be the number of days Christen’s book is overdue?



The number of days Christen's book is overdue could be 22 according to options given.

The graph which represents the relationship between the number of days a book is overdue and the library fine charged is attached below :

According to the graph, a constant relationship exists between the number of days a book is overdue and the library fine charged when the Number of days book is  overdue is about 19 days and above such that the library fine charged stays the same at $10.

Since we are told that Christen's fine for returning the book is the same as the fine she would have paid if book was returned yesterday, then, the number of days Christen's book is overdue could be 20 days and above.

The only value above 20 from the options given is 22.

Hence, 22 is the valid answer.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/13432851

7 Choose the correct verbs.
1 She's going/She goes skateboarding every day
2 We're having/We have fun at the carnival today,
3 They're judging/They judge the contestants now.
4 I'm staying// stay with my grandparents every
5 He's watching/He watches a talent show at the
6 We're practising/We practise our dance routine every


2: We’re having
3. They’re judging
4. I stay
5. he’s watching
6. We practice

fill the blank with the appropriate word from the box. there are two extra words.
competition, competitive, coordination, health, celebration, team sports, physical activity, obesity, cooperation, win, entertainment, spectators.
there are so many ways to exercise, both alone and with friends. are one of the best ways, for alot of reasons. one of the main reasons is it allows for a healthy ...................you may not always .............. but it makes you do your best. ................ sports like football, hockey and a few others aim to improve..................
while providing .............. to spectators.
in children, it encourages.................
and therefore prevents ............. it also helps in building social skills and.......... with others. ................physical and mental ............ also improves tremendously.​








Team Sports













1. competition

2. win

3. competitive

4. coordination

5. entertainment

6. physical activity

7. obesity

8. cooperation

9. team sports

10. health

At least I think. Hope this helps.

Bitter Spicy Bland Minty Sweet Delicious Pickled Tangy Fruity Salty Tasty Gingery Sour Yummy Vanilla-flavoured
Practice and insert the correct adj.
1. Lemons are ------.
2. I don't mind having a desert as long as it's not too --------. 3.I like Mexican and Thai cuisines the most,since both of them can be very -----.
4.I prefer --------- snacks like crackers,tex mex and peanuts. 5.That food was so ------! We should have go to that restaurant again.



1 lemon are bitter

2 sweet

3 tasty

4 salty

5 delicious

1 bitter
4 salty
5 delicious

Help help help help help



your answers are right

Which is the answers in the picture?


answer: the first option; One should use as many sources as possible.

When writing a thesis-driven paper it should be very vocal of original thought. using as many sources as possible isn’t going to give this result. chances are, it will be the exact opposite and produce an unoriginal essay that sounds straight out of the sources in which you got the evidence from.

Please please help, brainstorm ideas on how social media effects on your brain. please help I don't care if it's wrong just try your best.



depending on what your doing it could help you or it could not

It can bias your opinion on what you see instead of you thinking on your own.

4. The recurring "ing" sound in the line, "Rising that morning, Ingraham stood fiddling with his
ring," is an example of

free verse.
blank verse.






The recurring “ing” sound in the line, “Rising that morning, Ingraham stood fiddling with his ring,” is an example of consonance in the sentence. Hence, option B holds true.

What is the significance of consonance?

Consonance refers to as such a phenomenon, by the virtue of which, the repetition or recurrence of the exact same sounds in a single sentence is expressed. It is generally used in verses or poems for implying a rhythm.

In the aforementioned sentence, one can infer that the recurring sound of 'ing' gives the sentence a rhythm, which enhances the tone of the sentence. Moreover, it also does not disturb the synchronization of the sentence.

Hence, option B holds true regarding the significance of consonance.

Learn more about consonance here:



write down the summary of dusk​


“Dusk” opens on Norman Gortsby, the character from whose perspective all the story’s events are seen. Gortsby is sitting on a bench in Hyde Park in London as the sun sets around 6:30 on an evening in March. He notices other people who are barely visible in the gathering gloom as they walk in the park or sit on benches.
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This situation pleases Gortsby. He always thinks of dusk as a time associated with people who feel defeated. He thinks that such persons tend to come forth at dusk so they can be outside in their humble clothes and sad moods without being especially visible to other, more successful persons. Gortsby thinks the unsuccessful people who tend to appear at dusk do not want to be seen by others. They come to places like Hyde Park after the happier, more successful people have left.
Gortsby glimpses the well-lit windows of nearby houses and apartments. He assumes that those places are the dwellings of the successful—or at least those who have not been forced to admit defeat in life’s struggles. Gortsby feels defeated, yet his sadness is not due to lack of money. Instead, he feels defeated because he “failed in a more subtle ambition,” the precise nature of which the story never makes clear. In any case, Gortsby enjoys sitting on a bench and passing sardonic judgment on the other people in the park at dusk.
Next to him on the bench is an old man who seems nearly defeated and definitely depressed. His clothes are not especially unattractive, but the old man does not by any means look rich. He seems lonely, as if no one cares about him. When the old man leaves, Gortsby assumes he is returning to a dwelling where he is basically ignored.
Almost as soon as the old man leaves, a young man sits down in the same spot on the bench. Although his clothes look fairly decent, he also seems depressed. In fact, when the young man sits down, he lets out a loud and angry curse. When Gortsby comments to the youth that he seems unhappy, the young man explains his predicament. He explains that he came to London earlier in the day, intending to stay at a respected hotel. However, when he arrived he discovered that the hotel had been demolished. A taxi driver suggested a substitute hotel. The young man went there, sent a note to his out-of-town relatives to tell them where he was staying, and then exited the hotel in search of some soap. He had neglected to pack soap but he disliked using soap provided by hotels. After purchasing the soap, he walked around for a while, had a drink, and did some sight-seeing. Only then did he realize that he could not remember either the name or the location of the hotel. He has no friends or relatives in London, so he is essentially stranded in the large city for at least one night with no place to stay—at least until his out-of-town relatives receive his letter.
The youth himself admits that his story sounds improbable. However, Gortsby remarks that something similar once happened to him in the capital city of a foreign country. But in his case, he was eventually able to find his way back to his hotel. In response, the youth comments that if he had become lost in a city overseas, he could at least go to the British embassy to ask for assistance. He says that when misfortunes occur in one’s own country, less help is available. Unless he can find a friendly person who is willing to loan him some money, he may have to spend the night sleeping near the river. In any case, he says he is glad Gortsby does not doubt...

List down prohibited acts against the Philippine Flag that you commonly observed in your community, school and institutions. Give the equivalent sanction for each specifically prohibited act committed.​



To mutilate, deface, defile, trample on, cast contempt or commit on the flag or any act or omission that casts dishonor or ridicule upon the flag over its surface

Any act or omission that brings disgrace or ridicule to the flag's surface, including trampling, mutilating, defiling, defacing, and casting disdain on it.

What is flag?

The term flag are the pics of the cloth or similar material, typically oblong or square, attachable by one edge to a pole or rope and used as the symbol or emblem of a country or institution or as a decoration during public festivities.

The saffron cannot be flown at the bottom of the Philippine flag. It shouldn't be permitted to contact the earth, the floor, or to walk on water. In order to avoid damaging it, it shouldn't be exhibited or fastened in any way. There must be no unauthorized use of the national flag.

As a result, the Philippine flag must not the down the horizontally.

Learn more about the flag, here:



viết một đoạn văn khoảng 100 từ về lợi ích của LAPTOP đối với sinh viên



We all know the computer. it is one of the biggest inventions of modern science. The laptop is a smaller version of a computer. It does the same work as a computer. But there are so many benefits and advantages to having a laptop. It is easy to carry and it can be used remotely. You can carry this machine anywhere with you. You can keep that on your backpack or there are some different bags for laptops. There are built-in mouse and keyboard in it. You don’t need to use any portable keyboard or mouse. But if you want to use one, you can use because it has so many USB ports. The LCD screen of a laptop is so good and it is almost like a portable LCD monitor. It is also known as a notebook computer. The use of a laptop has made the education sector so much easier. Now, most of the international universities are providing their lessons through it. If you have got one, you don’t need any books. You can read and write on it. You can store all of your books there and can read whenever you want. You can carry it with you in the classroom and can use it anytime. Overall it has lots of advantages that have made education easier. If you are an engineer or working in a company that you need to present your project in a remote place, you can use your laptop to show your project. It has made these things so much simple and easy. Now professional people prefer a laptop over desktop computers. I have one and I love to use that one so much.

Time to write a blog
8 Make notes for a blog about your day.
who I am with:
where lam:
what is happening:
what I'm doing:
how I feel:


You’re the only one who can answer that, it’s about the happenings in your life :)
Hi these questions should be based off your personal experiences but if u are confused here is an examples

1. I am with my friends
2. We are at the park
3.We are having a Picnic.
4. I’m eating with friends
5. I feel happy and relaxed.

Again this should be based off YOUR personal experience but here is an example :)

some one like Nepal???​


Nepal is so beautiful and cultured i love it

Dolley Madison wrote a letter to her sister describing:

her escape from the White House during the War of 1812.

the lynching of an African American man in the street.

Germany during World War II.

None of the choices are correct.



A) her escape from the White House during the war of 1812.


I summarized her letter and put the essential lines below. She is leaving the White House but not leaving the valuable portrait.

1. The good Mr. Carroll has arrived to hurry my departure, but I refuse to leave until the huge painting of General Washington is secured, and it must be unscrewed from the wall.

2. Because this procedure was deemed too time-consuming for these critical periods, I have directed that the frame be broken and the canvas be removed.

3. It has been completed! and the priceless portrait was entrusted to the care of two distinguished gentlemen from New York for safekeeping.

4. And now, my sister, I must leave this house, lest the retreating army captures me and imprison me thereby filling up the path I have been ordered to follow.

5. I have no idea when I will write to you again, or where I will be the next day!

Which excerpt from the passage provides the best example of imagery?

A.I ain't scared of gators.

b.I watched the water with interest...

C.The Pearl River is a lovely old thing, slow and coppery and traced in fine, sandy bars...

D.I bet a gator would like to eat you, Fat-Tart


Need the passage to read to get the answer!!
the answer is C. it explains the river so you can picture it in your head

Plz help me plz ASAP please





"A compound subject is a subject with two or more simple subjects. In other words, when the subject of a sentence is made up of two or more elements, it's a compound subject."

1 Rome and florence

2 both Sara and caroline

3 cinders and ashes

4 people and animals

5 archaeologists, and tourists

6 painting and other objects

8 Hot dogs and hamburgers

9 mummies and pyramids

Refer to the “Of Their Voyage and How They Passed the Sea, and of Their Safe Arrival at Cape Cod” section from Of Plymouth Plantation.

According to Bradford, how were the weakened passengers able to survive the perilous journey across the Atlantic and their first days in the American wilderness? They were well prepared for the difficult conditions and were supported by the ship’s crew. They received assistance from the native people living on the Cape. The Lord guided their ship to land where there were towns, inns, and houses to shelter them. The Lord rewarded their bravery and faithfulness with His protection.


According to Bradford, the weakened passengers were able to survive the perilous journey because the Lord rewarded their bravery and faithfulness with His protection.

William Bradford was on the Mayflower which was one of the first ships to come to the Americas. It carried Puritans and landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

In his journal, William Bradford wrote about the very harsh conditions they faced when they first arrived including:

A very cold winter and,Lethal diseases

William made mention of how their children would talk about how they only survived the trip because God decided to protect them because of their bravery in leaving England to go to the Americas.

In conclusion therefore, Bradford believed that the weakened passengers were only able to survived thanks to divine intervention from the Lord.

For more information on the William Bradford look at https://brainly.com/question/1929660

The weakened passengers could survive the difficult journey because they received assistance from the native people living on the Cape.

It should be noted that it was a difficult journey and the Pilgrims survived through the left over food that they had. Also, the Wampanoag Indians of the eastern part of Massachusetts  also played a pivotal role as they helped the Pilgrims survive in this new land by teaching them how the land was cultivated.

In conclusion, the correct option is B "They received assistance from the native people living on the Cape"

Read related link on:


The word fire has which vowel sound?
long e
short e


long i

long i sounds like "ai"

e.g. hide, mice, life, etc

The word fire has the long i vowel sound, which is the first option, as there are five vowels that are used in English, and among them, i is one of the viowels that is being used here.

What is Viowel?

The word "fire" has a long "i" vowel sound. This can be heard when pronouncing the word, as the sound of the "i" is stretched out and sounds like "fai-r". The long "i" sound is produced by the tongue being high and forward in the mouth, and the sound is prolonged by the vocal cords. Other words that have a long "i" sound include "bike", "kite", and "white". There are many more examples like this.

Hence, the word fire has the long i vowel sound, which is the first option, as there are five vowels that are used in English, and among them, i is one of the vowels that is being used here.

Learn more about the Viowel here.



Which word does not have a similar meaning to - equanimity



Which word does not have a similar meaning to - equanimity contradictory self-control calmness poise.


1. I'm so pleased that you can come to my party.
10 points
A. Simple
B. Compound
C. Complex
D. Compound / Complex



Compound sentence


Here, there are two phrases and bith are independent.

This is a compound sentence

Question 9 of 10
If a reader wants to evaluate a text, which is the best question to ask while
reading it?
O A. How many hours of research did the author put into writing this
B. What elements are used, and do they help the author's purpose?
C. How does this text affect me and what I want to say to the world?
D. What elements do I find interesting, and do I care about the
author's purpose?



D. What elements do I find interesting, and do I care about the

author's purpose?


Hope it helps :) pls mark as brainliest

which two words in these sentences are used as puns



it does not say


Other Questions
a region's average movie theater ticket price in 2007 was $6.72. For 2017, it was estimated to be $8.81. Find the percent of increase in average movie theater ticket price for this 10-year periods What values on a number line will give me the absolutevalue of 3? An explanation for a broad of observation, facts, and tested hypothses is called a 1.They moved to the city A. in order to get well-paying jobs. B. for getting C. in order not to get D. so that getting When 3 is added to a number, and the result is multiplied by 5, you obtain two times the number Can someone help this is the last question Im asking so if u help U guys will get 25points and pls no spamming and typing unnecessariy answers If (x + 4)^2 = 49 and x < 0. what is the value of x? 5x + 4m = 43my + 6 solve for m Marking brainliest What else should I add find the determinant of 2P-3Q if P=(2/3-1/4) and Q=(2/0-3/5) Part A: Which Statement best describes the main theme of the story? Is the set of real numbers closed under addition? Explain why or why not. If it is not closed, give an example the reef by marcella morris SettingProtagonistRising ActionConflictClimaxFalling ActionResolutionPlease hurry! Am element has 18 electrons ,20 neutrons and a charge of -2.what is the mass number?..a.38 b.40 c.32 d.39 plss help :((( What volume is indicated on each of the graduated cylinders below? The unit of volume is mL. Make sure to check the units of graduation to get the most accurate reading possible Which of the following words do NOT follow the i before e except after cexcept when ei has a long a sound rule? Select all that apply.seizepiececounterfeiteightweird Do you know this it is for social studies 326009330?Please answer:( Dowry custom is a serious social problem. What would be your role to solve this problem? Write in four points Which choice best describes the following sentence?Cassidy volunteered. It is a complete and correct sentence. It is a fragment that is missing a subject. It is a fragment that is missing a predicate. It is a fragment with a subject and verb but expresses an incomplete thought