impact of media paragraph​


Answer 1


It has the power of influencing the viewers thinking and making them think of things or situations which might not even be true.

It plays a very important role in shaping the traits of people.


Hopes this helps you

Pls mark as brainliest answer

Related Questions

Read the passage. excerpt from "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!" by Patrick Henry Mr. President: No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do, opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely, and without reserve. Refer to Explorations in Literature for a complete version of this speech. Which statement best describes Patrick Henry's use of pathos in this excerpt?



C. He stirs emotion by complimenting the listeners’ loyalty to their country.


Pathos is a communication technique that elicits the feeling of pity and sympathy for the readers through the use of language that will appeal to the reader's emotions. This allows the writer to use certain words or expressions to persuade the readers to feel a particular emotion towards the appeal made.

In the given speech made by Patrick Henry in his "Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death," Henry stirs the listeners' emotions by referring to their loyalty to the nation. It allows them to feel a sense of duty to the country, appealing to the feeling of patriotism in them. And by appealing to their sense of nationalistic pride and responsibility, he managed to appeal to their emotional connection to their sense of duty.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.


We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.


Read the following quote and answer the questions below: "We'll give you one kid to take with you to show we can get them out," Roberts said. "You already have one of them?" Marla asked. "We have all of them," Roberts said, glancing toward Miller. "They were kidnapped as a favor to us." "So it's true, we can't be trusted?" Miller asked. "After the war, we'll sit down and have a drink someplace," Roberts said. "We get a good enough buzz on, we'll talk about the philosophy of war. Until then we'll do what we have to do to keep our people alive." 1. What has the Unit just discovered in this exchange? A. the U.S. Military has been engaged in lying and manipulating civilians in Iraq B. the goal of being is Iraq has been to take control of the people and the country C. the Unit is likely to suffer casualties during the mission D. All of the answers are correct. 2. According to the quote, what is Roberts's priority in Iraq? A. to continue to promote democracy in the region B. to keep American soldiers safe C. to protect Iraqi children D. to secure and stabilize the country 3. What does Roberts mean by "philosophy of war" in this quote? A. He is referring to the discussion of what is acceptable and unacceptable in war. B. He is talking about the Rules of Engagement cards. C. He is referring to the military training manuals that soldiers read at the start of the war. D. He is implying that more historical study needs to be done on why they are at war.










Philosophy of war as said by Roberts in the question means that historical study needs to be done on why they are at war.


The correct answer is


A. the U.S. Military has been engaged in lying and manipulating civilians in Iraq.

B. to keep American soldiers safe.

He is referring to the military training manuals that soldiers read at the start of the war.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Write a story about someone who returned to a village or town after a long time away.( You should includefull details of why the person went away to show that it was an important part of your story



Everybody was shocked!!! Nobody could apprehend what was in front of them was the man they had long gone buried a year ago.Mutume,the unexpectedly alive man had been gone for a year without any explaination leaving the villagers to believe that he had either run away or been kidnapped.It was like he had vanished into thin air and yet here he was claiming to be back.His mother Kamene could not hold back the streams of tears running down her cheeks,leaving us in awe of whether they were tears of shock or happiness.Many ran away to the safety of their humble abode while the fearless few ran to him to confirm everyone's suspicion...was he a ghost?

His face was filled with shock when he was told that he was ''buried'' years ago.He sat down on a three-legged stool to narrate his side of the story to satisfy the unsatisfied..

''It was a new dawn when I decided to go to the city to look for a job to fend for our family,I could not bear the sight of their protruding bones and frail bodies anymore.I quietly tiptoed outside without saying my goodbye fully knowing that that would be an obstacle to whatever plan I had.I ran to the bus stop to catch the first bus to Kisumu town where I had decided to work.I looked at the job application in my hand and barely smiled oblivious of whatever the city had in store for me.Had I knew that that would be my near demise,I wouldn't have boarded the bus.

When I arrived in Kisumu city,I boarded another bus with the little that I had left and looked forward to my supposedly 'new home'.I kept thinking of what I would do once I got the job I so looked forward to,rent an apartment somewhere and immediately inform you of my whereabouts.I was harshly jolted back to reality by the conductor,''Young man pay the fare!''

I calmly slipped my hand into my pockets to fish out the money I had but I was in for a rude shock when I realised that my pockets were empty!What the hell was going on??I frantically searched my bag and my confirmed my money had been stolen!!The shabbily dressed conductor kept hurling insults at me worsening the situation,by now everyone on the bus was staring at me.

I tried reasoning with him but it only made the situation worse...judging by how I was dressed,he quickly concluded that I was in for a free ride.My heart sinked when he said,''Driver,stop the car..young man get off and don't argue with me,we have seen worse people than you claiming to have lost money to get mercy from people like us!''

What did he mean by ''people like us''?This were the kind of questions that circulated my mind at that instance.For all I can remember,I was left in the middle of nowhere with no money,no phone,nothing..just nothing!What was I to do now?Instant regrets flooded my mind as tears of despondency trickled down my face.I kept walking on to the land of nowhere for hours until I blacked out.

I remember waking up in a white room and hearing someone shout,''Doctor he's finally awake..!''

A man in a white lab coat came running in with nurses and they all started running all kinds of tests on me.As I came to learn later,I had practically been in a coma for a year!!The paramedics said that my case was a rare and difficult one since I had not been responding to all kinds of treatments.I was grateful to be alive and after a few hours of testing..they finally told me that I had been brought to the hospital by a good samaritan and that he had been paying all my bills even though the doctors had told him that I was no-more case.

Since I wanted to personally thank him..I looked for him the first thing when I got discharged from the hospital.He was a bright middle-aged man who offered me a well-paying job and the one who reminded me to inform you of my whereabouts...He offered to bring me here but I kindly declined his offer since he had already done so much for me.That's why I am here after a year,it was not intentional for me to make you worry and I apologise for anything I might have cost you.I am very happy to be back home with you all.''

Everyone paused for a while as if to process the miraculous story of this wonder man from their village then they broke into clapping and ululating for this prodigal son.There was a celebration to welcome him back home where he belonged...

                    THE END.~


Lol I ended up writing more than what I expected...Good luck

Complete the short: last vacation during summer holidays. I went to stay with my grandparents there was a door to the attic.One day i decided to explore and so i opened and found



I went to stay with my grandparents there was a door to the attic. One day i decided to explore and so i opened and found an old photo book. In all those photos I discovered many stories about my grandparents and my dad. In the attic I also found some beach staff. So I asked my grandparents and they told me many details about all those elements and many more stories. I enjoyed some lovely vacations with them. We went everyday to the beach till noon, and when it was raining, we used to stay at home, reading, cooking and relaxing.


This is a short piece of what could be a story about last vacation during summer holidays for this boy or girl. It tells a little bit about what happened in the attic and all the momentsthey enjoyed together with the grandparents. We can see that all the scene happens in a costal city because it is mentioned a beach.

How does the poem depict the two contrasting ideas-"fire and ice"? Can hatred destroy us and the world? Explain bringing out values which can make this world a better place to live in.


1. The poem shows how ice and focus are different, yet powerful in their ways and that both have the capacity to destroy the world, similar to emotions and feeling. To confirm this, the author makes an analogy about fire representing bad and powerful feelings such as arrogance, anger, cruelty and indifference, while fire represents bad emotions such as hatred, greed and insensitivity.

2. The author shows that, like ice, hate can consume ourselves and the world, destroying and destroying everything around us in a powerful and unpleasant way.

3. To bring out values that can make the world a better place to live, we must cultivate good feelings, be autruistic, sincere, kind and return bad feelings like hatred and repudiation to things that destroy our society like inequality, racism and prejudice.

What makes an argument convincing?

What makes a piece of evidence compelling?

What is the value of work for teenagers?

What is the value of a college education?

How do these questions relate to one another?
What overarching questions could you ask that would link them together?



The Correct Answers are discussed below in details.


A good argument must have valid propositions, be reasonable or strong, and have assumptions that are more likely than its conclusion.A compelling discussion or reason is one that satisfies you that something is true or that something should be done.Teenagers dot work a moderate amount of terms less than 14 hours a week get better ranks than teenagers who don't work. Jobs support teens to learn to handle money and experience personal finance.People who acquire graduation degrees and serve full-time can assume to earn 80 percent more than their rivals with a high school degree over their lifetime.

Which of these portfolio items might assist Sarah in answering an
interviewer who asks, "What would your current supervisor say about
O letter of reference from her supervisor
O Young Writers award
O Diploma certificate



Letter of reference


Because one it is your past supervisor refering you.

second it shows those who you have been applying to that you are a good worker.

hope this helps and sorry if I am wrong.


Young Writers Awards is the correct answer.

Read this passage from Through the Looking-Glass.

“Then hand round the plum-cake, Monster,” the Lion said, lying down and putting his chin on this paws. “And sit down, both of you,” (to the King and the Unicorn): “fair play with the cake, you know!”

The King was evidently very uncomfortable at having to sit down between the two great creatures: but there was no other place for him.

“What a fight we might have for the crown, now!” the Unicorn said, looking slyly up at the crown, which the poor King was nearly shaking off his head, he trembled so much.

What is the relationship between the King, the Lion, and the Unicorn in this passage?

The Lion envies the King and wants his ruling power.
The Unicorn is uncomfortable with the Lion and the King.
The King is nervous around the strong, ferocious animals.
The animals are shy because the King wears the crown.



The king is nervous around the strong, ferocious animals.




An article about the environmental impact of recycling would be considered a _____. A)narrative nonfiction B)memoir C)informative nonfiction D)biography



C- Inform. nonfiction

Explanation: Although they are telling true stories, narratives aim to bring the events to life for readers, making it three-dimensional as opposed to simply stating the facts. By contrast, informational texts focus solely on teaching the audience the most essential facts about a topic

Based on the explanation of one of the elements, explain what some values of this culture might be.



Some values of this culture are:

1. Environment (Earth)

2. Intelligence

3. Marriage

4. Cows and

5. Bulls.


From the excerpt, it's discovered that the values of this culture are: marriage, the environment, intelligence, cows and bulls.

1. Environment: This is seen in the froth and water that later turned to earth.

2. Intelligence: He possessed the ability to think and come up with an idea.

3. Marriage: They became husband and wife and human beings multiplied.

4. Cows: He turned to a cow.

5. Bulls: She turned to a bull

The cultural values which have been reflected in the explanation are,

1. Environment (Earth)

2. Intelligence

3. Marriage

What are cultural values?

Cultural values are the core principles and ideals upon which an entire community exists and protect and rely upon for existence and harmonious relationship.

Cultural values play an important role to construct a society with people that follow similar values. Activities that groups of people follow in their daily life are the result of impacts of practicing culture.

Learn more about Cultural values here,


What is meant by the phrase two birds of houses concurring



it means the quantity of ratifying amendment

Write a letter to the editor of a popular daily highlighting the struggle of the commoners due to increasing prices and reducing income during the pandemic.



41 Ibrox Way,


August 13, 2020.

To the Editor,

Daily Star


Dear Mr. Andrew,

I write you with a heavy heart to try and highlight the struggles we the commoners are facing economically.

Because of this corona virus, businesses closed down, workers got retrenched, palliatives, while good, have barely scratched the surface for many families and people are in dire financial straits.

I am part of the very few commoners that have some money stashed away that has been keeping me going, even though that has been running dry recently, but like the majority of people without any savings, this has literally been hell on earth for them.

I know à family down the street that have been selling valuable family antiques and other properties to keep afloat. Another family I know are on the streets, begging and relying on an already impoverished community to survive.

I write to you so you can know the true nature of things down at Ibrox and how it has not been accurately reported. We need government aid urgently.

Thank you for your time.

You're faithfully,

Christian Falk.

1.The library of your school has been expanded and modernised with the facilities of computer and Internet connection and video tapes and shifted to a new block which is more spacious and better ventilated. As Rishabh / Ruchika, write a report in about 120-150 words for your school magazine. pls guys help its urgent


When we arrived at school today we had a very pleasant surprise. Our library has been improved and has devices that will not only make our research and reading more effective, but also present us with a more comfortable and less tiring environment that will positively influence our academic performance.

The library has a larger space, which may not only house more students but also acquire a larger and more complete arch than what we had before. However, this is not the only upgrade that we will be able to observe, since now the library allows us to have computers and internet access, which will make our research more complete because we will have access to numerous research sources and may even speed up the loan and return of books whenever we need them.

Improvements like this only bring positive results to our academic community and we should expect that other sectors of our school are contemplated.


plz answer fast.
friends ​


1. Basically its like telling how plants look and singing birds describe the month

HELP ME PLZZZ!! ILL MARK YOU BRAINLIEST Which statement is an ineffective claim? Fast food restaurants are dangerous to America's youth. The driving age should be raised for three clear reasons. The United States should increase spending for nuclear power. Violent video games make teenagers more violent.



The correct answer is The driving age should be raised for three clear reasons.

It is ineffective because it does not point anything out because there were no reasons to back it up. t

Hope this helps!  (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


A.  Fast food restaurants are dangerous to America's youth.

B.  The driving age should be raised for three clear reasons.

C.  The United States should increase spending for nuclear power.

D.  Violent video games make teenagers more violent.


A. ... because the claim is merely sensationalistic. The claim is unclear and unspecific. What exactly, for example, is the danger??

B. ... is a perfectly acceptable claim. As an indirect thesis statement, the writer does not have to state what the supporting ideas are, he merely introduces what is to come in the body.

C. ... Again, another clearly stated thesis that states a clear opinion that can be supported.

D. ... Again, another clearly stated thesis that states a clear opinion that can be supported.

Controlling how questions are asked is governed under

A. rules of evidence.

B. judicial administration.

C. rules of legal conduct.

D. jury litigation.



B. judicial administration.


Judicial administration involves the practices, the procedures and offices which manage the system of the courts. It is also known as "administration of the courts". Judicial administration selects juror pools, assign judges to cases and also create court calendars of activities. It governs and controls the questions asked in court sittings.

The judge decides on the questions of law to ask. The federal courts control and permit jurors to ask questions.

Claim, evidence, or reasoning?
Last week, there were 2 leaves on our plant, and 6 leaves today.


The structure of this sentence is evidence based.




What type of irony is it when a reader knows something a character does not?



Dramatic irony


What were the arrangements made by Jacob to meet Esau?



The answer I prefer is


The arrangements were, a car to meet Esau. A surprise for him.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Why did Friar Laurence suggest Juliet should take the potion? It would allow her to avoid getting married to Paris. He hoped she would die to keep him out of trouble. It was supposed to help calm her anxiety about Paris. It was supposed to help her forget her love for Romeo.


Friar Laurence suggested Juliet take the potion because it would put her in a deep sleep for a few days and make her appear dead so that she does not have to marry Paris. The Friar said he would send a message to Romeo to let him know she was ok. In the end, Romeo was not there when Juliet woke up from her slumber.

Which of the following is the best way to introduce a claim for a paper on the positive effects of solar thermal energy? A. Solar thermal electric power plants produce energy by concentrating the sun's heat with lenses and reflectors and storing this heat energy. B. Solar thermal energy is an attractive energy source because it is sustainable, inexpensive, and adaptable and does not pollute the environment. C. Solar thermal companies currently produce power with lower costs than natural gas and intend to beat coal-produced energy prices soon. D. Solar thermal energy uses the sun's heat to power engines that generate between tens and hundreds of megawatts of electricity.



A: solar thermal electric power plants produce energy by concentrating the sun's heat with lenses and reflectors and storing this heat energy.

Solar thermal electric power plants produce energy by concentrating the sun's heat with lenses and reflectors and storing this heat energy.

How many solar power plants are there in India?

There are more than 40 major solar power plants in India, producing at least 10 MW of power.

What is the largest solar plant in the world?

Video presenter at Bhadla Solar Park, the world's largest solar power park. India's Bhadla Solar Park is the largest solar power park in the world. Bhadla Solar Park is located in Bhadla, a dry and sandy region in Rajasthan, and covers 14,000 hectares.

Learn more about solar energy here


Who is the narrator of this story in two kinds


Answer: Two Kinds was written in first person point of view who is also the narrator.

Explanation: In the story you see "I" and "we" which is first person point of view.

HELPPPP Read the following two sentences. The treasure they discovered had been buried deep in the sand. It would take all day to unearth it. Use the context clues to find the definition for the word unearth as it is used in these sentences.A to uncover B to dig out C to find D to get up


Answer: B 100% sure

What does the term “Succubi” refer to?



A succubus is a demon in female form, or supernatural entity in folklore (traced back to medieval legend), that appears in dreams and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. The male counterpart to the succubus is the incubus


it is a demon that drains life force from it's victims piece by piece by looking like a attractive women or what ever the victim think's on a woman they can cause the male to have sexual thoughts


hope this helps

What will help a participant ask good questions during a discussion?
o listening closely
O sharing your ideas
O getting confused
giving an opinion



listen closely


What implicit meaning can you find about the sick woman and her children from this text.



The mother was unable to provide for her children.



the mother was unable to provide for her children's needs, the answer is C


in the text the author implies that the family is poor by saying " a poor bare, miserable room it was, with broken windows, no fire, ragged bed clothes, a sick mother, wailing baby, and group of pale hungry children", the implicit meaning in a text is something that the author infers or suggests but doesn't directly say, it is the hidden message, although the author does suggest that the family is poor and the mother was unable to provide for her children, it is implicit because he doesn't directly say it, it was just implied.

Read this excerpt from the preamble of the Declaration of Independence:
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long
established should not be changed for light and transient
How does the author appeal to ethos here?
O A. By using strong words like dictate and established that evoke
O B. By arguing that since governments should not be changed, they
will not change the government
O C. By saying that the declaration's signers are sensible men who are
not taking the change lightly
O D. By capitalizing Governments to show respect for the king



C. By saying that the declaration's signers are sensible men who are

not taking the change lightly


We can see that the author appeals to ethos here: C. By saying that the declaration's signers are sensible men who are not taking the change lightly.

What is ethos?

Ethos refers to the rhetorical appeal that is used by authors and writers to appeal to the audience's sense of credibility.

We can see here that the author shows that the "declaration's signers are sensible men who are not taking the change lightly" which actually appeal to ethos.

Learn more about ethos on


how to write a diary entry using paragraph​



Separate the entry from any other existing entry by using a new line or an indentation.


A diary entry can be anything.  Personally, if I were to write a diary entry, it would be a recount of something important from my day.  The content of the entry will create the form.

The use of a paragraph is simply a way to isolate or separate the ideas from within the entry.

So if you were to create a diary entry using a paragraph, simply use something to separate the entry from other existing entries, such as a new line or an indentation.

Had Poe’s short story been set in another time period, do you think the story would have been as effective?


Answer: Yes, they would. Edgar Allan Poe's literature was a mixture of horror, tragedy, and comedy. And, although he was judged by it at a certain point in history, in the 20th century, some theorists realized the effect he had on contemporary writers.

Explanation: Edgar Allan Poe's literature is known as one of the most intriguing, horrific, and complex ones. His works had a huge impact on the 19th century, being an accurate representation of how people felt and thought. It was highly criticized by a few detractors, nevertheless, in the second half of the 20th century, people started to recognize the influence he had on modern artists.

Answer:Yes, they would. Edgar Allan Poe's literature was a mixture of horror, tragedy, and comedy. And although he was judged by it at a certain point in history, in the 20th century, some theorists realized the effect he had on contemporary writers. Edgar Allan Poe's literature is known as the most intriguing, horrific, and complex one. His works had a huge impact on the 19th century, being an accurate representation of how people felt and thought. It was highly criticized by a few detractors, nevertheless, in the second half of the 20th century, people started to recognize the influence he had on modern artists.


Directions: Read the lines of poetry. Slashes represent line breaks. Identify two or more poetic techniques being used in each example and write them on the line. There may be more than two techniques being used. In the boxes below, explain each of your answers. Alliteration, Consonance, Onomatopoeia, Repetition, Rhyme, Rhythm 1. Radiant raindrops couching in cool flowers; And flowers themselves, that sway through sunny hours, Dreaming of moths that drink them under the moon; Which techniques are being used (list two or more)?



Alliteration, Repetition, Rhyme.


The given lines of poetry are taken from Rupert Brooke's poem "The Great Lover".

Alliteration- This is a technique when the same first letter of a given word is used again in the next word or close quarters. So, the alliteration in the given lines of poetry is "radiant raindrops/ couching.. cool/ sway.. sunny" etc. While radiant and raindrops start with "R", couching and cool starts with "C" and sway and sunny starts with "S". This is a pattern of alliteration.

Repetition is the use of the same word/ words in a consecutive pattern or a short space of the poem. This is used at times to emphasize the word. The repeated word in the given lines of poetry is "flowers"

Rhyme is the similarity in the sounds in the lines. This correspondence of such similar-sounding end words especially in lines of poetry is identified as the rhyme scheme. The rhyme in the given lines of poetry is in the words "flowers" and "hours" that have the same end-sound.

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