if your results support the hypothesis when it becomes


Answer 1
if your hypothesis is supported then good job! you made a good hypothesis. next you should collect your results and put them into a table to share

Related Questions

In a certain breed of dog, the alleles B and b determine black and brown coats respectively. However, the allele Q of a gene on a separate chromosome is epistatic to the B and b color alleles resulting in a gray coat (q has no effect on color). If animals of genotype B/b ; Q/q are intercrossed, what phenotypic ratio is expected in the progeny



12 gray , 3 black, 1 brown


If Q allele of a gene on a separate chromosomes is epistatic to the B (black) and b (brown) color alleles, in cross between two animals with genotypes BbQq produces 12 gray coat color, 3 black coat color and 1 brown coat color animals.

                                        BbQq      x      BbQq

                                   Gray coat        Gray coat

                   BQ                  Bq                 bQ                 bq

   BQ    BBQQ(gray)  BBQq(gray)   BbQQ(gray)   BbQq(gray)

   Bq     BBQq(gray)   BBqq(Black)  BbQq(gray)   Bbqq(Black)

   bQ     BbQQ(gray)  BbQq(gray)   bbQQ(gray)   bbQq(gray)

   bq     BbQq(Gray)   Bbqq(Black)  bbQq(gray)    bbqq(brown)

So the phenotypic ratio is  Gray : Black : Brown

                                        =      12  :      3   :      1

root (b) A sugarcane is monocotyledon; therefore it has _______________________ root​



it has fibrious roots


it has fibrious root because it has monocot leaf so, if there was decot leaf then it will be tap root

In terms of the hierarchical scales of biological organization, __1__ are a very large scale, __2__ are a very small scale, and __3__ is between them.



ecosystem, and biosphere

organelle and cells

tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities,


In terms of the hierarchical scales of biological organization, ecosystem, and biosphere are a very large scale,  organelle and cells are a very small scale, and tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations and communities, are present between them. The biological levels of organization of living things arranged from the simplest to most complex are organelle, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystem, and biosphere.

Which one of the following would be inhibited by a well-designed antiviral drug? Cell wall synthesis Viral binding to human cells Virus assembly outside of the infected cell Translation of host cell RNAs​


Viral binding to human cells is inhibited by the antiviral drug.

Well-designed antiviral drug inhibited Viral binding to human cells so that the virus can't get the place of attachment and unable to use the cell's machinery for its growth and multiplication. In this way, the humans can be prevented from having the viral infection. There are some other mechanisms also used by the antiviral drug to inhibit the growth of virus in the human body such as uncoating of virus and synthesis of new viral components.


Which of the following is considered a Time/Temperature control for safety (TCS) food?


Please give options to answer your question.
What are the option choices?

What are the roles of quality, policy and objectives in the University? (Answer in 300 words)​


The role of quality policy and objectives in the university is to define the purpose and strategic direction followed by the school authorities.

The quality policy is usually written in a brief statement which describes the vision, mission and the objective of the university. The importance (roles) of quality policy and objectives in an university includes:

Establishing a quality policy makes its known that the university operates with ethical standards that should not be disobeyed.It serves as a requirement for any formalized quality management system.It can serve as a way to drive passion for cultural change within an organisation (university)It serves as a reminder to both employees and students of the university about their commitment to quality.

Learn more here:


Some of the largest mountains in the world, including the Himalayas, occur where

Select one:

two oceanic plates diverge.

two continental plates converge.

an oceanic and a continental plate diverge.

an oceanic and a continental plate converge.



b. two continental plates converse

What is the first stage of metamorphosis?





innner metamorphasis started


Larva Pls mark brainliest


In an experiment, a small dialysis bag is filled with a 20% salt solution. It is placed in a
beaker filled with a 40% salt solution. Assuming that water can pass through the
small pores of the dialysis bag, whereas the large salt molecules cannot, what will
happen to the size of the dialysis bag?



The bag will get smaller


Osmosis can be defined as the process of diffusion or movement of water molecules across a semipermeable membrane from an area of higher concentration of water (i.e., lower concentration solution) to a lower concentration of water. For example, in cells, there are specialized pores called 'aquaporins' which are membrane proteins that form channels to transport water molecules by facilitated diffusion. In this case, the outside of the bag has a higher salt concentration than inside, thereby water molecules will move by facilitated diffusion through pores from inside to outside the bag.

Which structure would you not find in a prokaryotic cell?



you won't find the nucleus in prokaryotic cells

Answer: Membrane-bound organelles


10. Why may that person be innocent of the alleged crime?
That person can be innocent because


No evidence or they may have an alibi

The following offspring were observed from many crossings of the same pea plants. What genotypes were the parents?
465 purple axial flowers
152 purple terminal flowers
140 white axial flowers
53 white terminal flowers
a) PpAa x PpAA
b) PpAa x PpAa
c) PpAa x ppAA
d) PPAA x ppaa
e) PPaa x ppAA




Explanation: the genotype is the same

Cross between same pea plants for many generations having genotype PpAa x PpAa because after crossing over parents character having a large number of phenotype in offspring, hence a is the correct option.

What is a genotype?

The term "genotype" ranges to an organism's genetic makeup, in other words, it describes an organism's whole gene. The term can also be used to refer to the alleles, or variant forms of a gene, that an organism carries in a more specific meaning.

When crossing of particular traits having genotype PpAa x PpAa because after crossing over parents' character having a large number of phenotypes in offspring.

The genotype of a person is their own DNA sequence. More specifically, the two alleles a person inherited for a particular gene are referred to using this term.

Therefore genotype parents  PpAa x PpAa offspring have a large number of traits the same as parents and a low number of new traits.

Learn more about genotype, here:



Which of the following groups includes a protozoan that is transmitted sexually?






Which of the following is a distinction between Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes?
Ascomycetes form a sac around the sexual spores.
Ascomycetes have zygotes.
Ascomycetes release basidiospores.
Basidiomycetes form a shell around the sexual spores.
Basidiomycetes release conidiospores.

Which of the following is a specialized structure that would contain food ingested by phagocytosis?
Oral groove

Which part of a mushroom would be eaten?








Ascomycetes have zygotes



Ascomycetes have zygotes which is the main distinction between Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes. Mycelium is a part of mushroom that is edible and can be eaten. Mycelium is the vegetative part of a fungus that consist of a mass of branching, thread-like hyphae. Hypha is a long, branching, filamentous body of mushroom as well as oomycete and actinobacteria. Hyphae are the primary mode of vegetative growth of fungi which is generally known as mycelium so mycelium is the edible part of mushroom.

Cellular respiration produces


The products of cellular respiration are ATP, oxygen and water

1. An oral examination limits the practitioner to knowledge of what is seen clinically.
a. True
b. False

2. Dental radiographs allow the practitioner to see many conditions that are not apparent clinically.
a. True
b. False



1. True.

2. True.


Diagnostic testing can be defined as a scientific process that typically involves identifying a condition or its cause through a series of procedures and examination.

In Medicine, a diagnostic test can be used to identify a disease (sickness) or cause of symptoms.

This ultimately implies that, a diagnostic test avails medical professionals or experts the opportunity to identify illnesses and underlying causes of symptoms.

1. True: an oral examination limits the ability of a medical professional or expert (practitioner) to have knowledge of what is seen clinically.

2. True: dental radiographs is an equipment which allow a medical professional or expert (practitioner) to see many conditions that are not apparent clinically.

Explain in detail what caused the population of peppered moths to change from mostly light-colored variations to mostly dark-colored variations in the 1800s. Explain how the peppered moth mutation is an example of natural selection. Explain what would happen to the populations of both variations of peppered moth once the pollution disappeared. Determine which variation of the peppered moth would be more successful in your neighborhood, and explain in detail your reasoning supporting your conclusion. Predict what may happen to the population of peppered moths if they were relocated to a lush, green rainforest ecosystem. How would this impact natural selection and their struggle to survive?



Natural selection caused the population of peppered moths to change from mostly light-colored variations to mostly dark-colored variations in the 1800s. Pepper colored moths camouflaged among trees but after industrial revolution the couldn't because of soot, which camouflaged black moths; hence, they were preyed upon more.

What is the classification of Ubiquitin Screening Services?

Creative Bioarray offers a wide range of cell-based ubiquitin drug target services, including deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) profiling services, inducible degrader of LDLR (IDOL)-E3 ligase assays, custom HTS-compatible assays, and so on.




Creative Biogene is a leading company offering the best ubiquitin screening and profiling services. As a well-known expert in this field, our talented scientists provide support, expertise, experience, collaboration and customization to meet your specific demands. Creative Biogene is dedicated to offering a range of state-of-the-art ubiquitin assays services to support the rapidly growing academic and commercial drug discovery interests in this field.

What is DNA??????????



DNA, short for deoxyribonucleic acid, is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms. This includes animals, plants, protists, archaea and bacteria. DNA is in each cell in the organism and tells cells what proteins to make. ... DNA is inherited by children from their parents.


DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is a molecule present in the nucleus of cells of all living beings and that carries all the genetic information of an organism.

It is formed by a spiral-shaped double strand (double helix), composed of nucleotides.

How does energy acquisition in the deep sea differ from energy acquisition near the ocean’s surface?
Organisms in the deep sea acquire energy directly from the sun.
Organisms near the ocean’s surface rely on chemosynthesis rather than photosynthesis.
Organisms in the deep sea do not have direct access to sunlight.
Organisms in the deep sea have no means to obtain energy unless they travel to the ocean’s surface.



Organisms in the deep sea acquire energy directly from the sun.

How does the central bank Control branch ​



Central banks control and manipulate the national money supply: issuing currency and setting interest rates on loans and bonds.


To ensure a nation's economy remains healthy, its central bank regulates the amount of money in circulation. Influencing interest rates, printing money, and setting bank reserve requirements are all tools central banks use to control the money supply.

Eutrophication occurs when excess nutrients are supplied to a region, leading to an algae bloom and ultimately ______
A. Coral bleaching
B. Ocean deoxygenation
C. Ocean acidification
D. Overfishing



The correct answer is - B. Ocean deoxygenation.


Eutrophication is the process in which a water body gets excessively rich in nutrients that leads to the algal growth or plankton growth in this region and covers the complete surface or most of the water body.

Due to this algal and plankton growth, there is a significant decrease in the concentration of the dissolved oxygen in water bodies that result in the incapability of supporting the lives found in it. The primary and main reason for this deoxygenation is eutrophication. Ocean deoxygenation is the reduction of the oxygen concentration of the oceans.

Please read the article Why Cats Have Nine Lives by Jared Diamond. Our analysis did not attempt to
answer the question of "Why" cats survive they way they do from different heights. What are some of
the assumptions the author makes that he uses in an attempt to answer this new question?


The author assumes that the question can be answered by applying principles of anatomy, physics and evolutionary biology. First reason he suggests is that cats are small and they have a favourable mass-surface area ratio. Next, he suggests that cats have soft tissues that absorb the shock and they land on all four limbs, dividing the shock. This is because of their body shape and its centre of gravity. He says that felines have this kind of body structure (that canines lack) because years of falling from trees etc. has evolved their body in this way.

The following assumptions that stem from the Straightforward theory were used by the author to explain why cats have nine lives. They include;

The larger mass of bigger animals causes more impact stress on landing.The unique vestibular systems of the cats and the gyroscopic turns they make that have their four feet pointing downwards before landing.The cats reach terminal velocity faster and extend their limbs reflexly to absorb the shock from the fall.The dissipation of the impact force due to their flexed limbs.Lastly, their evolutionary history that has seen them falling from trees frequently over the years.

In his article, Jared Diamond profers several reasons why he believes that cats tend to suffer fewer injuries and fatalities after falling from different heights.

He believes that their mass which is lower in comparison to humans makes it possible for them to not suffer much impact force on landing.

The gyroscopic turns they make before landing makes it easier for them to land on their four feet thus suffering fewer injuries to the arms.

Their evolutionary history is another factor. Over the years, they have adapted so well to falling from heights.

Learn more here:


What are the main structural supports for the vertebrae



Intervertebral Discs


Between each vertebral body is a cushion; the intervertebral disc. Discs absorb stresses the body incurs during movement and prevents vertebrae from grinding against one another. The intervertebral discs are the largest structures in the body without a vascular supply


The dorsal hollow nerve cord


The dorsal hollow nerve cord develops into the central nervous system;the brain and spine

Name Earth’s layers in order



Crust – 5 to 70 km thick

Mantle – 2,900 km thick

Outer Core – 2,200 km thick

Inner Core – 1,230 to 1,530 km thick

A characteristic is a feature that helps to identify something. How would you describe a characteristic of a good movie or book?


- descriptive language (book)
- interesting plot
- fitting sound effects/lighting (movie)
- conflict
- pictures

Which of the following best compares the male and female reproductive structures of a gymnosperm?
a. Gymnosperms produce flowers, and the male stamens produce pollen that fertilizes the egg inside the female ovule.
b. Gymnosperms produce male cones and female cones, and the pollen from a male cone fertilizes the egg inside a female cone.
c. Gymnosperms have male sporangia and female archegonia, and spores fertilize eggs contained inside the embryo sac to form zygotes.
d. Gymnosperms exist as male and female gametophytes, and the male plant produces spores that fertilize eggs inside the female archegonia.



B.Gymnoperms produce male cones and female cones, and the pollen from a male cone fertilizes the egg inside a female cone.

Select all that apply.
are disease-causing microorganisms
cannot be treated
can be fatal
m are only bacteria


Pathogens are:
Diseases-causing microorganisms
Can be fatal (just some of them)
Are only bacteria (there are some nonpathogenic bacteria that lives in the large intestines but 90% are just bacteria, viruses and fungus which bring diseases to its host)
They can be treated with antibodies

what is The Catalys?​



A catalyst is a chemical substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction at any given conditions.

dna is located in the what of the cell and makes up what found there


Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA). Mitochondria are structures within cells that convert the energy from food into a form that cells

yinto uxinzelelo lwengqondo?​



ni se la respuesta estoy respondiendo sólo para ganar puntos

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