I'm Recently thinking getting A New Fish Tank And I Ended Up Buying A Huge Rock For $20 And Regretting It So Later Today Imma Get A Refund, But I'm Thinking Would It Be A Good Idea If I Bought A New Aquarium And Sell My Old One But Would It Be A Good Idea If I Did ?


Answer 1




you are your own person, do you want.

Answer 2
Well it depends, if your not planning on using the old tank anymore than you should sell it but if your going to continue to use it then don’t sell it the decision is up to you

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This is true that is why the fish are dieing and not the bettas


The answer is ten times 25 and that =250

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. wash your hand with soap before eating.

. use mask before went out.

. stay home when you fell unwell.

. cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

. Avoid touching your face, eyes, etc.

Just get vaccinated please

Im Saving Up For An Apartment But I worked At Landscaping For 2 Days, And Got $110 And Im Thinking About Buying A Small Fish Aquarium For $30 For The Place Im Living At, I Just Need Ideas



i dont know


Well if you only have $110 dollars rn and your saving for an apartment you should definitely wait on the fish tank and continue saving for your apartment
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