Importance of antimicrobial emulsion​


Answer 1


Citral is a typical essential oil used in the food, cosmetic, and drug industries and has shown antimicrobial activity against microorganisms. Citral is unstable and hydrophobic under normal storage conditions, so it can easily lose its bactericide activity. Nanoemulsion technology is an excellent way to hydrophilize, microencapsulate, and protect this compound. In our studies, we used a mixed surfactant to form citral-in-water nanoemulsions, and attempted to optimize the formula for preparing nanoemulsions. Citral-in-water nanoemulsions formed at So 0.4 to 0.6 and ultrasonic power of 18 W for 120 seconds resulted in a droplet size of < 100 nm for nanoemulsions. The observed antimicrobial activities were significantly affected by the formulation of the nanoemulsions. The observed relationship between the formulation and activity can lead to the rational design of nanoemulsion-based delivery systems for essential oils, based on the desired function of antimicrobials in the food, cosmetics, and agrochemical industries.

Related Questions

Which of these is the best definition of sustainable development?
A. Development that makes sure buildings are strong enough to sustain large hurricanes and earthquakes
B. Development that's typical of underdeveloped nations that derive their products directly from nature
C. Development that's supported by public opinion
D. Development that ensures the protection of the environment in the long term



option D


is the correct answer

Development which basically ensures the protection of the environment in the long term is sustainable development. The correct option is D.

What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development is defined as growth that fulfills the requirements of the moment without jeopardizing future generations' capacity to meet their own needs.

The financial, social, and environmental measurements of sustainable development are examined.

The authors contend that material-intensive conventional productivity recovery is unsustainable in the long term unless environmental and social factors are prioritized equally.

Environmental protection aims to preserve as well as restore a healthy natural environment.

Sustainable development incorporates ecologic, social, and economic goals in order to achieve long-term equitable growth that benefits both the present and the future.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding sustainable development, visit:


When considering proteins that help control the cell cycle:
Stimulating proteins are encoded by tumor suppressor genes and inhibitory proteins are encoded by
O True
O False



oncogene are mutated forms of pronto-oncogene and can lead to over stimulation of the cell cycle.

1) P53 is a inhibitory protein

If the observed genotypes in a given population do not fit those predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg equation, it could mean that..





gene greatly affects the survival of organisms and if there is a change in the genetic makeup if this organism it leads to mutation

What theory explains why the Uranian system is on its side?



Astronomers have always assumed that Uranus must have been knocked onto its side by a collision. Now a new idea suggests that the planet's remarkable tilt could have another explanation.


I just know it


Astronomers have always assumed that Uranus must have been knocked onto its side by a collision. Now a new idea suggests that the planet’s remarkable tilt could have another explanation.

by Emerging Technology from the arXivarchive page

December 3, 2009

One of the great mysteries of our Solar System is why Uranus is tilted on its side. Surely, if the solar system formed from the same rotating cloud of dust and gas, then all the bodies within it should rotate in the same way. And yet Uranus’ axis of rotation lies at 97 degrees to the plane of the solar system.

If you were given the power to control the United States government and policy what changes would you make regarding the environment and how would you fund these? You can consider your response to the question and/or include other issues.



i would probably fund different jails using taxes. there's absolutely no reason someone who accidently committed tax fraud should be sitting in the same cell as aconvicted murderer. & abd I would make harder consequences for hate crimes. like jail time.

You classified organisms based on anatomical structure and development. Scientists also use DNA to classify organisms. Considering the basic process of evolution, why do you think it’s important to also consider DNA and gene patterns during the classification of organisms?



By studying genetics and DNA, we can get the best idea of how species are related to each other, and therefore how to classify them. The genetic code of a species is not fixed, however. It changes over time! This is why we also need to factor in evolution.

It is important to also consider DNA and gene patterns during the classification of organisms because,

Through genetics and DNA study, we can get the idea of how species are related to each other and how to classify them. The genetic code of a species is not fixed. So, it need in evolution.

How organism classified ?The organism classified on the basis of shared characteristics.The classification of living organism includes seven levels, kingdom, phylum, classes, order, families, genus and species.

What is evolution?It is witness in the living species and change in heritable traits of biological population over successive generation.The process of development of complex organism from simpler one with time is called an evolution.

learn about gene,


why do children need more protein
in there diet​


They help repair and maintain vital tissues and, are crucial for the growth of all organs systems including bones and muscles. Proteins in the body also work as enzymes, immune molecules, hormones and cellular messengers. Therefore, proteins are vital for the growth and development of every child

How would you
change the hypothesis if mussels died in
both aquariums?


The new hypothesis could be that there is another alternative factor that is negativey afecting dwarfs survivorship.

The previous hypothesis of high levels of phosphate killing mussels is not necessarily disproved.  But the death of mussels from both the control and the treatment groups might be related to one of the controlled variables that could be actually afecting them.      


Probably different levels of phosphate are also affecting invididuals´ survivor rates. However, the fact that mussels from all the aquariums died suggests that there is something else going on that caused the death of all the individuals.    

The control group is used to identify any other factors influencing the results obtained in the study, apart from the modified variables of the treatment.  Individuals of the control group are selected from the same population as the treatment group. These two groups are identical in all aspects except for the independent variable, which changes in the treatment group but remains constant in the control group.

We know that mussels in this experiment were taken from the same population and grown under the same controlled conditions. Only the treatment group received phosphate, but all mussels died, not only the ones that receive phosphate. This result turns to be useful because it is indicating that there is another variable that is killing mussels. Phosphate might be a cause of death, but there is also something else. So the researchers should pay attention to the controlled variables, such as water quality, temperature, pH, food supply, light exposure, or others.  

These variables might be reflecting the real conditions under which mussels live. The results tell that one of these is related to individual death and could be a consequence of climate change or soil use, among other causes.    

Related link:  

From a chemical view, how is an amino acid is being recognized by its specific aminoacyl tRNA synthetase?



An aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS or ARS), also called tRNA-ligase, is an enzyme that attaches the appropriate amino acid onto its corresponding tRNA. It does so by catalyzing the transesterification of a specific cognate amino acid or its precursor to one of all its compatible cognate tRNAs to form an aminoacyl-tRNA.

all biomolecules are mad up of the elements. A.carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur B. carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen C. carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen D. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur



Option(A) carbon ,hydrogen,nitrogen,oxygen and sulphur.


A.carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur


There are five elements that are essential to life. These are Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Sulfur, or CHNOPS for short. We can see that only option A has nitrogen listed. Nitrogen is absorbed by plants through the soil, and by animals through food. It is absolutely essential for many forms of life, especially plants and animals. Many biomolecules contain Nitrogen. Only one choice on this list contains nitrogen and that is option A. Therefore option A is the answer.

In eukaryotes, miR-5 is a microRNA with sequence complementarity to the 3’UTR of the mRNA transcript encoded by the UCD gene. The UCD gene encodes for a protein that acts as an allosteric activator of the protein p101. The p101 protein is a DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) which is an enzyme that methylates DNA when the protein is in its active form.
A) In a lung cancer cell line, the p101 protein is overly active leading to misregulation of gene expression. In these lung cancer cells which of the following would be a correct prediction in regards to miR-5? [choose ALL that apply, note that incorrect selections will deduct points]
A) The gene encoding miR-5 is in a region of chromatin with hypoacetylation
B) The gene encoding miR-5 is in a region of chromatin with hyperacetylation
C) The gene encoding miR-5 in a region of euchromatin
D) The gene encoding miR-5 in a region of heterochromatin
E) The miR-5 transcript is translated at high levels
F) The miR-5 transcript is activating translation of the UCD gene
B) A different lung cancer cell line is found to have significantly decreased amounts of DNA methylation. Which of the following could explain why there is decreased DNA methylation in this cell line? [choose ALL that apply, note that incorrect selections will deduct points]
A) increased amounts of the p101 protein due to low levels of miR-5
B) increased amounts of the UCD protein due to high levels of miR-5
C) decreased amounts of the UCD protein due to low levels of miR-5
D) the absence of the UCD protein due to miR-5 inhibiting translation of the UCD mRNA transcript
E) the absence of the p101 protein due to miR-5 inhibiting transcription of the p101 mRNA transcript



A) A) The gene encoding miR-5 is in a region of chromatin with hypoacetylation.  

D) The gene encoding miR-5 in a region of heterochromatin.

B) D) the absence of the UCD protein due to miR-5 inhibiting translation of the UCD mRNA transcript


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small regulatory RNA sequences (approximately 20-24 nucleotides in length) that regulate gene expression by RNA interference (RNAi) mechanisms. These sequences (miRNAs) bind by base complementarity to messenger RNAs and thus inhibit protein translation and/or trigger mRNA degradation. In this case, miR-5 binds to the 3’UTR of the mRNA transcript of the UCD gene, thereby inhibiting/slowing protein UCD synthesis. The UCD protein is an allosteric regulator that binds and activates the expression of the p101 protein, thereby the miR-5 RNAi pathway also indirectly decreases the expression of the p101 gene. Moreover, hypoacetylation is an epigenetic mark generally associated with gene silencing (heterochromatin is a transcriptionally inactive state of chromatin).

hi, define chemistry and mention the three branches of chemistry answer it fast .Good night​



Branches of inorganic chemistry include: ... Nuclear chemistry — the study of radioactive substances. Organometallic chemistry — the study of chemical compounds containing bonds between carbon and a metal. Solid-state chemistry — the study of the synthesis, structure, and properties of solid materials.


The five primary branches of chemistry are physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry.

Which of the following is a feature of beaches?
A. Berms
B. Runnels
C. All of these
D. Shingles



C: All of these.


Because there is feature

C I’m not 100% confident tho

As with most fluid samples sent for microbiological analysis, Mandy starts her investigation with a Gram stain.
Gram Stain Analysis Classify the infectious agent based on the Gram staining.


Hi. Unfortunately your question is incomplete and you have not shown any photos of the sample that Mandy must identify by Gram stain. However, after researching her question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like this one, which showed the microorganism that should be analyzed. This image is attached below. In that case, I hope the answer below can help you.


Gram-positive cocci


It is possible to identify that the microorganism presented is a bacteria due to the application of the test known as Gram stain, which allows the identification of gram positive and gram negative bacteria. This test allows the bacteria to be subjected to a specific dye that reacts with the chemical composition of the bacteria, modifying its color. Gram positive bacteria show a blue color after the test, while gram negative bacteria show a red color after the test.

As we can see in the attached image, the bacteria that Mandy is analyzing shows a blue color, after being submitted to Gram stain, being then a gram positive bacteria.

We can also see that the colonies of this bacterium have formed round, similar to a coconut and for this reason, we can conclude that the bacterium has the shape known as cocci.

Therefore, we can classify the microorganism as a Gram-positive cocci.

what are three characteristics of life that archaea bacteria have?



The common characteristics of Archaebacteria known to date are these:

(1) the presence of characteristic tRNAs and ribosomal RNAs.

(2) the absence of peptidoglycan cell walls, with in many cases, replacement by a largely proteinaceous coat.

(3) the occurrence of ether linked lipids built from phytanyl chains.

Suppose a researcher introduces a mutation into the glucosidase domain of the mammalian glycogen debranching enzyme. The mutation inhibits the activity of the glucosidase but does not affect the other functions of the enzyme. The researcher then introduces the mutated enzyme into mammalian cells that do not express wild type glycogen debranching enzyme. Predict the effect of the mutation on glycogen metabolism.



cells will have glycogen molecules with branches of a single glucose residue


Glycogen debranching enzymes are proteins that catalyze the removal of branching from glycogen, which is a multibranched polysaccharide composed of glucose units and serves as a form of energy storage. These enzymes have two catalytic activities on a single polypeptide chain: glucosyltransferase and glucosidase activities, which are both required for glycogen breakdown. Glycogen degradation requires both glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen debranching enzymes. First, a glycogen phosphorylase acts to digest a glycogen branch down to four glucose residues. Subsequently, the debranching enzyme through its glucosyltransferase activity acts to transfer three glucose residues to a nearby branch of the glycogen chain. Finally, through its glucosidase activity, the debranching enzyme cleaves the remaining α-1,6 linkage in order to release free glucose.

packaging methods of watermelon ​



The packing process consists of:

The workers remove the watermelons from the bulk cardboard bins and place them onto the packing line.

The watermelons pass through three different brush steps (without the use of any wash water)

The watermelons are labeled and packed into large cardboard bins once again.


1. Biochemical and differential tests can be incorporated into growth media or performed on isolated colonies after they have been cultured. Give three examples of a differential test that is incorporated into media and three examples that are applied after the colonies have been cultured.



Biochemical and differential tests can be incorporated into growth. media or performed on isolated colonies after they have been cultured. ... Three examples of biochemical tests that are done on the colonies are catalase test, indole test, and urease test.

Transfusion of type AB blood would introduce both A and B ______________ which would be ______________ monosaccharides type


Answer: hello your question is poorly written below is the  question


Tetrasaccharides,  Recognized, Triggers, Type B, Type A, Type O, Not recognize, Tetrasaccharides


Both A and B Tetrasaccharides  which would be Recognized as foreign and Triggers an immune reaction in recipients lacking either the A saccharide Type B or B Type A or both Type O .  meanwhile the type AB blood would contain both A and B and would Not recognize those Tetrasaccharides as foreign

Which of the following counteracts the movement of bicarbonate ions from the RBC?
A) chloride shifting
B) the Haldane effect
C) release of hydrogen ion
D) the Bohr effect​



A) chloride shifting


because in movement of bicarbonate ion, there. is exchange of carbonic acid and chloride ion in RBC which is called chloride shift.

Answer: A. chloride shifting






the water passes through the semi permeable membrane

A geneticist finds that a strain of bacteria to produces a non-functional sigma factor. Which among the following steps in transcription would most likely be first affected?

A.Assembly of RNAP onto the DNA strand

B.Identification and binding of RNAP on to the promoter sequence

C.Conversion of open initiation complex to closed initiation complex

D.Synthesis of RNA after the formation of open initiation complex



The correct answer is - B. Identification and binding of RNAP onto the promoter sequence.


Bacterial RNA polymerases have subunits known as Sigma factors responsible for the identification and specificity of promoter binding of RNAP and regulate the efficiency of RNA synthesis during transcription is initiated.

These bacteria producing the nonfunctional subunits of RNA polymerase or sigma factor will be unable to identify and tightly bind to promoter elements that are RNAP.

Please help me with this.





Gene pool is the total genetic diversity within a population or species




hope it helps.

discuss the reaction in tricarboxylic acid cycle​


The tricarboxylic acid cycle​ also known as the Kreb's cycle consists of eight cycle wherein a molecule of acetylCoA is used to produce three NADH, one FADH2 and one GTP/ATP molecule.

What is the tricarboxylic acid cycle?

The tricarboxylic acid cycle is a sequence of reactions in which acetylCoA molecules from the glycolytic pathway are used to produce the reducing equivalents NADH ad FADH2 which are used to produce ATP in the electron transport chain.

The tricarboxylic acid cycle​ also known as the Kreb's cycle consists of eight cycle wherein a molecule of acetylCoA is used to produce three NADH, one FADH2 and one GTP molecule.

Learn more about tricarboxylic acid cycle at:


Explain how a bottleneck event can enrich recessive traits in the genetics of a population.



A bottleneck event severely reduces the fraction of a species able to pass on their genes to offspring. Any once rare recessive traits present in the surviving breeding population are passed to a larger fraction of the total population of offspring, thereby enriching those recessive traits in the total gene pool .

Bottleneck events can limit variation if the dominant allele population gets wiped out for any reason and the recessive allele can appear to be in the majority however this does not shows the actual makeup of the population.

What is bottle neck effect?

The bottleneck effect is defined as a reduction and subsequent increase in a population's size affects the distribution of genetic variation among its individuals.

Examples of bottle neck effect  is when the northern elephant seals have reduced genetic variation likely because of a population bottleneck humans imposed on them in the 1890s. Hunting reduced their population size to as few as 20 individuals at the end of the 19th century.

For more information regarding bottleneck effect, visit:


White Leaf Disease is a devastating disease that
affects sugar cane crops in Thailand and has become a
major issue for farmers. The disease starts with a white
line forming in the center of the sugar cane's leaves,
which can change in size and shape as it develops.The sugar cane's new leaves will become increasingly whiter, often having stunted growth, and resulting in the sugar cane being less productive than the non-
infected plants, Scientists are trying to determine
what organelle must be damaged to produce the
observed results,


White leaf disease is caused by phytoplasma. The disease infects the leaves and create white spots in them.

The farmers in Thailand are facing this issue with sugarcane crops. The organisms infect phloem tissues in sugar cane and cause the leaves to turn white.

The size and shape can change as sometimes there are fine white lines created while sometime there are white spots.

Scientists are trying to deal with such disease and an spray of liquid copper has been found beneficial to treat this disease. The white spot fungus stops to spread with the spray.

Learn more at

the different between microspores and pollen grain


The key difference between microspore and pollen grain is that microspore is the small spore that develops into the male gametophyte in plants while pollen grain is the small grain that contains the male gametophyte.

is the citric acid cycle the same thing as fermentation​




no because the net yields of ATP, NADH and FADH2 during glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle. ... In the absence of oxygen, pyruvate undergoes fermentation (either ethanol or lactate, depending on the organism). Fermentation does not generate any additional energy, however, NAD+ is regenerated.

What is the correct order of amino acid if the sequence of bases on DNA were as follows: C-C-T-C-G-A-T-T-C-A-T-G
glycine, alanine, lysine, tyrosine


alanine, proline, lysine, tyrosine


valine, aspartate, glycine, proline


aspartate, glycine, serine, valine



it should be G-G-A-G-C-T-A-A-G-T-G-C




think of them as opposites. invert them and you'll have the answer (its easier if you write the answer right underneath)

The amino acid sequence should be G-G-A-G-C-T-A-A-G-T-G-C

G-G-A: glycine

G-C-T: alanine

A-A-G: lysine

T-G-C:  tyrosine

What are amino acids?

Amino acids are molecules that combine to form proteins. Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of life.

The nucleotide triplet that encodes an amino acid is called a codon. Each group of three nucleotides encodes one amino acid. There are 64 combinations of 4 nucleotides taken three at a time and only 20 amino acids, the code is degenerate (more than one codon per amino acid, in most cases).

For more information regarding amino acid, visit:


Researchers note that a plant closes its stomata on a hot, dry, windy day. What statement describes the plant response to these
The stomatal closings and the environmental conditions are unrelated for this plant.
The stomatal closings and the environmental conditions are unrelated for
this plant.
Water loss and water stress is highest on hot, dry, windy days, so the plant
closes stomata to conserve water.
Hot, dry, windy days are not conducive to pollen spread, so the plant closes
its stomata to prevent pollination.
Photosynthesis is decreased on hot, dry, windy days, so the plant closes its
stomata to prevent carbon dioxide diffusion.



It is B


i just took it

If a plant closes its stomata on a hot, dry, and windy day, the plant response to these conditions is water loss and water stress is highest on hot, dry, windy days. So, the plant closes its stomata to conserve water.

What do you mean by Stomata?

Stomata are the tiny pores present on the surface of the leaves. A huge amount of gaseous exchange may take place in the leaves through these pores for the purpose of photosynthesis.

During photosynthesis, these stomatal pores take carbon dioxide and water is gradually lost, in order to prevent this water loss in hot and humid conditions, the plant closes its stomata.

Therefore, if a plant closes its stomata on a hot, dry, and windy day, the plant response to these conditions is water loss and water stress is highest on hot, dry, windy days. So, the plant closes its stomata to conserve water.

To learn more about Photosynthesis, refer to the link:

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