If you forget your privacy password what will you do if the ask this question what is the name of one of your teacher?​


Answer 1


you write the name of your primary school teacher

Answer 2

A security question is a form of the shared secret used as an authenticator. The answer to questions asked by the system is personalized and can be answered by you only.

What are security questions?

A security question is a form of the shared secret used as an authenticator. It is commonly used by banks, cable companies, and wireless providers as an extra security layer.

When you forget your privacy password, the system tries to help you to get your password back or reset it. But for this, it needs to make sure that it's you. Therefore, whenever you set a privacy password for the first time the system also asks you a few questions these questions are known as security questions and are present in the system for such situations. Therefore, the answer to questions asked by the system is personalized and can be answered by you only.

Learn more about the Security Questions:



Related Questions

write a short note about applications of computer



Computer is very effective machine which can be used for teaching, learning, online bill payment, watching TV, home tutoring, social media access , playing games, internet access, etc. It also provides us to communicate with our friends and relatives although, they are in corner of world......

De que se dio cuenta el sol al participar de la limpieza de playas?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es ls siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, ni tampoco anexas algún contexto, lectura, libro artículo para poder responder, tratando de ayudarte hicimos una profunda investigación y podemos comentarte lo siguiente.

¿De que se dio cuenta el sol al participar de la limpieza de playas?

El Sol se dio cuenta de que desafortunadamente, los humanos no cuidan los océanos ya que tiran mucha basura y desperdicios al mar. Por lo tanto, lo contaminan.

Por esa razón, el Sol hizo una reflexión. La reflexión fu en el sentido del grado de daño que estamos provocando al mar y al medio ambiente en general. Lo estamos dañando.

Esto nos afecta a todos en mayor o menor grado porque el humano depende totalmente del medio ambiente y de la naturaleza. Aquí es donde la conciencia social debe hacer un alto para reflexionar y preguntarse hasta cuándo resistirá el medio ambiente tanta daño que se le ha provocado. La conciencia social debe crear un comportamiento social que actúo inmediatamente para proteger a la naturaleza, los mares, los ríos, los lagos, las selvas, los bosques, los desiertos, las tundras, los animales.

El ser humano depende de esos ecosistemas, y si los seguimos contaminando, estaremos acelerando nuestra destrucción. Debemos proteger el medio ambiente y crear una mayor conciencia en la importancia de la responsabilidad social.

A firm would be most likely to establish an enterprise portal if it wanted to Multiple Choice prevent outsiders from using its information network. allow users to access different areas of its network depending on their relationship to the firm. prevent viruses from being downloaded from the company's website. search for hidden patterns and unknown relationships among data stored in different information systems.



prevent outsiders from using its information network.


The firm would use a portal to create a network or intranet for all its information because only employees would have access to it.

What is a compiler?
a tool used to integrate multiple software programs
a tool used to extract a single software program from an integrated collection of programs
a computer software application that translates binary computer machine language into a computer programming language
a computer software application that translates a computer programming language into a binary computer machine language



A computer software application that translates a computer programming language into a binary computer machine language


ita in the answer




im god

Your knowledge of algorithms helps you obtain an exciting job with the Acme Computer Company, along with a $10,000 signing bonus. You decide to invest this money with the goal of maximizing your return at the end of 10 years. You decide to use the Amalgamated Investment Company to manage your investments. Amalgamated Investments requires you to observe the following rules. It offers n different investments, numbered 1 through n. In each year j , investment i provides a return rate of rij . In other words, if you invest d dollars in investment i in year j , then at the end of year j, you have drij dollars. The return rates are guaranteed, that is, you are given all the return rates for the next 10 years for each investment. You make investment decisions only once per year. At the end of each year, you can leave the money made in the previous year in the same investments, or you can shift money to other investments, by either shifting money between existing investments or moving money to a new investement. If you do not move your money between two consecutive years, you pay a fee of f1 dollars, whereas if you switch your money, you pay a fee of f2 dollars, where f2 > f1.

a) The problem, as stated, allows you to invest your money in multiple investments in each year. Prove that there exists an optimal investment strategy that, in each year, puts all the money into a single investment. (Recall that an optimal investment strategy maximizes the amount of money after 10 years and is not concerned with any other objectives, such as minimizing risk.)

b) Prove that the problem of planning your optimal investment strategy exhibits optimal substructure.

c) Design an algorithm that plans your optimal investment strategy. What is the running time of your algorithm?

d) Suppose that Amalgamated Investments imposed the additional restriction that, at any point, you can have no more than $15,000 in any one investment. Show that the problem of maximizing your income at the end of 10 years no longer exhibits optimal substructure.





i was able to solve the question :))



ill take the points anyway


Question 1 of 30
Match each type of tax with an example of its use.
Consumption tax
10% on profits from the
sale of a house
Capital gains tax
6% tax on all sales
Excise tax
$5 tax on a cable
television line
Payroll tax
15% tax to pay for Social


it’s exercise tax $5 tax on a cable television line

hope this helped

~ mo

Capital gains tax - 10% profits from sale of the house

Consumption tax - 6% tax on all sales

Excise tax - 5$ tax on cable tv line

Payroll tax - 15% tax to pay for social security

What is a status update?

A. An automatic enhancement to a computer's performance

B. Any new software that can be downloaded for free

C. A short post in which users write what they are doing

D. A news flash that announces new government posts


It should be letter c i hope this help let me know if you need help
the correct answer should be C above ^

Write a program to input value of three sides, to check triangle is triangle is possible to form of not​




import java.util.Scanner;

public class KboatTriangleAngle


  public static void main(String args[]) {

      Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

      System.out.print("Enter first angle: ");

      int a1 = in.nextInt();

      System.out.print("Enter second angle: ");

      int a2 = in.nextInt();

      System.out.print("Enter third angle: ");

      int a3 = in.nextInt();

      int angleSum = a1 + a2 + a3;


      if (angleSum == 180 && a1 > 0 && a2 > 0 && a3 > 0) {

          if (a1 < 90 && a2 < 90 && a3 < 90) {

              System.out.println("Acute-angled Triangle");


          else if (a1 == 90 || a2 == 90 || a3 == 90) {

              System.out.println("Right-angled Triangle");


          else {

              System.out.println("Obtuse-angled Triangle");



      else {

          System.out.println("Triangle not possible");





Since the rules cannot address all circumstances, the Code includes a conceptual framework approach for members to use to evaluate threats to compliance. Using this framework, Group of answer choices the first step is to discuss the threat with the client's management team. safeguards can be used to eliminate any threat. all threats must be completely eliminated. more than one safeguard may be necessary.



more than one safeguard may be necessary.


The conceptual framework can be used to developed as well as construct through a process of the qualitative analysis. The approach includes the in the frameworks for identifying and evaluating the threats to compliance with the rules.

But since the rules formed cannot always address all the circumstances, the Code includes to evaluate the threats to the compliance of more than one safeguards that are necessary.

Return a version of the given string, where for every star (*) in the string the star and the chars immediately to its left and right are gone. So "ab*cd" yields "ad" and "ab**cd" also yields "ad". starOut("ab*cd") → "ad" starOut("ab**cd") → "ad" starOut("sm*eilly") → "silly"




The following code is written in Java and uses a for loop with a series of IF ELSE statements to check the next and previous characters in a string. Checking to make sure that there are no asterix. If so it adds that character to the String variable output. Which is returned to the user at the end of the method. Two test cases have been created and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {




   public static String starOut(String str) {

       String output = "";

       for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {

           if ((i != 0) && (i != str.length()-1)) {

               if ((str.charAt(i-1) != '*') && (str.charAt(i+1) != '*') && (str.charAt(i) != '*')) {

                   output += str.charAt(i);


           } else {

               if ((i == 0) && (str.charAt(i) != '*') && (str.charAt(i+1) != '*')) {

                   output += str.charAt(i);

               } else if ((i == str.length()-1) && (str.charAt(i) != '*') && (str.charAt(i-1) != '*')) {

                   output += str.charAt(i);




       return output;



list three social implications of the wider range of piracy​



Street prices are affected by the extent of illegal commercial copying. The availability of inexpensive, high-quality illegal copies reduces the demand for legal copies to the extent that some users buy illegal copies instead of legal ones.

how to convert binary number into decimal number​



Multiplying by 2


The binary num number to decimal conversion is made by making the sum of each binary digits multiplying by 2 with raised to the power of the positional notation of digits .

Hope it is helpful to you



The decimal number is equal to the sum of binary digits (dn) times their power of 2 (2n):

decimal = d0×20 + d1×21 + d2×22 + ...

Example #1.SEE,

Find the decimal value of 1110012:

binary number: 1 1 1 0 0 1

power of 2: 25 24 23 22 21 20

1110012 = 1⋅25+1⋅24+1⋅23+0⋅22+0⋅21+1⋅20 = 5710



How to save a file for the first time?​



i have the website version of word but you want to click file and save as then click whatever option you need to personly if you are submitting online i download it to my computer then I will submit it from downloads. thats how i do it

An open area is one that has something in the path of travel that blocks the continuation of travel in that lane. a) True b) False 2 Questions 2 A driver's emotions usually have no impacton his or her ability to effectively implement a search system. a) True b) False 3 Question 3 Glare is enhanced by heat and impairs a driver's visibility. a) True b) False 4 Question 4 A driver must maintain which of the following to ensure implementation of an effective space management system



Question 1. B) False

Question 2. B) False

Question 3. A) True

Question 4.

a) Looking ahead

b) Lookout for hazards

c) Focus on the big picture

d) Ensure visibility of her or his vehicle

e) Always have an exit route for safety


Question 1. An open area or condition is a availability of a large area space to drive unrestricted. In an open area, the road ahead is open space and there is continuation of the lane of travel and there is nothing that blocks the road

Therefore, the correct option is B) False

Question 2. A drivers emotion such as anger has remarkable influence on the behavior while driving such that it can impact on his or her ability for appropriate search system implementation which is response based

Therefore, the correct option is B) False

Question 3. Glare sensation is exacerbated by the presence of increased heat, an obstructs the view

Therefore, the correct option is A) True

Question 4. Effective space management is implemented by a driver through;

a) Looking ahead of the vehicles n front

b) Maintaining constant lookout for hazards

c) Ensure that the big picture is in focus

d) Ensure that the vehicle he or she is driving can be seen

e) Ensure that an escape route is always available

A friend was just promoted to a new job that requires part-time travel, and he has also been promised a new laptop after his first month with the company. He needs an easy way to disconnect and reconnect all his peripheral devices to his old laptop. Devices include two external monitors (one HDMI, one DVI), a USB wireless mouse, USB wireless keyboard, Ethernet network, USB printer, headphones, and microphone. He has a budget of $100. What kind of device would best suit his needs



usb-c hub


In this specific scenario, his best option would be a usb-c hub. This is a fairly cheap device which he can get one of many variations for less than $100. This device connects through a single USB-C port on the computer and has multiple USB ports on the hub. This allows you to connect all of your devices to the hub and connect/disconnect all of them instantly from the single USB-C cable connected to the laptop. Thanks to the new USB-C technology these hubs now usually include both HDMI and DVI inputs.

A college student borrowed his roommate's notebook computer without permission because he needed to write a term paper that was due the next day. While the computer was sitting open on the student's desk overnight, a water pipe in the ceiling began leaking and water dripped down on the computer, rendering it inoperable. A computer repair service estimated that it would cost $500 to repair all the damaged components. At the time it was damaged, the computer was worth $700. If the roommate sues the student for the damage caused to the computer, what will be the extent of his recovery


Answer: $700


Based on the information given in the question, if the roommate sues the student for the damage caused to the computer, the extent of his recovery will be $700.

In this scenario, the student has committed a conversion as the right of possession of the roommate's computer was interfered with by the student as he took it without the roommate's permission, which later sustained damage that was more than 70% of the computer's value. In such case, the extent of the recovery will be the fair market value which is $700.

You work for a retail clothing chain whose primary outlets are in shopping malls and are conducting an analysis of your customers and their preferences. You wish to find out if there are any particular activities that your customers engage in, or the types of purchases made in the month before or after purchasing select items from your store. To do this, you will want to use the data mining software you are using to do which of the following?
a. Identify clusters
b. Identify sequences
c. Classify data
d. Identify associations


Answer: Identifying sequences


Since the user wants to know if there are any particular activities that the customers engage in, or the types of purchases made in the month before or after purchasing select items from your store, therefore, the data mining software can be used in identifying sequences.

In this case, the data mining software can't be used in classifying data whether into structured or unstructured data. Furthermore, the identification of clusters and associations aren't the correct answers.

Therefore, the best option is B.

can someone please tell me the name of some of the best driving simulator games?​



Editor's Pick: Assetto Corsa. Assetto Corsa is a highly regarded racing game with a realistic force feedback feel.

Project Cars 2.

Gran Turismo Sport.

F1 2019.

Dirt Rally.


write difference between dvd r and dvd ram( Any 3 points or any a little big paraph for test)



Following are the differences two the given questions:



DVD-R is a common DVD recordable media that seems like a conventional DVD, and it can only be used once for writing data or analyzing information many times.It is identical to a regular DVD, however, it can be used to record data like a CD-R. Once a DVD-R is "burned," it cannot be read to anymore.There is a 650 nm range recording, nicknamed "Authoring DVD-R." "DVD-R for general" is another format with protection against duplicating, which records at 635 nm. Whilst DVD-R(a) and DVD-R(g) may read forms of one another, they cannot write formats of each other.


This is a technology for optical DVD storage where the information may be read, deleted & written constantly.It offers outstanding integrity of data, preservation, and avoidance of damages that can be used for basic storing data, data preservation, or data backup.Those disc drives can indeed be frequently recorded and deleted, and only compatible with DVD-RAM format devices produced by corporations.

Which of the following statements about RAID is correct? Group of answer choices All RAID configurations provide fault tolerance for up to one disk failure A RAID 1 configuration of 4 disks has higher storage capacity than a RAID 0 configuration RAID 5 allows up to two disk failures During a RAID 5 disk failure, read performance is not impacted A RAID 1 configuration of four 1TB disks has a storage capacity of 2TB



A RAID 1 configuration of 4 disks has higher storage capacity than a RAID 0 configuration


Redundant Array of Independent Disks(RAID) are multiple physical drives arranged in logical units to provide data redundancy and increased performance. They are

RAID 1 configuration duplicates data storage, albeit of lower performance than RAID 0. Also called disk mirroring because it mirrors data on two or more disks, it provides at least two drives that are used interchangeably or together.

A RAID 1 is the configuration of the 4 disks that has higher storage capacity than a RAID 0 configuration. This option A is correct.

What is the RAID ?

The RAID is a redundant array of the inexpensive disks and refers to the storage visualization technology that combines multiple physical disk drives. Its contract with earlies highly reliable mainframe disk drives.

The RAID one needs mini of two physical drives as the data is given simultaneously in two places. These drives are mirror images as ne fails the other can take over.

Find out more information about the RAID.


Joe a frequent visitor to a branch office attempts to connect his tablet to the office wireless network but is unable to connect to the internet even though he has verified that the SSID and password are correct. Joe attempts to connect to a coworkers hotspot but is still unable to connect to the internet.What is the cause of the issue?



Airplane mode has been set on the tablet.


Joe a frequent visitor to a branch office attempts to connect his tablet to the office wireless network but is unable to connect to the internet even though he has verified that the SSID and password are correct. Joe attempts to connect to a coworker's hotspot but is still unable to connect to the internet.

This is because the Airplane mode has been set on the tablet.

power point is hardware or software​



PowerPoint is the standard forms of software platform. It contains the CPU, memory, expansion slots and all the controllers required to control standard hardware devices.




because it's a computer software created by Microsoft which allows the user to create slides for the users.

what is local technology ? give examples​



the technologynwhich is used in our locality os calleg local technology

ex. biogas farm , modern methods of 1transport etc

How can the Column settings be accessed?

Layout tab, Page Setup group
Layout tab, Paragraph group
Layout tab, Arrange group
Design tab, Document Formatting group


Your answer would be LAYOUT TAB, PAGE SETUP OR GROUP

write a note on antispyware progrmaes?​


Answer: See explanation


Spyware refers to the software that has

a malicious behavior which gathers information about an individual or organization and then sends the information gathered to another entity which is used in causing harms to the user such as the privacy violation of the user.

Antispyware programmes are also called the spyware removal tools and they're the software which are used in the detection of harmful spyware which are then removed from the system. Examples include Avira, Norton, Avast, McAfee etc.


Anti-spyware software is a type of program designed to prevent and detect unwanted spyware program installations and to remove those programs if installed. Detection may be either rules-based or based on downloaded definition files that identify currently active spyware programs.

How can you create a safe and secure password? Choose a password unassociated with your personal history. Choose the same password for every account you open. Choose a password consisting entirely of numbers. Choose two passwords and combine them into one.



Choose a password unassociated with your personal history.


Zoe needs to ensure that a larger spreadsheet fits on a single page. How can she achieve this?

Orientation settings
Margin settings
Collation settings
Label settings


Answer: Orientation settings


Zoe's problem can be solved if she went to orientation settings in the Page layout tab and changed the page orientation from portrait to landscape. This would rotate the page 90° to the right.

The new orientation would provide more space for the information contained in the spreadsheet and would be ideal for a scenario where there are a lot more columns that rows.

Chris needs to modify the default bullets that are used in a nonnumbered list in Word.

Which method should he use?

Select the arrow next to the bullet list option in the Paragraph group.
Select the arrow next to the number list option in the Paragraph group.
Use the Styles group on the Home tab.
This cannot be done.



Select the arrow next to the bullet list option in the Paragraph group.


This allows you to decide what shape of bullets you would like to have.

Hope this helps!

Note: I personally recommend using stars :)

Select four tasks associated with operating system maintenance. Cleaning inside the computer Defragmenting the hard drive Deleting temporary files Removing device drivers Organizing data Updating malware Removing partitions



Cleaning inside the computer

Defragmenting the hard drive

Deleting temporary files

Organizing data


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