Impact of fandom culture.


Answer 1


Historically, fan culture has played an enormous role in the creation and development of science fiction and fantasy, and the genres have left a significant impact on the lives of their fans. I have determined that fandom relies on and can be described..


Related Questions

1) The stages of life, from birth to death, may seem controlled by biology. (2) However, the way we think about life’s stages is shaped by society. (3) During the Middle Ages, for example, children dressed—and were expected to act—just like little adults. (4) Adolescence became a distinct stage of life only fairly recently, when a separate teenage subculture began to appear. (5) But in the Middle Ages, young people were “children” until about age 16. (6) Then they went to work, married, and had their own children. (7) Today, “young adulthood” has become a new stage of life, stretching from about age 20 to 30. (8) As life expectancy becomes longer and people spend years in active retirement, older adulthood has also become a distinct life stage.



The topic of the paragraph is presented in sentence number 2, while the supporting details are presented in sequences 5, 6 and 7.


The topic of a paragraph refers to the subject that the paragraph will cover and present to the reader. Generally, this topic is presented right in the first sentences, which allows the reader to recognize, right at the beginning, the subject that will be discussed in the text. The paragraph presented in the question above is an example of this, as the topic is presented in the second sentence, which allows the reader to realize that the subject covered in the paragraph will be about how society is influential in our way of seeing the phases a life.

The supporting details, on the other hand, are the sentences that justify the topic of the text, that is, the supporting details show why this topic is real and relevant to be discussed. In this case, sentences 5, 6 and 7 present evidence of how youth is seen differently in two different societies.

One of Einstein's major contributions to the study of physics was his theory of?


One of Einstein's major contributions to the study of physics was his theory of

(psychoanalysis, momentum, or relativity).

Einstein's theories argued that the knowledge acquired through (instinct, the senses, or the psyche) was not always accurate.

In introducing his theories involving (relativity, physics, or, psychoanalysis), Freud tried to explain human behavior and emotion.

One of Einstein's major contributions to the study of physics was his theory of. (psychoanalysis, momentum, or relativity). Einstein's theories argued that the knowledge acquired through (instinct, the senses, or the psyche) was not always accurate.




Hard and without a lot of information. Also needs to be reliable


If your planning to do great essays about a certain subject, you need to look for reliable sources. Good sources always give the best. If a subject isn't really known about or under investagation, then that will take more time to research.

determined, stubborn
Explain the connotation of each.



Explain the connotation of each. Both words are similar. Determined is more positive and can be associated with someone who is hardworking. Stubborn is a more negative connotation and can be associated with someone who doesn't want to listen.


Though both words have roughly the same meaning, they have different connotations. We associate the word “determined” with someone who is industrious and hardworking. These ideas are associated with a positive connotation. “Stubborn,” on the other hand, has more of a negative connotation. We think of someone who is obstinate or inflexible when we hear the word stubborn.


Answer was from Edgenu1ty

self control in the hit of rage/extreme anger



When you start feeling angry, try deep breathing, positive self-talk, or stopping your angry thoughts. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as "relax" or "take it easy." Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply until the anger subsides



If you start to get angry, stop and take deep breaths. Then count back from ten very slowly. Afterwards go to a solitude place to think about what your so angry about. Listen to relaxing music or do something calming to take your mind off that problem.When your calm enough talk about your problem to someone like a parent or friend.

3.How do they make glass? ( change into passive) *​


What is the glass made from?

In your
own words, explain the importance of the narrator's voice in a book when it comes to conveying the author's style



the voice helps convey the feeling of whats being read

Passage AHume argued that we have no rational basis for believing in miracles. But think about all the many miracles of modern medicine that have improved human health and dramatically extended the average lifespan during this century! Hume was simply wrong.Passage BMost people will tell you that it is important for kids to go to school. But those people are wrong. The dictionary
defines "kid" as denoting young goats. Surely, it is a bad idea to fill our schools with goats!Passage CThis newspaper headline says, "Earliest chocolate use has been found in what is now U.S." But that can't be true: The cacao plant isn't native to North America, whereas it has been grown and harvested in Central and South America for nearly 2,000 years. Surely, the earliest use of chocolate occurred somewhere south of what is now the U.S.Passage DMinneapolis is north of St. Louis, and New Orleans is south of St. Louis. Therefore, New Orleans is south of Minneapolis.Passage EPolice officers in this city swear an oath to "serve and protect" its citizens. Obviously, to "serve and protect" does not involve undue force or physical assault. So, the allegations that these police officers physically assaulted the defendant must be false.Passage A,B,C,D,E: DOES/DOES NOT commit a fallacy. Specifically, it DOES OR DOES NOT commit the fallacy of equivocation, and it DOES OR DOES NOT commit the fallacy of amphiboly.



Passage A commits a fallacy but does not commit a fallacy of equivocation or amphiboly.

Passage B commits a fallacy and specifically commits a fallacy of equivocation.

Passage C commits a fallacy but does not commit a fallacy of equivocation or amphiboly.

Passage D does not commit a fallacy

Passage E commits a fallacy and specifically commits a fallacy of amphiboly.


A fallacy is an argument that isn't sound because it has a faulty logic. There are many different types of fallacies. The fallacies dealt in our example here: fallacy of equivocation and fallacy of amphiboly both deal with fallacies stemming from ambiguity of words or sentences such that they can mean so many things at the same time. While fallacy of equivocation deals with fallacies resulting from ambiguity caused by use of a word that could mean so many things, fallacy of amphiboly deals with fallacies from ambiguity of phrases and sentences.

Think about the characters Feld and Miriam.

What message about families is evident in Feld’s dreams for Miriam?



Feld's dream showed that the greatest desire of parents is for their children to have an easier and better life than the one they had.


Feld and Miriam are characters from "The First Seven Years." Feld is Miriam's father and he is concerned about finding a good husband for her, something Miriam does not support as she doesn't think her father should make choices that belong to her. Feld is a Jewish immigrant who suffered a lot to have a good life, his dream is that his children don't go through the same difficulties he did and that they have an easier, happier and better life than his and that's why, that he worries about Mirian's husband.

anybody free plz. tell. me​



yes I'm free what you are going to tell

I need help of rewriting these passive sentences to active.
The negotiations were thought by the workers to be unfair because they included five management representatives but only one union representative.



The workers thought the negotiations were unfair because they included five management representatives but only one union representative


The negotiations are thought by the workers to be unfair because the include five management representatives, but only one union representative.

Please, help me.

Someone can teach me English, because I'm from Brazil and if you know how to speak Spanish, it's better for me.


Answer: I could get in but I don’t know Spanish properly is that ok??


can books and stories about characters and event that are not real teach us anything useful



yes , ofcourse


they will have a good moral in them


Yes they can


an example of this would be fables, fictional stories sometimes told through talking animals in a fictional stories such as the rabbit and the hair to teach us important moral values

Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns from the list.
(choir, pride, flock, bunch, troop, flight, band, swarm, litter)
1. The cat has a ……………………. of five kittens.
2. The ………………… of singers sang melodiously.
3. The jungle safari gave us an opportunity to spot a ………………… of lions.
4. The poachers were attacked by a ……………….. of wild elephants.
5. A ………………… of bees forced us to take shelter in the cave.
6. A ……………….. of stairs leads to the terrace.
7. The ……………….. of musicians delivered a magical performance.
8. The children were amused by the ………………. of​



1. Litter

2. Choir

3. Pride

4. Flock

5. Swarm

6. Band

7. Troop

8. Bunch

The cat has a litter of five kittens. .The choir of singers sang melodiously. The jungle safari gave us an opportunity to spot a pride of lions. The poachers were attacked by a flock of wild elephants. A swarm of bees forced us to take shelter in the cave. A troop of stairs leads to the terrace. The band of musicians delivered a magical performance. The children were amused by the bunch of .

hope it is helpful to you

Match each of the prefixes with its correct type



Location  ->  sub-

Numerical -> uni-

Time ->  pro-

Positive -> eu-

Negative -> mis-

Write on ONE of the following topics.

1. A letter to a hotel manager complaining about their bad services.


My name :                                                     Date:

Dear [Hotel Manager Name], My family and I had the misfortune of staying at your hotel from [check in date] to [check out date] in room number [804]. During our stay, we encountered a number of unsatisfactory service levels that I think you should know of and hopefully do something about.

I am writing to complain about the poor customer service experience in your hotel during my stay last week. When I reached your hotel, there was firstly nobody in the reception area to talk to the customer. I waited for around 30 mins in the reception hall itself when a man came there. Enquiring him about the hotel room I had booked 4 days ago, he was just clueless and said no booking was done earlier. After having a dispute with him, he finally got convinced of booking a new room. Apart from this, the food served in the room was quite tasteless and I did not feel like it was even worth paying.

I would like to file a complaint so that there may not be any such incidents happening in the future since I have planned to stay there in the hotel for 3 or 4 times in the future also since it is the only hotel nearby the seminar hall where I would frequently need to visit.

I suggest that customer service should be improved well. All the bookings done prior to the staying period should be well maintained so that customers may not face any issues. Moreover, the food provided in the room should be fresh and tasty as customers are playing for this.

Yours truly, {name}

we/ need/ go/ check-in desk/ our luggage=??



In most cases, you will only need to go to check-in when you have checked-in online if you need to drop off an item of hold baggage. Please ensure that you are aware of the hand baggage requirements for your specific airline before you travel.

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which two sentences contribute to a sense of hope in this excerpt from "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin?
She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister's arms. When the storm of grief had spent Itself she went away to her room
alone. She would have no one follow her.
There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted
her body and seemed to reach into her soul.
She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aqulver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain
was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached her faintly,
and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.
There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her
She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her,
as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.
tum. All rights reserved.



1. The tops of trees that were all aqulver with the new spring life.

2. The delicious breath of rain

was in the air.


The two sentences speak about newness of life(hope)

Select the correct answer.
Read this sentence:
The outside of the house has deteriorated so much because of the gritty salt air from the ocean... I wish that it could be improved.

Which context clue from the sentence helps clarify the definition and connotation of the word deteriorated?


“Gritty salt air from the ocean”
“Could be improved”

1. In a paragraph the first sentence that tells the main idea of the paragraph or what the
paragraph is about is termed as:
A Topic
B. Tile
C. Topic sentence
D. Conclusion​



Topic sentence is termed as first sentence that tells the main idea of the paragraph


Topic Sentence


It is in an persuasive essay, body paragraph

By using try TEEL format.

Read this excerpt from "The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes.”

I'm only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this earth would be!

Based on this excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that


Answer: Based on this excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that the money spent on the war would be better utilized if it were used to help end poverty or find answers or solutions to environmental issues.

Choose one issue that you believe is a social problem in the educational system. Discuss how you would go about solving this problem or reducing it's impact?


One issue is probably the unequal pay and salaries for the teachers.

He asked me How much didyou pay for this book?​
turn it to indirect speech



How much was paid for this book?

Hope this helps!

16. How does Judge Waring rule?
17. What falls out of Dr. Clark's suitcase?
18. What kinds of experiments does Dr. Clark perform?
19. How was the movie theater segregated?
20. On the witness stand, what does Superintendent Springer say is the reason for
segregation in Clarendon County?
21. How does the state's lawyer try and discredit Professor Kretch?
22. What does Mr. Tulley (the state's lawyer) say is needed to fix the school's
23. What happens at Judge Waring's house?
24. What is the decision of the three-judge panel?
25. What does Governor Byrnes say is the plan of the state of South Carolina in
regard to the equalization of schools?
26. What is the reputation of John W. Davis?



What's the story????










This time, let's structure your persuasive essay. Choose a place in your area worth visiting! Fill in the template to note down important parts of your essay. Use “Pick (insert your province/city/island) as your topic. Example, "Pick Antique!" My Argument/Topic: My Clearly stated Opinion: The reasons/ facts are: Convincing word/phrases I will use: Conclusion/Closing Statement: a​






. Katia ______go to university next year
A. is hoping to B. I hope C. is hope to




Katie is hoping to go to university next year.

I think that it will be letter A

Help please I can’t figure this out?!?!?


Answer: the answer is A

Explanation: Because its comparing her to a super hero and she does dress up like one to motivate her students

Think of an argument you've been in where you wanted someone to agree with you, or to change their opinion on something. How did you try and convince them? Did you see things from their perspective? Did you give reasoning for your viewpoint? What was the outcome?



i seen things from their perspective and gave my reasoning for why i think what i think and we came to a agreement

b. The word ‘fresh’ in the phrase ‘fresh measurement’ in the second paragraph means:
i. having its original qualities unimpaired.
ii. not frozen, tinned or otherwise preserved.
iii. not previously done, new or different.
guys i need your help. what could be its answer



iii no.


I just guess so because it says fresh measurement

Which best describes the term



diction is the language a writer chooses to express an idea. The choice of words in a literary work is said to be diction. Writers use the words to convey action, exhibit character, mention attitudes, recognize themes and intimate values


❣️(◍Jess bregoli ◍)❣️

#keep learning!!


an author's choice of words


hope this helps lol

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