Im confused can someone assist me ?


Answer 1


recessive trait ,I think it

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Which is a molecule found in the body?
O urethra
O nutrients
O atoms
O water








How Can I Explain Why A Theory Is Also A Hypothesis?



well a hypothesis is literally a scientific assumption or theory used to describe what they think is going to happen during a experiment

Which prediction is true based on this population pyramid?

The population is not growing.

The population is growing slowly.

The population is growing rapidly.

The population is declining.


I would say the population is growing slowly.

Hopefully that’s right.

Does cellular respiration follow the law of conservation of energy?


Yes. Every chemical reaction obeys the law of conservation of mass.

Believe it!!

Pls follow me.

Una especie de mariposa presenta rasgos fenotípicos diferentes entre los miembros de sus poblaciones. Estos rasgos van desde una coloración verdosa y antenas cortas (características recesivas). El fenotipo más común (características dominantes) de esta especie es de coloración amarilla y de antenas tan largas que se pueden doblar. Realice el cruce entre dos mariposas que presentan fenotipo más común, pero de genotipos heterocigotos y determine los posibles rasgos fenotípicos que se pueden presentar.



can you please translate for us into English

Economic impact of agricultural pollutants on water sustainability for agricultural production. summarise your findings in a table form​





sbospka ai9wlhzux5 s8fvekg

Which ocean borders the western coast of South America



Pacific Ocean


here is your answer

The Pacific Ocean borders the western coast of south america

A zombie apocalypse wipes out almost the entire human species before the zombie threat is eliminated. It appears that only a group of 100 people who were at a family reunion on an uninhabited island survived. They returned to the mainland completely unaware of what had happened to everyone. Answer the following questions regarding the few survivors that now begin to rebuild the human population.

Certain traits will have been lost from the gene pool forever. Some may be obvious, like people with red hair and double jointed thumbs. Others will be less obvious, like the ability to process cholesterol or being allergic to peanuts.

a.) Which of the following best describes the mechanism of microevolution that has altered the human gene pool? Explain.

b.) Despite an abundance of habitat, why will it be difficult for the human species to recover in numbers?

c.) A straggler with green eyes stumbles into the last remaining human outpost. The green eye trait did not exist in the outpost before her arrival, but it does now. What is the name of this mechanism of evolution? Explain.


Answer and Explanation:

A. Hello. You did not enter answer options. However, we can state that mutation, natural selection and genetic drift will be the microevolution mechanisms that will affect the gene pool of these humans. This is because the new environment and the small number of living beings, will make this population completely susceptible to all these evolutionary factors, which will affect, in different ways, the gene frequencies in a population.

B. As the amount of living beings and human beings has become very small, the world will have a low genetic diversity. This will make it difficult for these humans to adapt to the new environment and will make them more susceptible to possible diseases that will arise in this new environment. This will make these humans more fragile and make it harder for them to multiply.

C. The evolution mechanism is the Gene Flow. Gene Flow refers to the exchange of genetic information between individuals in a population, through the donation of gametes that occur in reproductive processes. In this case, we can consider that the individual with green eyes, upon arriving in the community with individuals without green eyes, began to reproduce descendants, who, upon receiving the gametes responsible for green eyes, began to populate this community with this characteristic.

What describes how individuals are distributed, or spread, throughout their habitat.

1: Population density
2: Population distribution


Population Distribution, mark brainliest if this helped!

How do animals and people cause weathering?

How do plants cause weathering ?



Plants can cause mechanical and chemical weathering


Plants can cause mechanical and chemical weathering. When plants cause mechanical weathering, their roots grow into rocks and crack them.It can also happen in streets or sidewalks. When plants cause chemical weathering, there roots release acid or other chemicals, onto rocks, which then forms cracks, and breaks apart.

Animal and plant mobility is a factor in biological weathering, for instance, a plant may grow in a gap in a rock and, as its roots spread, cause the fracture to expand.

What is the cause of weathering?

A rabbit may also burrow into a crack in a rock, making it wider and eventually separating the rock.

Animals and plants can act as mechanical weathering agents. In dirt that has gathered in fractured rock, a tree seed may emerge. The fissures get wider as the roots spread out, finally shattering the rock into pieces.

Even big rocks might get dislodged by trees over time, rocks are broken down by plants like moss that absorb their minerals.

Therefore, holding onto soil and rocks is another way that plant roots cause weathering, and might stop erosion.

Learn more about weathering, here:


Forces that act in pairs are said to be _____________.

A. Stable
B. Unbalanced
C. Unstable
D. Balanced


The answer is A, stable.

Mateo and Tomás are identical twins. Mateo was raised by his father and mother, and Tomás was
accidentally placed with another family after a mix-up at the hospital. At the age of 15, the boys ran into
each other at a football game and noticed that they appeared to be mirror images of each other. After
genetic testing proved that they are twins, the families discussed some of the differences between the boys.
Mateo is very athletic and intelligent and excels in basketball, but he does not take school seriously and has
F's in all subjects. Tomás is also athletic and intelligent and excels in baseball, and he makes straight A's as
a result of his strict home life and study routine. Although they are identical twins, what do you think
accounts for the differences in the two boys' academic performance based on the research?





step by step

What is the process that human
beings undergo to release ATP from
A. cell duplication
B. cellular genesis
C. cellular respiration
D. photosynthesis



[tex]\huge\boxed{\sf Option \ C}[/tex]


Cellular respiration is the process in which carbohydrates (Glucose) are broken down into carbon dioxide and water in the presence of oxygen and a lot of energy is released which is further used for ATP synthesis and ATP is released!


Hope this helped!


Plant roots are more easily able to absorb ammonium that has been produced from ________.

A. nitrification
B. nitrogen fixation


Plants roots are more easily able to absorb ammonium that has been produced from nitrogen fixation

Which of the following is present in eukaryotes......
A) Cell wall B) Flagellum
C)Diploid nucleus D) membrane bounded organelles


D. membrane bounded organelles


Membrane bounded organelles are present in eukaryotes..


hope it is helpful to



[tex] \huge \boxed{\mathfrak{Question} \downarrow}[/tex]

What's photosynthesis?

[tex] \large \boxed{\mathfrak{Answer \: with \: Explanation} \downarrow}[/tex]

Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants derive their food (nutrients and water) through the capturing of light energy (sunlight) and using it to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and other substances (compounds) that are rich in energy. Chlorophyll a green pigment present in plants is used in this process.


Formula ⟶ [tex]\boxed{\bf\:6CO_2 + 6H_2O \rightarrow C_6H_{12}O_6 + 6O_2} [/tex]


So, the products of photosynthesis are [tex]\large\boxed{\boxed{\bf\:C_6H_{12}O_6 + 6O_2}}[/tex]

what do you mean by acrophobia and ephebiphobia?​



Acrophobia ------- intense fear of heights

Ephebiphobia -----the fear of youth


Acrophobia means extreme or irrational fear of height .Ephebiphobia is the fear of youth

hope your day goes great.

answer these two please


the answer to question one is a dissecting microscope.
The answer to question two is the third option about three-dimensional images

Identify the error in the following statement: “Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that takes place in the chloroplasts of green plant cells, where light energy is used to convert glucose and water into carbon dioxide and oxygen.”
A. “glucose” and “carbon dioxide” should be switched
B. No errors
C. “water” and “oxygen” should be switched
D. “chloroplasts” should be “mitochondria”


I think its B the answer for your questions not sure
Hope u find it

Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that takes place in the chloroplasts of green plant cells, where light energy is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Option A is the right answer.

What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants prepare their own nutrients with the help of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.

Photosynthesis helps plants to prepare their own food, these plans are called autographs.Photosynthesis takes place inside the protoplast.This process takes place in some other organisms other than green plants.Chlorophyll is the green pigment that is required for this process to take place.The end products that are formed in the process of photosynthesis are glucose and water.

Hence Option A is the right answer.

To learn more about photosynthesis, refer:


The corpus callosum separates the brain into two halves. separates the brain into two halves. is a large network of neurons on the cerebral cortex. is a large network of neurons on the cerebral cortex. is a thick band of neural fibers enabling communication between the two brain hemispheres. is a thick band of neural fibers enabling communication between the two brain hemispheres. describes the hemispheres of the brain



is a thick band of neural fibers enabling communication between the two brain hemispheres.


A brain can be defined as an organ of soft nerve tissue that is found in the skull of vertebrates and it's typically responsible for the coordination of nervous activities, intellect and sensation.

The human brain consists of various sections and these includes;

I. Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) which resembles a bow or collar surrounding the frontal part of the corpus callosum. This is the frontal part of the cingulate cortex which helps to make complex cognitive functions such as impulse control, decision-making, emotions and empathy.

II. Ventral prefrontal cortex in humans are interconnected with the brain and are responsible for the processing of risk, empathy, fear and social decision-making

III. The Cerebral Cortex: this part of the brain primarily comprises of grey matter, foldable sheets of neurons and forms its outermost layer. Therefore, cerebral cortex is known as the outermost layer of the brain (cerebrum) and thus, makes up half of its weight. It is about 2.5 millimeters in thickness and as such it's able to fold.

The corpus callosum is a large, thick band of C-shaped neural fibers found beneath the cerebral cortex and it's saddled with the responsibility of enabling communication between the two brain hemispheres i.e the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere.

which structures in plant cells build protein molecules under the control of the nucleus?
a) cell walls
b) chloroplasts
d) ribosomes


The cell walls, chloroplasts, and mitochondria play important roles in plant cells, they are not directly involved in building protein molecules under the control of the nucleus. D

Ribosomes are the structures in plant cells that build protein molecules under the control of the nucleus.

Ribosomes are tiny, complex molecular machines composed of RNA and protein molecules.

They are involved in the process of protein synthesis, where they facilitate the translation of genetic information from the DNA in the nucleus into functional proteins.

The nucleus of a cell contains the DNA, which serves as the blueprint for building proteins.

However, the actual synthesis of proteins occurs in the cytoplasm, outside the nucleus.

Ribosomes are responsible for this task.

Ribosomes can be found both freely floating in the cytoplasm and attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).

The ones attached to the ER are called rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) due to the presence of ribosomes on their surface.

These ribosomes associated with the rough ER are involved in the synthesis of proteins that are destined for secretion or for integration into the cell membrane.

The process of protein synthesis involves the decoding of the genetic information stored in messenger RNA (mRNA) by ribosomes.

Ribosomes read the mRNA sequence and assemble amino acids into a growing polypeptide chain, forming a functional protein.

Cell walls provide structural support, chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, and mitochondria are involved in cellular respiration. However, the primary site for protein synthesis in plant cells is the ribosomes.

Therefore, the ribosomes (option d) are the structures in plant cells that build protein molecules under the control of the nucleus.

For similar questions on plant cells


A genetic factor for a trait is always expressed when it is present is best described as ?



A genetic factor for a trait that is always expressed when it is present is best described as dominant.


What are the three examples to justify Newton first law of motion .​


1. A book sitting on top of a table
2. A soccer ball rolling on the ground
3. A person driving a car to a stop

Answer this for 10 points ✌
what is mid brain?​


A relatively small region of the upper brainstem that connects the forebrain and hindbrain. It contains the tectum (and associated inferior and superior colliculi), tegmentum, and substantia nigra. Also called mesencephalon.

[tex] \\ [/tex]

can someone please help with this urgently.

you don't have to explain, just answer ​



B. option A 2 daughter cells

C. option D metaphase


Q1 B

Q2 D

Q3  D

Q4 D


is the presence of industry in developing nations high? what about developed nations?​



Developing countries don't have lots of industries, so it's not high

Developed nations have a wide variety of industries


Which of the following does NOT secrete hormones?

A. Ovaries
B. Skin
C. Adrenals
D. Pancreas



skin acts as a protective barrier, therefore it does not secrete hormones

Skin does not secrete hormones. Thus, the correct option is B.

What are Hormones?

Hormones may be defined as chemical substances that are produced by the organ system of an organism and transported at the site of action via the bloodstream. Hormones act as messenger molecules in the body.

Skin acts as the primary or first line of defense for the immune system. It does not secrete any hormones. It plays an important role in innate immunity. Ovaries are responsible for the secretion of hormones like estrogen and progesterone in females and regulate all the prospective consequences in the body of females.

The adrenal gland secretes hormones like cortisol and aldosterone which are steroid hormones. Such hormones are important in regulating metabolism, inflammation, immune functions, etc. The Pancreas secretes insulin and glucagon which play an active role in regulating the level of glucose in the blood.

Therefore, the skin does not secrete hormones. Thus, the correct option is B.

To learn more about Hormones, refer to the link:


Suppose you traveled back in time and located the first animals to have evolved feathers. You found that these animals were tree-dwelling ectotherms, able to run quickly but unable to fly. You also noticed that only males had feathers. Which hypothesis of feather evolution would these data most support? Feathers initially evolved in a role associated with ________.



Feathers initially evolved in a role associated with sexual selection.


In species where only males had feathers, these feathers can be considered to have evolved into a role associated with sexual selection. This is because in these species, males used their feathers as a sexual attraction for females, in this case, females chose the males that had more attractive feathers to mate and generate new individuals for the species. An example of this can be seen in the peacock, where the tail with lush feathers is only present in males and is intended to sexually attract females.

Answer me!!!!
Read the descriptions of two experiments below.
Experiment 1: A group of students did a test to see if the
acidity of water affects the growth of pea plants. They
followed a logical method and performed their experiment
once, using a control group and experimental groups. The
results supported their hypothesis.
Experiment 2: A group of students did a test to see if the
acidity of water affects the growth of bacteria in the water,
They used a control group and experimental groups. They
repeated their experiment several times and received the
same results each time.
Which experiment is more likely to be reliable, and why?
O A. Experiment 2, because it gave the same results every time
O B. Experiment 1, because its results supported the hypothesis
O C. Experiment 1, because it followed a logical method
O D. Experiment 2, because its setup included a control group





Because it is giving you the same results ( i just did the test and got it right)




just took the test

cell can be identified by the process of
A) Choloroplast
B) plasma membrana
c) cell wall
A )i and ii (B) i and iii
(c) ii and iii (0) iv only​



i think it is choloroplast

the answer is A, chloroplast.
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