If two functions, f(x) and g(x), are inverse of each other, then the:
(select all that apply)

- range of f(x) is the same as the domain of g(x)

-domain of f(x) is the same as the domain of g(x)

-domain of f(x) is the same as the range of g(x)

- range of f(x) is the same as the range of g(x)


Answer 1

Answer:  assuming g(x) is the inverse of f(x)

domain of g(x) = range of f(x)

range of g(x) = domain of f(x)

Related Questions

U is the centroid of ∆SRT. What is the length of segment UV if length of UT = 3 cm?



1.5 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Since U us the centroid, the ratio between UV and UT is 1:2, UT = 3

so UV = 3/2 = 1.5 cm

Subtract these polynomials.
(3x^2 - 2x + 5) - (x^2 + 3) =
O A. 4x² - 2x + 2
OB. 4x^2 - 2x + 8
O C. 2x^2- 2x + 8
D. 2x^2- 2x + 2


The answer would be D.

Match the arc or central angle to the correct measure based on the figure below.



a. 50 degrees

b. 130 degrees

c. 180 degrees

d. 230 degrees

a. 50°

b. 130°

c. 180°

d. 230°

what is geometry?

geometry, the department of mathematics deals with the shape of individual objects, spatial relationships among various objects, and the properties of surrounding space.

various shapes in geometry have different angle measures. as an example: A triangle is a 3-sided shape and the sum of its 3 interior angles is 180˚ A square, rectangle or quadrilateral are 4-sided shapes, and the sum of their four interior angles is 360˚

Learn more about geometry here



Express it in slope
Enter the corre
Clear all
In slope-intercept form


In this question, we are given two points, (0,0) and (-8,8), and we want to find the equation of the line in slope-intercept formula.

Slope-intercept formula:

The equation of a line, in slope-intercept formula, is given by:

[tex]y = mx + b[/tex]

In which m is the slope and b is the y-intercept(value of y when x = 0)[/tex]

Point (0,0):

This means that when [tex]x = 0, y = 0[/tex], and thus, the y-intercept is [tex]b = 0[/tex], and the equation of the line is:

[tex]y = mx[/tex]


When we have two points, the slope is given by the change in y divided by the change in x.

In this question, the two points are (0,0) and (-8,8).

Change in x: -8 - 0 = -8

Change in y: 8 - 0 = 8


[tex]m = \frac{-8}{8} = -1[/tex]

Thus, the equation of the line, in slope-intercept formula, is:

[tex]y = -x[/tex]

For another example of an equation of a line in slope-intercept formula, you can check https://brainly.com/question/21010520

The equation of the line that passes through [tex](x_{1}, y_{1}) = (0, 0)[/tex] and [tex](x_{2}, y_{2}) = (-8, 8)[/tex] is [tex]y = -x[/tex].

According to the statement, we know the location of two Points: [tex](x_{1}, y_{1}) = (0, 0)[/tex] and [tex](x_{2}, y_{2}) = (-8, 8)[/tex], and must derive the Equation of the Line from this information, whose procedure is described below:

1) Determine the Slope of the line by the Slope Equation for Secant Lines.

2) Use ([tex]x_{1}, y_{1}[/tex]) in the Equation of the Line and solve for the Intercept.

3) Write the resulting Equation of the Line.

Step 1:

The slope of a secant line ([tex]m[/tex]) is calculated from the following formula:

[tex]m = \frac{y_{2}-y_{1}}{x_{2}-x_{1}}[/tex] (1)

If we know that [tex](x_{1}, y_{1}) = (0, 0)[/tex] and [tex](x_{2}, y_{2}) = (-8, 8)[/tex], then the slope of the line is:

[tex]m = \frac{8-0}{-8-0}[/tex]

[tex]m = -1[/tex]

Step 2:

The equation of the line is Slope-Intercept Form is now represented:

[tex]y = m\cdot x + b[/tex] (2)


[tex]x[/tex] - Independent variable.

[tex]y[/tex] - Dependent variable.

[tex]b[/tex] - Intercept.

If we know that [tex](x_{1}, y_{1}) = (0, 0)[/tex] and [tex]m = -1[/tex], then the intercept of the equation of the line is:

[tex]0 = -1\cdot (0) + b[/tex]

[tex]b = 0[/tex]

Step 3:

And the equation of the line that passes through [tex](x_{1}, y_{1}) = (0, 0)[/tex] and [tex](x_{2}, y_{2}) = (-8, 8)[/tex] is [tex]y = -x[/tex].

Related question: https://brainly.com/question/18894159

15 people are sharing $482 fairly between them. How many dollars should each person take?


Answer: $32.1


$482/15 = $32.1

How is 1.35 x 10-5 written in standard notation?




Brainliest, please!

Step-by-step explanation:

A negative exponent means that the number is really small, which is true in this case.



Step-by-step explanation:

1.35 x 10-5 means,



What is
f(x)=(x-2)(x-6) in standard form


Standard form is


This is a function of degree
i.e. quadratic equation and its standard firm is
. Hence, the standard form for








but this is for x+2 instead of x-2

Evaluate the expression when a=-6.
a^2 + 5a - 5




Step-by-step explanation:






Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]( - 6) {}^{2} + 5 \times - 6 - 5 \\ 36 - 30 - 5 \\ 36 - 35 \\ = 1[/tex]

What is the perimeter of the right triangle with legs (2x + 1) feet and (4x - 4) feet and hypotenuse (4x - 1) feet? Give your answer in terms of x in the simplest form.



10x-4 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter is the amount of the sides together so add the three sides together


Combine like terms


(You can also factor out 2 but that would not be simplest --> 2(5x-2))

The times to pop a 3.4-ounce bag of microwave popcorn without burning it are Normally distributed with a mean
time of 140 seconds and a standard deviation of 20 seconds. A random sample of four bags is selected and the
mean time to pop the bags is recorded. Which of the following describes the sampling distribution of all possible
samples of size four?


This question is solved using the central limit theorem, giving an answer of:

Fourth option, approximately normal with mean of 140 seconds and standard deviation of 10 seconds.

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem establishes that, for a normally distributed random variable X, with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the sampling distribution of the sample means with size n can be approximated to a normal distribution with mean

For a skewed variable, the Central Limit Theorem can also be applied, as long as n is at least 30.

Mean of 140, standard deviation of 20, sample of 4:

By the Central Limit Theorem, the distribution is approximately normal.

Mean is the same, of 140.

[tex]n = 4, \sigma = 20[/tex], thus:

[tex]s = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} = \frac{20}{\sqrt{4}} = 10[/tex]

Thus, the correct answer is:

Fourth option, approximately normal with mean of 140 seconds and standard deviation of 10 seconds.

For another example of the Central Limit Theorem, you can check https://brainly.com/question/15519207

can anyone help me with this?


I’ve attached my work on how I got these answers
Hope this helps!


Step-by-step explanation:

a + 45 + 70 = 180             45 becomes an interior angle by being opposite a given vertically opposite angle.

a + 115 = 180                      Subtract 115 from both sides

a = 65

b + 68 + 65 = 180            A straight line is 180 degrees.

b +  133 = 180

b = 180 - 133

b = 47

In the triangle b + c + 100 = 180

b = 47

47 + c + 100 = 180

147 + c = 180

c = 33

If C is an exterior angle then C + 33 = 180

C = 147

You have to decide whether c is an interior angle ( in which it is 33) or an exterior angle (in which case it is 147).




sin (a+b)= sina*cosb - sinb*cosa

cos (a+b) = cosa*cosb + sina*sinb


sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B

cos (A + B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B


Does this graph show a function? explain how you know


The correct answer is D. Each line that is vertical on the graph should have only one point.

A deposited 7500 Dollars in a bank and received interest of 900 Dollars after one year. B received interest of 1440 Dollars after one year at the same rate. How much did B deposit in the bank? ​



If the rate of interest is 12% than the answer is 12000

Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

A county fair sold 1,750 tickets, each of which was either an adult or children's ticket, and earned a total of \$27,000. The fair earned 25\% more from adult tickets than from children's tickets, but sold 25\% fewer adult tickets than children's tickets. How much did a children's ticket cost



Step-by-step explanation:

Let the number children tickets = c

Number of adult tickets = 75% of c = 0.75c

c + 0.75c = 1750

1.75c = 1750

   c = 1750/1.75 = 1000

Number of children = 1000

Number of adults = 75% of 1000  = 750

Cost of adult ticket = $ x

Cost of child ticket = 75% of x = 0.75x

Cost of 750 adult ticket = 750x

Cost of 1000 children ticket = 1000 * 0.75x = 750x

750x + 750x = 27000

              1500x = 27000

                      x = 27000/1500

x = $ 18

Cost of adult ticket =  $ 18

Cost of children ticket = 75% of 18 = 0.75 * 18 = $ 13.5

Cost of children's ticket = $ 13.50

Match each figure with the number of edges it has.
rectangular prism

rectangular pyramid

triangular pyramid

triangular prism



Rectangular prism- 12 edges

Rectangular pyramid- 8 edges

Triangular pyramid- 6 edges

Triangular prism- 9 edges

I hope this helps!

help please area geometry !!



37.5 cm^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a parallelogram is

A = bh  where b is the base and h is the height

A = 7.5 * 5

A = 37.5 cm^2


A = 37.5 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a parallelogram is calculated as

A = bh ( b is the base and h the perpendicular height )

Here b = 7.5 and h = 5 , then

A = 7.5 × 5 = 37.5 cm²

The point (-3,-1) is the midpoint of (x,y) and (5,4). Find the point (x,y).



(-11, -6)

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the distance between the midpoint, (-3, -1) and (5, 4). This can be calculated by finding the difference between the x coordinates and y coordinates.

-3 - 5 = -8 (distance between x coordinates)

-1 - 4 = -5 (distance between y coordinates)

Find the point (x, y) by subtracting 8 from the midpoint's x value, and then subtracting 5 from the midpoint's y value.

-3 - 8 = -11

-1 - 5 = -6

So, the point (x, y) is (-11, -6)


1 Your mom asks you to take the family car to the gas station and put no more than 8 gallons of gas in it. Write an inequality for this scenario.

2Translate this statement into an inequality.

A number less than 5 is greater than 7



(1) question no.1


(2) question no.2



1. 8≥g

2. A-5≥7

Step-by-step explanation:

who can help me with this question?​


[tex]\large\mathcal{\red{ \implies \: 2 \: \pi \: {r}^{2} \: + \: 2 \: \pi \: r \: h}}[/tex]

Option ( C ) is the correct answer.

option C is the right answer!

Need help with this, don't understand it. we weren't taught how to do this​


9514 1404 393


  A, C, D, E

Step-by-step explanation:

Any relation that is different from a straight line with a defined constant slope will be a relation that is either or both of ...

not a functionnot linear


a) degree 3, not linear

b) a linear function

c) a vertical line with undefined slope, not a function

d) a curve opening downward, not linear

e) a line with a bend in the middle, not linear

f) a linear function

The price of an item increased by 25 percent. if the price of the item after the increase is 2.00. What was the original price? (Show your work)

A. 1.50

B. 1.60

C. 1.75

D. 2.50

E. 3.20


Let the original price = x

From X to get the new price you multiply by 1 + the percent of the increase which is 25%

1,25X = 2.00

Divide both sides by 1.25:

X = 1.60

The original price was B. 1.60



Step-by-step explanation:

Let x be the original price

We increase by 25%

x+ .25x = new price

1.25x = 200

Divide each side by 1.25

x = 2.00/1.25


“Determine which of the following lines has the larger y-intercept, and by how much. “

The line that passes through (3, 8) and (-3, 4)

The line that passes through

(2, -5) and is perpendicular to




The first line:

y₁ = (2/3)*x + 6

Has the larger y-intercept, by 5 units.

Step-by-step explanation:

Here we need to find the equation for each line.

First, some theory.

A linear relationship can be written as:

y = a*x + b

where a is the slope and y is the y-intercept.

We know that if the line passes through the points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂), then we can write the slope as:

a = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ -x₁)

And, if a line is:

y = a*x + b

a perpendicular line to that one must have a slope equal to:


Now we can answer this question.

We know that the first line, let's call it y₁, passes through the points (3, 8) and (-3, 4), then its slope will be:

a = (8 - 4)/(3 - (-3)) = 4/6 = 2/3

then the line is something like:

y₁ = (2/3)*x + b

to find the value of b, we can use the fact that we know that the line passes through the point (3, 8)

this means that when x = 3, we must have y₁ = 8

replacing these in the above equation, we get:

8 = (2/3)*3 + b

8 = 2 + b

8 - 2 = b = 6

then the equation for this line is:

y₁ = (2/3)*x + 6

Now let's find the equation for the other line, that we will call y₂.

We know that this line is perpendicular to:

y = (1/3)*x - 2

The slope of that line is:

a = (1/3)

then the slope of a line perpendicular to that one will be:

slope = -(1/a) = -(1/1/3) = -3

slope = -3

then we have:

y₂ = -3*x + b

to find the value of b, we can use the fact that our line passes through the point (2, -5)

This means that when  x = 2, we must have y₂ = -5


-5 = -3*2 + b

-5 = -6 + b

-5 + 6 = b = 1

b = 1

then this equation is:

y₂ = -3*x + 1

Now we know both equations:

y₁ = (2/3)*x + 6

y₂ = -3*x + 1

Which equation does have the larger y-intercept?

We can see that the first line has an y-intercept of 6, and the second line has an y-intercept of 1, then the first line has the larger y-intercept, and is larger by 5 units.

Help anyone can help me do the question,I will mark brainlest.​




therefore AC= 20 using Pytagoras

BAC is a right angle triangle because it belongs to the Pytagoras theorem:25,20,15 i.e 25²=15²+20²

3) I DON'T THINK PQR IS A RIGHT ANGLE TRIANGLE because it doesn't belong to the Pytagoras triple.

Need help asap... thanks!




Step-by-step explanation:

We know that area of ∆BCD = half of the area of rectangle BEFD, since any triangle drawn from taking a side and base and a point on the opposite side as the 3rd vertex has the half area of the rectangle

so, area of ∆BCD = 15×12/2 = 90 (since two legs of the right triangle are 15 and 12)

since area ∆BCD is half the area rectangle BEFD and sum of the area of ∆BEC and ∆CFD will be the rest of the area of rectangle BEFD, which is 90

Express the value of the following scientific notation of the normal in general number system
a). 2.7 X10 cube ​




note if power positive you add '0s' to the back eg 10³=1000 if the power is negative e.g10^-3 add to the front and a decimal e.g 0.001

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 2.7\times 10^3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 27\times 10^{-1}\times 10^3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 27\times 10^{-1+3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 27\times 10^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 27\time 100[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 2700[/tex]

What is 12x12 inch Square and 3/4 inch pixels?


120 inch pixels swuare

Theodore recently hired a contractor to do some necessary work. On the final bill, Theodore was charged a total of $715. $315 was listed for parts and the rest for labor. If the hourly rate for labor was $50, how many hours of labor was needed to complete the job?



Hours of labor needed  = 8 hour

Step-by-step explanation:


Amount total charged = $715

Listed amount = $315

Hourly rate for labor = $50


Hours of labor needed


Total amount of labour = Amount total charged - Listed amount

Total amount of labour = 715 - 315

Total amount of labour = $400

Hours of labor needed  = Total amount of labour / Hourly rate for labor

Hours of labor needed  = 400 / 50

Hours of labor needed  = 8 hour

) If a 480 pupils in a school are boys representing 80% of the school's enrolment . Find the total number of pupils in the school



Total student= 600

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x be the number of students

[tex]x \times \frac{80}{100} = 480 \\ = 480 \times \frac{10}{8} \\ x = 600[/tex]

Brainliest please~


Step-by-step explanation:

by taking total number of pupils x




will give brainliest!!! pls help with all questions


It would be a lot better if you zoomed in for these since it’s nearly impossible to read.
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