in a right triangle the two sides are 10 and 5. find all possible values for the third side.
hint: there are two possibilities


Answer 1


1. about 11.18

2. about 8.66

Step-by-step explanation:

1. 5^2 + 10^2= 125

square root of 125 equals about 11.18

2. 10^2-5^2=75

square root of 75 equals about 8.66

Related Questions

Find the height of the triangle by applying formulas for the area of a triangle and your knowledge about triangles.
This is a triangle. side a has a length of 6 yards. side b has a length of 10 yards. side c has a length of 14 yards. The altitude to side c has a length of X yards. what is x



3.71 yd

Step-by-step explanation:

Heron's formula:

area = 0.25 * √((a + b + c) * (-a + b + c) * (a - b + c) * (a + b - c))

so h = 0.5 * √((a + b + c) * (-a + b + c) * (a - b + c) * (a + b - c)) / c

a = 6

b = 10

c = 14

a+b+c = 30

-a+b+c = 18

a-b+c = 10

a+b-c = 2

x = h = 0.5×sqrt(30×18×10×2)/14 = sqrt(30×18×10×2)/28 =

= sqrt(10800)/28 = sqrt(400×9×3)/28 =

= 20×3×sqrt(3)/28 = 60×sqrt(3)/28 = 15×sqrt(3)/7 =

= 3.711537 yd

Which inequality is represented by this graph? ​



x> 0

Step-by-step explanation:

There is an open circle at 0 so this means it is not equal to

The line goes to the right so x is greater than

x> 0

b. ____, - 2,4,____,16,____,64

2.Factor of 60=
Find the sum of the values of x, y and z

Please help me to solve these question, thank you. ​




Step-by-step explanation:

x= 12

y= 30

z= 60

Hope u got it



a) -6

b) -39

c) 102

Step-by-step explanation:

I suppose this are sequence arithemical or geometrical

[tex]a)\\u_1=-14\\u_2=x\\u_3=-6\\u_4=y\\u_5=2\\u_6=z\\u_7=10\\\\We\ see\ that\ :\\u_3-u_1=-6-(-14)=-6+14=8\\u_5-u_3=2-(-6)=2+6=8\\u_7-u_5=10-2=8\\\\We\ may \imagine\ that\ the\ difference\ bethween\ 2\ terms\ is\ =8/2=4\\\\so\ x=-10, y=-2, z=6 \ and\ x+y+z=-10+(-2)+6=-6\\[/tex]

[tex]b)\\u_1=x\\u_2=-2\\u_3=4\\u_4=y\\u_5=16\\u_6=z\\u_7=64\\\\We\ see\ that\ :\\\\\dfrac{u_5}{u_3}=\dfrac{16}{4} =4\\\dfrac{u_8}{u_6}=\dfrac{64}{16} =4\\\dfrac{u_3}{u_2}=\dfrac{4}{-2} =-2\\\\The\ common\ factor\ is\ -2\\\\u_1=x=\dfrac{u_2}{-2} =1\\\\u_4=y=\dfrac{u_5}{-2} =-8\\\\u_6=z=\dfrac{u_7}{-2} =-32\\x+y+z=1+(-8)+(-32)=-39\\[/tex]


All those numbers are divisor of 3*4*5=60

x=12, y=30, z=60


How many solutions does the system have?




5(3-y) + 5y=15



Y= 15/15

Y= 1




Final answer: x=2 and y=1

Method: simultaneous equations

If a wheel has a radius of 5cm
how much is one rotation of the wheel
How many rotations can the wheel do within a distance of 50km



circumference = 2*PI*radius

circumference = 2 * PI * 5 cm

circumference = 31.4159265358979 cm

50 km = 500,000 centimeters

rotations = 500,000  / 31.4159 cm

15,915.51  rotations

Step-by-step explanation:

convert f(x) = 5x(x – 6) to standard form



[tex]5x^{2} - 30x[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:



Letter b because you need to multiply

Date: Pages The recent price of a car is Rs. 10.00,000: If its price reduces by to1 yearly after how many year its price will be Rs 7, 29,000?​



729000 year it's price will Rs 729000

Which of these products is negative? Select all that apply.
-8 ÷ (-3)
-2 ÷ 8
0 ÷ (-2)
15 ÷ (-5)
-8 ÷ (-9)



Positive/negative = negative

Negative/positive = negative

So -2 ÷ 8 and 15 ÷ (-5) are going to have negative quotients.

Let me know if this helps!

Find all complex numbers z such that z^4 = -4.

Note: All solutions should be expressed in the form a+bi, where a and b are real numbers.


26 and yeah just need points ignore this answer so sorry

An electricity post is supported by a 12 m long strut(wire). If the strut makes an angle of 53° with the ground level, how far from the post is the strut attached to the ground?


Step-by-step explanation:

I do hope that you understand through the steps in the attachment, if not kindly reach out!

Find the area of the bolded outlined sector.


Outlined sector:

2 πr x 225/360 +2r

=2x3.14x10 x 225/360 +20

=59.25 cm

Hope this helped!

An executive for a large company is considering a change to health insurance plans offered to the employees. To
assess employee satisfaction with the current plan, the executive sends an email to all company employees asking
their opinion of the current plan. A summary of the results received shows that 27% of company employees are
"highly satisfied" with the current health insurance plan. Which statement about the results is most likely to be true?



not D

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Determine the quotient of .     ​


of what?? the hamburgler??

When a shape is dilated, the _________ of the lengths in the image to the corresponding lengths in the pre-image are equal to the scale factor.

A. ratios
B. lengths
C. scale factors
D. proportions


when a shape is dilated the RATIOS of the lengths in the image to the corresponding lengths in the preimage are equal to the scale factor

Geometry, please answer question ASAP


Magnitude of angle D = 170
Sum of interior angles of a pentagon = 540 degree
That is,
Angle A + angle B + angle C + angle D + angle E = 540 degree
87degree + 125 degree + 63 degree + 95 degree + angle D = 540 degree

So that gives angle D = 170 degree

Hope this helps.


m<D = 170°

Step-by-step explanation:

In a pentagon, the angles add up to 540°. This means the sum of <A, <B, <C, <D, and <E add up to that, and we can write an equation:

m<A + m<B + m<C + m<D + m<E = 540°

We are already given the measures of all the angles except D, so we can substitute them in:

87° + 125° + 63° + m<D + 95° = 540°

Now, we can simplify and solve for <D:

m<D + 370° = 540°

m<D = 170°

Plz help similarity theorems



b is the answer bro and try first then ask questions

How do I solve this problem: 6c - 8 - 2c = -16



c = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

6c-8-2c = -16

4c -8 =-16

4c = -16 +8

4c = -8

4c/4 = -8/4

c = -2

Answred by Gauthmath

The solution of the equation 6c - 8 - 2c = -16 is -2 calculated by combining like terms and isolating the variable then dividing the equation by coefficient of the c variable.

To solve the equation 6c - 8 - 2c = -16, isolate the variable c on one side of the equation.

Combine like terms on the left side of the equation:

6c - 2c = 4c

The equation now becomes:

4c - 8 = -16

Take constant term on the right side of the equation by adding 8 to both sides:

4c - 8 + 8 = -16 + 8

The equation simplifies to:

4c = -8

To find the value of c, divide both sides of the equation by 4:

4c / 4 = -8 / 4

c = -2

Hence, the value of c is -2 in the equation  6c - 8 - 2c = -16.

To learn more on Equation:


plz give me this ans by explaining​



I don't know what to do so I just answered the volume of this tell me if I am wrong

Step-by-step explanation:

radius : 3.5 cm

volume : ?


volume (v) : π × r (2)

: 22/7 × 3.5(2)

:22×3.5×3.5 by 7


the volume is 38.5

help me plzzzzzz tyyyyyyyyyy​



your answer is B.

Step-by-step explanation:

mode is 76, mean is 79, the median is 76.





Step-by-step explanation:

(there's a correction in the question since the I did this one before, so I know)


or, cos²2x-sin4x+sin²2x=0

or, 1-sin4x=0

or, sin4x=1

or, 4x=90

or, x=22.5

Pressure varies inversely as volume. When the pressure is 8 Pascals, the volume is 22 liters. What would the volume be if the pressure were increased to 16 pascals?



we can use 2 formule to solve your question: One is P*V=n(mol)*R*T(KELVIN)

Step-by-step explanation:

And other is P(first)*V(first)=P(last)*V(last)


the ?=11

Solve 4 sinx + 9 cosx=0 for 0° ​


4 sin(x) + 9 cos(x) = 0

4 sin(x) = -9 cos(x)

tan(x) = -9/4

x = arctan(-9/4) + … … … (in radians)


x = arctan(-9/4) + 180n ° … … … (in degrees)

where n is any integer.

I'm guessing you're solving for x over some domain, probably 0° ≤ x < 360°. In that case, you would have two solutions for n = 1 and n = 2 of

x ≈ 113.96°   and   x ≈ 293.96°

Which angles are adjacent to each other?

Angle CHG and Angle HDL
Angle AEB and Angle DEA
Angle CHG and Angle HCE
Angle JCH and Angle CHG

Please make sure it's correct because one person once tried it and got it​




Step-by-step explanation:

Adjacent angles must have the same vertex, so if the middle letter of the three letters used to name each of the angles in a pair are not the same, the angles cannot be adjacent.

That eliminates choices A, C, and D.

Answer: B

Look in the picture first below. Each pair of angles with the same vertex marked in blue is a pair of adjacent angles. For two angles to be adjacent angles, they must be next to each other, have the same vertex, and one cannot be inside the other.

Now look in the second picture below. Each pair of angles marked in red is not a pair of adjacent angles. Some of them are not next to each other. Others have one angle inside the other.

please tell me the coordinates



A'(-9, -3)

Step-by-step explanation:

The coordinates of A are (-3, -1).

The dilation factor is 3.

Multiply the coordinates of A by 3.

A'(-9, -3)


Coordinates of A´ are (-3,-1), it is dilated by the factor of 3, The New coordinates will be:-

[tex](-3\times 3)=-9[/tex]




equivalent expression: 3 + 4(2z - 1)



8z - 1

Step-by-step explanation:


3 + 4(2z - 1) ← multiply each term in the parenthesis by 4

= 3 + 8z - 4 ← collect like terms

= 8z - 1


-1 + 8z

Step-by-step explanation:

First use the distributive property of multiplication (Just multiply 4 with all numbers in the parenthesis):

3 + 4(2z - 1)

3 + 8z - 4

Group like terms:

3 + 8z - 4

-1 + 8z

The answer is -1 + 8z

Hope this helped.

Can someone help me out



17.6 mi

Step-by-step explanation:

I know you are using Windows 10 OS or something because of the cortana thingie and task bar option, and you can do Windows Key + Shift + S to take a screenshot.

This gives much better quality than a third party device and lets us evade the terrible pixel green line rippley thingies that form. Plus it is more efficient and faster.

Circumference formula is Diameter * Pi.

I assume the 5.6 mi. is the diameter since the line segment is going completely through the circle.

Pi is something of the lines of 3.141592653 blah blah blah and goes on forever, but the point is, we take it to be 3.14 when doing circle stuff so we don't die from old age trying to figure out a question of a 1 x 1 circle.

So 5.6 * 3.14 is 17.584 which is your answer.

It says to round to the nearest tenth though, so you round and get

17.6 since the 5 in 17.584 is the tenths place, the 8 is the hundredths place, the 4 is the thousandths place and so on and so forth.

(The "  *  " symbol represents multiplication and is in use all the time when going to higher levels of education.)

Please Help !

Which of the following describes point D? (-4, 0) (0, -4) (0, 4) (4, 0)



D(0 , 4)

Step-by-step explanation:

Point D is on the y axis. So, x-coordinate  = 0

y- coordinate is the vertical length from origin which is 4


D(0 , 4)

Step-by-step explanation:

I need help there should be a picture that pops up on the screen if not then it might be a link if it is a like press on it THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!



ans is b hope I helped you

rs 20736 was distributed to as many rupees as there were. how many students were there​


This question is solved by proportions

Doing this, we found that there were 144 students.

20736 was distributed. The number of rupees for each student is the number of students.

Considering n students, the amount each student receives is:

[tex]A = \frac{20736}{n}[/tex]

Considering each student received n rupees:

[tex]n = \frac{20736}{n}[/tex]

Applying cross multiplication:

[tex]n^2 = 20736[/tex]

[tex]n = \sqrt{20736}[/tex]

[tex]n = 144[/tex]

Thus, there were 144 students.

A similar question can be found at

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