In at least 150 words, compare and contrast the modernist themes portrayed in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
and "Grass."



Answer 1

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," while not adhering to the traditional idea of a love song, still qualifies as one because it describes the longing of the speaker for his beloved.Eliot's “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” carries the characteristics of modernist poetry such as objective correlative, fragmentation, free verse and irregular rhyming. ... Hence, the title of the poem is ironic, since Prufrock never talks about his feelings of love throughout the poem.Alfred Prufrock," Prufrock feels unconfident and self-conscious He is lonely, aging, and balding, and his apparent desire to connect with others, especially women, remains unrealized

Related Questions

11. Which of the following describes stage directions?
explanations about how the actors sound and behave
the meaning behind events and characters' actions
writing that is vague and uncertain
a central message
about life



the meaning behind events and characters’ actions



Adverbial Clauses Of Concession

Although i study very much...

A.I always get bad grades.
B.I'm always the best student.
C.I'm the most intelligent in my class
D.No wrong.





Adverb Clause Of Concession expresses an idea that contrasts the main part of the sentence. In this case.... I always get bad grades contrasts the notion of studying very much.

What does the forgetting curve tell you about the amount of information you may forget if you do not think about that information within 24 hours of listening
your recall reamain the same as when you left the lecture
your recall will drop by ninety-nine percent
your recall will drop by fiffty to eight percent
your recall will drop by fifteen to twenty percent



your recall will drop by fifteen to twenty percent

For a woolly mammoth in the ice ages, these tusks were particularly important

How does this contribute to the central idea of the passage?

A) It identifies the hardships that led to the mammoth's extinction
B)It demonstrates mammothes were abale to adapt to Ice Age conditions
C)It shows how mammoths are similar to modern day elephants
D) It discovers a discovery scientists made by studying the Jakarov Mammoth



(B) it demonstrate mammothes were able to adapt to ice age condition

Write a letter to the principal of your school pointing out at least 2 practices among student that should be discourage and two habit that should be promoted among teacher



The letter could contain some ideas such as the following:

Mr. Principal;

Best regard; I am glad that you are well, I am writing you this letter to mention two things that concern me a lot; First, the treatment or behavior that I have noticed among the students, they attack each other, say bad words and do not treat each other with respect. That is why I consider that social coexistence activities are carried out more often that allow them to interact with each other.

I also consider it convenient for teachers to have more social interaction and communication, as well as extracurricular activities between them that allow them to get to know each other more and work together on new projects to continue helping students in their integral development.

I really appreciate your attention, have an excellent weekend.

need help asap now plz

How does Twain’s use of hyperbole in this excerpt advance his viewpoint?

From earliest infancy it had been a cherished ambition of mine to be shaved some day in a palatial barber-shop in Paris.

It emphasizes the fact that the experience with the barber was terrible.

It illustrates how important this experience was to Twain.

It highlights Twain's skill at painting a vivid picture with words.

It indicates that Twain exaggerates too much when telling a story.



It illustrates how important this experience was to Twain.


I just took the test

In a poetry workshop, which statement would be an appropriate comment about the metaphors in a poem?

None of the metaphors make any sense to me.

It might work better to stick with one metaphor.

You should probably avoid trying to use metaphors.

I was completely confused by all of those metaphors.



It might work better to stick with one metaphor.


The other options might come off as rude, but saying what this option says, won't come off as rude, and you would be able to get your point across too.

Please Help I will mark as brainliest


basically the mom died and the girl in the poem is writing ab how even though her mom died the mothers courage still stuck with the daughter even if she was dead. her daughter admires how much courage her mom had.
A girl desperately wishes for her mother’s courage as she fights with the grief of losing her.

Which two details in That Spot by Jack London best support the idea that Spot was unique beyond just his black spot?



I am going to need the options, but below are some of the quotes I have found...


“He looked like all of them and he didn't look like any of them”

“He was one of the finest-appearing dogs I ever saw”

Hope this helps!





1.very informal

2. informal

3. formal

Very informal

How does creators portray a same subject in two medium?



Artists often use a particular medium because it affects the texture or color of the work of art. Other times, the artist will choose a medium because it helps the audience interpret the art in a specific way. Purple pigments were expensive and only used for royalty

The National Enquirer:
Select one:
O a. Credible
O b. Not credible



Not credible


Because it's literally a site based on rumors and gossip

What is an introduction of a
the plot?



The introduction, more formally referred to as the exposition, is the beginning of the story. During this stage of the plot, the narrator introduces the setting and characters. The author might also introduce the main conflict in the exposition.

The game of basketball is considered




a culture complex.


How would you best describe the tone the author is using in this passage



maybe Active voice

or Indirect Speech


hope it helps you

1. Metre is the unit of _________

2. 1 kg of rice is weighed by__________​



1. length

2. balance


1. The metre is the unit of length.

2. The kg is the unit of mass. An instrument used to weigh such a quantity is the balance.

Read the following poem and then respond to the question below:

"I'm Nobody! Who are you?" By Emily Dickinson

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one's name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!

In this poem, Emily Dickinson describes what it is like to be "Somebody." In a paragraph of four to six sentences, explain how the poet feels about being "Somebody" and use specific examples from the poem to support your interpretation.


Answer" the poet feels about being "Somebody "like  a life is   public – like a Frog   and like a admiring bog. you don't have privet life no more totally is exposit to  the   public.  


The poet feels disgusted by being Somebody. This sentence supports my answer '' How dreary – to be – Somebody!''. If the poet wanted to be ''Somebody'' they would have said something like How fantastic to be somebody. The poet strongly disapproves of being ''Somebody.''

What is the summary of the poem I'm Nobody! Who are you?

"I'm Nobody! Who are you?" is a short poem by American poet, Emily Dickinson, who wrote during the mid-19th century. In the poem, a speaker introduces themselves perhaps to the reader as "Nobody," before excitedly realizing that the addresses is "Nobody" too. Paradoxically, this hints at a community of "Nobodies" out there.

These people just don't make as much noise as somebody who craves attention and admiration. The poem, then, calls out to its readers to say that being humble, withdrawn, shy, or private is just fine. Such a way of life has many virtues of its own.

The poem is one of several Dickinson poems that questions the value of public admiration something which eluded Dickinson in her lifetime.

Learn more about somebody, here:


What does Clifford say was the main reason for NATO and the Truman Doctrine?



"We weren't concerned about markets; we were concerned about preventing Soviet  control of larger areas of the world than they already controlled. When the Second  World War ended, France was decimated. England was almost brought to its knees,  you'll remember, and if Hitler had moved at one time, he could have probably brought  them to their knees. The Soviet Union had gone through the most traumatic experience  of its career. I read that in the Second World War it's estimated that the Soviet Union lost  between twenty-five and thirty million men. So I think they were just determined that it  was never going to happen to them again. But an enormous vacuum had been left in  the free world by the end of World War II, and the Soviet Union was determined to move  into that vacuum. Now, that was the basis of the Marshall plan when we were thinking  about reviving Europe. At the time the Soviets were pressing and searching and trying to  find every soft spot where they could insert themselves. That was the reason for the  North Atlantic Treaty Organization; it was the reason for the Truman Doctrine."

Elaborate on the central idea about social classes that Countee Cullen depicts in his poem "For a Lady I Know." Provide textual evidence for your answer.



In his poem "For a Lady I Know," Countee Cullen depicts the clash between the upper and lower classes of society. The poem is assumed to be about upper-class white Americans who treat African Americans poorly. He points out the audacity of the upper class to presume that African Americans would continue to wait on them forever, even after death:  

She even thinks that up in heaven

Her class lies late and snores

While poor black cherubs rise at seven

To do celestial chores.

This poem suggests that white Americans don’t want to help improve the lifestyle of poor African Americans but are comfortable with the minority races serving them forever.


In his poem "For a Lady I Know," Countee Cullen depicts the clash between the upper and lower classes of society. The poem is assumed to be about upper-class white Americans who treat African Americans poorly. He points out the audacity of the upper class to presume that African Americans would continue to wait on them forever, even after death:

She even thinks that up in heaven

Her class lies late and snores

While poor black cherubs rise at seven

To do celestial chores.

This poem suggests that white Americans don’t want to help improve the lifestyle of poor African Americans but are comfortable with the minority races serving them forever.


Plato / Sample Answer

Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows:

If that voice sounds true, don't thank me. Thank that great horned owl. (Or perhaps it was not an owl after all?) And thank the children, my own and others, who have never forgotten that a good story can be true. For they understand that the power of imagination is truly the power of creation.

Which of the following thoughts is expressed implicitly in the paragraph?

The author does not think that stories are real.
The author wants to thank his children for Merlin's voice.
The author does not believe he thought of Merlin's voice on his own.
The author wants the reader to listen to horned owls.



The author wants to thank his children for Merlin voice.

The answer is C) The author does not believe he thought of Merlin’s voice on his own. This is true because it is implicitly expressed through the text, not directly stated

Activity 3 Sequencing Events our e for t to pose. e the Directions: Organize and write the important events in the story in a chronological order by applying the most appropriate pattern of idea development. Use the grammatical signals as prompts to help write the events in the story "The wooden Bowl" by Takahiro Hasegawa in 3-5 sentences in each bowl. done

in the begining...


during that time...

not long after...

after that....




In the beginning, Peter and Mary Dawson, together with their son, age six, and Peter's aged father, live on a few acres of poor land and are only able to keep the wolf from the door by bard work.

Then, Peter's father is a querulous old man, almost helpless and a great care to them. His infirmity causes him to break several china bowls in which his food is served.

During that time, Mary and Peter are so provoked, that Peter fashioned a rough, homemade wooden bowl from which the old man is obliged to eat.

Not long after the boy overhears their talk regarding the wooden bowl and a few days later he is missing.

After that, they search for the whole house, Mary and Peter find him in the attic. He has just finished making two rough wooden bowls.

Finally, for the first time, Mary and Peter realize the example they have set their son. They hasten to treat the old man with greater consideration, giving him a new china bowl and his almost childish delight is only equaled by the boy's happiness.

write a dialogue between two friends who are planning for a picnic.​



"Hey, wanna go have a picnic? The weather is really nice today!"

"Sure! What snacks do you want to bring?"

"Probably a couple sandwiches and some chips. We could stop by the gas station on the way to the park, maybe grab some slushies."

"Awesome! Let`s go get ready, before it gets too packed."


id.k how long you want the dialogue lo.l sorry


A: hi how are you !

B: yes I am fine

A: our school planning picnic

B:where are we going!

A: we are going changu Narayan temple

B: ok bye

A: bye

How does oil and gas production help Louisiana's economy? Check all that apply.
The industries account for about 90 percent of all jobs in Louisiana.
Louisiana is a top producer of highly profitable natural gas.
Louisiana profits from oil and gas clean energy initiatives.
There are 19 refineries that employ many people in Louisiana.
Louisiana's refineries can refine almost 100 barrels of oil per day.


Okay I don’t know if that’s what happened to

why did the writer long for the dashin holiday?​



Because Dashain, also Bijaya Dashami) is a festival originating from Nepal. In other parts of South Asia, it is called Dashain. Dashain is celebrated by the Hindus of Nepal and the Nepali language speaking people of the Darjeeling hills, Sikkim, Siliguri, Assam and other North-Eastern states of India and among the Lhotshampa of Bhutan and the Burmese Gurkhas of Myanmar. Many people of Nepal celebrate this festival. It is famous in Hindu region.

It is the longest and the most auspicious festival in the Bikram Sambat and Nepal Sambat annual calendars, celebrated by Nepalese people, along with their diaspora throughout the globe. It is the most anticipated festival in Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, and North Indian hills. People return from all parts of the world, as well as different parts of the country, to celebrate together. All government offices, educational institutions, and other offices remain closed during the festival period. The festival falls in September or October, starting from the shukla paksha (bright lunar night) of the month of Ashwin and ending on Purnima, the full moon. Among the fifteen days on which it is celebrated, the most important days are the first, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and fifteenth.

Among the Newar of the Kathmandu Valley, during the Dashain festival, a popular Newari festival called Mohani, is celebrated as the most important festival of Nepal Sambat calendar year. Among Hindu and Buddhist Newars, it is celebrated differently, where each nine days Navaratri (Newar: नवरात्री) leading up to the 10th day called 'Dashami', carry special importance. The goddess Durga and her various manifestations are especially worshiped by Newars throughout the Shaktipeeths of Kathmandu Valley. Among Newars, Dashain is also important for its emphasis on family gatherings as well as on a renewal of community ties, highlighted by special family dinners called Nakhtyā (Newar: नख्त्या) and various communal processions of deities called Jātrā (Newar: जात्रा) throughout the three royal cities of Kathmandu is celebrated to worship god durga

Please mark as brainliest

She said, "pavan will come today"​


Pavan will come today

Are very interesting and all-consuming synonomous


Plls post full questions
Then i ll able to help yu
J hope yu understand
Thnks ❤️
God bless yh

What is photosynthesis ?????????????​


The process by which plants use sunlight , water and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy
The taking of water, sunlight and CO2 and turning it into ATP.

Review chart to see more

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

answer this question​


Correct answer is on

He gave a talk on the causes of dengue fever.

The title of your presentation aid should _____________.
relate to the content of your aid
distract from the content of your aid
entertain the audience
preview upcoming information




C --- entertain the audience

According to Lincoln,
safeguarding democracy
the only way



was the only way to happiness


Other Questions
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