(iii) 3mn x 4m

what is this simplified


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

→ Collect the m and n terms together


Related Questions

solve the diagram below




Step-by-step explanation:

straight line=180°





Find the missing value.
Hint: Use the number line to find the missing value.
-5 = –10+



the missing values is 5

I hope it's helps you

A woman gave birth to twins. The baby girl was 6 lb. 5 oz. And the boy was 5 lb. 12 oz. How much did they weigh together?



12lb and 7oz

Step-by-step explanation:

you can just add it together and get an answer


11 lbs 17oz

Step-by-step explanation:

choose the equation below that represents the line passing through the point (1,-4) with a slope of 1/2


Well, we can use the form y = mx + b, where m equals the slope and x and y are the coordinate values:
-4 = 1/2(1) + b
b = 9/2
Therefore, the equation of the line is:
y = 1/2x + 9/2

Sailor Sheftal
Special Right Triangles (Radical Answers)
Jul 21, 10:57:01 AM
The figure below is a square. Find the length of side 3 in simplest radical form with a
rational denominator.
Submit Ansurer
Answer: 2=
Pls help me


Answer: [tex]9\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The sides of a square are all equal in length.

Use the Pythagorean Theorem:

[tex]9^{2} +9^{2} =x^{2}\\x=\sqrt{9^{2} +9^{2}} =\sqrt{2(9)^{2} } =9\sqrt{2}[/tex]

A survey asked 60 students if they play an instrument and if they are in band.
1.35 students play an instrument.
2. 30 students are in band.
3. 30 students are not in band.
Which table shows these data correctly entered in a two-way frequency table?


Answer:  Choice A



The table headers will look like choice A or choice C. Notice that we have simple yes or no questions along either the row or column labels; also, the labels are consistent. Choice B can be ruled out because the labels aren't consistent (or don't match up). Choice D is overcomplicated so it can be ruled out also.

We're told that 35 students play an instrument. That means 35 goes at the end of the "plays instrument" row, in the "total" column.

This is enough to see that choice A is the final answer

Furthermore, 30 students are in a band. So we have "30" at the bottom of the "band" column, and in the "total" row. The same applies to the 30 people not in band.

A (I used process of elimination)

B is incorrect it says the total # of people not in a band is 35 but the description says only 30 aren’t in a band

C is incorrect because it says the total # of people that play an instrument is 30 but the description says 35 students play an instrument

D is incorrect because the way the graph is set up doesn’t make sense (ex. How can someone qualify for “not being in band but play an instrument” but also qualify for “in band and play instrument”

convert 5.875baae 10 to base 2​


Yes exactly this helped sooo much
If you meant 5875 base 10 to base 2, it should be 1011011110011.

Find the volume of this cone.
Use 3 for T.
V =




Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Find the volume of the cone

[tex]V = \frac{\pi *r^{2}*h}{3}[/tex]

Plug in the values

[tex]V = \frac{\pi *3^{2}*10}{3}[/tex]

Simplify and Solve

[tex]V = \frac{\pi *9*10}{3}[/tex]

[tex]V = \frac{90\pi }{3}[/tex]

[tex]V = \frac{90*3 }{3}[/tex]


Answer:  [tex]V=90[/tex]

Given mn, find the value of x.
Submit Answer
attempt 1 out of 2
I really need help with this



x = 19

Step-by-step explanation:

The two angles with measures are supplementary.

6x + 9 + 4x - 19 = 180

10x - 10 = 180

10x = 190

x = 19


10x -10

Step-by-step explanation:

this answer is really sure

Round 96.1825899389 to 4 decimal places.



Because the 5th number is over 5 you round up the 4th number to 6 :)

the sum of the ages of chukwu and Caroline is 45 years if the difference in their age is 3 years find the age of chukwu (chukwu is older than Caroline)​


Step-by-step explanation:

let,the sum of the ages of chukwu & Caroline be X & Y.




(+) (+) (-)





putting the value of X,


or, 21+y=45





At noon, Garrett left Magnolia and headed North at 10 kph. At 2 p.m., Ben left Magnolia and headed North. If Ben was 15 km ahead of Garrett at 7 p.m., how fast was Ben
Choose one answer.
a. 17 kph
b. 12 kph
c. 21 kph
d. 16 kph



Step-by-step explanation:

This is simple, but the extra numbers given in the form of the specific times might throw you off.

If Garrett leaves at noon and at 7 Ben is some distance ahead of him, that means that Garrett has been driving for 7 hours. Ben left at 2, so at 7 pm he has been driving for 5 hours. That's part of what's confusing. We'll put that in a table to hopefully make things easier:

              d      =       r      *        t

G                                             7

B                                             5

We also know that Garrett is driving at 10 km/h, so:

              d        =        r        *        t

G                               10       *        7

B                                 r                 5

The r is because Ben's rate is our unknown. Look at the top of the table. That is the formula we are going to use to solve this problem: d = rt.

If Garrett drives for 7 hours at 10 km/hr, then the distance he has traveled is 70 km (that's found by multiplying the rate of 10 km/h by the time of 7 hours). Ben's rate, along those same lines of reasoning, is 5r. Fill that in:

            d        =        r        *        t

G         70       =       10       *       7

B         5r        =        r        *       5

Ok now the table is filled out. Let's look at the rest of the problem. It says that at 7 pm Ben's distance is 15 km more than Garrett's distance. The words "more than" indicate addition. In words that is

"Ben's distance is Garrett's distance plus 15 km" which translates to, mathematically speaking:

5r = 70 + 15 and

5r = 85 so

r = 17

Ben's rate is 17 km/h, choice a.

find the value of 2 raise the power negative 6​



1 /64

Step-by-step explanation:


We know that a^-b = 1/a^b

1 / 2^6


What number is square and a cube.
What number has a cube root AND a square root??



2²=4 is square root and 3³=9 is cube root

Step-by-step explanation:

because 3×3×3=3³and 2×2=2²

4x4x4 = 64
8x8 = 64

The data set represents the total number of pencils each student in a class needs to sharpen.

0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 6, 9

Which box plot correctly represents the data?

A number line goes from 0 to 10. The whiskers range from 0 to 9, and the box ranges from 2 to 6. A line divides the box at 3.
A number line goes from 0 to 10. The whiskers range from 0 to 9, and the box ranges from 2 to 6. A line divides the box at 4.
A number line goes from 0 to 10. The whiskers range from 0 to 9, and the box ranges from 1 to 6. A line divides the box at 4.
A number line goes from 0 to 10. The whiskers range from 0 to 9, and the box ranges from 1 to 6. A line divides the box at 3.



The data set is:

0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 6, 9

To find:

The correct statement that represents the box plot of the data correctly.


We have,

0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 6, 9

Divide the data in 2 equal parts.

(0, 1, 1, 1, 2), 3, (4, 4, 6, 6, 9)

Divide each parenthesis in 2 equal parts.

(0, 1), 1, (1, 2), 3, (4, 4), 6, (6, 9)


Minimum value = 0

First quartile = 1

Median = 3

Third quartile = 6

Maximum value = 9

A number line goes from 0 to 10. The whiskers range from 0 to 9, and the box ranges from 1 to 6. A line divides the box at 3.

Therefore, the correct option is D.


its d

Step-by-step explanation: my yt Tray Clayps

The telephone numbers in a small town have two digits. They run from 00 to 99.

Of the 100 possible numbers, those that become smaller when reversed are not used, i.e. 21 is not used.

What is the maximum number of telephone numbers this town could have?




Step-by-step explanation:

We'll be using case-work to solve this problem. Let's call the ones digit of the telephone number [tex]B[/tex] and the tens digit [tex]A[/tex]. Each telephone number can be represented as [tex]AB[/tex].

Since the question states that numbers that are smaller when their digits are reversed are not used, we have the following inequality:

[tex]B\geq A[/tex]

This is because if [tex]A>B[/tex], the number would become smaller when [tex]A[/tex] and [tex]B[/tex] are switched in [tex]AB[/tex]. However, if [tex]A=B[/tex] or [tex]B>A[/tex], the number will not become smaller.

Let's work our way up starting with [tex]A=0[/tex]. If [tex]A=0[/tex], there are 10 other numbers (0-9) that we can choose for [tex]B[/tex] that adhere to the condition [tex]B\geq A[/tex]:

[tex]0B,\\01, 02, 03,...[/tex]

Therefore, there are 10 possible telephone numbers when the tens digit is 0.

Repeat the process, now assigning [tex]A=1[/tex]. Now, we only have the digits 1-9 to choose from for [tex]B[/tex], since [tex]B[/tex] needs to be greater than or equal to A. Therefore, there are 9 possible telephone numbers when the tens digit is 1.

This pattern continues. As we work our way up through the cases (when increasing [tex]A[/tex] by 1), the number of possible telephone numbers decreases by 1, since there becomes one less option for [tex]B[/tex].

The last case would be [tex]A=9[/tex] in which case there would only be one option for [tex]B[/tex] and that would be 9.

Since there are 10 cases (0-9), add up the possible telephone numbers for each case:

[tex]\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{10}n=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=\boxed{55}[/tex]

Alternatively, recall that the sum of this series can be found using [tex]\frac{n(n+1)}{2}[/tex], where [tex]n[/tex] is the number of values in the set. In this case, [tex]n=10[/tex], and we have:


draw the graphs of the lines represented by the equations 3x-4y=1 and 4x-3y=6 in the same graph. also find the coordinates of the point where the two lines intersect​



I've attached the graph with it, the intersection point is,

x = 3, y = 2

Which statement is true regarding the graphed functions





When you are on the other side of the = you are opposite.

necesito ayuda con esto



nacho taco Guadalupe Juan ching chong

Step-by-step explanation:


Answers plssssssssssssssssss




Step-by-step explanation:

if u divide two fractions, it is same as multiplying with its reciprocal

Evaluate f(x) when x = 3.




Step-by-step explanation:

Since 3 is between -6 and 9 we use the first definition

f(3) = 6 x^2 +2

     = 6(3)^2+2

    = 6(9) +2

   = 54+2

    = 56

The shaded area in the distribution below represents approximately 95% of the data. Use the diagram to find the mean and the standard deviation.



85 i guess

Step-by-step explanation:

The mean of the distribution is 70 and the standard deviation of the distribution is 4.

The shaded area in the distribution below represents approximately 95% of the data. This means that the shaded area is equal to 1.96 standard deviations from the mean.

The 68-95-99.7 rule states that 95% of the data in a normal distribution falls within 2 standard deviations of the mean. So, the shaded area in the distribution below represents the area between 1.96 standard deviations below the mean and 1.96 standard deviations above the mean.

The mean of the distribution is the center of the shaded area. The standard deviation of the distribution is the distance from the mean to the edge of the shaded area.

In this case, the mean of the distribution is approximately 70. The standard deviation of the distribution is approximately 4.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to find the mean and the standard deviation:

Identify the shaded area in the distribution.

Remember that the shaded area represents 95% of the data.

Use the 68-95-99.7 rule to determine that the shaded area is between 1.96 standard deviations below the mean and 1.96 standard deviations above the mean.

Find the mean by averaging the two points on the distribution that are 1.96 standard deviations from the mean.

Find the standard deviation by subtracting the mean from one of the points on the distribution that is 1.96 standard deviations from the mean.

Therefore, the mean of the distribution is approximately 70 and the standard deviation of the distribution is approximately 4.

To learn more about standard deviation here:



Somebody that knows the answer please help ASAP!!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

To find the volume of a cylinder, you can use this formula : v = πr^2h

r = 12km , h = 7 km

v = π(12km)^2(7)

  = 3166.72539

Round to the nearest 10th

  = 3166.7 km^3

Hope this helps! Best of luck <3

A car left Sydney at 9 am and arrived in
Melbourne at 6 pm. The distance travelled
was 711 km. Find the car's average speed.



average speed = distance/ time



plese help asap!!! .................



what do you need to find? Area? perimeter?

Step-by-step explanation:

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs. Not all tiles will be used. Match the estimated value of each expression with its position on the number line. + A B C D E ++ + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -2 -1 0 A B С D E V90-V40 V35 - 42 V5 – V6 2127-148 V54 - V24 18 – V8​



1. D


3. E


Step-by-step explanation:

the guy above or below me is incorrect.

Which of the following equations of a line is NOT written in standard form?
A. 12x - 2y = 82
B. y = -2x - 1
C. x – 7y = 22
D. -x + 5y = 10


Answer: B

Step-by-step explanation:

Its written in slope intercept form not standard

A DVD player was marked down by 30 percent from its original price of $75. Including a 7 percent sales tax, what is the final cost of the DVD player?


The total tax is $1.26

Answer: its going to be 3 dollars and 67 cents

Step-by-step explanation:

A package of 4 red,white and blue hats costs $8. What is the unit rate



$2/ hat

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the unit rate:

$ to hats

8 to 4

Divide by four to get the unit rate; over 1

2 to 1

So, $2 per hat

Hope this helps!

The answer is 2/ hat Bc I got it right

Solve the equation for x.
5x - ( 4x - 1) = 2
b. - 1



x = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

5x - (4x - 1) = 2

Let's get rid of the parenthesis

Multiply whatever is in the parenthesis by -1 since there is a minus sign before it

5x - 4x + 1 = 2

Move common terms to one side, so subtract 1 from both sides

5x - 4x + 1 = 2

           -  1  - 1

5x - 4x = 1

Subtract the 5x by 4x

x = 1


x = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

5x - (4x - 1) = 2

5x - 4x + 1 = 2  {Distribute property  (-1) is distributed with 4x  and (-1)}

Combine like terms

x + 1 = 2

Subtract 1 from both sides

x = 2 - 1

x = 1

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