II. Fill in each gap with one suitable word
There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my younger sister (1)______me. My
father is a doctor. My father has a full-time job in a big company. (2)_________ both of them are
busy (3)________their work, my parents always try their best to be with their (4)________ as
much as possible and join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home.
Every morning we often get up early to have (5)_________ together before my parents go to
work and we go to school. My mother is a considerate and caring woman. She is always the
(6)__________ one to get up in the morning to prepare breakfast for all of us. After work she
(7)_________ to the market and hurries home, then my father and I help her to cook meals. We
talk merrily (8)________ the meals and feel happy together. At weekends we often have dinner
out or sometimes we go on a picnic.
My younger sister and I always help mom with the housework: cleaning the house,
(9)__________ the dishes, or cooking. Both of us want to give my parents the best things we can
do and we all try to study to (10)__________ our parents.
I think my home is a place where we can share our happiness and sadness


Answer 1
and and with and be with mesome breakfast and be helps usgoes andwithbe like

Related Questions

Think about the obstacles people overcome to attain a dream or a goal and why dreams are so valuable to many people.

Write an essay explaining why dreams and goals are valuable.

Be sure to—

clearly state your thesis
organize and develop your ideas effectively
choose your words carefully
edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling




When pursuing your life goals, certain external obstacles may exist that prevent a person from attaining their dreams. These obstacles may include not having sufficient resources, dealing with a family crisis or struggling with an illness. However, there are times when it is people, themselves, who are limitations to their own success. Sometimes pursuing a dream requires a person to move out of their own way.

You may be that person who has dreams but have become your own hindrance. While you may have dibbled and dabbled in your pursuits, you have never really “gone all out.” You have thought of great ideas only to later push them under the rug. You may need to ask yourself: What’s really hold holding me back?

The following are four major obstacles, or should I say, self-imposed obstacles, that hinders a person’s pursuit of their dreams. Identifying these obstacles will allow you to take the necessary steps to overcome them

1. She asked me where I_____________ from.
A. come B. coming C. to come D. came 2. I asked Martha________ to enter law school.






1. She asked me where I came from.


For the second question the options were not listed.

The author mentions the fire train to



the last option make better sense

The author mentions the fire train to encourage the rebuilding of the tunnel to better deal with emergencies. Thus option (D) is correct.

Who is an author?

An author is one who is the source of some form of intellectual or creative work; especially, one who composes a book, article, poem, play, or other literary work intended for publication.

Usually a distinction is made between an author and others (such as a compiler, an editor, or a translator) who assemble, organize, or manipulate literary materials.

Sometimes, however, the title of author is given to one who compiles material (as for publication) in such a way that the finished compilation can be regarded as a relatively original work.

The author mentions the fire train to encourage the rebuilding of the tunnel to better deal with emergencies. Therefore, option (D) is correct.

Learn more about an author here:



help please helpppppp​


1) a, 2) c, 3) b, 4) a 5) b, 6) a, 7) b, 8) c, 9) b, 10) b, 11) a, 12) c

hope that helps :)


1 - a

2 - c

3 - a

4 - a

5 - b

6 - a

7 - b

8 - c

9 - b

10 - c

11 - a

12 - c


Lisa: Hi, Mike! I haven't seen you for ages!

Mike: I know! I went on a trip to New York City and I was just coming back. Have you ever been there?

Lisa: No, I don't like big cities. There are usually too many people and there's too much noise.

Mike: I love New York! If you walk around the city you will find some great places to eat and things to see. And I went to a few jazz concerts, too.

Lisa: Where are you going to visit next?

Mike: I'm not sure, I might go to Beijing and Shanghai.

Lisa: That sounds great. If you go will you let me know?

Mike: Sure!

bolt from the blue,



huh what is that what i gonna be choose ??

Guys Help I will pay you 50 dollars if you answer the question

My Qustion was can any one make a myth and write right now about thunderstorm ​



Thunderstorm are actually Zeus's Farts


When he farts is summons the power within his body and releases that godly power in him out of his body

Your class will like to visit an important and interesting place.write to the one in charge of the place and give three reason why you want to visit the place​






scripts for Black Lives Matter!
I need help!



Here is one script for Black Lives Matter regarding a kid named Trayvon.


Five years ago today, a teenage boy

went out for a snack but never made it

home to his loving family. A grown man

took it upon himself to patrol his neigh-

borhood and to shoot dead an unarmed,

unassuming boy. Not only did a mother

have to bury her young son, but she now

watches his killer walk the streets free—

free to brag about killing Trayvon, and

free to commit more acts of violence.

We need to #TalkAboutTrayvon because,

five years later, there are still no conse-

quences when adults wave their guns

around at Black and Brown kids. Police

continue to mistreat, terrorize, and even

murder boys and girls of color, and then

walk free. We need to #TalkAboutTray-

von, share pictures of his sweet face,

and remind each other what we continue

to lose when we uphold a system that

won’t punish people who kill Black chil-

dren and adults. We are not only losing

wonderful people—we are losing our


White communities are used to con-

sciously and unconsciously maintaining

the racist policies and practices that

led to Trayvon’s death—and, as white

people, we must speak out against

those policies and practices. When we

remain silent and on the sidelines, we

are complicit in maintaining these unjust

systems. Our work is to get more white

people who support us to take action

toward racial justice—and to change the

hearts and minds of those white people

who are not yet with us.

When we #TalkAboutTrayvon, we tell

grieving parents that we see them and

acknowledge their pain. When we #Talk-

AboutTrayvon, we tell Black children that

we are not afraid of them—we are only

afraid they won’t get the bright future

they deserve.

He got the medicine yesterday. (into Yes/No question).​



Did he got the medicine yesterday?


i dont know if its right..but i just know.

please help me with this :



help you with what??????????????????????

Find and correct the mistake
1. The children did their homework when their father came back from the office. 2. He played the guitar when someone opened the window and threw out a bucket of water. ​



1. The children were doing their homework when their father came back from the office.

2. He was playing the guitar when someone opened the window and threw out a bucket of water.

Explain Adverbs in about 30 to 50 words



An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as their adjective counterparts.



An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella).


In the story The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street how does the woman's description of les's activities increased tension and deepen the conflict?


Answer and Explanation:

Les Goodman is a character in the episode The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, a graphic novel adapted from the 1959 Twilight Zone film. In the story, Les is suspected to be an alien because according to his neighbors he is quite the odd one. The suspicion is further skyrocketed by a woman's accusation, citing that she had often seen him standing at the garden alone at night looking up to the sky like he was waiting or looking for something.


Read this sentence.

The huge crowd clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed.

Which answer adds a *participial phrase* to the sentence?

A. The huge crowd listened intently and clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed.

B. The huge crowd, moved by the emotional concert, clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed.

C. The huge crowd clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed dramatically.

D. The huge crowd clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed, and they hoped for an encore.


A. The huge crowd listened intently and clapped enthusiastically when the musicians bowed.

Hope this helps you.^_^

*I am sure this is the answer.*

How can I write about buttons?

I need to write 1 or 2 pages of the document but I have no ideas how to start



Have you every looked at a sewing button? Do you know why it has them?-Explain with excitement and compare it to other buttons -Sewing button make a big impact when wear designing. -Explain features and why it's useful-If you have a sewing button, don't throw it away! -Persuade the reader, tell them the useful things and what it helps with.

Make sure to research on a informational textsUse creativity words and add storiesEnd the story with your POV and one sentence about buttons

I hope I've helped!

Read this amendment and answer the question that follows:

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay poll tax or other tax."—Twenty-fourth Amendment

What was the effect of this amendment?

It stopped states from preventing former slaves and poor people from voting.
It stopped any state from disallowing women to vote in national elections.
It allowed any state to charge a fee to someone who wished to vote.
It allowed states to limit who could vote by age, gender, or race.



It stopped states from preventing former slaves and poor people from voting.


Former slaves and poor people did not have the money to pay the poll taxes for voting. Since this amendment got rid of poll taxes, poor people, everyone does not have to pay to vote. This leads to more voting from the poor.

you play cricket,tag question ​



You play cricket, don't you?


you play cricket, don't you?



Yccr sna uoeahofr t hsit



Which of the following is NOT a good tip for creative writing?
A. Create a plan for your writing.
B. Make sure your vocabulary is appropriate for your audience.
C. Make sure your plot is well structured.
D. Use clichés and predictable expressions.





Clichés are phrases/opinions that are overused, meaning that it is very common. In creative writing, you need your OWN original thoughts, not common thoughts. Predictable expressions are believed as unoriginal, so you might want to avoid it.

Option D Use cliches and predictable expressions is NOT a good tip for creative writing.

What is creative writing?

Creative writing exists as a format of writing where creativity stands at the forefront of its meaning through using imagination, creativity, and creation to suggest a story via strong written visuals with an inspirational impact, like in poem writing, short story writing, and novel writing, and more.

Creative writing exists as any writing that goes outside the bounds of normal specialist, journalistic, academic, or technical conditions of literature, typically determined by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the usage of literary tropes or with different conventions of poetry and poetics.

A cliche exists as an element of an artistic work, speaking, or idea that has become overused to the point of losing its authentic meaning or consequence, even to the point of being trite or irritating, especially when at some earlier time it was deemed significant or novel.

The intention of predictability exists for an individual for whom it is easy to anticipate actions or something comfortable to foresee or anticipate what it will do.

Option D Use cliches and predictable expressions is NOT a good tip for creative writing.

To learn more about creative writing refer to:



According to the drafters of the Declaration of Independence, how did the
king prevent the colonial population from growing?



By creating laws that made acquiring land difficult.


The draftsmen write about King George III's abuses in the Declaration of Independence. "He has sought to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose, impeding the laws for foreigner citizenship, refusing to pass others to stimulate their migrations here, and raising the conditions of further allotment of lands," says number eight on the list. The National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS) is a think tank dedicated to constitutional issues.

In which of these presentations is it okay to use informal language?
A. Press announcement
B. Job interview presentation
C. Sales pitch
D. Political speech



Political speech is it okay to use informal language

Why might the Education section of an application for employment be beneficial to
someone with little to no work experience?


With a high enough education level or degree, it can be much easier for a new worker to enter the workforce at a much better job than a usual entry level job

There are_______
domains included in the Revised TN-ELDS.
C. 8



8 areas/domains


What informational text gives a detailed account of events?


Rhetorical Reading: Reread Leonheadt's "The Choice Between Kneeling and Winning" and your one sentence summary.

200-250 words, write a fair and neutral summary of the author's argument.

To do this, take your one sentence summary and flesh it out with more supporting ideas.

Your goal is to be as neutral and objective as possible by keeping your own response to the writers ideas out of your summary.

You also need to cover all the writer's main points

Can u plz answer and I think we need more info to answer this question

change this sentence into indirect speech,He came back with two plates and said,"I found these beside the learner's bed".​





He said he found these beside the learner's bed, as he came back with two plates.

what is the difference between single levers and linked levers​


a lever is a an object in itself. A linkage connects two objects/parts/pieces,

We suggest (watch) ………………. a horrible film. *





We suggest WATCHING a horrible film

The "-ing" form is used in progressive verb tenses with auxiliary verbs (helping verbs). In this case, suggest is the helping verb. So, the word “watch” will be combined with “ing”


we suggest (watch)............. a horrible film


ANSWER: we suggest ( watching ) a horrible film

change into indirect speech

" Are you going to the Darbar? Anu said to me. Let me join you. I want to look for some new album of pop music. I really enjoy Pop music. Do you also like it?"



anu said told me are you going to the darbar let me join you

You work for the federal reserve setting monetary policy. The United States economy is hocurrently in a recession, a period of economic slow-down. The country is experiencing high levels of unemployment and prices are starting to rise due to inflation. The overall GDP of country is falling rapidly, and there is no end in sight. Without intervention from the Fed, the United States could enter a period of economic depression.​

- describe three actions that the federal reserve could take in order to improve the economic outlook of the country.

- Explain how each action would impact the U.S. economy.

- Use details and examples to support your answer.



You work for the Federal Reserve setting Monetary Policy. The United States economy is currently in a recession, a period of economic slow-down. The country is experiencing high levels of unemployment and prices are starting to rise due to inflation. The overall GDP of the country is falling rapidly, and there is no end in sight. Without intervention from the Fed, the United States could enter a period of economic depression.

• Describe three actions that the Federal Reserve could take in order to improve the economic outlook of the country.

• Explain how each action would impact the U.S. economy.

• Use details and examples to supper your answer.

The federal reserve could, 1. Lower the discount rate, 2. Buy government securities and bonds, and 3. Lower the reserve requirement. Lowering the discount rate makes it cheaper for commercial banks to borrow money, which results in an increase in available credit and lending activity throughout the economy. Also, buying government securities and bonds would increase the money supply in the economy by swapping out bonds in exchange for cash to the general public. Conversely, if the Fed sells bonds, it decreases the money supply by removing cash from the economy in exchange for bonds. and finally lowering the reserve requirement lowers the amount of cash that banks are required to hold in reserves, allowing them to make more loans to consumers and businesses. This increases the nation's money supply and expands the economy. By doing this, the federal reserve could stimulate the economy back to a more stable state and stop or at least delay an economic depression.


here, feel free to replace some words if you would like

Read the excerpt from Gary Soto’s short story "Like Mexicans.”

My grandmother gave me bad advice and good advice when I was in my early teens. For the bad advice, she said that I should become a barber because they made good money and listened to the radio all day. “Honey, they don’t work como burros,” she would say every time I visited her. She made the sound of donkeys braying. “Like that, honey!” For the good advice, she said that I should marry a Mexican girl. “No Okies, hijo”—she would say— “Look, my son. He marry one and they fight every day about I don’t know what and I don’t know what.” For her, everyone who wasn’t Mexican, black, or Asian were Okies. The French were Okies, the Italians in suits were Okies. . . . she lectured me on the virtues of the Mexican girl.

The complex narrative structure used in the excerpt is an example of
unconventional text features.
several narrators being used.
establishing a work of fiction that is based on nonfiction.
the chronological order of events being manipulated.


The complex narrative structure used in the excerpt is an example of establishing a work of fiction that is based on nonfiction.

Narrative structure simply describes how a particular narrative is presented to the audience or the viewers.

In this case, the complex narrative structure used in the excerpt established a work of fiction which is based on nonfiction.

Other Questions
You are playing the Integer Game. The goal of the game is for the sum of the cards in your hand to be as close to zero as possible. Here are the cards in your hand,4-8 -32What is the current value of your hand? How many positive integers less than 100 are divisible by 7 but not divisible by 2, 3, 4, or 5? The national debt increases when:A. the government borrows money to fund programs.B. the government forces banks to lower interest rates.C. the government raises taxes while cutting spending.D. the government increases imports from other countries. Simplify. (x+y)/(x^2y)-(x-2y)/(xy^2) When developing an experiment design, which could a scientist take to improve the quality of the results? A state park charges an entrance fee based on the number of people in a vehicle. A car containing 2 people is charged $14, a car containing 4 people is charged $20, and a van containing 8 people is charged $32. solve please 14ab-8ad 2a Sphere A has a radius of 24 centimeters, and sphere Bhas a diameter of 42 centimeters. The radius of sphere A ismuided by what factor to produce the radius of sphere B2 Can some check this for me please HELP !!!!what is the area of this figure If eleven plus two equal one what does nine plus five equal? The Tres Difficult race helps raise money for charity. According to the website, of the proceeds from ticket sales go directly to charity.2/5Last year they made $8000 from ticket sales. How much was given to charity? need help, please need help equation for perpendicular to the line -7x + 3y = -10j contains the point (-2,-4) Which rule is a recursive rule for the sequence 1,-6,36, -216 Question 1 of 9Which of the following is the equation of the quadratic function below?-101010 I need help please!!!! I need two straight ppl to answer this!! Which statement best describes the human cost of the Civil War based on thisgraph?There were more Civil War deaths than all other wars combined from1775-1991.There were nearly as many Civil War deaths as in all other warscombined from 1775-1991.There were more Confederate deaths than Union deaths during the CivilWar.There were more Americans killed in the Revolutionary War than in theCivil War. pls help me it's urgent what is culturing facility? Anyone please help me