In aqueous solution the Ni2" ion forms a complex with four ammonia molecules. Write the formation constant expression for the equilibrium between the hydrated metal ion and the aqueous complex. Under that, write the balanced chemical equation for the first step in the formation of the complex K,=________.


Answer 1


The correct equation is "[tex]\frac{[Ni(H_2O)_3 (NH_3)]^{2+}}{[Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+} [NH_3]}[/tex]".


According to the question,

Throughout an aqueous solution, [tex]Ni^{2+}[/tex] exist as [tex][Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+}[/tex]


⇒ [tex][Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+} + 4NH_3 \rightleftharpoons [Ni(NH_3)_4]^{2+} + H_2O[/tex]

⇒ [tex]K_f = \frac{[Ni(NH_3)_4]^{2+}}{[Ni(H_2O)_4^{2+}] [NH_3]^4}[/tex]

Here, we have excluded [tex][H_2O][/tex] as concentration of water will be const.


This formation of [tex][Ni(NH_3)_4]^{2+}[/tex] proceeds via several steps,

Step 1:

⇒ [tex][Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+}+NH_3 \rightleftharpoons [Ni(H_2O)_3 (NH_3)]^{2+} + H_2O[/tex]

⇒ [tex]K_1 = \frac{[Ni(H_2O)_3 (NH_3)]^{2+}}{[Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+} [NH_3]}[/tex]

Related Questions

What is Bose Einstein state of matter and their examples



A BEC ( Bose - Einstein condensate ) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero is called BEC.

Examples - Superconductors and superfluids are the two examples of BEC.


Which of the following are examples of single replacement reactions? Select all that apply.




Answer: it’s checkbox 2&3

Hydrogengasand oxygengas react to form water vapor. Suppose you have of and of in a reactor. Calculate the largest amount of that could be produced. Round your answer to the nearest .


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

Hydrogen [tex](H_2)[/tex] gas and oxygen [tex](O_2)[/tex] gas react to form water vapor [tex](H_2O)[/tex]. Suppose you have 11.0 mol of [tex]H_2[/tex] and 13.0 mol of [tex]O_2[/tex] in a reactor. Calculate the largest amount of [tex]H_2O[/tex] that could be produced. Round your answer to the nearest 0.1 mol .

Solution :

The balanced reaction for reaction is :

[tex]$2H_2(g) \ \ \ \ + \ \ \ \ \ O_2(g)\ \ \ \rightarrow \ \ \ \ 2H_2O(g)$[/tex]

11.0                      13.0

11/2                       13/1     (dividing by the co-efficient)

6.5 mol               13 mol    (minimum is limiting reagent as it is completely consumed during the reaction)

Therefore, [tex]H_2[/tex] is limiting reagent. It's stoichiometry decides the product formation amount from equation above it is clear that number of moles for [tex]H_2O[/tex] will be produced = number of moles of [tex]H_2[/tex]

                                     = 11.0 mol

Consider the reaction below. How much heat is absorbed if 5.00 moles of nitrogen react
with excess oxygen?
2 N2 (8) + O2(g) → 2 N20 (8) AHrxn- +163.2 kJ



The given chemical reaction is:

[tex]2 N_2 (g) + O_2(g) -> 2 N_20 (g) delta Hrxn= +163.2 kJ[/tex]

When two moles of nitrogen reacts with oxygen, it requires 163.2kJ of energy.

When 5.00 mol of nitrogen requires how much energy?

[tex]5.00 mol x \frac{163.2 kJ }{2 mol} \\=408 kJ[/tex]

Hence, the answer is 408 kJ of heat energy is required.

How many protons does Tin have?
A. 50
B. 68
C. 118​


50 you always use the the top number for protons

Hello There!

Tin has 50 protons.

Hope that helps you!

~Just a felicitous girlie



g Identify the process in which the entropy increases. Group of answer choices a decrease in the number of moles of a gas during a chemical reaction the phase transition from a gas to a liquid the phase transition from a solid to a gas freezing water



phase transition from a solid to a gas


Entropy refers to the degree of disorderliness in a system. The more disorderly a system is, the greater the entropy of the system.

Decrease in the number of moles of a gas decreases the entropy of the system. Similarly, the entropy of solids is less than that of liquids. The entropy of liquids is less than that of gases.

Therefore, a change of phase from solid to gas represents an increase in entropy of the system.

Heating water makes most solids in it

soluble, and it makes gases


Increasing the pressure on a gas above water makes the gas

soluble. Compounds with comparatively stronger ionic bonds are




1. more

2. less

3. more

4. less


17. According to Newton's first law, an object in motion will stay in what kind of
motion as long as the net forces acting on it are zero?
A. slowing motion in a straight line
B. accelerating motion in a straight line
C. constant motion in a straight line
D. constant motion in an unpredictable direction





According to Newton's first law, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. The option which gives the same meaning is :

constant motion in a straight line

According to Newton's first law, an object in motion as long as the net forces acting on it are zero will stay in:

C. constant motion in a straight line

A constant motion in mechanics is a number that remains constant throughout the motion, effectively placing a restriction on the motion.

What is Newton's first law of motion?The foundation of classical mechanics is made up of the three laws of motion that Newton suggested. These three physical laws. In accordance with the three laws of motion, a body's connection to the forces operating on it and the motion that resulted from those forces are both described. As Galileo's law of inertia, Newton's First Law of Motion is also referred to. If a body is not forced by an outside force to change its condition, it will remain in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line. As a factor that has the potential to alter an object's condition, the law defines force and mentions it.In this way, Newton uses the inertia of rest, motion, and direction to describe his first law of motion.A body has an attribute called inertia that makes it resist changes to its state. A body's inertia of translational motion is measured by its mass.

To learn more about Newton's first law of motion, refer to:


Find the volume occupied by 128g of SO2.​


The volume occupied by the given amount of sulfur dioxide will be 84 L.

please show working my dear citizen

which of the following measurements is equivalent to 5.461x10^-7m?



B. 0.0000005461m

I used the method of moving the decimal.

A sample of gas occupies 10.0 L at 240°C under a pressure of
80.0 kPa. At what temperature would the gas occupy 20.0 L if
we increased the pressure to 107 kPa?


Answer: 1090°C

Explanation: According to combined gas laws

(P1 × V1) ÷ T1 = (P2 × V2) ÷ T2

where P1 = initial pressure of gas = 80.0 kPa

V1 = initial volume of gas = 10.0 L

T1 = initial temperature of gas = 240 °C = (240 + 273) K = 513 K

P2 = final pressure of gas = 107 kPa

V2 = final volume of gas = 20.0 L

T2 = final temperature of gas

Substituting the values,

(80.0 kPa × 10.0 L) ÷ (513 K) = (107 kPa × 20.0 L) ÷ T2

T2 = 513 K × (107 kPa ÷80.0 kPa) × (20.0 L ÷ 10.0 L)

T2 = 513 K × (1.3375) × (2)

T2 = 1372.275 K

T2 = (1372.275 - 273) °C

T2 = 1099 °C

1090 degree Celsius

hope it helps

What volume of 1.50 mol/L stock solution is needed to make 125 mL of 0.60 mol/L solution?


Chemistry 11 Solutions

978Ͳ0Ͳ07Ͳ105107Ͳ1Chapter 8 Solutions and Their Properties • MHR | 85

Amount in moles, n, of the NaCl(s):


2.5 g




58.44 g


4.2778 10 m l





Molar concentration, c, of the NaCl(aq):

–2 4.2778 × 10 mol


0.42778 mol/L

0.43 mol






The molar concentration of the saline solution is 0.43 mol/L.

Check Your Solution

The units are correct and the answer correctly shows two significant digits. The

dilution of the original concentrated solution is correct and the change to mol/L

seems reasonable.

Section 8.4 Preparing Solutions in the Laboratory

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Edition page 386

51. Practice Problem (page 386)

Suppose that you are given a stock solution of 1.50 mol/L ammonium sulfate,


What volume of the stock solution do you need to use to prepare each of the

following solutions?

a. 50.0 mL of 1.00 mol/L (NH4)2SO4(aq)

b. 2 × 102 mL of 0.800 mol/L (NH4)2SO4(aq)

c. 250 mL of 0.300 mol/L NH4



What Is Required?

You need to calculate the initial volume, V1, of (NH4)2SO4(aq) stock solution

needed to prepare each given dilute solution.

The dilution gives the relationship between the molarity and the volume of the solution. The volume of stock solution with a molarity of 1.50 mol/L is 50 mL.

What is dilution?

Dilution is said to be the addition of more volume to the concentrated solution to make it less in molar concentration. This tells about the inverse and indirect relationship between the volume and the molar concentration of the solution.


Initial volume = V₁

Initial molar concentration (M₁) = 1.50 mol/L

Final volume (V₂) = 125 mL = 0.125 L

Final molar concentration (M₂)= 0.60 mol/L

The dilution is calculated as:

M₁V₁ = M₂V₂

V₁ = M₂V₂ ÷ M₁

Substituting the values in the above formula as

V₁ = M₂V₂ ÷ M₁

V₁ = (0.60 mol/L × 0.125 L) ÷ 1.50 mol/ L

V₁ = 0.05 L

= 50 mL

Therefore, 50 mL of stock solution is needed to make a 0.60 mol/L solution.

Learn more about dilution, here:


Given the following balanced reaction: 2Na(s) + F2(g) --> 2NaF(s)
a) How many moles of NaF will be made from 2.6 moles of F2?

b) How many moles of NaF will be made from 4.8 moles of Na?



yes it is corrwect iyt is absolitle correct


The density of toluene (C7H8) is 0.867 and that of thiophene (C4H4S) is 1.065 g/ml. A solution is made by dissolving 10.00g thiophene in 250.00ml of toluene. a)Calculate the molarity of the solution
b)Assuming the volume are addictive ,calculate the molarity of the solution



Calcular la molaridad de una solución que se preparó disolviendo 14 g de KOH en suficiente  

agua para obtener 250 mL de solución. (masa molar del KOH = 56 g/mol).

Resolución: de acuerdo a la definición de “molaridad” debemos calcular primero, el número de mol de soluto (KOH) que  

se han disuelto en el volumen dado, es decir, “se transforma g de soluto a mol de soluto” por medio de la masa molar,  


56 g de KOH 14 g de KOH

----------------- = ------------------- X = 0,25 mol de KOH

1 mol X

Ahora, de acuerdo con la definición de molaridad, el número de mol debe estar contenido en 1000 mL (o 1 L) de  

solución, que es el volumen estándar para esta unidad de concentración, lo que se determina con el siguiente planteamiento:

0,25 mol X

----------------------- = ------------------------- X = 1 mol de KOH

250 mL de solución 1000 mL de solución


What volume of each solution contains 0.14 mol of KCl? Express your answer using two significant figures.
1.8 M KCl



Solution given:

1 mole of KCl[tex]\rightarrow [/tex]22.4l

1 mole of KCl[tex]\rightarrow [/tex]74.55g

we have

0.14 mole of KCl[tex]\rightarrow [/tex]74.55*0.14=10.347g

74.55g of KCl[tex]\rightarrow [/tex]22.4l

10.347 g of KCl[tex]\rightarrow [/tex]22.4/74.55*10.347=3.11litre

volume of each solution contains 0.14 mol of KCl contain 3.11litre.


1 mole of KCl → 22.4l

1 mole of KCl → 74.55g

we have

0.14 mole of KCl → 74.55*0.14=10.347g

74.55g of KCl  → 22.4l

10.347 g of KCl → 22.4/74.55*10.347=3.11litre

volume of each solution contains 0.14 mol of KCl contain 3.11litre.

What must happen to uranium before it can be used as a fuel source?


Answer: Uranium enrichment. Uranium is used to fuel nuclear reactors; however, uranium must be enriched before it can be used as fuel. Enriching uranium increases the amount of uranium-235 (U235) that can sustain the nuclear reaction needed to release energy and produce electricity at a nuclear power plant.

It is advised that the bromobenzene solution be added slowly to the magnesium-ether solution so that it isn't present in a high concentration, thus reducing the amount of by-product formed. What is the by-product





The reaction of bromo benzene with magnesium-ether solution yields a Grignard reagent.

The byproduct of this reaction is biphenyl. It is formed when two unreacted bromobenzene molecules are coupled together.

Hence, It is advised that the bromobenzene solution be added slowly to the magnesium-ether solution so that it isn't present in a high concentration, thus reducing the amount of biphenyl by-product formed.

What is the balanced form of the following equation?
Br2 + S2O32- + H2O → Br1- + SO42- + H+



5 Br₂ + S₂O₃²⁻ + 5 H₂O ⇒ 10 Br⁻ + 2 SO₄²⁻ + 10 H⁺


We will balance the redox reaction through the ion-electron method.

Step 1: Identify both half-reactions

Reduction: Br₂ ⇒ Br⁻

Oxidation: S₂O₃²⁻ ⇒ SO₄²⁻

Step 2: Perform the mass balance, adding H⁺ and H₂O where appropriate

Br₂ ⇒ 2 Br⁻

5 H₂O + S₂O₃²⁻ ⇒ 2 SO₄²⁻ + 10 H⁺

Step 3: Perform the charge balance, adding electrons where appropriate

2 e⁻ + Br₂ ⇒ 2 Br⁻

5 H₂O + S₂O₃²⁻ ⇒ 2 SO₄²⁻ + 10 H⁺ + 10 e⁻

Step 4: Make the number of electrons gained and lost equal

5 × (2 e⁻ + Br₂ ⇒ 2 Br⁻)

1 × (5 H₂O + S₂O₃²⁻ ⇒ 2 SO₄²⁻ + 10 H⁺ + 10 e⁻)

Step 5: Add both half-reactions

5 Br₂ + S₂O₃²⁻ + 5 H₂O ⇒ 10 Br⁻ + 2 SO₄²⁻ + 10 H⁺

The following equilibria were attained at 823 K:
COO(s) + H2() Co(s) + H2O(g) K = 67

COO(s) + CO(8) = Co(s) + CO2(8) K = 490

Based on these equilibria, calculate the equilibrium con-
stant for
H2(g) + CO2(g) = CO(g) + H2O(g) at 823 K.


The equilibrium constant for the reaction is K = 0.137

We obtain the equilibrium constant considering the following equilibria and their constants:

COO(s) + H₂(g) → Co(s) + H₂O(g)    K₁ = 67

COO(s) + CO(g) → Co(s) + CO₂(g)   K₂ = 490

We write the first reaction in the forward direction because we need H₂(g) in the reactants side:

(1)     COO(s) + H₂(g) → Co(s) + H₂O(g)    K₁ = 67

Then, we write the second reaction in the reverse direction because we need CO₂(g) in the reactants side. Thus, the equilibrium constant for the reaction in the reverse direction is the reciprocal of the constant for the reaction in the forward direction (K₂):

(2)   Co(s) + CO₂(g) → COO(s) + CO(g)   K₂ = 1/490

From the addition of (1) and (2), we obtain:

COO(s) + H₂(g) → Co(s) + H₂O(g)    K₁ = 67


Co(s) + CO₂(g) → COO(s) + CO(g)   K₂ = 1/490


H₂(g) +  CO₂(g) → CO(g) + H₂O(g)

Notice that Co(s) and COO(s) are removed that appear in the same amount at both sides of the chemical equation.

Now, the equilibrium constant K for the reaction that is the sum of other two reactions is calculated as the product of the equilibrium constants, as follows:

K = K₁ x K₂ = 67 x 1/490 = 67/490 = 0.137

You can learn more about equilibrium constants here:

A solution is made by dissolving 5.84 grams of NaCl in enough distilled water to give a final volume of 1.00 L. What is the molarity of the solution
Group of answer choices

0.0250 M

0.400 M

0.100 M

1.00 M




1. A solution is made by dissolving 5.84g of NaCl is enough distilled water to a give a final volume of 1.00L. What is the molarity of the solution? a. 0.100 M b. 1.00 M c. 0.0250 M d. 0.400 M 2. A 0.9% NaCl (w/w) solution in water is a. is made by mixing 0.9 moles of NaCl in a 100 moles of water b. made and has the same final volume as 0.9% solution in ethyl alcohol c. a solution that boils at or above 100°C d. All the above (don't choose this one) 3. In an exergonic process, the system a. gains energy b. loses energy c. either gains or loses energy d. no energy change at all


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 0.100 \ M }}[/tex]


Molarity is a measure of concentration in moles per liter.

[tex]molarity = \frac{moles \ of \ solute}{liters \ of \ solution}}[/tex]

The solution has 5.84 grams of sodium chloride or NaCl and a volume of 1.00 liters.

1. Moles of Solute

We are given the mass of solute in grams, so we must convert to moles. This requires the molar mass, or the mass of 1 mole of a substance. These values are found on the Periodic Table as the atomic masses, but the units are grams per mole, not atomic mass units.

We have the compound sodium chloride, so look up the molar masses of the individual elements: sodium and chlorine.

Na: 22.9897693 g/mol Cl: 35.45 g/mol

The chemical formula (NaCl) contains no subscripts, so there is 1 mole of each element in 1 mole of the compound. Add the 2 molar masses to find the compound's molar mass.

NaCl: 22.9897693 + 35.45 = 58.4397693 g/mol

There are 58.4397693 grams of sodium chloride in 1 mole. We will use dimensional analysis and create a ratio using this information.

[tex]\frac {58.4397693 \ g\ \ NaCl} {1 \ mol \ NaCl}[/tex]

We are converting 5.84 grams to moles, so we multiply by that value.

[tex]5.84 \ g \ NaCl *\frac {58.4397693 \ g\ NaCl} {1 \ mol \ NaCl}[/tex]

Flip the ratio. It remains equivalent and the units of grams of sodium chloride cancel.

[tex]5.84 \ g \ NaCl *\frac {1 \ mol \ NaCl}{58.4397693 \ g\ NaCl}[/tex]

[tex]5.84 *\frac {1 \ mol \ NaCl}{58.4397693 }[/tex]

[tex]0.09993194823 \ mol \ NaCl[/tex]

2. Molarity

We can use the number of moles we just calculated to find the molarity. Remember there is 1 liter of solution.

[tex]molarity= \frac{moles \ of \ solute}{liters \ of \ solution}[/tex]

[tex]molarity= \frac{ 0.09993194823 \ mol \ NaCl}{1 \ L}[/tex]

[tex]molarity= 0.09993194823 \ mol \ NaCl/L[/tex]

3. Units and Significant Figures

The original measurements of mass and volume have 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the thousandths place. The 9 in the ten-thousandths place tells us to round the 9 to a 0, but then we must also the next 9 to a 0, and the 0 to a 1.

[tex]molarity \approx 0.100 \ mol \ NaCl/L[/tex]

1 mole per liter is 1 molar or M. We can convert the units.

[tex]molarity \approx 0.100 \ M \ NaCl[/tex]

The molarity of the solution is 0.100 M.

There are three isotopes of carbon. They have mass number of 12, 13 and 14. The average atomic mass of carbon is 12.0107 amu. What does this say about the relative abundances of the three isotopes?​



lots more of the carbon 12 than the others

havent calculated it percentage-wise but you can see its very close to 12 meaning it is of far greater abundance that carbon 13 and 14


Consider the reaction: NaNO3(s) + H2SO4(l) NaHSO4(s) + HNO3(g) ΔH° = 21.2 kJ

How much heat must absorbed by the reaction system to convert 100g of NaNO3 into NaHSO4(s)?



endet nach selam nw


Consider the Fischer ester synthesis of methyl benzoate from benzoic acid and methanol in the presence of sulfuric acid as a catalyst. A reaction was performed in which 3.3 g of benzoic acid was reacted with excess methanol to make 1.7 g of methyl benzoate. Calculate the theoretical yield and percent yield for this reaction.





Number of moles benzoic acid reacts = 3.3g/122.12 g/mol = 0.027 moles

Since the reaction is 1:1, 0.027 moles of methyl benzoate is formed.


Theoretical yield of methyl benzoate = 0.027 moles × 136.15 g/mol = 3.68 g

% yield = actual yield/theoretical yield × 100

% yield = 1.7 g/3.68 g × 100

% yield = 46.2%

2. Write the chemical equation for the reaction NaOH Sodium Hydroxide AgNO3 Silver Nitrate



AgNO3 + NaOH = AgOH + NaNO3.


Balancing Strategies: In this reaction, the products are initially NaNO3 + AgOH. However the AgOH would break down into Ag2O and H2O. This would give us NaNO3 + Ag2O + H2O as our products for the overall reaction.

Balancing Strategies: In this reaction, the products are initially NaNO3 + AgOH. However the AgOH would break down into Ag2O and H2O. This would give us NaNO3 + Ag2O + H2O as our products for the overall reaction.However, the equation balanced here is the initial reaction which produces AgOH and NaNO3.

A tree is an example
of a vascular plant that
because it
has deep roots.
A. tall
B. tiny
C. small


The answer is A it’s tall

How long do spent fuel rods remain dangerously radioactive?

The rods are no longer radioactive because the radioisotopes are used up.

Spent fuel rods remain radioactive for several years after the fuel is exhausted.

It takes tens of thousands of years for the radioisotopes in the rods to decay to safe levels.

It is impossible to determine how long it will take for the radioisotopes to decay because they last too long.





it takes 10,000 years to just reduce down the decay

Calculate the no. of moles in 15g of CaCl2



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 0.14 \ mol \ CaCl_2}}[/tex]


We are asked to calculate the number of moles of 15 grams of calcium chloride (CaCl₂).

To convert from grams to moles, we use the molar mass, or the mass of 1 mole of a substance. Molar masses are found on the Periodic Table because they are equivalent to the atomic masses, but the units are grams per mole instead of atomic mass units.

Look up the individual elements in the compound: calcium and chloride.

Ca: 40.08 g/mol Cl: 35.45 g/mol

Notice the chemical formula has a subscript of 2 after Cl or chlorine. There are 2 moles of chlorine in every 1 mole of calcium chloride. We must multiply chlorine's molar mass by 2 before adding calcium's molar mass.

Cl₂: 35.45 * 2 = 70.9 g/mol CaCl₂= 40.08 + 70.9 = 110.98 g/mol

We will convert using dimensional analysis, so we must create a ratio using the molar mass.

[tex]\frac {110.98 \ g \ CaCl_2}{ 1 \ mol \ CaCl_2}[/tex]

We are converting 15 grams of calcium chloride to moles, so we must multiply the ratio by this value.

[tex]15 \ g \ CaCl_2 *\frac {110.98 \ g \ CaCl_2}{ 1 \ mol \ CaCl_2}[/tex]

Flip the ratio so the units of grams of calcium chloride cancel.

[tex]15 \ g \ CaCl_2 *\frac { 1 \ mol \ CaCl_2}{110.98 \ g \ CaCl_2}[/tex]

[tex]15 *\frac { 1 \ mol \ CaCl_2}{110.98}[/tex]

[tex]\frac { 15}{110.98} \ mol \ CaCl_2[/tex]

[tex]0.1351594882\ mol \ CaCl_2[/tex]

The original measurement of grams (15) has 2 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the hundredth place. The 5 in the thousandth place tells us to round the 3 up to a 4.

[tex]0.14 \ mol \ CaCl_2[/tex]

15 grams of calcium chloride is approximately 0.14 moles of calcium chloride.

Balance the following skeleton reaction and identify the oxidizing and reducing agents: Include the states of all reactants and products in your balanced equation. You do not need to include the states with the identities of the oxidizing and reducing agents.
NO_2(g) rightarrow NO_3^-(aq) +NO_2^- (aq) [basic]
The oxidizing agent is:______.
The reducing agent is:_______.



a. 2NO₂ (g) + 2OH⁻ (aq) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + H₂O (l)

b. i. NO₂⁻ is the oxidizing agent

ii. NO₃⁻ is the reducing agent.


a. Balance the following skeleton reaction

The reaction is

NO₂ (g) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻ (aq)

The half reactions are

NO₂ (g) → NO₃⁻ (aq)  (1) and

NO₂ (g) → NO₂⁻  (aq) (2)

We balance the number of oxygen atoms in equation(1) by adding one H₂O molecule to the left side.

So, NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) → NO₃⁻ (aq)

We now add two hydrogen ions 2H⁺ on the right hand side to balance the number of hydrogen atoms

NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq)

The charge on the left hand side is zero while the total charge on the right hand side is -1 + 2 = +1. To balance the charge on both sides, we add one electron to the right hand side.

So, NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq) + e⁻  (4)

Since the number of atoms in equation two are balanced, we balance the charge since the charge on the left hand side is zero and that on the right hand side is -1. So, we add one electron to the left hand side.

So, NO₂ (g) + e⁻ → NO₂⁻  (aq) (5)

We now add equation (4) and (5)

So, NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq) + e⁻  (4)

+  NO₂ (g) + e⁻ → NO₂⁻  (aq) (5)

2NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) + e⁻ → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq) + e⁻  (4)

2NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l)  → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq)  

We now add two hydroxide ions to both sides of the equation.

So, 2NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) + 2OH⁻ (aq) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + 2H⁺ (aq) + 2OH⁻ (aq)

The hydrogen ion and the hydroxide ion become a water molecule

2NO₂ (g) + H₂O (l) + 2OH⁻ (aq) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + 2H₂O (l)

2NO₂ (g) + 2OH⁻ (aq) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + H₂O (l)

So, the required reaction is

2NO₂ (g) + 2OH⁻ (aq) → NO₃⁻ (aq) + NO₂⁻  (aq) + H₂O (l)

b. Identify the oxidizing agent and reducing agent

Since the oxidation number of oxygen in NO₂ is -2. Since the oxidation number of NO₂ is zero, we let x be the oxidation number of N.

So, x + 2 × (oxidation number of oxygen) = 0

x + 2(-2) = 0

x - 4 = 0

x = 4

Since the oxidation number of oxygen in NO₂⁻ is -1. Since the oxidation number of NO₂⁻ is -1, we let x be the oxidation number of N.

So, x + 2 × (oxidation number of oxygen) = 0

x + 2(-2) = -1

x - 4 = -1

x = 4 - 1

x = 3

Also, the oxidation number of oxygen in NO₃⁻ is -1. Since the oxidation number of NO₃⁻ is -1, we let x be the oxidation number of N.

So, x + 2 × (oxidation number of oxygen) = -1

x + 3(-2) = -1

x - 6 = -1

x = 6 - 1

x = 5

i. The oxidizing agent

The oxidation number of N changes from +4 in NO₂ to +3 in NO₂⁻. So, Nitrogen is reduced and thus  NO₂⁻ is the oxidizing agent

ii. The reducing agent

The oxidation number of N changes from +4 in NO₂ to +5 in NO₃⁻. So, Nitrogen is oxidized and thus and  NO₃⁻ is the reducing agent.

Uhm cell parts and functions


A cell is the structural and fundamental unit of life. The study of cells from its basic structure to the functions of every cell organelle is called Cell Biology. Robert Hooke was the first Biologist who discovered cells

two types of cell

1) Prokaryotes

2) Eukaryotes

Characteristics of Cells

1) Cells provide structure and support to the body of an organism.

2) The cell interior is organised into different individual organelles surrounded by a separate membrane.

3) The nucleus (major organelle) holds genetic information necessary for reproduction and cell growth

[tex]hope \: its \: helpful \: to \: you \: please \: mark \: me \: a \: brainliest[/tex]

A cell is defined as the fundamental, structural and functional unit of all life.

have a great day

God bless you

what is meant by density​



The degree of compactness of a substance

Other Questions
12. Market efficiency and perfect price discrimination Perfect price discrimination is efficient because it converts what would have been deadweight loss into consumer and producer surplus inefficient because it converts a portion of consumer surplus into producer surplus inefficient because it results in no consumer surplus efficient because it converts into producer surplus what had been consumer surplus and deadweight loss Answer me!!!! Read the descriptions of two experiments below.Experiment 1: A group of students did a test to see if theacidity of water affects the growth of pea plants. Theyfollowed a logical method and performed their experimentonce, using a control group and experimental groups. Theresults supported their hypothesis.Experiment 2: A group of students did a test to see if theacidity of water affects the growth of bacteria in the water,They used a control group and experimental groups. Theyrepeated their experiment several times and received thesame results each time.Which experiment is more likely to be reliable, and why?O A. Experiment 2, because it gave the same results every timeO B. Experiment 1, because its results supported the hypothesisO C. Experiment 1, because it followed a logical methodO D. Experiment 2, because its setup included a control group PLEASE HELP ASAP !! IF I DONT FINISH THIS HOMEWORK ILL GET GROUNDED .A group of 11 students participated in a quiz competition. Their scores are shown below:Scores7 8 3 6 3 14 4 3 2 3 5Part A: Would a dot plot, a histogram, or a box plot best represent the range of scores of the students by quartiles. Explain your answer. (4 points)Part B: Provide a step-by-step description of how you would create the graph named in Part A. (6 points) what is the habitat of a bat, weaver bird, lizard, tilapia, rabbit and cactus plant WILL GIVE EXTRAPOINTS Read the following description:In a story, a prince must discover the source of a mysterious mist that is covering the kingdom, preventing crops from growing. The prince travels to the top of a mountain and discovers a lonely dragon whose tears are creating the mist. The dragon is gentle and kind, but the kingdom's residents fear him. The prince tells the people that the dragon is harmless. They befriend the dragon, the crops are saved, and the dragon becomes an official protector of the kingdom.What are two literary themes that can be identified in this description?A.The challenges of cooperation and the importance of economic successB.The difficulties of leadership and the importance of identifying others' skillsC.The importance of not prejudging others and the value of nonviolent solutionsD.The value of community and the dangers of standing out Which of the following is not a place where hydrogen can be found on Earth?A. Natural gas wellB. WaterC. MineD. Atmosphere Write a sentence of each type about the maps shownStatement:Statement:Question:Question: Which graph matches the exponential function f(x) = (3)x? From the list below, select the items that are classified as a materials activity. (You may select more than one answer. Single click the box with the question mark to produce a check mark for a correct answer and double click the box with the question mark to empty the box for a wrong answer. Any boxes left with a question mark will be automatically graded as incorrect.) Raw materials used Raw materials beginning inventory Raw materials purchases Work in process beginning inventory Goods manufactured Direct labor used Factor overhead used Match each equation to its graph. Use the drop-down menus to describe the equations. I NEED HELP ASAP.TIME LIMITED>PLSSSSSS HELP ME 8a^3-36a^2+54a-27-64p^3 Uhm cell parts and functions Which best describes the relationship between the line thatpasses through the points (1, -6) and (3,-2) and the line thatpasses through the points (4,8) and (6, 12)?A. parallelB. same lineC. neither perpendicular nor parallelD. perpendicular what is meant by density A object of mass 200kg is pushed from rest by a force of 500N along a horizontal plane for 5.0 seconds. 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