In a long distance race, Michael is running at 3.8 m/s and is 75 m behind Robert, who is running at a constant velocity of 4.2 m/s. If Michael accelerates at 0.15 m/s²:

a) How much time will it take him to catch Robert?
b) How far will Michael have travelled?


Answer 1


t = 2.7 seconds


Given that,

Initial speed, u = 3.8 m/s

Final speed, v = 4.2 m/s

Acceleration of Michael, a = 0.15 m/s²

(a) Let t is the time taken by him to catch Robert. It can be calculated as follows :

[tex]a=\dfrac{v-u}{t}\\\\t=\dfrac{v-u}{a}\\\\t=\dfrac{4.2-3.8}{0.15}\\\\t=2.7\ s[/tex]

So, the time taken is 2.7 seconds.

Related Questions

un litro de un gas es calentado a presión constante desde 20°C hasta 60°C que volumen final ocupará dicho gas? ​



Final volume, V2 = 3 Litres


Given the following data;

Initial volume, V1 = 1 litre

Initial temperature, T1 = 20°C

Final temperature, T2 = 60°C

To find the final volume, we would use Charles' law;

Charles states that when the pressure of an ideal gas is kept constant, the volume of the gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.

Mathematically, Charles is given by;

V1/T1 = V2/T2

Making V2 as the subject formula, we have;

V1T2 = V2T1

V2 = (V1T2)/T1

Substituting into the formula, we have;

V2 = (1 * 60)/20

V2 = 60/20

Final volume, V2 = 3 Litres

What's three pieces of evidence that Wegener used to support his theory ( Alfred Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift states that the continents once formed a single landmass, broke up, and drifted to their present locations )
and why it is important to have several pieces of evidence when proposing a theory to describe phenomena like Alfred Wegener did.



In the early part of the 20th century, scientists began to put together evidence that the continents could move around on Earth's surface. The evidence for continental drift included the fit of the continents; the distribution of ancient fossils, rocks, and mountain ranges; and the locations of ancient climatic zones.

Earth changes all the time making it a __ planet.


The answer is Dynamic.
“making is a Dynamic planet”

20 kg rodsis on the edge of a 80 m high de What is the rodes gracional potencial energy?



Gpe = 15680 Joules


Gravitational potential energy (GPE) is an energy possessed by an object or body due to its position above the earth.

Mathematically, gravitational potential energy is given by the formula;

G.P.E = mgh


G.P.E represents potential energy measured in Joules.

m represents the mass of an object.

g represents acceleration due to gravity measured in meters per seconds square.

h represents the height measured in meters.

Given the following data;

Mass = 20 kg

Height = 80 m

We know that acceleration due to gravity is equal to 9.8 m/s²

To find the gravitational potential energy;

Gpe = mgh

Gpe = 20 * 80 * 9.8

Gpe = 15680 Joules

Light of wavelength 530.00 nm is incident normally on a diffraction grating, and the first‑order maximum is observed to be 33.0∘ from the normal. How many slits per millimeter are marked on the grating?



1028 slits/mm


We are given that

Wavelength of light, [tex]\lambda=530nm=530\times 10^{-9} m[/tex]

1nm=[tex]10^{-9} m[/tex]



We have to find the number of slits per mm are marked on the grating.

We know that


Using the formula

[tex]dsin33^{\circ}=1\times 530\times 10^{-9}[/tex]

[tex]d=\frac{530\times 10^{-9}}{sin33^{\circ}}[/tex]

[tex]d=9.731\times 10^{-7} m[/tex]


[tex]d=9.731\times 10^{-7}\times 10^3[/tex]mm


Number of slits=[tex]\frac{1}{d}[/tex]

Number of slits=[tex]\frac{1}{0.0009731}[/tex]/mm

Number of slits=1028/mm

Hence, 1028 slits/mm are marked on the grating.


1027.6 lines per mm.


wavelength = 530 nm

order, m= 1

Angle = 33 degree

Let the slits per mm is 1/d.


[tex]m \lambda = d sin A\\\\1\times 530\times 10^{-6} = d sin 33\\\\\frac{1}{d} = 1027.6 lines per mm[/tex]

A 20-N force acts on a 5-kg object at rest. How fast will
the object accelerate on a frictionless surface?
A. 15 m/s^2
B. 25 m/s^2
C. 4 m/s^2
D. 100 m/s^2





Force = Mass * Acceleration

So 20 = 5* Acceleration

4 = Acceleration

The acceleration of the object is 4 m/s².

To find the acceleration, the given values are:

Force = 20 N

Mass = 5 kg

Define acceleration.


     As it was given as the values of  Force and mass, here acceleration definition depends on the Newton's second law of motion.

Using the second law of motion, the force will be equal to the product of the mass and the acceleration.

As formula,

                               F = ma Newton

Here, to find acceleration,

                              a =f/ m

Substituting the values,

                              = 20 / 5

                            a = 4m/s².

So, the acceleration was 4 m/s². The Option C is the correct answer.

Learn more about acceleration,


The bohr Effect states that the lower the ph,?




The Bohr effect describes how low pH (acidity) lowers the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen, making hemoglobin more likely to offload oxygen in areas of low pH, which for reasons I'll get into, tissues in need of oxygen tend to have.

What is the change in velocity of a 22-kg object that experiences a force of 15 N for
1.2 seconds?



Force = mass × acceleration


[tex]{ \tt{15 = (22 \times a)}} \\ { \tt{a = \frac{15}{22} \: {ms}^{ - 2} }}[/tex]

From first Newton's equation of motion:

[tex]{ \bf{v = u + at}} [/tex]

Change = v - u:

[tex]{ \tt{v - u = (a \times t)}} \\ { \tt{v - u = ( \frac{15}{22} \times 1.2) }} \\ { \tt{v - u = 0.82 \: {ms}^{ - 2} }}[/tex]

25)Two forces are acting on a block in opposite directions as shown in the figure above
(a) Calculate the net force acting on the block.
(b) In which direction will the net force tend to move the object?
(c) Will any other force try to oppose the motion of the block? ​


[tex]\boxed{ \sf{Answer}} [/tex]


(a) A = 5 kgwt

B = 10 N

First convert 5 kgwt to N,

[tex]5 \times 9.8 \\ = 49 \: N[/tex]

Net force [the forces are acting in 2 opposite directions]

[tex]A - B \: \\ = 49 - 10 \\ = 39 \: N[/tex]


(b) Since, the force is greater by A ↦the block will move towards B, i.e, to the right.


(c) Frictional force will try to oppose the motion of the block but since A has greater force than B, the frictional force will be resisted.


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When solving projectiles you will often get two possible times for solutions. Sometimes a time will be negative and can be rejected. Other times both times will be positive and therefore possible. Explain why both times above make sense in the context of the given information used. Which time will you ultimately choose and why?

Context is attached below.



The reason why times, 0.23 s, and 1.80 s makes sense is that a projectile passes through a given height level, which is lesser than the maximum height reached by the projectile, twice in its trajectory


The formula for the time of motion of a projectile is given as follows;

[tex]t = \dfrac{-V_{oy} \pm \sqrt{V_{oy} ^2 - 2 \cdot g \cdot \Delta y} }{-g}[/tex]

Therefore, when [tex]V_{oy} ^2 = 2 \cdot g \cdot \Delta y}[/tex], we have only one time value

When [tex]V_{oy} ^2 > 2 \cdot g \cdot \Delta y}[/tex], two time values can be obtained and both will be positive when we have;

[tex]V_{oy} > \sqrt{V_{oy} ^2 - 2 \cdot g \cdot \Delta y} }[/tex]

When [tex]V_{oy} < \sqrt{V_{oy} ^2 - 2 \cdot g \cdot \Delta y} }[/tex], one of the time values will be negative and can be rejected

Therefore, given that the times obtained above are 1.80 s, and 0.23 s, and both make sense due to the following reason;

In the path of the projectile motion of the basketball, there are two points in time at which the height of the basketball above the starting point is exactly 2 meters, given that the maximum height reached is more than 2 meters

The first time the basketball is 2 meters above the point it is shot is lesser of the two calculated time values, which is during the upward motion of the basketball before it reaches the maximum height, while the second time is, which is the larger calculated time, is the time that the basketball reaches the hoop, after flying past the highest point

An object is free falling near the surface of the earth. At a certain instant in time, it is falling downward at a rate 25.0 m/s. After 2.5 seconds, what are its acceleration and velocity?



acceleration = 9.81 m/s^2velocity = 49.5 m/s

The values are approximate.



When near the surface of the earth, the acceleration of gravity is roughly 9.81 m/s^2. This means that after each second passes, the velocity increases by roughly 9.81 m/s.

After 2.5 seconds, the velocity increases by 2.5*9.81 = 24.525 m/s = 24.5 m/s

If it was already going 25.0 m/s, then it bumps up to 25.0+24.5 = 49.5 m/s which is also approximate.

The acceleration of gravity stays the same when the object is close to the surface of the earth, so it stays at roughly 9.81 m/s^2

Side note: I'm ignoring air resistance (aka air friction or drag) since that greatly complicates things, and we would need to know the shape and surface area of the object. The material type would also be relevant info as well.

What was the role of gravity in the formation of the solar system?
A. Gravity caused the solar system to separate into individual
celestial bodies
B. Gravity caused the solar system to move closer to the Sun.
C. Gravity caused the solar system to compress into one larger
D. Gravity caused the solar system to expand from a central point.



Approximately 4.6 billion years ago, the solar system was a cloud of dust and gas known as a solar nebula. Gravity collapsed the material in on itself as it began to spin, forming the sun in the center of the nebula. ... Small particles drew together, bound by the force of gravity, into larger particles.

11 e) Can a conductor be given limitless charge? Obtain the equivalent resistance of several resistors if (a) they are in series, (b) they are in parallel​



(e) no

(a) Rs = R' + R'' + R'''

(b) 1/Rp = 1/R' + 1/R'' + 1/R'''


11 e)

Practically it is not possible to give limitless charge to a conductor. It depends to the number of valence electrons.

(a) When the three resistances R'. R'' and R''' is in series combination.

Let they are connected to the voltage V and the current in each resistance is I.

According to Ohm's law

Voltage across R', V' = I R'

Voltage across R'', V'' = I R''

Voltage across R''', V''' = I R'''

So, let the equivalent resistance is Rs.

I Rs = I R' + I R'' + I R'''

Rs = R' + R'' + R'''


When the three resistances R'. R'' and R''' is in parallel combination.

Let they are connected to the voltage V and the current in each resistance is I', I''. I'''.

Current in R', I' = V/R'

Current in R'', I'' = V/R''

Current in R''', I''' = V/R'''

The equivalent resistance is Rp.

V/Rp = V/R' + V/ R'' + V/R'''

1/Rp = 1/R' + 1/R'' + 1/R'''

to determine the temperature of a gas in kelvins add ____ to the ____ temperature a) 100 degrees, celsius b) 273 degrees, fahrenheit c)273 degrees, celsius


I believe that the answer is C. I did this last week

What what is the change in internal energy if 500 joule of heat is added to a system and 125 joule of work are done on a system



DU = 375 Joules


Given the following data;

Quantity of heat = 500 Joules

Work done = 125 Joules

To find the change in internal energy;

Mathematically, the change in internal energy of a system is given by the formula;

DU = Q - W


DU is the change in internal energy.Q is the quantity of energy.W is the work done.

Substituting into the formula, we have;

DU = 500 - 125

DU = 375 Joules

why is there repulsion between the North Pole of these two magnets

A . The magnetic fields between the north poles repel each other

B . A new and different magnetic field forms between the two north poles

C . The magnetic fields between the South Poles repel each other

D. North poles repel each other , and south poles attract each other



A the magnetic fields between the north poles repel each other


the correct answer is A

hpoe it help u

M1=1kg,m2=2kg,khi chuyển động cùng chiều có vận tốc lần lượt là v1=5m/s và v2 =6m/s động lượng của 2 vật bằng



Total momentum is 17 kg m/s.


M1 = 1 kg, m2 = 2 kg, when moving in the same direction with speeds v1 = 5 m/s and v2 = 6 m/s, the momentum of the two bodies is equal to

The momentum is defined as the product of mass and the velocity of body.

Momentum of first body. p' = M1 v1 = 1 x 5 = 5 kg m/s

Momentum of second body, p'' = M2 v2 = 2 x 6 = 12 kg m/s

As they both are moving in the same direction so the net momentum is

p = p' + p''

p = 5 + 12 = 17 kg m/s

A gas cylinder contains argon atoms (m = 40.0 u). The temperature is increased from 293 K (20◦C) to 373 K (100◦C).(a) What is the change in the average kinetic energy per atom? *



1.656 × 10^(-21) J


Formula for the average translational kinetic energy per atom is;

K.E = (3/2)kΔt


k is boltzmann constant = 1.38 × 10^(-23) J/K

ΔT is change in temperature = 373 - 293 = 80 K


K.E = (3/2) × 1.38 × 10^(-23) × 80

K.E = 1.656 × 10^(-21) J

What is the length of the y-component of the vector plotted below?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 2



um .... D. D D D D D this should be it

Cuộn dây có N = 1000 vòng, mỗi vòng có diện tích S = 20 cm2 đặt trong một từ trường đều. Trục của cuộn dây song song với vectơ cảm ứng từ của từ trường. Cho độ lớn B biến thiên, người ta thấy có suất điện động cảm ứng eC = 10V được tạo ra. Độ biến thiên cảm ứng từ là bao nhiêu trong thời gian ∆t = 10-2 s


sorry i don’t understand would love to help tho !

which of the following is an example of the correlation of productivity and a positive attitude ?


Group of answer choices.

A. James likes ch.atting with his coworkers but is easily distracted.

B. James does some of his coworkers' work because he wants to be popular.

C. James accepts additional tasks at work as a way to show he can handle greater responsibility.

D. James turns down additional tasks at work because he doesn't want more responsibility.


C. James accepts additional tasks at work as a way to show he can handle greater responsibility.


An employee can be defined as an individual who is employed by an employer of labor to perform specific tasks, duties or functions in an organization.

Basically, an employee is saddled with the responsibility of providing specific services to the organization or company where he is currently employed while being paid a certain amount of money hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly depending on the contractual agreement between the two parties (employer and employee).

A productive employee is a kind of person that is highly effective and efficient in the performance of his or her duties, especially through the use of their skills, knowledge, competence and expertise (experience). Also, a positive attitude or attribute are ethical and morally right characteristics  (qualities) that a person exhibits.

Typically, there exist a strong relationship between a positive attitude and the level of productivity of an employee.

Hence, an example of the correlation of productivity and a positive attitude would be James accepting additional tasks at work as a way to show he can handle greater responsibility. Thus, he is more focused on challenging himself to handle greater responsibility by accepting additional tasks at his work place.

A man is running on the straight road with the uniform velocity of 3m/s. Calculate acceleration.​



Answer is zero


Acceleration is defined as the rate of change in velocity. If there’s no change in velocity, then the rate of change is zero, hence the acceleration is zero. The question says the man is running at a uniform velocity (i.e. he’s running at a steady speed in a fixed direction). This means his velocity is constant, or unchanging. Hence, his acceleration is zero.


A man is running on the straight road with the uniform velocity of 3 m/s.

To find out:

Acceleration produced by the man.

Solution:Given, the man is running with uniform velocity of 3 m/s.So the velocity did not change.It remains constant.We know, acceleration is the change of velocity per unit time.Since there is no change in velocity in this case, so there will be no acceleration.So, the acceleration produced by the man is zero.Answer:The acceleration produced by the man is zero.

16 100 g of water at 25 °C is poured into an insulating cup. 50 g of ice at 0 °C is added to the water.
The water is stirred until the temperature of the water has fallen to 0°C.
18 g of ice remains unmelted.
The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 J /g °C.
Which value does this experiment give for the specific latent heat of fusion of ice?



Q = Q

mcT = ml

100 x 4.2 x 25 = (50-18) l

l = 328

*Hope it helps*

The specific latent heat of fusion of the melted ice is 328.13 J/kg.

Conservation of energy

The specific latent heat of fusion of the melted ice is determined by applying the principle of conservation of energy as shown below;

Heat lost by the water = Heat gained by the ice

McΔθ = mL


c is specific heat capacity of waterL is pecific latent heat of fusion of icem is mass of melted ice = 50 g - 18 g = 32 g

(100)(4.2)(25) = (32)L

32L = 10500

L = 328.13 J/kg

Thus, the specific latent heat of fusion of the melted ice is 328.13 J/kg.

Learn more about heat capacity here:

how can you say that joule and Newton are derived units​



F = M a    where M is acceleration and a is acceleration

a = x / s^2 = distance / time squared

The Newton is derived because mass, distance, and time are all fundamental units One would have to look at the fundamental requirements for these definitions, but they can all be repeated in a laboratory.

So the Newton is determined from these fundamental units and since the Joule equals Newton * Distance it is also derived from the fundamental units.

If one has the three fundamental units then one can derive the Joule and Newton.

a car traveles a distance of 800m in 40s , calculate its distance​







Have a nice day


the distance is 800m


but i think its velocity

formula = D÷T

now 800m÷40


Which of the following objects is NOT accelerating?
Group of answer choices

a bicyclist moving at a constant speed in a straight line

a space shuttle as it is orbiting the Earth

a truck turning a sharp corner

a car going from 5 mph to 10 mph



A Bicycle


A Space shuttle accelerating because the Earth pulls on it through the gravitational force.

A Truck is accelerating because acceleration is necessary for an object to change direction.

A car is accelerating because it is speeding up unexpectedly?????

what is the meaning of physic​


the scientific study of natural forces such as light, sound, heat, electricity, pressure, etc.

A sample of nitrogen gas is inside a sealed container. The volume of the container decreases while the temperature is kept constant. This is a ________ process.

a) isothermal
b) constant-volume
c) adiabatic
d) isobaric


I guess it’s d) isobaric mate correct me if I am wrong :D

what do you mean by supplementary quantities and its unit?​


~Solution :-Supplementary Quantities are geometrical quantities of circle and sphere. Supplementary are the units not still classified either as base or derived.

$ \large\boxed{ \sf \red{More ~Info :}}$

The units of supplementary quantities are dimensionless units.

[tex] \\ [/tex]

How to cause a short circuit?​



Make the bare wired touch each other or loosen the connection at one point

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